OneShots: The Pack and Sidemen

By WolfPlayz17

863 18 5

It's just a Oneshot book :D Request Open Just saying this is mainly Pack unless you give a request ^¬^ More

Wazup Amigos?
Camping: The Pack
Rivals: The Pack
Shadows 1: SidePack
Rivals: The Pack
Shadows 2: SidePack
Rivals: The Pack
Shadows 3: SidePack
Rivals: The Pack
Becoming: The Pack
Secrets: The Pack
Rivels: The Pack
Stuck Together: Minifrags
Secrets: The Pack
Pranks: The Pack
Secrets: The Pack
Kidnapped: The Pack

Rivals: The Pack

31 1 0
By WolfPlayz17

~Rob POV~

A gunshot echoed around the parking lot I looked at the van with wide eyes. Knowing the men were distracted I took the chance and ran over to the back of the car.

Red blood on the ground. I looked at Preston who face was filled with terror and shock. Right next to his head was a bullet hole on the car wall. I sighed and looked at the man on the ground. He rolled around his hand covering the stab wound.

I looked at Preston and rolled my eyes, I coughed to get his attention, he looked at me slightly calming down, "You're welcome." I smirked looking at Preston who slightly frowned and stood up slowly, not saying a word back to me.

"I-I a-m go-ing t-to get yo-you b-back for-" "Just be quiet." I cut the man off kicking the gun further from him so he couldn't reach it and pull a quick one on us.

I looked at the computer and unplugged it. I then turned around looking out the door seeing that were almost coming back proabably to say their is no one there "Lets go."

~Lachlan POV~

We were silent with each other once Rob left, we continued looking around. Jerome on his little smart watch and me by looking around. On the corner of my eyes I saw a coupple of mens in full black suits entering a place where workers are only allowed in. I nugged Jerome getting his attention he hummed looking at me then where I was looking at.

"We got something." Jerome mumbled mainly to the others "Surprise. Someone actually dicided to join us." Mitch sarcastically said through the line, probably rolling his eyes "How about you join us as well after you finish with your Tetris game." Jerome fired back, to be honest he probably was still playing the block game still "Guys-" Vikk started but got cought off by Jerome who wouldn't be quiet "At least we are doing something. You didn't even see the cars enter." I rolled my eyes an annoyed look on my face, "Hey, at least I wasn't slacking off-" "OH MY GOD, SHUT UP!!!" Vikk and I yelled at the same time "Twins." Mitch and Jerome mumbled, also at the same time, I glared at Jerome see him give me a grin back "Guys you are all annoying. Shut up, and do your work." Rob said obviously annoyed, I mean having to save someone was probably annoying enough.

I huffed and grabbed Jerome's ear peice putting it in my pocket, "Hey-" "You lost talking to others privileges." I then grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to the door.

"What's the plan?" I asked him seeing if someone actually had one, cause I for sure did not, "We go in there an beat their a-" "Uhh no, we need to do it stealthy." I cut him off but its not like it stopped him from doing it anyways. He banged loudly on the door, not even a second later two men opened it up looking annoyed. Jerome glared at them getting ready to fight, the two men not having a clue why we are here "What do you kids want?" "KIDS!?" Jerome started, "Here we go..." I thought with a small groan "First of all-" I cut the man off knowing this was going to end badly "Sorry! We were just looking for the bathroom!" I covered Jerome's mouth grinning at the men "He is like that. Always looking for a fight. Heh, am I right?" They whispered something to each other and looked back at us.

"Get lost-" before he could even finished Jerome punched the man and jumped at the other one tacking him onto the ground. I groaned not wanting to fight but, of course, we had to. We always did.

I entered closing the door behind us. I grabbed my knife, from my pocket, and saw the other guy, who got punched, running towards Jerome. I quickly stood in front of him, my knife pointing at him. He smirked grabbing his knife as well. He ran at me his knife cluched tightly around the palms of his hand. I moved to the side tripping him and taking my gun out pointing at him. Just before I could pull the trigger I was pushed into the ground, someone on top of me.

Another man dicided to join us.

They tried to cut me with a knife that he had but I stopped him grabbing onto his hand and pushing back at him. Inches away from my face I kicked him with my knees. Right between the leg. Where it hurts the most.

He dropped the knife letting me catch it. I pushed him over and threw the knife at him. I then reached for my gun that was laying on the ground bit too far away. I was too late. The first guy I was fighting had grabbed the knife and was now pointing straight at me.

"H-hey... Now would be a great time to let us use the bathroom right?"

He glared at me and put his finger on the trigger a smirk across his face "Too late." A gunshot echoed and it wasn't from him.

The man fell on the ground with wide eyes. He layed motionless blood pooling out of his side. Jerome was behind him a gun pointing down at him. I looked at the man then at Jerome, "I had it covered." I said standing up looking at the man Jerome was fighting "Sure you did. I totally believed you could." I rolled my eye and looked at the man with the knife in his chest. I pulled it out and used his jacket to clean the red stains off.

"Onwards?" "Ladies first." I glared at Jerome but took the lead anyways. I knew there had to be a coupple more men around but I didn't see any as we continued going down the hallway.

Quickly and quietly going down the hallway that seemed endless but it took us to a stop. The control room.

I looked at Jerome who gave me a sorta worried look. We didn't know how many people there were, but here goes nothing. Just when we were about to open the door we were stopped.

"PUT YOUR HAND UP!!!" we did not turn around, but we did follow their instructions, "Turn around." We slowly turned around not wanting to cause any problems, four men pointing guns at us, "Drop your weapons." The one in the middle said, we did as he instructed. Our knives and pistol landing with a 'clank'.

I mentally cursed. The leader pulled out his walkie talkie and spoke into it "We have two teens armed with weapons. They killed two men at the front door. I think they are part of the team." He let go of the button glaring at us, it wasn't long until he got a responce back.

'Knock them out."

My eyes widen and I backed up. Along with Jerome "You heard the boss." The door from behind us opened causing me to look, and from behind I felt a sharp pain. Blackness instantly comsuming my vision.

Hey guys I just want to let you guys know that the next coupple of chapter might be cringe because I did it a while ago and I finished it.

But that is not the only reason why I need your attention. It is getting very close to the bottom of my finished chapters and I feel like I might have to update once I feel like it.

So there might be slower chapters, instead of doing it once per week it might be turned into once per month or something close to that... Sorry but dont worry after April might be the only problem... Thank you and have a great day ^~^

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