The Missing Princess

By kodakitten

152K 5.6K 1.7K

《Prince Levi x Princess Reader》 |Single| ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ (Y/N), Princess... More

Final Note
Reuploading the 2nd Book!


2K 76 34
By kodakitten

Chapter 23: Infiltrating A Group of Idiots

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A new day came to Ackman Castle. As of now, I was standing guard outside with Levi by my side waiting for the Duchess Rico to arrive. I already wanted this day to end and it has barely started.

I stood tall and kept my eyes forward keeping a straight face as Levi and I patiently waited at the top of the stairs. He and I watched as a white carriage with two tan horses pulled the carriage up to the front around the fountain stopping before the steps.

Moments later the driver stepped off and walked to the door opening it and holding his hand out to Rico.

Slowly she ascended the stairs before latching herself onto Levi's arm affectionately. Rolling my eyes I turn the other way. Big mistake Rico. "Good morning Duchess." Levi greets in a dull tone.

"Good morning, what are the plans for today?" she asks also in a dull tone. Watching them walk inside I follow, I felt uncomfortable seeing Rico be so close to Levi and him not pushing her away. It was a little heartbreaking realizing he would push me away and not some woman he's known for only five seconds. Sadly I look to the floor after realizing, maybe I was looking too deeply into things.

Shaking my head vigorously I rid of the thoughts for now and continue following the couple out into the courtyard. Levi led her over to the gazebo where they sat and drank tea together while I stood beside Levi as usual. They conversed and Rico laughed here and there while Levi sat there silently. "Levi, do you think you can dismiss your guard?" Rico asks.

Levi let out a small grunt before looking up at me. "You are permitted an hours rest...go," he orders.

Nodding silently I slowly walk away from the table and down the steps. Usually, if a woman had asked for my dismissal Levi would reject and come up with some sort of excuse. After stopping for a brief moment I shake my head once more and continue walking to wherever I wanted.

I found myself at another part of the courtyard with the gazebo still in sight. I sat on the bench surrounded by roses looking at the swimming fish. They were lucky they didn't have to worry about anything else other than eating and swimming. I sat there in deep thought feeling an awful sting in my chest.

Images of the previous night's actions with Levi came to mind. I tried to kiss him, it was the first kiss that I attempted to give him and yet he stopped me. Letting out a sad sigh I prop my arm on my knee and rest my head on the palm of my hand.

Why must he be so difficult? I only wish to be there for him... and- Then, another thing dawned on me, sitting up straight with a slightly confused expression. I realized I was slowly falling for the Prince of Aubern. I had tried so hard to fight it but at this point, there was no denying it that.

Slapping my face I bend over a bit. "No, no, no," I whispered repeatedly. It wasn't that Levi was a bad person it was just the fact that I was falling for someone who doesn't feel the same. It was stupid of me to be in love with someone who didn't love me back.

Nope, this isn't happening, I need to suppress my feelings. Crossing my arms I sat up, then I felt a finger tap at my shoulder. Startled I jump a bit and look back. Placing one hand over my racing heart I find a fellow guard. "Oh, it's just you Moblit." I sigh.

"Sorry if I've frightened you.... I wanted to speak with you privately," he says.

Scooting over I nod and let him sit with me. "What is it?" I ask.

Out of nowhere, he grabbed both my hands, looking up a little surprised he flashed me a genuine smile. "I really like you (F/N)," he confesses.

But I barely know you. Tensing up a bit I sat there quietly, I didn't know what to say I was so confused. "I know this is all sudden to you, but I'd like to take you to dinner," he suggests. I wanted to say no, but I also didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Still, mute I look down trying to decide what to say. Looking back up I went to say something until there was a loud whistling sound. It was another guard calling for him. He looked behind him then back at me. "Tell me tonight," he whispers, with no time to react at all his lips fell on mine. Tensing up I sat there with wide eyes, I should push him off but I didn't.

Once his lips left mine I quickly place my hand over my lips in surprise. He quickly left me, sitting there in shock I try to process everything that had just happened. I had just been confessed to by the wrong person, although with Moblit I knew I could learn to love him seeing how kind he is. Shaking my head I second guess myself. What am I thinking? I'm not a real guard, if he and I started seeing each other it would be a complete mess.

Knowing what had to be done I stand up I turn to the gazebo seeing Levi staring at me, he didn't seem to be glaring so I guess he didn't see what Moblit had just done. Sparing the prince one last glance I turn and make my way into the castle.

I made a beeline for the library to do a little light reading in hopes to avoid the prince for a while. Sitting at the table I read through a book hoping to pass time.

~Time Skip~

A couple of hours past as I sat in the chair, hearing an annoyed sigh resonate from behind me I shut my book and look behind me finding Levi. "I've been looking for you brat." he sighs.

"Sorry," I say.

"We're going out, get ready," he says.

I knew exactly what he meant. We were going to one of Nile's so-called meeting in disguise, I dressed to look like Hitch while Levi had other means of getting in. Nodding I follow him up to our rooms, once entering my room I found the outfit placed out on my bed. Walking over I strip of my clothes and changed into the other. Lastly, I place the wig on my head.

Walking to the door I open it finding Levi standing there in his disguise. "Ready?" he asks.

Nodding I pull the scarf over my lips. "Wait before we go repeat Hitch's password in Pridorian one more time." Levi orders.

Standing there I felt a little nervous, I had only spent a few hours learning the word intensely. "Kill" I answer in Pridorian.

Levi looked at me silently before giving a slight nod. "Good enough, let's go," he says. Walking alongside him we both sneak out of the castle. With our horses, we rode into town as the sunset. When he had reached town it was dark which was good for us making it a little harder to recognize us.

Following the map, we took many turns down a windy road until we found the tavern. Tying our horses out front we head to the back with our papers. As Levi and I walked alongside each other I lock my arm with his to make us seem like a couple. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Shh, we'll attract less attention this way," I whisper.

Coming up to the door we were met with a very tall muscular man with crossed arms. "Codes." the man ordered. Both Levi and I passed our papers to the man.

He looked at them then his eyes fell on me. "Lady's first." the man says.

Nodding I gulp nervously. "Kill," I answer. The man nodded silently then turned to Levi.

"Are you a new member?" the man asks.

"Yes, I have a close friend here he got Nile to get me a code." Levi answers in Pridorian.

The man simply nodded and had Levi repeat his password back to the man. Once that was finished we both were able to pass. That was easier than expected. As we entered Levi tugged at my hand.

"Stay close." he whispers.

Turning to him I nod silently before intertwining my fingers with his. We pushed our way through the crowd standing at the back. We waited as more and more people gathered, it wasn't reassuring because there were at least three hundred people here maybe more.

After about ten more minutes of people talking amongst each other, there was loud clapping. Looking up at the stage stood Nile and two other people. "Good evening brothers and sisters! Let this meeting take place!" Nile yells happily.

People began cheering before being ordered to keep quiet. "Now, for those of you who are new tonight you are welcome with open arms and are happy for your joining but before we can officially let you in you have to answer a few questions," Nile announced.

Both Levi and I kept our heads down avoiding the man who had come searching for new members. Luckily the man passed us raising our heads Nile continued. "Now, let's proceed onto the plans, I shall review everything for the newcomers." he starts.

The room fell silent as people looked up at him. "Prince Levi's Coronation will be coming up in a year and by that time we need to gather as many people as possible, and on his coronation day, we strike! Killing anyone in our way including the King and Prince." Nile announced.

People began to whisper as Nile's expression turned cold and slightly annoyed. "I almost forgot." Nile laughs.

"Newcomers here are the rules!" he yells.

The room fell silence once again. "Anyone who tells the prince of our plans will be punished! If caught you will not be saved, it's harsh I know but it's the only way." Nile announces.

Throughout the rest of the meeting, Nile explained more of the plan and how the assassins were only there to scare Levi into stepping down, then they explain what would happen after they kill Levi and Kenny. "I promise you once they are dead we will have what is rightfully ours! The humans will get rid of the fifthly dwarves and humans will again rule Aubern!" Nile announces.

I was confused as to why Nile wanted that after knowing he was after Levi for another reason. "And I can bet those who have been wrongly accused by the Prince will be pardoned for all their crimes!" Nile yells victoriously. Nevermind. I felt uneasy knowing this could mean war with not only this group but the dwarves as well. Looking to Levi I saw his expression also unsettling.

Grabbing my arm he pulled me close. "Let's go, I can't stay a moment longer," he whispers. Quickly we snuck out to the exit and ran for it we ran to the front both grabbing our horses.

~Time Skip~

We entered the castle avoiding all the guards. Making our way up to our room I ran into a familiar face. "(F/N) I've been looking everywhere for you," Moblit calls. Levi looked to me then shrugged it off before pressing forward thinking I was going to be discussing business.

"Sorry, I was out with the Prince, he needed something." I lie.

"I see... so do you have an answer?" he asks.

I felt a slight sinking in my heart, looking past him I saw Levi waiting at my door. "I'm sorry Moblit... I just don't see you like that..." I whisper.

He looked down at me sadly before nodding. "I understand, it's okay." he sighs.

Placing my hand on his shoulder I try to comfort him. "I'm sorry." I apologize again.

He flashed me a reassuring smile before shaking his head. "No need, I'm just glad you're honest about it," he says.

Giving him a sad smile I nod and watch him walk away. Slowly making my way to Levi I felt a sudden relief flood over me. "What was that about?" Levi asks.

"O-oh just business." I lie. If Levi had known of what Moblit did he would be furious. Or would he be?

Levi slightly nodded before letting out a sigh. "I will inform Kenny of this group until then you aren't allowed to go back there," he says.

I looked at him a little shocked. It could help us gain more information on their plan and if it were to change or if any more people would be sent. "What? Why? We could use this to our advantage and keep up to date with their plans if not arrest some of their people!" I protest.

"That doesn't matter, it could be dangerous especially by yourself you could get killed." he snaps.

"I'll be careful-

"Enough!" Levi yells.

Standing there silently I look to the ground. Hearing a slightly guilty sigh I felt his hand rest on my head. "Enough... I know what the advantages are but your safety is more important... don't make me punish you for disobeying me." he says in a calmer tone.

Looking up at him I could see the fear in his eyes. "You don't need to protect me." I say.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Because it's not your job." I answer.

He grabbed hold of my waist pulling me in. "Why must you always fight with me?" he asks.

Because...I love you. Before I could answer his lips crashed into mine. For the first time, I had the strength to fight back and I did. I try and squirm my way out of his arms but he kept pushing me back into the kiss.

Pushing me against a wall he prevented me from moving as he held me tightly. Pressing my hands against his chest I tried pushing him off. He was being a little too forceful. With one last strong push, I sent him back aways. I cover my mouth with my arm glaring at him. Letting out an annoyed sigh I wipe my lips. "Everyone... Everyone just needs to stop kissing me!" I shout.

With that, I turned and hid in my room. Locking the door I knew that saying that would make Levi upset. There was a thud at the door before loud bangs sounded. "(F/N) open the door." he orders.

Staying silent I stood there. "Open the door or... or I'll break down the door!" he snaps.

I knew he was being serious, not wanting to have a broken door I unlock it and open it once again. He charged in and slammed the door shut. "Who the hell kissed you?" he asks in a cold tone. With crossed arms, I turn to the side.

"It doesn't matter," I mutter.

He grabbed my arm roughly forcing me to look at him. "Answer me now." he growls. Wait... is he jealous?

From not answering quickly his grip grew tighter causing me to wince in pain. "Ow! Levi, you're hurting me." I squeak. Looking into his eye I could see the hurt and desperation of wanting to know who had stolen a kiss he was only allowed to give.

Letting go of my arm his hands held my face. "Tell me," he says in a calmer tone.

Looking to the ground I let out a defeated sigh. "It was a first-year guard... Moblit." I answer.


Standing there holding her face I felt a stinging in my chest that grew worse, it was already bad enough that she had been kissed by another man but another guard who was a first-year, I couldn't fire him but I could change his work schedule so he wouldn't see her anytime soon. Why did I get so angry when she mentioned getting kissed by another man?

Letting out a tired sigh I let go of her face. "I see... get some rest, we have a busy day tomorrow." I inform her.

She kept her eyes glued to the ground before giving me a slight nod. With that, I turned and left her room quickly before I could do any more damage. Slamming the door shut I quickly march to my bedroom, after entering I fall onto my bed letting out a tired sigh. Why is this so stressful? I need to figure out what I feel for her.

Through the deafening silence, I could hear light whimpers coming from the other side of the wall in the room next door. (F/N)'s room. "Dammit," I whisper. I had upset (F/N) by kissing her again without knowing my feelings, this time she fought back probably because of what happened last time we kissed. I can't keep doing this.


Laying there on the bed I let out soft cries with my head laying on my pillow. I felt so lost and felt as if I had lost control of this whole situation. I was so confused about what Levi was feeling and if he was just toying with me. That night I cried myself to sleep hoping that tomorrow would be better than today.

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