[NYE Series] The Time We Have...

By dopEAron

4.5K 259 36

BOOK 1 New Years Eve, a special holiday that everyone celebrates a New beginning. For the month of December e... More

• 우리가 떠난 시간 OST and Official Trailer •
영 : The Day Before part I
영 : The Day Before part II
하나 : Blood
세 : Wish: Quality Time
네 : Birthday
다섯 : My Time
육 : Secret's Out
일곱 : You
여덟 : Feelings
아홉 : Talk at the Scenery
십 : The Diary
십사: The Answer
종결 : Forever and Always
특별한: Show me love 🔞
Thank You!
Happy TaeJin Day!
Dearest Readers,

두 : Flowers

169 15 0
By dopEAron

December 2, 2019
Bangtan Dorm
Seoul, South Korea

Day two over thirty one came, Seokjin had been feeling weird since he woke up, it because of that he went to the bathroom to cough more flowers but one thing he noticed that the blood was a little less. He sighed and went back to his desk to write the second entry for his diary, He held the pen and writes on the notebook paper, 

He closed the diary and hid it on his drawer, locking it. Seokjin proceed to play on his phone for a little while since it was still too early for him to go down for his call time.

Elsewhere, the rest of the boys were discussing on what they would do on Seokjin's birthday in two days. They were in Yoongi's genius lab downstairs. "Jin-hyung's birthday is tomorrow so what's the plan?" Namjoon asks them. "Any suggestions?"

"I'll surprise him hyungs. Leave it to me." Taehyung said, in his boxy smile. "Alright, just tell us what we'll be doing." Hoseok replies. 


An hour after discussing the birthday plan for Seokjin, they respectively went to their own business, Hoseok doing dance practice with Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi discussing for their next mixes and finally, Taehyung and Jeongguk as usual having a date outside.

Seokjin was dressed in a comfy sweatshirt underneath his hoodie, jogger pants and blue sneakers. He goes downstairs to see everyone except Taehyung and Jeongguk. "Morning Jin-hyung! Where are you going?" Jimin greets the oldest hyung.

"Ah, I'm going outside to see my cousin and sister." Seokjin smiles and adds, "I'll be back at the noon."

"Alright hyung, take care." Namjoon nods at him.

Jin nods back at them and closes the door to leave. It was snowing outside and it's incredibly beautiful as well. It felt like a slightly cold morning as well, considering it is also sun shining on them.

People are walking in streets have been waiting for the moment that Christmas is coming soon. Christmas is also the 2nd holiday for couples to cheer which makes him a little envious and what he sees on lovers to be together. He wished that Taehyung would be his lover but... No. It's not going to happen.

On his way to the coffee shop, he saw 2 figures standing at the front of the shop, two girls.

"Jin-Oppa!" The brunette woman called him, waving her hand. "Lisa! Sojung! Great to see you!" Jin approched his sister and cousin, giving them an embrace. "Oppa! You're late!" Lisa pouts cutely at him. Sojung chuckled, "Have you took long from your work again, Jin-ssi?" 

"Yeah I did. Just a couple of minutes though." Jin answers softly. With that, the three went inside the cafe to talk about their quality time for Jin's birthday celebration in the morning.

"I'd like to order a cup of Latte, Iced Coffee with whipped cream, Chocolate Espresso and Just 3 glazed donuts." Sojung said to the cashier.

"Will do, Ma'am. And that'll be 350 won." The cashier guy said and Sojung gave him the payment.


Taehyung and Jeongguk were on the mall about to choose the perfect present for Jin. "Hey Ggukie, What do you think Jin-hyung would like?" Taehyung said audibly while looking through the jewelries and bracelets.

"Jin hyung told me that he likes to keep it simple" Jeongguk answers while Taehyung is scanning the shining stones below the glass.

Then Taehyung saw a ruby ring with clear diamonds. "What about this one Ggukie?" Taehyung pointed at the ring beneath the glass. Jeongguk looked at the ring and was surprised at how it fascinates him, "I'd say you make a great choice, Taetae." Jeongguk gave him a slight embrace. "Alright then let's buy this for Jin-hyung." Taehyung nods and calls the sales clerk. 

Meanwhile, the rap line had been in the concern for Jin's secret being exposed to his sister and cousin. They just sighed as they hope for the best for him.

"Hyung?" Jimin asks as Hoseok was feeling down and turned off the speakers. The hyung snapped out of his emotions, "Jimin?"
"What's wrong, hyung?" the smallest dongsaeng asks in concern. "Ah, it's nothing, Jiminie. Let's continue." Hoseok turned on the speakers and Jimin smiled at him as they continue to dance.


Back at Lisa, Sojung and Seokjin, they were just hanging out as spending time for planning do on the 4th of december.

"So Oppa, what do you want to do on your birthday?" Lisa asks cutely. "Well, shouldn't you ask Sojung-ah too? Her birthday is near too." Seokjin smiles at his little sister. "What about you Sojung-unnie?" the maknae asks fondly. "Hmm, I guess an amusement park would be nice." Sojung said as she drank her coffee. "I should invite Taehyung-oppa too. Not your friend, Oppa. My best friend." She adds. "I know, Jungie." The oldest smiles at her. "By the way, is Yong-noona coming home for your birthday Sojung? We haven't seen her in a while now." He adds questioningly. "Ah, about that... I don't know. Yong-unnie has been so busy these days." Sojung sulks and pouts.  

"Well at least we are here, unnie." Lisa cuddles her arm. Sojung just sighed and smiled at the maknae, "Of course Li." She chuckled. 


December 2, 2019
Mall - Pastry Shop
Seoul, South Korea

Hoseok was with Jimin planning to check on the cakes and choosing what to give for Jin's birthday in two days. "Jiminie?" Hoseok gestures him to check something out. Jimin came closer to him as Hoseok points at the beautifully decorated fruit cake. "Ooh! Jin-hyung would love this for sure. We need to ask what flavors they have though." Jimin nods and smiles. "Excuse me!" Hoseok calls one of the workers. 

Meanwhile outside the pastry shop we see Taehyung and Jeongguk, "Hyung, isn't that Jimin-ssi and Hobi-hyung?" Jeongguk points at the two guys at inside the shop. "Y-yeah! You're right. We shall go in." Taehyung said and the youngest dongsaeng just followed him. 

"Thank you so much. We will take the chocolate flavored cake. We'll take the order by two days." Hoseok bowed at the salesperson. "My pleasure. I'll be going now and place your order for that day." The salesperson left them alone. "Taehyung? Jeongguk?" Jimin looks at them questioningly a bit shocked. "Didn't see you guys there!" Hoseok hits the two dongsaengs shoulders. "Ehehe, sorry." Taehyung scratched his head. "Have you already decided Jin-hyung's cake?" Jeongguk asks kindly. "Yeah, we just did." Hoseok sighed in relief. 

"Alright now we have everything covered, let's look for decorative flowers and other stuff. We have no time to waste ere as we are going to decorate the dorm in two days." Jimin rushed a bit as the three followed him walking as well. 


In the meantime, Seokjin invited Sojung and Lisa for lunch at samgyeopsal. "Wow Oppa, the food is delicious here." Lisa couldn't stopped munching at her food while talking a bit. "Lisa, eat first before you speak." Sojung pats her back slightly as they were enjoying their food. 

Seokjin smiled at Sojung and Lisa who are smiling as well while eating the food displayed on the grill and eating it afterwards. He just hopes that he wouldn't worry them too much because his time his almost up...

Like a flower that will wither sooner.

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