The Stripper Who Cried Wolf

By Mysterious-x-Girl

931K 11.6K 1.1K

Fawn is a beautiful stripper that hates her job, hates her family and hates her life. Jordan is an alpha were... More

The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 1
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 2
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 3
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 4
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 5
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 6
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 7
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 8
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 9
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 10
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 11
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 12
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 13
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 14
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 15
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 16
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 17
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf 2 - Chapter 1
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf 2 - Chapter 2
The Stripper Who Cried Wolf 2 - Chapter 3

The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 18

33.6K 626 89
By Mysterious-x-Girl

Okay guys. This is the final chapter and I need 100 votes before I upload the 1st chapter of the second story. I have big plans for this story :D

I'd like to take the time to thank everyone who voted, fanned and commented. It means a lot to me that people are taking the time to read and vote and comment about my work. Thanks to you guys this is the first piece of work ive wrote that I've finished!!!!! 

The quicker people vote the quicker the second story will be uploaded!!!! GET VOTING!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Chapter 18

Surprisingly, I wasn't panicking. Yet. 

I had to keep myself calm so waking Jordan was out of the question. He'd get all panicky and make a fuss. 

So instead as he slept I lay in bed breathing deeply while I re-read the labour chapters of my pregnancy book and kept taking whatever little naps I could to store my energy. Maybe I should have let David convince me into a cesarian...

I licked my lips as a particularly stronger wave started and got up. I couldn't sit no more. 

As three AM hit, I began pacing in front of the fire as the pains increased and my breathing became deeper. And then the calander in the kitchen caught my eye. 

As the days passed I marked off my pregnancy. The next X marked off February, meaning the date was the first of March. 

But... I was only gone a day, wasn't I?

To try and relax myself I decided on having a nice hot bath - which was a blessing! 

I lay in the bath for well over an hour and eventually I found myself ready for another nap. As I stood though, I felt as if someone had threw a water balloon and it smashed against my crotch. 

Okay, my waters breaking panicked me a little. 

Pulling on my cool PJ's, I quickly went over my baby bag and made sure everything was there. Clean clothes for me? Check. Baby grows? Check. Hats and mittens? Check. Bottles, binki's, bibs? Check. Pregnancy book records? Check. Shower things? Check. Diapers? Check. I checked everything off my list and double checked again. 

I dropped the two bags near the bedroom door, along with the two baby carseats that had warm blankets resting in them ready. I added extra baby clothes to the bag to make sure they were warm when they came home and added an extra two blankets for good measure. 

I then climbed back into bed and pressed my cheek against Jordan's back, wrapping my arm around his waist. I felt his hand close over mine and pull my palm against his beating heart. 

"You okay?" He mumbled, sleepily.

"I'm okay," 

I snuggled behind him and found myself drifing off a little. I found myself getting a little pissed every time a contraction came because they came when I was just mananging to fall asleep. 

By seven-thirty AM I couldn't stand it any longer. The contractions were coming every five minutes and they were getting stronger and stronger. 

"Jordan," I whispered, shaking him. 

"Hmm?" He mumbled, half asleep. 

"The babies are coming." I shook him harder. 

That woke him. 

He leapt out of bed and checked the time. 

"How long away are the contractions?" He demanded, stroking my damp hair. 

"Every five minutes," I replied, stroking my baby bump. 


I rolled my eyes. "I've been in labour since half past twelve."

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked, his eyes full of worry. 

So protective. 

"Because I knew you'd act like this," I smiled, "Everything's fine. I waited until I couldn't wait anymore."

"I'll call David." As he pulled out his cell phone and dialed David, a huge contraction racked me, causing me to grip the bed in pain. 

Jordan rubbed my back encouragingly as he waited for David to answer. 

"Babies are coming, Doc." He said, no pleasantries. 

He put the phone on loud speaker and dropped it on the bed so that I could hold his hand as I breathed through the contraction. 

"Fawn, how long are the contractions?" David's voice came. I could hear him shuffling about as he talked to me. 

"Every five minutes but they're getting faster," I bit out, breathing again as Jordan encouraged me and told me I was going good. 

"Has your waters broken?" He came again.


"What time?"

"Umm," I tried to think. "It was between four AM and four-thirty Am."

"Jordan, bring her in. Keep her comfortable and make sure she keeps her breathing routine going. Time the contractions and call me if anything changes." David commanded through the phone.

"Drugs!" I cried into the phone. "Don't forget the drugs!"

And then we hung up, David promising the drugs will be ready and waiting for me.

I relaxed myself and open my eyes, staring at the phone. "Call Maggie."

"What, Bambi?" Jordan murmured, stroking my back. 

"Maggie. I want Maggie here, too." I cried out, stressing a little. "I need a woman with me who knows what I'm going through. Please Jordan, I want Maggie."

As Jordan called Maggie I took off my pyjama shorts off and swapped them for some thicker pyjama pants. 

With Maggie promising to meet me at David's surgery I allowed Jordan to help me down the stairs. I grabbed four bottles of Lucozade for good measure as Jordan raced upstairs and brought the carseats and the bags down. 

By the time he had the carseats in the car, I already drank a full bottle of lucozade. 

Jordan waited as I used the bathroom, my bladder full already. As I cam out Jordan had his coat on ready and the car keys in the other hand. 

"Ready?" He asked, his voice full of excitement. 

I nodded, finally feeling excited. Our babies were coming! "Let's go have our babies."

Jordan took my hand and helped me in the car. But before we left another contraction hit me and I gripped the dashboard screaming.

"Oh God!" I cried out, "There isn't a word strong enough to say how hard that contraction was!"

"Don't worry, baby." Jordan soothed, stroking my back affectionately. "Drugs are on their way."

I nodded and continued to use the dashboard as Jordan drove, constantly encouraging me and praising me. Whenever he could he stroked my back and held my hand. 

Arriving at the clinic I felt better as I saw Maggie and David waiting outside. Alana stood with them, a video camera in her hands.

Jordan pulled the car right outside of the door and David opened the door. He plucked me out of the car as if I weighed the size of a pin. 

"There's no way you're taping me." I growled at Alana who was running in front of David to capture the action. 

Jordan at my side, I grabbed his hand as and looked for Maggie who was pulling my bags out of the car. 

I was layed down on a comfortable bed, the walls of the room white and everything looking sterile under the bright lights. Machines were everywhere and already there were two cots ready and waiting. 

David quickly examined me and concluded that I was eight centimeters dialated and gave me a dose of morphine. I moaned a thank you and opened my eyes to see the camera right in my face. 

"Honey!" Alana laughed, chuckling hard. "You should see your face!"

"I'll get you back for this," I growled out, Jordan rubbing my back. 

As nine AM crept up I became furious that I was still in labour and only nine centimeters dialated. I paced the room, feeling better that I was moving around. 

Jordan helped me into the gown David provided while Maggie went through the baby bag for me again. I was so stressed in case I forgot anything. 

Alana sat on the chair, following me with the camera as Jordan and Maggie held me hands and soothed me as the contractions came thick and fast. 

"I need to push," I finally told David when he asked. 

Jordan lead me on to the bed again where David checked and confirmed I was ten centimeters. 

Sweat coated my forehead as David hooked me up to machines and encouraged me to breathe, Jordan holding my hand tight as Maggie held me other hand, both telling me how well I was doing. 

"Alana!" I screamed. "You keep that camera away from the bottom half or I swear I'll find some tranquilizers and knock you our, woman!"

"Fine, preggers!" She huffed, "But as soon as they come this baby is filming the cord getting cut."

I looked up at Jordan. "Every time the Life Cycle Moon comes around... you're getting chained in the basement."

Alana laughed and patted Jordan on the back as David smiled up at me. 

"Okay, Fawn." David said, "Next time you feel the need to push, take a deep breath and bare down hard, okay?"

I nodded but then my eyes flew open. "Hey! You said I could have an epidural!"

"It's too late for that, sweetie."

Jordan soothed my protest and promised everything would be woth it. 

"Soon, baby." He squeezed my fingers. "It will be all over soon."

"Sweetie, I promise everything's worth it when they're here."

"You know, thinking about it," I mumbled, drugged up. "It's not as bad as they make it out on the TV."

"So why you wanting an epidoodle?" Alana said, pointing the camera at my face. 

I burst out laughing at her saying epidural wrong. Even I was shocked that in this much pain, I was laughing. 

I didn't laugh long when the need to push came and I beared down, cursing enough to make a nun think the devil possessed me. 

After what felt like hours of bearing down, stopping, breathing, and bearing down again when I needed to, David finally called, "I can see a head coming."

Encouraged, I continued to push. When I relaxed Jordan had a look at the babies face, still holding my hand. I heard him utter the word beautiful as he stared with devotion as I pushed again, this time feeling David hook his hands under the babies arms and pull the baby out. 

David encouraged the baby to take its first breaths until a piercing cry rang through the room and Alana pulled the camera on the baby. 

Maggie stroked my wet hair as I breathed off the burning sensation.

"It's a boy!" Jordan cried, tears in his eyes as our son cried, taking his first breaths. 

David put the baby straight on my breast, Alana following with the camera as Jordan kissed my forehead. 

I stared down at my son with wonder as I supported his little head. 

"So beautiful," I barely whispered, leaning down to kiss my baby's forehead. 

I watched as Jordan cut his newborn son's cord and cooed when he cried. 

My son's eyes were tightly closed as he gripped his fathers finger tightly, his little head dusted with blonde hair. 

Maggie's tears fell down her cheeks as she stared at her newborn grandson and said, "It's unreal how much he looks like Jordan did when he was born."

Reality hit when David said the next baby had to come. Without complaint, I handed our son over to Jordan who wrapped him more snugly up in the blanket. 

My heart overflowed with love as Jordan held our son, kissing his head and little nose. 

Maggie and Alana met their grandson and nephew as Jordan took my hand again and encouraged me to push. 

Suprisingly I didn't really need to push as long as I did before. The baby slipped out almost straight away and placed on my breast as David congratulated me on my two son's, the perfect images of eachother and their father. 


Overwhelmed with fierce love and protection, I sat with my two newborn son's as Fawn slept. 

I was so proud of her. I couldn't believe how strong she was. Staring at her as she slept, exhaused, I loved her all the more for the precious gift she gave me. 

Our boys were weighed at seven pounds exactly, the second baby six pound eight ounces. 

"You're going to be an amazing father," My mum murmured softly. 

I stared down at my sleeping boy's, "I hope so."

"You and Fawn will be amazing parents," And with that, she kissed my forehead and left us to bond. 

I placed my sleeping boys in the see through cots and held Fawn's hand, drifting off to sleep. 

When I woke Fawn was already up and feeding one of the babies. 

"Hey, Daddy." She smiled at me. Love overwhelmed me again like a dam breaking, the water rushing with the force of my love as I stared at Fawn and my son. Mother and son both content. No words could describe how much love I felt. 

"Good afternoon, Mummy." I smiled up at her. I kissed her deeply. "I love you so much. You've forever gave me gifts I thought were out of reach."

"And you've made me the happiest girl in the world," She whispered, looking down at our son feeding. 

"What are we going to call them?" I murmured, picking up my other sleeping son. I cradled him to my chest and kissed his soft, blonde hair. 

Both of our son's had their eyes open as one stared at his Mummy, the other wondering who the hell I was. Both of our sons blue eyes looked around the room with curiousity. 

"Well you're holding baby Jason." Fawn replied, her voice soft and full of love. "After your father."

I looked over at her suprised. 

"Well it is his birthday today." She smiled, blushing a little. "I thought it would be nice to honour his memory."

"Do you think he'd be proud of me?" I asked, rocking my son.

"I think he'll be proud of the son you are. And I think he'll be proud to see you be an amazing father." Fawn reached out and stroked my hand. 

After much contemplation, our second son was named Jay. It was down to Alana when she came in and as soon as she mentioned the name, both Fawn and I fell in love with it. 

Fawn loved the fact that all the boys in her life had names beginning with J. 

Her and my mum had so much fun dressing the boys up in matching baby blue baby grows with "Daddy's Little Man" and "Mummy's Little Man" on that had a little brown bear stitched into the matching hat. 

At around six PM David gave us the all clear to go home. Placing Jason and Jay in their little carseats, I made sure they were tucked up nice and warm. Fawn muttered something along the lines of "so it begins"

"What begins?" I asked as I draped the baby bag over my arm - The other was in the car along with all of the cards and presents people brought us - and carried Jay out to the car, Fawn following with baby Jason. 

But when we thought we were going to have a quiet night at home and get used to being parents, we were sadly mistaken. 

On the outside of the house there were blue balloons and banners all over with "Congratulations on Your New Baby Boys" in blue. 

The whole pack flooded to meet the new arrivals - everyone oohing and aahing as they mat baby Jason and Jay. 

All the girls dragged Fawn and the babies off to open up all the baby things they bought. 

I guess this was the baby shower we didn't want, I sighed as Adam and the boys dragged me off for a drink. 

The party lasted well into the night and finally at two AM, Fawn and I collapsed on the sofa, finally alone with Jason and Jay sleeping in the little moses baskets. 

As I smiled down at Fawn, I was ready for the challenges ahead. I was egar to see my boys grow and teach them the wonders of the world. Mostly, I was impatient to marry Fawn officially. 

"Jordan?" Fawn leaned down and pressed her head to my chest. 

I wrapped my arms around her. "Yes?"

"Will you turn me into a werewolf?"

Shocked I asked, "Why would you want to be one of us? Go through the pain of having to shift?"

"Because I know your wolf gets lonely without a wolf mate." She said, her voice low. 

"My wolf is never lonely."

"Don't lie!" Fawn snapped, "I see the sadness in his eyes. The longing!"

I smiled, "Fawn, my wolf doesn't want to leave you. He loves you too much. Leaving you is hard on him."

"So he doesn't take comfort in other wolf girls?"

"No!" I said, tilting her face up to look at me. "My wolf sits at the border of the forest, and then when you're asleep on the couch waiting for me, he creeps into the house and lays on the floor next to you - every bit protective as I am. 

"One day," Fawn kissed me, "I will be a werewolf like you."

"Don't bet on it," I grinned, kissing her back. 

"Already have," She replied, nipping my lip. "And one day we'll change under the moon with our kids and run with the pack, as a family."

I simply smiled at her, hoping it was the morphine still talking. 

And like two new parents, we yawned and both fell asleep, exhausted.

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