Love Like You

By UselessMoon

92.1K 3.4K 2.5K

*Safe Space Sequel* "Is that what you want? To destroy this family?" Does Enji really have the gall to ask s... More

If I Could
Begin to Be
Half of What You Think of Me
I Could Do About Anything
I Could Even Learn How To
Love Like You
I Always Thought
I Might Be Bad
Now I'm Sure That It's True
And I'm Nothing Like You
Look At You Go
I Just Adore You
A/N Pt. 2
I Wish That I Knew
What Makes You Think
I'm So Special
If I Could
Begin To Do
Something That
Does Right By You
I Could Do About Anything
I Could Even Learn
How To Love
When I See
The Way You Act
Wondering When
I'm Coming Back
I Could Do About Anything
I Could Even
Learn How to Love
Like You
Love Me Like You
When I See the Way You Look

Cause I Think You're So Good

3.2K 105 101
By UselessMoon

A/N: sort of a filler? adding a "new" baby to the mix ft. Overprotective Tetsu~

"You...think this a good idea?"

Tetsutetsu looks a lot more nervous than even Katsuki does about bringing another little into the mix, mostly because he thinks the entire ordeal is going to end in imminent disaster via Katsuki's social awkwardness and Eijirou's slight paternal pushiness.

The redhead waves him off.

"Nah, it's fine."

"Yeah, dude, totally fine." Kaminari agrees. "Besides, Kats is used to Mirio now and we trust his judgement."

"Well, yeah but...have any of you even met this kid?"

"Why does that matter, Tetsu?"

"Cause he's a stranger?"

"So were you before we met."

"I'm not a socially anxious four year old with a communication impairment." 

"It's only a slight impairment; he can communicate with other kids just fine! Besides, I do know the kid---on a personal level. He and Kats have quite a bit in common."

Tetsu rolls his eyes, stepping out of the way as Kaminari continues to set out a bunch of Katsuki's favorite toys and games on the living room carpet. Katsuki is settled tightly against Eijirou's hip, thumb in his mouth as anxiety slowly settles in his bones. Although, there is a bit of excitement there, too. He trusts Eiji-nii, after all.

He just hopes that this new person is...nice.

Nicer than Itejiro.

"Alright, alright, fine. I'm just worried about the little one." Tetsu caves with a sigh, brushing his thumb over Katsuki's red and blotchy cheeks.

"You okay, buddy?"

Katsuki nods hesitantly and Tetsu smiles.

"It's okay to be a little scared with new people. It's perfectly normal. And you can tell either of us at any time if you're too scared and don't want to play with the other kid anymore, okay?"

Katsuki's smile returns to him just the slightest and he nods again in affirmation, though he has no intentions of being a crybaby.


"G'boy!" He ruffles Katsuki's hair. "When are they going to get here, again?"

As if on cue, the doorbell rings and Eijirou clicks his tongue with a grin.

"Sounds like right about now. Take the baby for me, dude?"

"Sure." Tetsu agrees and takes Katsuki as he's passed to him and Eijirou pads over to their front door. The steel-quirked boy can feel Katsuki shaking ever so slightly in his arms and his nervousness becomes inevitably contagious, so he begins to lightly bounce him on his hip to help soothe them both.

"It's okay, kiddo. Nothin' bad is gonna happen while I'm here---"

"Wow, Kirishima! He is a real cutie!"

Katsuki startles and curls into Tetsu at the sound of Mirio's booming voice, Eijirou pivoting around to face the energetic blonde from where he's closing and locking the door behind him. The older blonde is grinning ear to ear, per usual, and something about it seems to force Tetsutetsu to smile, too. Togata has always had that affect on people.

"Togata-senpai! Nice to see you. How have you been?"

His smile broadens impossibly and he shoots Tetsu a thumbs up.

"Pretty good, actually, thank you! I was super excited when Kirishima called me about a play date! He may not seem it, but Maki is really excited!" He says, exaggerated hand movements reminding Tetsu of Iida.

"Glad to hear! But...where is he?"

Mirio rubs at the back of his head sheepishly.

"Sorry, my boy's a little shy."

He leans a bit to the side and Tetsu can see just the slightest bit of raven-esque fluff peeking out at him from behind his senior. It flinches back when it makes eye contact, fingers shaking as they curl and grip into the fabric of Mirio's sweater. The blonde reaches back to ruffle their hair and comfort them.

"Hey, bud. Remember what we talked about? You're perfectly fine and there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of, see? Katsuki is a real sweetheart. If anything, he's just as afraid of you as you are of him. But you want to be friends, right?"

A nod.

"You've got to come out and say hi then, baby. Can you do that for me or do you want to go home?"

The trembling intensifies, but the fluff finally pokes it's head out before moving from his ducked position behind Mirio and Tetsu begins to feel incredibly silly about being so peckish about this whole ordeal.

This kid is completely harmless.

"Ama---I-I mean...Tamaki!" He greets with a smile, quickly correcting himself. He doesn't want to do or say anything that might take him out of his headspace. Tetsu isn't 100% sure of the details of the whole age regression thing, but he does understand that it's important for them to have this time in their space.

Tamaki flinches back against Mirio at the volume of Tetsu's voice and he winces.

"Sorry, buddy, I didn't mean to scare you." He says, an apologetic smile curling at his lips. Tamaki nods, but he's still shaking.

"Go on, sweetie. Say hi." Mirio encourages him. Tamaki looks up at Katsuki, ripping his eyes away to look at the floor as soon as they make eye contact.

"H-Hi, K-Katsuki-kun." He says quietly, waving at him. Katsuki waves back, still too busy sucking his thumb to greet him with proper words. He isn't shaking nearly as much anymore. Tetsu thinks that he may be using sucking his thumbs as a means to calm himself.

"You wanna get down and go say hi, baby?"

Katsuki pauses, but then he nods and allows Tetsu to set him onto the floor. He approaches Tamaki cautiously, stopping just in front of him.

"I-I'm Kacchan. What's your name?" He says around his thumb. Tamaki let's go of Mirio, but opts to wring his hands as he steps a little close to Katsuki.


Katsuki smiles.

"That's a pretty name!"

Tamaki's face lights up, blush clawing it's way up his neck as he stares at Katsuki as if he's just told him that the sky was green.

"R-Really? Y-You're not just saying that?"

Katsuki shakes his head and Tamaki can't help the way the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile.

"Y-You're pretty too, Kacchan."

"I know; daddy tells me every day!"

Eijirou clears his throat and Katsuki looks back at him.


"O-Oh! A-Also, thank you, Maki-chan! H-Hey, do you wanna play with my toys?"

Tamaki looks apprehensive, turning to look back at Mirio who's standing next to Eijirou while they whisper to each other in the corner. The blond gives him another thumbs up and a smile, grinning at something Eijirou whispers in his ear.

Tamaki turns to face Katsuki again with what Katsuki thinks is the cutest smile he's ever seen.


He takes Katsuki's outstretched hand and allows the bouncy blonde fluff to lead him into the living room. Tetsu walks a little closer to the corner so that he can see them a little better, swatting at Eijirou as he nudged the steel man his with his elbow.

"See. Told ya it was a good idea."

Tetsu snorts at him with a roll of his eyes.



Izuku has never been so exhausted in his entire life. Not before UA's entrance exam when All Might made his drag trash across the beach. Not during the sports festival. Not even after his battle against Chisaki and the Shie Hassaikai.

He'd honestly much rather be passed out in a ditch somewhere than dealing with this.

"Holy fuck, I'm literally dying." He breathes out as he collapses onto the floor of his dorm. He's covered in ash and soot and dirt and fucking sweat and he's never wanted to have a shower this bad but fuck, his legs won't work.

"Midoriya, my boy. If you think today will be the bane of your existence then you are not prepared to be the Symbol of Peace."

"Can I take a raincheck on this, then? Because I don't think I can rescue another person right now."

"Not with that attitude, you can't."

"I can't feel my arms and legs."

"You saved lives with two broken arms in high school; you mean to tell me you're gonna let a little leg cramp take you out of commission?"

Fuck, he's right.

Don't be weak, Izuku.


"Atta boy." All Might encourages him, bending down to give a comforting pat to his aching legs. "You'll be happy to hear that you are done for the night. Get some food in you, check on your friends and get some rest. And for the love of peace, take a damn shower."

"Don't tell me how to live my life." Izuku counters, even though he has every intention to do just that and follow up on All Might's advice. The older man chuckles at him.

"You spend way too much time with Katsuki."

"To who? I think I spend a perfectly reasonable amount of time with him."

"Sure. I'm gonna go get a drink. Order room service and take a nap."


He waits until All Might leaves before he begins to peel his uniform off, feeling his limbs scream at him for being forced to move around. He makes quick work of a shower, watching all of the soot and dirt wash down the drain with a sigh as he rinses shampoo out of his curls.

He thanks the heavens that he doesn't have a roommate and that the campus' cafeteria was made to cater to tired and worn out young heroes who needed a meal after their shifts. Room service gets to him promptly and he even receives a 'thanks for your service!' from one of the staff members who'd seen him on the news earlier that evening. As grateful as he is to be recognized for his hard work, he rushes her off with a tight smile so that he can eat his meal in peace.

And by that, I mean shove it down his gullet like he was raised in a pigsty.

He eagerly wipes his hands as he finishes and flops onto his bed, grabbing his phone to check the time.


He checks his messages first, texting his mom back who had asked how he was doing at least eight times that day. He'd much rather not worry her, but he doesn't want to listen to her fuss after literally jumping into flames all day. He texts Iida and Ochako too, and then shoots Shouto a text to see how he's doing though he doesn't expect one back since he should be resting and not staring at his phone all day.

The next message he sees is from Eijirou.

Ei 💓😍 sent 3 attachments!

He taps the notification and a mischievous smile breaks over him, cheeks flushing red.

The first two are from earlier in the night---some fairly saucy selfies. The redhead is biting his lip between his teeth, shirt pulled up to his collarbone and a hand shoved into tight underwear where he's holding himself---hard and dripping if he can tell by the stain marking the front of his boxer briefs.

In the next photo, he's completely naked.

It's the same angle, all hard lines and battle scars flattered by the lighting of their bedroom as he looks into the camera and sticks his tongue out in the most obscene way possible.

Izuku would stop and jerk off to that like right now if it wasn't for the fact that the next photo---sent later on in the day---was the most innocent and cutesy shit he'd ever seen in his life.

It's a photo of Katsuki and Amajiki playing dress up.

Tamaki's lips are pouting as Katsuki leans over to put lip gloss on him, hair tied up in a bun at the top of his head and adorned with a cat-eared headband. Katsuki is wearing one on his unruly head as well, nose painted pink and black whiskers on his cheeks.

Izuku taps on the video chat icon, forgetting his momentary horniness in favor of seeing this precious little playdate for himself.

Eijirou picks up after the second ring.

He's grinning from ear to ear, sitting on their living room floor. Izuku can make out Denki clipping flowers into Katsuki's hair in the background while Katsuki tries his best to paint a little kitten nose on Tamaki's face.

"Hi, baby. You look exhausted, are you okay?"

Izuku's breath catches in his throat as he realizes that Eijirou is, in fact, talking to him.

"Hey, babe. I actually feel as though I've been steamrolled through a pile of rusty meth needles, but I'll be fine. Miss you."

Ei gives him a sympathetic smile.

"Miss you more. I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. What did you do today?"

"Check the news later on, you'll see that I've been yeeting myself into California forest fires in search and recover missions."

"Oh, shit, what? Babe, you're not hurt, are you?"

"Only my pride. But no, seriously, I'm fine."


"Promise. I see Kacchan is enjoying himself with a new friend." He points, watching Katsuki move on to paint in Tamaki's whiskers.

"Yeah. He mentioned that he'd never really met any other kids like him and that he wanted a friend. I don't know why it never crossed my mind before, but I figured Tamaki would be good for him to play with."

"I didn't even know he was a little."

"Not everyone does. I only kow due to a very unfortunate and uncomfortable situation that happened in the locker room at work. But he trusts me and so does Mirio, so we're good."

Izuku smiles softly. He's not sure why he didn't catch on sooner. It made perfect sense and, honestly, Tamaki is one of the cutest things he's ever seen in his headspace.

Next to Katsuki, anyway.

He just reminds Izuku of when he was a kid. Precious, sweet little boy who's nervous literally all the time for anything at all.

They have to protect him.

"I see that look on your face. We adding another little bean baby to our family?"

"Can we? Please? I just love them so much~"

Eijirou shakes his head with a laugh, almost like he anticipated it.

"Whatever you want, Izu."

"You're literally the best. Can I talk to my baby, please?"

He waits for Eijirou to call him over and then eventually decides to call Tamaki over, too. He hands Katsuki his phone and the boy grips it tightly to make sure he doesn't drop it.

The gasp he does when he sees Izuku's face is priceless.


Izuku beams at him.

"Hi, baby. How are you?"

He's so full, watching Katsuki bounce excitedly on his knees as Tamaki watches him in wonder.

"M-Miss you!"

"Oh, baby, I know. I miss you, too. Are you being a good boy for daddy and Eiji?"

The way Katsuki's cheeks puff out remind him of an angry blowfish.

"...n-no...b-b-but I will be good, I promise! D-Don't...want to make daddy cry again. I sorry."

"I know you are, honey. Eiji told me all about it. It's okay to be sad and to miss people, but we have to find better ways to channel that sad energy, right? Because good boys handle their feelings appropriately. Remember what daddy taught you?"

A nod.

"Good boy. Are you having fun with Tamaki?"

His grin returns ten fold.

"Y-Yeah! Maki-chan is the best to play dress up with! A-A-And he likes my toys! A-A-And he said I'm pretty, Zuzu!"

"Well, you are pretty, baby."

"Maki-chan is pretty, too!"

"He certainly is, very gorgeous."

Tamaki hides his face behind his hands, but Izuku can still see how red his neck is.

Aaaaah, cuteeee~

And he would sit there and talk to them all night if he could.

But it's already almost 2AM and he's got an early start tomorrow.

"Okay, honey, I have to go. I'll call again if I can, real soon. I promise."

Katsuki looks so heartbroken, but he nods anyway.


Izuku just wants to smother him in kisses; it hurts so bad to see him so sad.

"I love you so much, honey."

"I-I love you times five!"

"I know." Izuku blows him a kiss and waits for Katsuki to blow one back. "Give Eiji-nii the phone for me?" Katsuki does as he's told and a moment later, he's looking at his boyfriend's still grinning face again.

"Thanks for calling, sweetie."

"Of course. Nothing is more important than you guys. I've got to head to bed though. Wish I could stay longer."

Eijirou gives him an empathetic look.

"No worries, sugar. I'll always be waiting for you. Dream of me tonight."

A giggle. "Always do. I love you."

"Love you more, babe."

Eijirou blows him a kiss this time and Izuku reciprocates without hesitation, waving once more before the line cuts out and he flings the phone to the foot of the bed.

"Well, guess I'll just stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep."


"Right after I rub one out."

Besides, he can't just let those lovely photos Eijirou sent him go to waste.

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