Thinking of you (Cameron Dall...

By lexichic4056

8K 124 19

Having to choose between vines most watched Internet hotties Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas, Alessia and her s... More

Authors note
Chapter- 1 Magcon
Chapter- 2 Falling
Chapter- 3 Jealous or nah?
Chapter 4- Hotel
Chapter- 5
Author's Note
Chapter- 6
Chapter 7 -Dinner
146 reads
Chapter 8 -☺️
Hey Guys
Chapter 9 - Alessia
274!! Reads
Chapter 10
330!! Reads
Chapter- 11 Haysie poo
Chapter 12
Chapter- 13
471 reads
Chapter- 14
Chapter 15 - Home sweet home
Chapter 17
Chapter - Not a chapter
Chapter- 18 Bye bye California
Chapter - 19 Distance is never the answer
Chapter 20 - 1 week later
Authors Note ✌️
Chapter 21 - I guess we could be forever or Nah?
Chapter 23 - A deal is a deal
Authors Note ✌️
Chapter 24 - NASHHHHHH
Chapter 25 - We used to be eachothers heart to share
Chapter 26 - I'm sorry I ever left
Authors Note: Writers Block!?
IM BACK GUYS / Chapter - 27

Chapter 22 - Fine

180 3 0
By lexichic4056

(Skipping to morning)

{Alessia's POV}

"Alessia" "Alessia" A quiet voice screeched.

I pretended I didn't hear the voice noting to myself it was probably Cameron.

"Alessia!" The voice groaned loudly.

I fluttered my eyes open to see the voice really was Cameron, "GoodMorning Sunshine" I teased playfully at Him.

"Morning Beautiful" He smiled eyeing me, making me melt at his presence. "How did you sleep" He continued.

"I slept well thanks"I smiled and lightly shrugged at him. "How did you sleep" I asked .

"Fine thanks, let's go to the breakfast" He stated clearly as if it was a demand.

"I guess that would be okay" I smiled.

Wait why is Cameron being so nice to me, something's up. I have to find out.

"Cameron?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"What do you know and who told you?" I asked suspiciously.

"I know that you thought I was being literal when I said 'I wanted to meet girls' at the party, I know that you like me but you don't want to admit it, I also know that I'm going to ask you out eventually" He smiled causing me to blush.

No words came out of my mouth. I stood there speechless, as if there were no words to respond with.

Cameron and I just stood there looking at each other.

*Door swings open*

"Aless can I borrow your blue high waisted shorts?" Kayla stated barging into Cameron
and I's moment. "Oops your busy, should I come back later?" She smiled sarcastically.

"Here are the damn shorts leave!" I stated throwing the shorts at her.

"Thanks" She screeched from outside my door.

"Okay Aless get ready and meet me downstairs in 10minutes" Cameron stated in all seriousness, Then kissed me on the forehead.

He left me in my room to get ready.

"What to wear, What to wear" I thought to myself.

I went into my closet grabbed my new denim high waisted shorts, A neon pink tank top and black converse. I got dressed quickly due to the small time span I had.
I looked in the mirror. "Makeup!" I gasped to myself. I ran to my bathroom and quickly got ready in there. I applied light eyeliner and mascara to my light blue/green eyes and quickly rushed out the room. I looked in the mirror and was satisfied with my appearance and enjoyed the way my Light brown curly hair flowed down my waist and decided to leave it as is.

I plopped down the stairs quietly to hear Cameron, Nash and Carter talking.

"Okay what's the plan for later?" Carter asked confused.

"The usual house party, adding the fact that I have that big surprise for Alessia at the end of it all" Cameron Whispered.

"So your gonna ask her out?" Nash stated.

I couldn't contain my excitement I walked right into they're conversation.

"Who's asking who out?" I asked sarcastically knowing exactly what they were talking about.

"Oh um" Cameron started but Nash finished "Cameron was just telling us about how Hayes asked Kayla out" Nash lied.

"Yeah whatever he said" Carter added pointing at Nash.

"Okay shall we go?" Cameron shook his head laughing.

"Yeah.. You guys are so damn weird" I laughed.

We were about to walk out of the house when I was stopped by Carter's loud annoying scream. "Maybe we're just the normal ones" Carter protested.

"I would beg to differ" I snapped laughing so hard.

With that we left the house and were ready to head to this breakfast place.

(Skipping to Car ride)

"Food, Food, Food" Cameron kept constantly repeating.

"Why do you keep saying food?" I laughed confused at Cameron.

"I'm hungry!!" He pouted.

"Where are we eating anyway?" I asked.

"Well we are in Canada.. What's the best breakfast places over here?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well I've legit only lived here for half a week, you've been here for a day, and I never went to any of these breakfast diners to be honest" I laughed stating my point.

"Oh look!" Cameron screeched pointing to the small building labeled 'Giggling tomatoes'.

"Yay! It says all day breakfast let's go eat!!" I lightly screamed.

"Your clearly excited to eat" He teased.

"Yeah okay, At least I wasn't the one that's thoughts kept ending in food" I laughed causing him to laugh harder then he already was.

Cameron and I walked into the restaurant, Hand and hand.

"Table for 2" A tall blue eyed boy asked.

"Yes please" Cameron smiled.

I looked at the boy as if I knew him.

"Why are you staring at him like a hawk" Cameron playfully teased.

"I don't know he looks familiar" I laughed.

"Are you checking him out?" Cameron growled.

"No relax, It looks like.. Oh my gosh that's Luke Hemmings" I screeched as if I was losing air quickly.

"Okay and.." Cameron began but I quickly cut him off. "That's Chloe's ex Boyfriend" I laughed.

Throughout the breakfast Cameron and I just talked and playfully teased eachother told jokes and had a great time. Until I received a text.

Lollipop🍭 ~ Is Chloe
Chocolate🍫 ~ Is Jenny
Doughnut🍩 ~ Is Alessia

Lollipop🍭 - Where are you??

Doughnut🍩 - Breakfast why?

Chocolate🍫 - We need you...

Doughnut🍩 - Oh my gosh what did Nash break!

Chocolate🍫 - He didn't break anything.. I just need my Makeup artist back.

Lollipop🍭 - And I wanna go to the mall with you and Jen to pick out our outfits for laterrrrrr.

Doughnut🍩 - K I'll tell Cam

Lollipop🍭 - Thank You

Chocolate🍫 - Chanks you

I smiled at the conversation My friends and I had, I could never imagine a moment them not being there for me, So I decided to help be there for them.

"Cam?" I smiled.

"Yeah??" Cameron responded with a sweet smile.

"Can we go? I have a fashion emergency to attend tooo" I laughed carrying out the O.

"Oh, Your not enjoying our date?" He frowned.

"No, no I am" I smiled "It's just I want to help them, after all they are my bestfriends" I stated to him.

"Okay" He whispered.

Cameron payed then we walked out of the restaurant, Hands to ourselves.

"Thanks for Breakfast" I smiled because Cameron with out a doubt always made me happy.

He didn't respond. "Cam?" I repeated. Still no response, Cameron was truly mad.

(Skipping to house)

Cameron turned off the Car then looked at me.

I looked back. "Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it" I stated thanking him.

"Whatever" He turned away and walked out of the Car.

"What's your problem?" I said sassy to Cameron.


"They're my friends they care about me" I replied calm.

"They don't care as much as I do" He stated.

"Cameron really?" I fake laughed then shot him a glare.

"Yes and until you learn to balance yourself Alessia, We are over" He stated.

"Fine by me, We never even started" I snapped.

(Oh Cliff Hanger)

Eh Guys,
Lexi Here.

I hope you liked this Chapter I enjoyed writing it.

Love you 😘

Thanks for supporting me.

Xoxo ~ Lexi💕

Michela I believe it's your turn to Update 💚

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