PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLE...

By Bhristwpt

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Read to find out!!! and if you haven't read the first book "choices" go Nowwwwwwwww More

- (not a update)
New story ALERT
Q and A 👊🏽😭


364 9 8
By Bhristwpt


I was on the couch smoking a blunt

I know I know

Wasn't I about to go brush on a nigga.


Tiana calmed me down because she told me that this isn't the way. Don't know what she mean by all of that but I calmed myself down and chilled.

I got up and saw tiana wobbling to couch

I walked towards and laughed,I grabbed her hand and help her

"This shit ain't funny Chris"she said breathing heavy

"Hey you okay?"I asked

"Yeah just a miner contraction"she said

Yesterday Tiana turned 6 months yeah I know time flys by fast!.

I'm so excited to see our baby

Me and Tiana decided to find out the gender the old fashion way,so when the baby comes the doctor will tell us the gender.

I really want a little girl so when a boy breaks her heart I can tell her boys ain't shit and I'll come up to the boys house and shoot his house,

Also I want to love and protect her.

Tiana sat on the couch, I pulled her feet on my lap and started massaging them.

"I'm going to see my mom in prison."I said breaking the silence

"Why?"she asked

"When I was talking to Danny he said that my mom was hiding something" I said

"Okay but I'm coming with you"she said

"What no-"

"Chris please"she said

"Fine"I said

"So, let's change the subject"she said

"You got any good baby names?"I asked

"Well is the baby is a boy I have...Ashton,Jacob,prince,"she said

"I like Ashton...Ashton Brown"I said smiling

"Me too"she said

"And if it's a girl a have...Layla,princess,treasure, Bell"she said

"BELL BROWN sounds like a old fashion pants suit just imagine when she at school is bell brown here"I said and I laughed

She threw a pillow at me

"I like Treasure"I said

"I like princess"she said

Just then my phone rang

I answered "hello"I said

"Yo brown did you hear"August said

"Hear what"I said

"They pulled all your music"he said "your music is no longer on the radios since you got out of prison...I guess they took a vote"he added

"Why they pulled my music from the radio"I asked as my eyebrows frowned

"I guess it's because you was in prison and they don't want a murderer on there radios"he chuckled

"But she's alive why do they decide this now?"I said

"Don't know"he said

"Aight thanks for telling me!"I said

We said our goodbyes and hung up

I looked at Tiana who was fast asleep

I got up and got ready to go to lakefront prison

I grabbed my keys and drove 1 hour to that prison.

I finally arrived and I got out the car and walked inside.

I looked around and so many memories I had in here,

Then I looked over to my right and saw the prison men there...then I saw Richmond

I know this nigga won't be out in while so I decided to be petty

I did a 360 spin and milly rocked and stuck my middle finger up at him.

He just chuckled

I walked in the front desk I saw lady typing on the computer

"Aw hi"I said

"Oh I'm sorry"she said

"It's okay"I said

"Who are you here to visit"she said

"Joyce...Joyce Hawkins"I said

Saying her name just makes my blood boil

"Aw yes..."she said she picked up her phone and called in and did everything.

"Okay go threw those door there"she directed

"Thank you"I said

"No problem"she said then went back to typing on her computer

I walked threw the doors and saw prisoners and there family's in this visiting room.

I looked in the corner table to she my mother there smiling at me.


I walked to the table and sat down and put my hands on the table.

She tried to grabbed them but I put them in my lap.

"How are you"she said while smiling

"How am I...I'm fine"I said

"How's Tiana"she asked

"She's fine...your going to be a grandma"I said

"You got her pregnant"she said with a stink face

"Danny told me that you have a secret"I said "he said that me and him are connected and that you have been lying to me my whole life"

"Danny"she said and laughed

"How do you know him anyway"I asked

"Well the truth would have to come out some day"she said

"What you mean?"I asked

"Before I had you, I slept with a guy while I was still with your father and then he went to prison and I found out that I was...pregnant"she said

Nah...please don't tell me?

"And at that time I wasn't ready for a child and when I had the baby, I put that baby up for adoption,and I named that baby Danny...Danny Brown"she said

My heart dropped

"So he's my brother!"I said in shock

"You lied to me my whole life"

"But Chris I had to i wasn't ready"

"And now this nigga trying to kill all of us now and this nigga is my fucking brother...MOM WHY!"I said

"I don't know I wanted to tell you when you was a kid"she said

"So who was he staying with"I asked

"He was adopted my this white couple where it was safe safer then tappahonack V.A"she said

I shook my head "don't talk to me"I said and got up

"Chris"she said as I walked off

I sped to my house is frustration and hurt...I felt hurt,all of this shit makes sense now.

I walked in the house while crying

Tiana walked up to me "baby what's wrong?" She asked

I just hugged her as tight as I can and cried in her shoulder


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