Chapter 30- What a Feeling

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Here we go! The final chapter! I'm sad to see this story come to an end, but I'm also glad to see the whole thing posted.

The other thing I feel is bad because I've tortured the canon characters and my OCs a little too much in this story. I got the idea to write it because I thought it would be a good opening for Fudge in Cars 3 and I really do feel sorry for Lightning for what he's had to go through as well, but he seemed like the best character to use for this.


Chapter 30- What a Feeling

The rest of October flew by at rapid speed. Even though Lightning McQueen was pretty much out of the running for a Piston Cup, he enjoyed being back on the track for the very few races left in the season and performed quite well in them. It was Bobby Swift who ended up taking home the Piston Cup that year and the entire RS gang was happy for him.

However, just because the racing season was over, that didn't mean that things came to a stop. For one thing, Lightning was once again in touch with his World Grand Prix buddies and they were making plans to meet up the following year for overseas racing.

For another, as the season came to a conclusion, most of the RS gang, including Fudge, attended a fancy Piston Cup dinner party as they had done quite a few times in the past. Fudge was a guest of honour, receiving a lot of attention from everyone.

Plus, during the end of the season and a little bit after, not only did Lightning get invited to do a bunch of interviews with the likes of Bob Cutlass, Darrell Cartrip, Brent Mustangburger and several talk show hosts, but Fudge did too! This was pretty exciting for the thirteen-year-old because while she'd been interviewed trackside before, abruptly after her knighthood ceremony and birthday celebrations, this was the first time that she was invited to do an interview.

"I'm pretty nervous", she commented to Lightning as they showed up to do the interview with Brent Mustangburger in early November.

She'd already done the one with Bob Cutlass and Darrell Cartrip and that went off without a hitch, but she was still nervous. At least she'd met Bob and Darrell before. Of course, Fudge had seen Brent Mustangburger on TV, but she'd never met him. This would be the first time and she was nervous.

"You'll be fine", he assured her. "Just do what you did with Bob and Darrell. You were fine then and Brent's really nice."

That was when Brent Mustangburger himself showed up. "Hello, McQueen. It's good to see you again."

"Thanks, Brent. It's good to see you too."

The Racing Sports Network reporter turned to Fudge. "You must be Fudge. It's very nice to meet you." He was smiling at her and held out his tyre for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you too." Fudge shook his tyre and started to feel a little more at ease.

That was when the other guests being interviewed by Brent Mustangburger approached. It was an orange and white crop dusting plane, accompanied by a red-haired teenaged girl. "Lightning McQueen and Fudge Rossi-Topolino?!"

Fudge's eyes widened. "Dusty Crophopper?! And Celeste Wright?!" She'd seen them on TV earlier that year, competing in the air racing competition, the Wings Around the Globe Rally. Sometimes, she followed air racing, but it just didn't speak to her the way that car racing did.

Celeste Wright managed a smile. "Hey there."

"It's so cool to meet you both", Dusty offered. "I'm a big fan. And I heard about your accident, Fudge. I'm glad you've recovered."

The thirteen-year-old smiled. "Thanks. And I've seen your racing. Your story is truly inspirational."

"Thanks!" Dusty echoed.

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