The Shadow Assassin (Kakashi...

By KMoonWolf

9.2K 231 31

This is my first story so please don't be too hard on me, but if there is any way you think I could improve l... More

The Beginning
The Impossible Challenge
The Promise
The Bell Test
Moving In
The Nightmares
Sasori's Spy
The Night At The Spa House
Mission Impossible
The Village Hidden In The Heavens
The Legend... Is True?
The Dinner Date
Please Promise Me This
The Truth Revealed


353 14 0
By KMoonWolf

When I ran away I was trying to figure out if I really did have feelings for Kakashi. I never thought about it before. I guess it's because I've never felt like this towards anyone before. But why now? Why him?

I sighed and took in a deep breath while admiring the beautiful nature surrounding me. I stayed like that for a while, until I heard footsteps coming from behind.

I didn't need to look back to see who it was because I already knew that. "Hey Kakashi. I'm sorry about earlier."

He sat down next to me. "Don't worry about it. It's fine. How are you holding up?"

I started blushing immediately. Did Sebastian tell him what we were talking about? More importantly, did he tell him what he asked me in the end? Oh no!

I looked away from Kakashi hoping that he wouldn't notice my red cheeks. " Wh... What are you talking about?"

"I know what Sebastian told you, and I'm not going to lie to you and say that it was all a lie."

What he said confused me. "What?"

While staring off into nothingness he continued. "I can see that it's bothering you, and I'm sorry that you had to hear it from someone else. I wanted to tell you myself the other night, but you stopped me."

At this point I was certain that we weren't thinking of the same things. "What are you talking about?"

Kakashi for the first time during this conversation looked me in the eyes. "What do you mean? Sebastian told you about my past..."

Hearing that made me laugh hysterically. The silver headed ninja was the one confused this time. "What's so funny?"

I finally stopped laughing. "The fact that you think I could ever resent you for something that you did in the past."

He was speechless. "If anything, it makes me sad. I know how hard it is to loose someone you're close to, and... Do you know why my eyes are blue?" As I asked that question I flashed my eyes the same vibrant color once more.

Kakashi looked deeply into my eyes, knowing that what I was about to say was important." No... Not really."

I sighed and looked away from him sadly. "Werewolves always start off with yellow eyes, but some of our eyes turn either blue or red. Red, when a beta becomes an alpha and... Blue after... One has... Killed an innocent..."

A single tear left my eyes, when I said that, but then I found myself in a somewhat familiar embrace. Neither of us spoke after that for a little while. We just stayed like that.

Finally Kakashi spoke in a low voice that was barely noticeable. "(y/n), what are you doing to me?"

His quiet question astonished me. I wasn't even sure if I was supposed to answer it or not.

I ended up replying nonetheless. "I could ask you the same thing."

He finally let go of me and tried to take off my mask, but I quickly stopped him one of the castle's gardens had come around.

To make the situation less awkward I decided to joke around a little. "If you miss my face that badly then we should find a more private place."

I stood up took Kakashi's hand and pulled him with me in the big building's direction.

We ran all the way back to the castle, and we went into the room that was assigned to Kakashi.

I entered after him, closed the door behind me and took off my mask, or should I say Kakashi's. We talked a little until I made up a fake excuse to leave. It wasn't because I didn't want to talk to him anymore, trust me, when I say that I would've loved to stay there the whole day, but there was something I had to do.

I left the castle without telling anyone, where I was going or that I even left for that matter.

I went to the edge of the village hidden in the heavens. I was right on time from the looks of it.

Four familiar faces, all wearing hidden leaf headbands were standing right over the edge of the village. "Hey guys."

Shikamaru was the first to reply. "(y/n)? Why are you wearing Kakashi's mask?"

Asuma then continued. "That's a good question, why are you wearing Kakashi's mask, and where is he and the rest of your team?"

I gave them a closed eyed smile, like my sensei liked to do. "It's a long story, but there's no need to worry about the others. They're perfectly fine, or... Well everyone besides Sakura is at least. Sakura doesn't want to be here at all. Oh and one more thing, please call me Lana for the time being."

Ino bursted. "For once I agree with Sakura! We don't know anything about you and now you want us to call you by a different name? That's very sketchy if you ask me."

I sighed. "Yes, yes. I understand. I can't tell you the exact reasons why I'm so secretive right now, but by the end of this mission you most probably will understand at least that much. The reason why we're here is to help the people of this village. I'm not asking you to trust me, I'm just asking you to please help us save the people of this village and they're princess."

Shikamaru was shocked at the last part. "Princess Marianne? I thought she died with her parents."

"Yes, that's what almost everyone thinks, but the truth is that she survived that day. Her parents saved her."

I started walking towards the castle we were staying at. Asuma called after me. "Where are you going?"

I stopped for a second. "Where me, the rest of team Kakashi and Marianne are staying. Aren't you guys coming?"

Ino yelled after me. "Of course not!"

I kept walking. "That's too bad because you could get to eat whatever you want and how much you want there."

Immediately Choji ran after me. "I'm in!"

His teammates didn't have a choice, but to follow.

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