Love and Pineapple (English)

Por Zazounette86

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A collection of Meteor Garden 2018 one shots. Más

Hot spring's benefits
Legacy - Part 1 : The letter
Legacy - Part 2 : Knitting and gift
Legacy - Part 3 : Fireworks
Legacy - Part 4 : Exam and birth
Mingde 2040:A New Generation
Jealousy 2
F*cking romance
Daoming Suzhi and babysitting
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 1: my life is angst
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 2: Friendship
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 3: Respect
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 1: Magic
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 2: Spice
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 3: Cuddles with my enemy
What happened to the nineteen catering dishes left?
Her laughter
You left but still, you linger
Fairies 2.0
The mermaid of Copenhagen
The mermaid of Copenhagen - part 2
The Black Cat
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - part 3
Missed opportunities
The Christmas TV Movie: What makes it so easy to guess the ending?
A violin on the rooftop: a Lei/Shancai, AhSi/Xiaozi love story
I don't care if everyone belives the rumors as long as you still trust me
You Belong With Me: Yue
You Belong With Me: Dylan

The Mermaid of Copenhagen - Part 4

301 32 8
Por Zazounette86

Hi everybody!

Here the new and last part of the Mermaid of Copenhagen. Once again, it's a new prompt in the series written by Dr-Cokebottles JVH624 Meggyhashope Daphnecs8 rainingmeteors

The prompt here is "Christmas"!

I hope you'll enjoy!

The Mermaid of Copenhagen – Part 4

Shancai didn't notice that Christmas day came so fast, even if the Hansen's Advent wreath should have helped her. This crown was composed of spruce sprigs adorned with red berries and topped with four white candles. Every Sunday before Christmas, the family members lighted one candle.

The four candles were lighted without Shancai being aware of it, and she stared at the wreath with mixed surprise and delight. Inside the house, everything was transformed with a richly adorned Christmas tree, candles – besides the Advent crown – wooden, woolly, ribbon, red and white decorations everywhere in the house. Some Danish Christmas elves representations, Julenisses, inhabited the home with their beanies lowered on their noses and their beards falling on their feet.

The whole Copenhagen city glittered, turning into winter feerie. Even if she already saw some Christmas decorations in Shanghai, Shancai never saw it so present and so beautiful. She never really celebrated that feast because she wasn't Christian. She might have learned one or two English songs at school, she studied the European customs during her lessons, and her mother cooked a more elaborate dinner on Christmas eve.

Once, when she was in High School, all the girls tried to knit some scarved for the boys they loved – and they were rewarded with their teacher scolding them. The students exchanged a few gifts, and Shancai even bought a card for a boy she liked – she eventually gave it to her father because it was a sad story.

Xiaoyou knitted gloves for hours for a boy who barely glanced at them. She cried for days, and Shancai comforted her as best as she could before she managed to make the boy fell in a mud puddle during an Athletics competition.

But none of that was similar to the magic of Christmas that invaded all Copenhagen. It was the "Hygge" like Hansen or even Helle and her friends happily said; a positive state of mind, a nice feeling, a joyful spirit, and an intimate and cozy ambiance.

Birgit and Ole regularly drank their glögg – a spicy mulled wine – near their chimney fire while their children drank hot chocolate or tea. Shancai preferred not to dring alcohol and chose the same drink as Svend or Mette. She was feeling it too, but the Danish people weren't the only ones to put her in the "hygge."

Since she took him on a tour of Copenhagen, Daoming Si managed to see her regularly. Every weekend, she showed him a new place, and they even moved beyond the confines of Copenhagen, doing a boat ride on ponds and rivers, going by the seaside, experimenting Drakkar trips, and visiting even more castles.

Quickly, Shancai realized she enjoyed these gateways, and she couldn't do without Daoming Si. She felt guilty to think like that, she knew that things would be complicated, she would inevitably struggle, and she risked to see her friends suffered. But she couldn't help herself; she felt good with Daoming Si, she was happy, as it was her place. He was her "hygge."

She tried to resist, but she let him hold her hand, wrapping her fingers into his warm and reassuring palm. She also allowed him to hug her when they met up, they had to say "goodbye" or even only when she was cold. She leaned her head against his torso and closed her eyes, enjoying his warmth and his smell that wrapped her. Once, Daoming Si even murmured, making her shiver, "This is where you belong. An exclusive place for you. Dong Shancai's Love Corner."

Blushing, Shancai slightly pushed him away and muttered, "Don't be silly!"

But Daoming Si saw she was looking away, her cheeks reddening deeply. He wasn't fooled, and he burst into laughter, teasing her even more. That day, he also escorted her to the Hansen's house, and, despite her protests, he introduced himself.

Of course, he was charming, explaining he was happy to find Shancai here because he was alone in a hotel room. He managed so well to look pitiful that they invited him for Christmas Eve. "You can't be alone for a so important evening!" Birgit exclaimed, Ole nodding by her side. "Come and celebrate Christmas Eve with us!"

Svend and Mette, these two traitors, begged him too, and Daoming Si accepted with a fabulous bright smile. Shancai closed her eyes, desperate, thinking she would undoubtedly never manage to forget him.

She was there now. She insisted on helping Birgit to prepare the dinner, but her hostess refused, telling her that Ole, Svend, and Mette already helped her, and it was enough. "You should go for a rest," Ole told her.

"Yes, take care of your guest!" Svend added, smiling mischievously, making Mette giggle and the famous guest sneer.

Of course, he came earlier! So, Shancai found herself on the sofa, wrapped in a very warm plaid, thick socks on her feet, a chimney fire facing her, and Daoming Si sitting next to her in the same state. For a split second, she remembered the Canada chalet and that memorable night they spent in the cabin, under a blanket.

Once again, she deeply blushed, ashamed to think about such a thing. Daoming Si noticed it and smiled mischievously. "Is there a problem, Daoming Shancai?" he asked, amused.

The young woman shook her head, taking a sip of hot chocolate that Birgit served them. She felt the young man's stare lingering longingly on her while he also took a sip of his hot drink perfumed with chocolate and spices. She had the feeling he was undressing her with a simple glance and felt extremely queasy. And she was getting hot, very hot.

Damn! She wore thick socks and was wrapped up in a woolen plaid, not enough to fantasize! This Daoming Si was too weird! He was such an idiot! "Yes, but he's YOUR idiot," breathed a voice in her head, making her blush even harder.

Shancai was very embarrassed and wondered if it wouldn't be better if she also hid her face under the plaid. It would be much simpler.

"I remember that my mother once tried to prepare us a hot chocolate for Christmas." Daoming Si suddenly said, surprising Shancai. "She completely failed, and it had a smoky taste. I was maybe four or five back then, and I pushed my mug, saying it wasn't good at all. Zhuang scolded me at once, pulling my ears, but dad intervened, telling us it tasted awful indeed. Mum was offended and tasted it before spitting it out immediately. Eventually, Madam Yu prepared us her hot cinnamon chocolate."

Shancai laughed wholeheartedly. "As for me, I tried to knit a scarf to offer to my cru... to someone, when I was in High School. I failed miserably and offered him a handmade bracelet."

Daoming Si chuckled. "You'd better bake him cookies, like those you offered me for my birthday!"

Shancai smiled but, suddenly, Daoming Si frowned. "Wait, you did that gift because you liked him?" He said his jealousy back again.

Shancai rolled her eyes. "Oh, damn! I was sixteen years old! There is a prescription!"

Daoming Si pouted, and, suddenly, his face brightened with hope. "Wait, did it work with that guy?"

Shancai shook her head, saying "no."

"Of course!" Daoming Si answered with a victorious smile. "I'm your first kiss!"

Shancai blushed even more and wondered if it wouldn't be possible that people could cook some eggs on her cheeks. "Fortunately, you didn't bake him some cookies!" Daoming Si added. "He could fall for your culinary charms, and it would be such a pity for me!" Shancai glared at him. "Although," continued Daoming Si. "I would manage to steal you to him, and I would prove you that I'm better than him for you."

Daoming Si received a cushion on his face while Shancai muttered an "Aiyo!", shaking her head with a desperate look. She looked away again. The hygge invaded her so much that she wanted to snuggle against "Dong Shancai's Love Corner." She didn't notice that the young man longed for the same thing, but he prevented himself from doing anything. Meizuo, Lei, and Ximen warned him; he had to be patient with Dong Shancai.

In the middle of the afternoon, the Hansen had completed preparations for the evening feast. They joined them near the fireplace. Until dinner time, Birgit and Ole told them Scandinavian legends that gave birth to Yule Feast, the northern Christmas.

The first one was a Celtic legend. It was on the 21st of December, during the winter solstice, when the night is the longest one of the year and announce the progressive lengthening of the days. The Holly King that was the Tree God representing the darkness of the end of the year, lost his fight against the Oak King, the Tree God representing the light of the new days.

According another legend coming from the Norse Mythology, Yule was the time the God Heimdall, son of Odin and patron of Asgard, visited children in every house. This character had a custom of letting a gift in the well-behaved children's socks and put some cinder in the stockings of children who didn't behave well.

Shancai couldn't help but glance at Daoming Si, slightly narrowing her eyes. "I wonder what you'll find in your socks!" She blurted out.

Daoming Si turned toward her, giving her the same glance. "Hmm, so do I! Maybe I'll have to name you Cinderella, miss!"

Shancai opened her mouth, offended, and, forgetting the Hansen family was here; she threw him a cushion into his face again. "So do you! You'll be the first man we call Cinderella; I'm sure of that!"

"Aiyo!" Exclaimed Daoming Si, pretending to be offended. "You'll have a little smoky smell soon!"

While the two young people continued to bicker, the Hansen family members stared at them silently. Mette gaped at them; she never saw Shancai behaving like that. Birgit and Ole discreetly chuckled, melting, while Svend smiled, amused. "Am I wrong or there is some sexual tension here?" The teenager asked.

The two persons concerned didn't hear him, but his mother slapped his head. "Svend, seriously!" She scolded him, pointing at his sister. But it was useless; the little girl was giggling – even if she wasn't sure to understand what meant her brother.

"What?" Svend asked. "I think they should take a room and –" This time, Ole slapped him on his head while the teenager burst into laughter, his sister following him. Daoming Si and Shancai startled and realized they forgot the Hansen family. Both blushing, they apologized, and Svend laughed even more.

It was time to eat. For appetizer, the Hansen prepared various Smørrebrød – black bread toasts – with salmon, pickled herring, shrimps, crab, fish fillet, and even lobster.

For the main course, they cooked crispy roast pork with caramelized potatoes and boiled potatoes. Besides, they served a Danish red cabbage, the Rødkål, that was cabbage with apples, mild vinegar, the juice from black currants, and also cinnamon, bay leaf, and nutmeg. Hansen had prepared two dishes; one was baked, and the other one was raw so that everyone could choose what he preferred.

Shancai, who was getting more used to European food, enjoyed the meal delightfully, and Daoming Si much complimented them, and each member of the Hansen family blushed proudly. Then, came the dessert with the traditional risalamande. It was a kind of rice pudding with almonds in what Birgit and Svend mixed some whipped cream and vanilla then poured it with a warm cherries sauce, the Kirsebærsovs.

Ole explained to the two Chinese students that this meal came from the Risengrød, a simple rice pudding that people ate in the countryside. In the 1800s, Copenhagen townsfolks wanted to turn it into a feast meal and named it with a name sounding like a French word, a language being trendy back then – risalamande came from "riz à l'amande," meaning "almond rice."

Then, Birgit explained the Mandelgaven custom; that was the almond gift. A blanched almond was hidden in the risalamande and the one who found it won a gift. Traditionally, the gift was a little marzipan pig, and Mette had fun to make one during the afternoon.

Shancai found the almond, and everyone applauded while Mette gave her proudly the little marzipan pig. Daoming Si couldn't help but laugh, and Shancai glared at him. "Sorry." The young man apologized. "But I'm used to name Shancai 'my little pig'!"

Shancai growled, and everybody burst into laughter. "We have another belief." Continued Birgit with a little smile. "If the one who finds the almond is a non-married adult, we think he'll find a husband or a wife within a year."

Immediately, Shancai and Daoming Si didn't dare to look at each other anymore, their cheeks going pink. After tasting the dessert, Mette and Svend explained another custom. According to one of the most famous legend, the Julnisses, a kind of elves, would come on Christmas to eavesdrop the Humans, waiting for some victuals.

The Hansen took a small quantity of risalamande they put into a cup on the doorstep. "In this way, the Julnisses could have a real feast and bring happiness to everyone in the household." Explained Mette.

Shancai smiled, melting, and didn't notice Daoming Si's stare lingering on her for an instant. He couldn't help but think it would be such happiness to build a family with her, and that thought made him blush. It was so soon!

After that, everyone gathered together around the Christmas tree to dance and sang traditional songs. Daoming Si and Shancai followed them as best as they could, and everyone laughed kindly about their clumsiness.

Finally, it was time to open presents. Shancai received a handmade bracelet from Mette, a Danish cookbook from Svend – "so you'll cook some Danish dished to your family," he told her – and amber earrings from Birgit and Ole. Shancai thanked everybody warmly. She also gave presents to each member of the family, and everybody happily hugged her. Even Daoming Si received some gifts and thanked everyone with a bright smile.

The evening came to an end, and the guest announced it was time for him to leave. Without thinking, Shancai told him she would escort him to his hotel, and Hansen couple let her do, amused.

While the two young people wrapped into their coats, scarves, and beanies were going away, Ole turned to his wife. "Do you think she realized she was going to come back alone in the middle of the night?" He asked her, amused.

Birgit shook her head, also smiling. "Oh, Daoming Si won't let her do that!"

Her husband nodded, and they stared at each other. "She won't come back home tonight; I think," Ole said.

"I think so as well," Birgit answered.

And both burst into laughter.


Daoming Si and Shancai walked silently for a moment, their hands brushing regularly. For once, the young man was hesitating, nervous, not confident. He had that strange feeling it was now or never, and he couldn't miss that opportunity.

On his side, Shancai was struggling, lost between her reason and her heart. She was sure she had to protect her friends, her family, but, at the same time, she couldn't bear to suffer anymore. She loved Daoming Si, she really loved him, and it was torture not to be able to tell him, to have to remain away from him.

They arrived quickly, too quickly for them, in front of the Admiral Hotel. They looked at each other, shy, embarrassed. "It was a delightful day, Shancai." Daoming Si said softly. "Thank you very much.

The young woman looked down, confused. "Don't thank me." She muttered. "The Hansen is very warmful people; it's thanks to them is that day was so magical."

She felt Daoming Si's hand brushing her cheek, and she closed her eyes, her heart fluttering. "I'm not so sure about that." The young man whispered. "It's also because you were here that I found that moment so wonderful."

Shancai slightly stepped away, pulling away from his hand. "Daoming Si!" She exclaimed weakly reproachfully.

The young man opened his mouth, ready again to argue for him, for them. Shancai decided to change of subject. She hastily took a little package out of her bag. "By the way, I forgot to give you your Christmas present!" She said with a strange high-pitched voice.

Immediately, Daoming Si's face brightened like a little child, and she felt her heart fluttering again. Blushing, she watched the young heir opening her gift hastily. A peal of joyful laughter escaped from his mouth when he discovered the little cookies; she baked again for him. "This time, you reconstituted the Little Mermaid and her Prince with those biscuits!" He joyfully exclaimed.

Shancai blushed, even more, scratching her nape. "Yes, I'm not a great artist, but it was my idea." She said. "Fortunately, Birgit allowed me to borrow her kitchen for a time, and I could bake it. I managed to improve the cooking because of the last time, I –"

She suddenly stopped, realizing she was chattering nonstop and quickly, utterly betraying her nervousness. Tenderly, Daoming Si put a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead softly, making a swarm of butterflies fly in her stomach. "Thank you very much, Shancai." He whispered before hugging her.

The young woman wanted to resist, but she dreamt of snuggling against the "Dong Shancai's Love Corner" all the afternoon long. She allowed herself to let go against him, sighing with happiness, welcoming his warmth and his smoothness. She felt him playing with strands of her hair, giving her some delightful goosebumps alongside her nape. "Why do you persist in lying to me?" Daoming Si suddenly said, surprising her. "Why do you continue to behave like you didn't want to be with me when I know very well it's just the opposite?"

Shancai pulled away immediately from his embrace, feeling all her body becoming cold when she parted from him. She closed her eyes and shook her head to think straight. "I think you're very presumptuous!" She said, crossing her arms, trying to look defiantly at him, but she miserably failed when she saw the infinite tenderness that shone in the young man's eyes.

He smiled, half-arrogant, half-teasing, untying slightly the young woman's scarf then slip his hand under her pullover collar. "Hey! What are you doing?" Shancai exclaimed, half-panicked, half-offended.

Without saying a word, Daoming Si pointed at the meteor necklace she wore around her neck. "Did you think I wouldn't see it? I looked at you all afternoon long, Shancai, I couldn't miss it." The Maple hotel chain's hair declared calmly.

Shancai's cheeks reddened immediately. She didn't even realize she put it around her neck this morning! What was wrong with her? "It's strange." Continued Daoming Si. "I thought that this jewel was in the Mingde pool."

Shancai closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "I – I got it back." She admitted weakly, looking away.

"Why?" Daoming Si asked softly. "I thought you wanted to give it back to me."

The young woman shook her head, trying to repress her tears with all her strength. "I don't know. I couldn't bear to let it alone, in the water. I had to take it back." She invented an excuse.

Daoming Si chuckled, amused, not fooled at all. "Honestly, I think it's good new." He said with a light tone before taking out a small gift from his pocket. "I also have a present for you."

Moved and confused, Shancai unwrapped the gift, opened the jewel bow, and gasped when she discovered the thin bracelet in it. The chain was made with white gold and was adorned with little meteors looking like the pendant on her necklace. Once again, she felt her eyes watering while Daoming Si tied it delicately around her wrist. "Like this, you'll have a meteor rain with you forever." He whispered in her ear.

Shancai gave up, allowing her tears to flow alongside her cheeks. "It's gorgeous, Daoming Si. But you're crazy to buy such a thing for me." She hiccupped. Daoming Si hugged her again.

It was impossible.

"I already told you, Dong Shancai, you are the person I'm willing to exchange all the meteors in the sky for."

She couldn't.

Shancai couldn't help but let out a sob, and Daoming Si hugged her more tightly.

She couldn't live without him. She couldn't spend the rest of her life without him by her side.

"I love you, Daoming Si." She whispered with such a low voice he thought he was dreaming.

Immediately, he slightly pulled her away from him, his heart racing, and didn't dare to hope. His hands leaning on her shoulders, he asked her, "Shancai, what did you say? I'm not sure I heard you correctly!"

Wiping her tears, the young woman glared at him. "Daoming Si! Don't pretend you didn't hear me! It was difficult to admit it that I won't repeat!"

She started to go away. Daoming Si tried to hold her back, but Shancai was too stubborn and refused to listen to him. She walked a few meters, then stopped, feeling guilty, and turned back. His shoulders drooping, the young man looked at the ground, looking disappointed. She couldn't help but soften, utterly melting.

"I love you, Daoming Si." She clearly said.

Immediately, he looked up, his childish smile brightening his face, and Shancai couldn't help but giggle while he strode toward her, hugging her, lifting her, and whirling. Then, he put her back on the ground and kissed her forehead, her cheek, her nose. "Me too!" He breathed between two kisses. "I love you too, Dong Shancai!"

Then, more delicately, he silently asked for her agreement and kissed her lips. The kiss was soft and tender at first; then, they let out all the frustration and sadness they gathered these past weeks; the kiss became passionate, hungrier. They eventually parted, breathless, and Daoming Si leaned his forehead against hers. "Stay with me tonight." He whispered.

Shancai refused by reflex, shaking her head shyly, even if her swollen lips, her red cheeks, and her shining eyes told the opposite.

"I won't do anything without your agreement." He said. Then, noticing she was hesitating, he added. "I don't want you to come back alone. It's very late, you know."

He was right. And, truth to be told, Shancai didn't want to leave at all. She sent an SMS to the Hansen while they took the lift, and they answered when she reached Daoming Si's room door. They told her they were relieved because they were worried to think she was alone in the street so late.

"You see, I told you so!" Whispered Daoming Si, satisfied.

Like a gentleman, he lent her some clothes for the night, and he let her change in the bathroom. Then, while he sat on the bed, he covered both of them with a very warm blanket, gave her a mug with an infusion he prepared for her then turned on the television with the Danish Christmas program.

Snuggling under the blanket and against him, Shancai smiled, happy, knowing she belonged here. She wanted to let herself go utterly in the hygge and pressed against him. "Merry Christmas, Daoming Si." She whispered into his ear.

Daoming Si shivered while she dropped light kissed on his neck, his nape. He gulped, blushed, then radiantly smiled. "Merry Christmas, Dong Shancai." He answered.

He let the "hygge" invaded him, as well.


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