She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



813 24 3
By True_Legend_

Ace's pov
"This is what we are going to do. Hill crew get out the snippers and make sure every guard in there has a point on him. Use the car crew if you need them. Back door, all but two of you come to the front. They won't expect only two people to emerge from the back. Come in once you hear shots only. My group we will all barge in, three will stay by the main entrance so if there are runs they can get gunned down immediately. NO hesitation! Everyone got it? Scorpion come with me, we are front line." I barked orders at everyone. Everyone adjusted quickly and quietly till everyone was in their new places.

Scorpion looked at me gun ready and mafia mode locked and loaded. We inched to the door and I kicked it open. The second it flew open running feet were heard and gun shots were passed. Bullets flew on both sides as I ran up the stairs with five men on my tail and Scorpion at the end of the line.

Everything that moved I shot at. They just kept coming and coming. I'm so close to her, nothing will stand in my way. I'm coming baby, I'm almost there.

Hazel's pov
My vision was like a swirling ball of grey. I heard people talking but I couldn't make out their words. Once the girl didn't come back they knew something was up. They beat me hitting my upper stomach as I screamed for them to stop. I couldn't let them hurt my baby. Finally after hours of torture they laid me on a firm mattress, my arms handcuffed together at the start of the bed and my legs wide open at the end. My vision started coming back as did my hearing.

"If we are going to do it, it needs to be done now!! Stop being a pussy already!" Diamond screamed at the man who still had no name.

"I can't force my son to fuck the girl!! And besides don't you hear the gun shots! We need to move you dumbass women!!" He screamed back as she stepped to him.

"No! If he won't fuck her you will! Do it! This is to much money to lose!!" I shot up at as quickly as I could still in so much pain.

"DONT! TOUCH! ME!" I hissed out. Diamond stomped towards me grabbing me by my throat.

"You will do as I say. Welcome to the real world you whore!" She slapped me as banging emerged from the solid door.

"SR!! WE ARE LOSING WE NEED TO EVACUATE!!" A guy yelled as I seen Diamond huff.

"Get her cuffs off, we move now Dimond." She was going to make a fuss at first but just closed her mouth and did as told.

She yanked me every way making sure I felt the pain on the cuffs. A mother is supposed to be your hero, your role model, your bestfriend. Mine turned out to be none of that but a true monster in disguise. A true villain only looking out for herself.

"Keep up you rat!! We need to move!" She drug me to the back door as I pushed my bare heels into the ground. I took a deep breath and will all my might screamed

"ACEEEEE!" Before anything else could escape my mouth I was hit on the head, out cold.

Ace's POV
I froze as my name echoed in the bullets. I ran to the room seeing it bare with a little door open in the wall.

"Scorpion, Jay, Malx, and Max I found a door. I'm going in." A series of 'No Ace' and 'Wait for back up' echoed in my ear piece but I just dropped it out my ear. I promised to protect her, to never leave her.

I walked down the narrow door way. Refusing to drop my gun point even though my arms hurt. The pitch black started getting lighter and lighter till finally I was in the back. I looked up were we placed our snippers, dead. I looked at the ground, two men dead and a women barely breathing. I turned her over and immediately knew who she was, Hazel's mom.

"Scorpion, you want to get back here." Feet hitting the ground came around the corner as he stopped looking at her. I expected sadness, pain in seeing his ex wife. No, he had anger and pain instead.

"Look at her neck Ace...tell me what you see..." His words were harsh and slow. As if his soul left his body and only a demon was left in its place.

She was claimed by the bastard who took my family. She was in on this. But then why did he knock her out cold?

"Max, cuff her and drive her back to the house. She might be the key to finding Hazel. Scorpion when we get back I want to hear everything. Everyone else clean this up and make it look like a large suicide. Blow it up for all I care. They couldn't of made it far have the police close off every exit including air ways." My orders were quickly followed as I texted Benjamin to bring me some bike for a ride.

I watched as the guys began to pile up the bodies and drown them in gasoline. I remember my father doing this one and only time. I was 6 and a Latin-American gang threatened our safe house for children and women. It became a shoot out and he needed to get rid of the bodies quickly.

"Remember this Ace, we may be able to kill each other and cause destruction. But that should never be taken advantage of. Everyone deserves some type of life, life will always be better then death." The only soulful thing my father has ever said me to and I remember it every time I take a life.

I jumped back into reality as one of Scorpion's men said it was finished. I waved them all to go back and think of a plan to use. I looked at the pile as Max lit a cigar. He hated cigarettes but loved cigars for some reason.

"Don't worry. We will find her." He hit the cigar and gave me the box of matches.

"Once we do. I'll crush them all." I responded as I flicked the match setting it on fire.

I watched the match hit the bodies. The flames roared all together. I put my sunglasses on and started the bike with Max. This is the start to the death match.

I'm coming babygirl. I won't make this mistake again.


Ooooooo tension is building.

What do you think happens next??

See ya troublemakers

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