Hyūga and Uchiha hybrid •|•Ka...

By BookNin

145K 3.7K 678

Uchiha clan and Hyūga clan have a living secret... Hira Hyūga was born from the two clans.. funny thing is s... More

Ninja Profile
Prologue :


4K 138 21
By BookNin

I sat on my knees before Hiashi as he was saying words that my body had subconsciously blocked out with the ringing in my ears.

It was late afternoon and I had just returned to the compound and was immediately pulled away to a room with the side branch female robes, the black kimono with the Hyuga symbol on the back. My hair pulled up into a very traditional bun with Senbon needles holding up most of my black hair as some strands fell out at the sides of my face.

It was the ceremony of my sealing, it had been precisely a week after the Chunin exams and Hiashi was very eager to seal away my fate.

The slim serious man stood before me, his long deep brown hair sleeked back showing off his awful scowl, but as I took in each of his features the more I saw them changing like his lifeless lavender eyes turned to bright blue eyes burning with energy and wonder and soon his hair changed to that of short spiky blonde hair followed by his facial features becoming that of my generous sensei, he held a bright smile just like he always has.

My eyes snapped away, filled with tears, as it landed on the next person that I was surrounded by all my life, Talia. Jet-black hair pinned neatly out of her face showing her identical lavender eyes that were accented by long dark lashes and semi-tanned skin. The same thing happened, but different features appeared out of the woman she thought of as a sister. The blue-black hair becoming shorter and a lighter shade of brown, almost a chestnut color. Familiar purple stripes appearing across her cheeks as her eyes changed brown with such warmth and love for the world unlike the cold lavender eyes, the younger features appeared of the girl I befriended and the girl that I now see as my blood sister.

It seemed as if the appearance of my new found love ones wouldn't stop there as Hizashi was replaced by the energetic and overconfident best friend from my other clan.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted in my head. "Please, go away!" I sobbed with my eyes closed, my head felt like it was about to explode with the amount of memories flowing through it.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" I heard a fuming male voice exclaim making my eyes snap open just staring at the muddy ground as it had started to pour rain all over. I took deep breaths in, trying to gulp in air and push out the water that filled my now open mouth. I was crying, happy that it was pouring rain, "I... I CAN'T... I CAN'T LEAVE THEM!" I yelled shooting up and jumping out the sealing Pentagram. "NO!!!!" Everyone yelled when the seal that was starting to form on my head broke, I could feel the power surging back into me.

"YOU STUPID GIRL!" Hiashi yell as I watched him coming closer to me clearly furious, sparking something inside me. I saw everyone jump up too, most in fright and others also angered by my sudden rejection of their tradition that they had been urging to put on me. "I AM NOT STUPID!" I shot back crossing my arms over my chest in a comforting way. I was confused and tired, tired of trying to live up to The Hyuga clan's expectations and still failing no matter what I do.

"I am not throwing my life away for your selfish reasons!" the whole clan glared at me making me take a step back.

Third person's PoV:

Hira was scared for her life as the clan seemed to creep closer ready pounce and force her into the ritual. "Stop being so selfish, Hira" Hizashi spoke in a stern and striking manner making the girl shiver a bit, but not from fear or anything the twins had expected. An image of a silver grey-haired boy flashed into her head and that turned the spark into a flame.

Hira was shaking with rage and had, without realizing it, activated the Sharingan, but there wasn't just one tomoe present. She skipped the first stage and was now holding the stage two Sharingan. The Hyuga clan gasped and some took several steps back. Hira looked at them with curiosity, but when they moved she could see it much better and faster and that was when she realized she had activated her other Kekkei Genkai making her stared wide-eyed at the scared faced of her previous clan as she knew she would never be able to step foot into the compound again.

Her Sharingan disappeared as tears took its place and her teary eyes fell on Hizashi holding his wife tightly as if Hira would hurt them. Talia had tucked her head into his chest and her eyes were shut tightly making Hira sob at how they must view her now. With a gulp and one step to the gates she watched them, wanting them to stop and comfort her, but she knew deep down they wouldn't do that. They wouldn't give a monster any kindness so the now darker purple-eyed girl took off out the compound in the pouring rain. She didn't know where she was going only let her feet carry her.

As her feet pounded against the muddy and wet floor she rubbed at her eyes vigorously to rid herself of the ongoing tears. The rain was still pouring when she stopped at a familiar house, her throat throbbed as her eyes burned and they were surely very puffy and pink. She lifted her fist to the door and without thinking she knocked.

On the inside of the almost empty house was a boy reading a book next to a fire he had just recently lit when it started to rain. When the knock on his front door echoed throughout his house along with the continuous rain hitting the roof, he jumped not expecting anyone at this time. At first, as he walked to the door, he thought that it was just a passerby that wanted to get out of the storm so imagen his surprise when he opened the door to a soaked Hyuga girl he had started to warm up to. "H... Hira?" he asked then leaned outside to look around as if all the answers were outside. "C...can I c...come i..in, p..please?" she shivered as she was cold and scared of what was to come now that she doesn't have anything and all the family she had left resented her. Kakashi didn't speak as he was stunned by the sudden visit, but stepped aside anyway to let the poor girl in.

"I... I'm sorry for t..the intrusion, b..but I... I don't know where else to go." she said flustered and overwhelmed with questions, but so was Kakashi. "What's wrong? What happened?" he asked, but with one look of the girl he brushed it off as he could see the pain and sorrow she held in her eyes. "You know what, it doesn't matter. You can tell me when you're ready, come on you must be freezing." he said and waved her over to the fireplace, at first the girl was shocked and then a sudden wave of relief washed over her as she was so happy he didn't send her away. He never would send her away as she was, and is, very important to him, she just doesn't know that.

She sat by the fireplace trying to warm up and possibly become drier than before and as she rubbed her hands together to warm them up a sudden bowl of steaming ramen was held before her making her stomach grumble out of starvation. The clan didn't give her much time to get ready and that also meant she didn't have time to eat, but she didn't feel hungry up until now when Kakashi held the amazing aroma bowl of Ramen. But she didn't take it, no matter how hungry she was, she only followed the arm that held it out towards her to find her usually tired and bored looking teammate. "May I?" She asked and the boy looked at her wide-eyed before he cleared his throat. "Obviously, I am holding it out for you, aren't I?" Hira blushed at his reply and quickly took the delicious smelling and looking food from his hands. She still ate like a lady, poised and neatly, she didn't scarf it down as Kakashi had expected her to do as he knew she must be starving.

"Thank you for the food." she softly whispered as she set the bowl on the floor before her and made a mental reminder to wash it later. Kakashi sat next to her, but instead of facing the fire he faces her. His arms propped on his knees that stood apart but slightly pulled up.

Silence filled the room as the girl just stared at the crackling fire now curled up in a blanket and her silver-haired friend just stared at her. Not creepily, but curiously. He was trying to figure something out, or more like he was trying to figure her out.

"Kakashi?" she finally spoke as the rain had stopped and the two still sat not stirring, well Kakashi slightly jumped at her sudden speaking even if it was just one word, even if it was just his name. "Yes? " he spoke and the girl turned to him.

His onyx eyes were met with pink puffy eyes, but her eyes were a much darker shade with different mixtures of purple, he didn't think much of it as the room was quite dark and the girl had been crying making her eyes pinkish which could of caused this look.

"D..do you mind i..if I st..stay... just for tonight at least?" she asked the question that she was pondering on since she arrived. The boy gave her a masky smile then a nod. "It's alright if you stay until you feel ready to leave, I don't mind your company, but there is one thing we must discuss..." Kakashi's somewhat friendly tone turned very serious at the end. His voice was a bit lower and much more authoritative.

"Please do go on..." she said taking everything he said very seriously now. She could tell he was going to be strict and going to say something she must really keep in mind if not to upset the guy.

"As you probably know the story of my father. All I ask is that you don't go into his room, please." Hira nodded at him then gave a small and reassuring smile. "Then you can stay as long as you like." Kakashi said going back to his neutral voice and facial expression. Hira burst out with a smile and launched herself at him giving him a tight hug and he patted her back not really that comfortable with the hug. "Thank you, so much." she said as tears of joy built up in her eyes. "I will forever be in your debt," Hira said sitting back as she wiped some of the leaking water from her eyes.

She could finally be free to live her own life and it was all thanks to her new family.

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