Content To Be Claimed (Beauty...

By MissChi26

19.2K 457 29

"Typical," I muttered, still lost in my thoughts. "What is?" Warren asked without stopping. "That the only gu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Final Chapter
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter
Exciting news!!!
Author's Note

Chapter 14

334 8 1
By MissChi26

I was eager to get to school the next morning, to see him. And when I pulled up and saw him across the lot, waiting next to a new car, my heart swelled up and threatened to explode in my chest. It was a little dizzying, this feeling that came with knowing that he was waiting for me, that this better than perfect guy was into me. I couldn't contain my smile as I got out of the car. He was already halfway across the lot towards me. "I perceive high spirits."

"Me too," I teased back, feeling so light I could float.

He drew me into his arms for a minute, sending my heart into overdrive, then drew back and gazed at me. "Good morrow, love."


He smiled and caught my hand in his. As he turned to the school I then realised something; we had commanded the attention of the entire school. As if unaware, Warren led me into the school hall, commenting, "Your rest must have been reviving."

"You could say that," I mumbled, deciding not to mention how I'd been awake all night, just trying to come to terms with the fact that I was dating the most amazing guy on the planet.

Step aside, Chris Hemsworth.

Then I realised that all eyes were on us here too and dropped my eyes, covering my face with my hair as I blushed deeply.

Warren stopped and turned to me. "And why do you blush?"

"Everyone's staring."

He laughed softly and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "I can release your hand, if you wish."

I shook my head firmly. Nothing was going to make me want that. He laughed again and slowly tucked my hair back, saying, "Mayhap it is not advisable for you to join your friends just yet. What they are thinking is... Well, for the moment, the result of shock."

I glanced around him and saw all four of them staring, too. I looked back at him. "You can tell?"

"Trust me on this." The slight smile was replaced by concern. "And be wary of Thorne, Belle. He disapproves of this union."

"Why?" I asked, puzzled.

"Must you ask?"

I didn't know the answer to that, but I asked another question. "How does he know?" I hadn't told anyone.

"He shall when you meet," he promised, then smiled again. "I must leave. Impatience has overcome Anya Roswell, and Derek Ganning is beside himself with outrage. Basketball practice is unavoidable, of course, but may I call on you after?"

I smiled. He was so formal I felt like an eighteenth century maiden. "Yes, milord," I teased.

He raised a brow. "Excellent." He leaned in and kissed my forehead, making my heart sigh, and left.

I went over to my friends, feeling a warm glow spread across my face. I avoided their eyes as I opened my locker. I knew what was coming.

"What the hell was that?" Derek spit, venom in every word.

Whoa. Okay, maybe I didn't know what was coming. I blinked, confused.

"Derek!" Anya chided.

"What's your problem, man?" Chuck demanded.

"Me? I'm not the one with the problem!" He stepped closer to me. "What're you doing with that guy? Didn't I warn you about him?"

"Derek," I began, stepping back from him, still unable to understand his anger.

Chuck caught Derek's arm and pushed him back, away from me. "Take a walk, man. Now."

Derek switched his angry gaze to Chuck, who simply stared him down. Derek turned and stormed away, leaving silence. Amber was comforting me as I tried to process what just happened. Derek's blazing anger made no sense to me, and yet it was directed at me. And Chuck... Sweet, goofy Chuck could scare Derek off? I'd never seen that one coming.

When I looked up, I noticed Warren standing at a corner, unseen as he watched me. His eyes were stormy, and I wondered how much of that he'd caught. He turned and left.

"Belle, you okay?"

I turned to my anxious friends and managed to smile, composing myself. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm sorry. My boyfriend can be a Neanderthal sometimes," Anya said testily.

I smiled fully now. "Consider me warned."

"Anyway, wanna tell us about you and Warren now?" Chuck asked, grinning as he slung an arm around Amber.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Well, obviously you need to explain what just happened," Anya gushed excitedly.

"Were you really holding hands?" Amber asked.

I nodded, blushing. "Yeah, we were."

"She's blushing," Chuck noted.

"Wait, are you two..." Anya's eyes widened.

I nodded again.

"What? Officially?" Amber gasped.

When I nodded again, Anya screamed and drew me into the tightest hug ever. "You go, girlfriend!"

"Anya, ow!" I protested, laughing.

Amber put her arms around me from the other side, congratulating me.

"Group hug!" Chuck yelled and hugged us too.

After lessons, I went to my locker to pack up for the day. I was getting used to the stares by now, and the comments about me shamelessly seducing Warren or him using me had stopped bothering me. The rumor mill in this school worked overtime, apparently.

Victor appeared as I closed my locker. "You've been slippery all week," he smiled. "Playing hard to get?"

I smiled at that. "No, it's just been hectic."

He frowned. "Have you been with Strandton?"

I frowned too. If he'd heard the rumors, why was he phrasing his question that way, as if it was something he'd just noticed? And if not, how had he realised? Warren had said Victor would know, I remembered. How had he figured it out? "Uh, yeah." 

His eyes narrowed and slid away. He looked puzzled as he murmured, "Doesn't make sense..."

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

He looked back at me still frowning. "Did you wear his jacket again?"

Okay, now I was confused. What was he getting at? "No."

"Wait, what happened this morning?"

I linked my fingers and avoided his eyes. "Warren and I came to school together, and it set people talking."

He rolled his eyes. "All this 'cause he picked you up?"

"Um, no." I looked up. "Warren asked me out yesterday - officially - and I said yes. So this morning he held my hand and stuff to announce it to everyone."

He pushed away from Anya's locker and stalked off. "Victor? Victor, wait!"

I grabbed his arm and he froze, then spun round, his face barely inches from mine. My voice had been too loud; we waited while the rest of the school turned back to their own business. "Don't stand so close to me," he whispered, his breath blowing in my face.

I ignored him. "What's wrong?"

"Stand back."

"What is it? What's so wrong with dating Warren?"

"You think I care?" He raised a brow, his eyes on mine. "You're one crazy chic, you know that? Let go of me."

I stepped back, stunned, and let go. He turned and strode out. I turned back to my locker, still processing. Why had Derek and Victor reacted so badly to this? Weren't they supposed to support me? Especially Victor. He was my best friend, after all. I sighed and grabbed my bag. I needed to be away from these prying eyes.

When I got home, I heard the TV and wondered why Dad was home so early.

"Enjoy my car?" Dane asked mildly, leaning against the post at the foot of the stairs.

"Dane!" I hurled myself at him. He unfurled just in time to catch me, and laughed softly in my ear. "When did you get back?"

"Just walked in, actually." He led me upstairs. "I need to show you something before jet lag sets in."

"How's Aunt Lily? And Jenny and Neil?" I was eager to know about my family.

"They made me promise to show you this first thing," he said, taking me to his room. I saw the untouched suitcase on his bed as he went on, "Since I'm so reliable - and haven't seen it myself - I decided to do just that." He picked up his camcorder, then angled his head. "Mind setting this up?"

"Sure." He left the room and returned just as I finished. He had a plate in one hand and my desk chair in the other. "Lunch?" He offered, setting the chair next to me.

"Thanks." I took the plate - and nearly dropped it onto the desk. "Directly from the microwave?" I demanded, sucking on my scalded fingers.

He laughed. "Fragile much?"

"When did you make lunch?"

He raised a brow. "You call Mac and cheese lunch?"

I nodded happily and took a cautious mouthful. On screen, the video started playing. Aunt Lily's face filled the screen, her dark eyes twinkling mischievously. "Annabelle, that video you sent me was such fun. Thank you! I hear it's Belle now, and I'm so glad you've recovered. I can't wait for you to visit. You have to call and tell me all about this Victor boy." She winked, then ordered, "Say hi, Neil."

The camera turned, then Neil's freckled face filled the screen. At fourteen, his copper hair was unruly, his blue eyes inquisitive and his grin was goofy as he waved, "Hi, Belle."

Then the camera turned to my aunt. "Jenny, say hi." A pause. "Jenny?"

Neil, who I now knew manned the camera, chortled, "Look, Mom."

Aunt Lily looked behind her into the kitchen, then laughed. Dane was dancing with four-year-old Jenny as they set the table. Her long blond hair was everywhere as she threw dinner plates at him, squealing with pleasure when he easily caught them all.

Next to me, Dane groaned, "He wasn't supposed to record that."

He was glaring at me as I laughed, so the doorbell saved me. I ran down the stairs, still laughing, and threw the door open. "Hi," I said, suddenly shy.

Warren smiled, and it melted my heart. "You are in high spirits today!"

I laughed giddily. "It's a wonderful day. Come in."

"You're taking too..." We both looked up as Dane stopped on the landing, halfway through his sentence. "Well, this is interesting."

I blushed deeply and rushed to make the introductions. "Warren, this is Dane, my brother. Dane, meet Warren."

Warren had angled his head at Dane, but he stood straight. "Pleasure to meet you. Do I have permission to take your sister for a walk?"

Dane leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "Why, 'd she say no?"

I took Warren's offered hand and stepped out, closing the door.

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