To SAVE a Demon

By jhbloodstorm

982 60 4

Frisk has gone through the Underground countless times. Each time trying to figure out a way to SAVE the one... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

45 3 0
By jhbloodstorm

  Chara wasn't sure how long she she had been crying. Was it minutes, hours, days? She couldn't tell, all she knew was that Toriel, the one person who been like a mother to her more than anyone else, was now dead. Killed right in front of her. After finally calming down, she stood up, turned around and saw that Frisk hadn't moved. They looked at each other for a few moments before Frisk walked through the doorway.

  "Why Frisk?" Chara said, stopping Frisk in her tracks. "Why are you doing this? Why did you have to kill her? Why did you have to kill anyone?"

    Frisk didn't answer. Now angered at being ignored, Chara moved in front of her and shouted, "Don't ignore me! I know you can hear me! Now answer my question! Why did you kill her?!"

  Frisk didn't answer for a few moments. Chara waited impatiently for her response. Finally Frisk opened her mouth and said, "It was necessary."

  Furious, Chara swung her hand at Frisk, trying to slap her, but her hand simply passed right through Frisk's face. "It is never necessary to take a life!" she screamed, tears threatening to start falling again. "Everybody deserves to live, and even after everything you've done, you still deserve to live too!"

  Frisk said nothing, as she started walking forward again, Chara turned to look at where Toriel had been standing and watched as a gust of wind scattered her dust. Saying one final goodbye, she floated after Frisk, not wanted to be pulled around like a balloon.

  As they exited a long hallway and came into a large mostly empty room, they saw that Flowey was back with a smug smile on his face. Chara wasn't in the mood to put up with him right now, but didn't have much choice.

  "Hahaha..." Flowey laughed, "You're not really human, are you? No. You're empty inside. Just like me. In fact..."

  He smiled sadistically, "You're Chara, right? We're still inseparable, after all these years..."

  Confused, Chara looked over at Frisk, who hadn't said anything, and thought, What is he talking about, why does he think Frisk is me? I'll admit, we do look pretty similar. And how does he know who I am anyway? Have we met before?

  "Listen." Flowey continued, "I have a plan to become all powerful. Even more powerful than you and your stolen SOUL. Let's destroy everything in this wretched world. Everyone, everything in these worthless memories... Let's turn them all to dust."

  As Flowey twisted his face into an evil grin he gleefully said, "That's a wonderful idea!" before disappearing into the soil.

  Bewildered, Chara asked, "Who are you Frisk?"

  Frisk simply looked at her without saying anything, before walking through the archway further into the Underground.

  Finally exiting the Ruins, snow crunched under Frisk's boots. Chara knew they were now in the Snowdin forest. She looked around while following Frisk, but saw only trees and snow. Frisk stepped over a large branch lying on the path, but after walking a bit further Chara heard a loud crack. Turning around she saw that the branch was now broken into several pieces. She noticed that Frisk had not stopped, and quickly floated after her. After a few more feet Chara heard a second pair of footsteps behind them. She whipped around and thought she saw somebody, but decided it must've been nothing. Yet for some reason she couldn't help but be on edge.

  They soon came to a stop at a bridge that had what looked like a poorly designed barricade over it. Chara froze, afraid to turn around, as she heard footsteps slowly closing the gap behind them. If she still had a heartbeat it would've been racing as she heard an ice cold voice say, "Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

  Frisk did as she was told, with Chara turning around as well, and grabbed the stranger's outstretched hand. A long farting noise filled the frozen air, leaving Chara confused as the stranger was revealed to be a short skeleton in a blue jacket. 

  "heheh... the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick." chuckled the skeleton. "it's ALWAYS funny."

  Frisk didn't react at all, as she simply stood there.

  The skeleton, looking slightly uneasy, said, "that's, uh. your cue to laugh. or, uh, to emote at all...?"

  Frisk said nothing while Chara heard him say under his breath, "gee, lady, you really know how to pick 'em, huh...?"

  "OK, that's fine." he said to Frisk. "everyone's got their own sense of humor. i'm sans. sans the skeleton."

  Chara had never met or even heard of this monster. She wondered who the lady he was talking about was.

  "i'm actually supposed to be on watch for human's right now." Sans said. "but... y'know... i don't really care about capturing anybody. now my brother, papyrus... he's a human hunting FANATIC. hey, actually, i think that's him over there. i have an idea. go through this gate thingy. yeah, go right through. my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone."

  Frisk walked through the bars with Sans and Chara close behind. They stopped in a small area that had what looked like a sentry station and, for some reason, a lamp.

  "quick, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp." Sans said.

  Frisk didn't budge. Chara looked at Frisk, wondering why she wasn't moving.

  "uh, ok, i guess you don't have to." Sans said.

  Another skeleton, much taller than Sans, soon walked towards the three of them, he was dressed in what looked like a set of strange looking armor with orange boots, gloves, and an orange cape. Chara assumed this was Sans' brother Papyrus.

  "SANS!!!" he said, "HAVE YOU FOUND A HUMAN YET!??!"

  "yeah" Sans replied with a wink.

  "REALLY!?!? WOWIE!!! GUESS THAT'S SETTLED!!" Papyrus said before walking back into the forest.

  "that worked out, huh?" Sans said.

  Frisk started walking after Papyrus, but stopped when Sans said, "well, i'll be straight-forward with you. my brother'd really like to see a human... so, y'know, it'd really help me out... if you kept pretending to be one."

  Sans then proceeded to walk back towards the Ruins exit. Chara looked at Frisk as they continued deeper into the forest. 

  *16 Left*

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