"Lost & Found" (Revised for W...

By GratianaLovelace

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At 30, Jocelyn feels that her life is missing something--herself. So after dumping her controlling boyfriend... More

"Lost & Found" (Revised), an original story by Gratiana Lovelace, 2014
Ch. 0 Prologue to Ch. 3: Matthew & Jocie Meet
Ch. 4: Jocie has Lunch with Matthew and Aunt Madge
Ch. 5: Jocie Escorts Matthew to his Speech Therapy Appointment,
Ch. 6: Getting to Know Each Other Better
Ch. 7 (PG): More than a Feeling
Ch. 8 (PG-13, S): A Love Rekindled
Ch. 9 (PG-13): Through Others' Eyes
Ch. 11 (PG-13, S): A Turning Point for Jocelyn and Matthew
Ch. 12 (PG-13, S, D): Love's Joys and Complications
Ch. 13 (PG-13, D): Fallout
Ch. 14 (PG-13): Separation Brings New Beginnings
Ch. 15 (PG-13): The December Holidays Bring Second Chances
Ch. 16 (PG-13, S): Jocelyn and Matthew Talk
Ch. 17 (PG-13): Wedding Planning & Such, Part 1
Ch. 18 (PG-13, D): Matthew Relives the Accident
Ch. 19 (PG-13): Wedding Planning & Such, Part 2
Ch. 20 (PG-13): Double Wedding
Ch. 21 (PG-13, S): ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Nights of Love and Christmas Eve Joy
Ch. 22 (PG-13): Christmas Day Gifts of Love
Ch. 23 End (PG-13, D): Because you loved me

Ch. 10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

410 13 9
By GratianaLovelace

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch.  10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, November 09, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace

(An original fiction copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace;  all rights reserved)
[(1) top right, story logo] 

[I will illustrate my story using my dream cast of --Richard Armitage for Matthew Drake, Kate Beckinsale for Jocelyn Burrows, Brenda Blethyn for Aunt Madge, Michael Crawford for Michael Ferguson, Gina McKee for Marcia Glass, James Frain for Vicar Nelson Marshall, and others.] 

Author’s Mature Content Note:  “Lost & Found” is story with mature themes (D for drama and S for sensuality) of love and relationships.  Most chapters will be PG or PG-13. However, if you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings I provide, then please do not read that chapter.  This is my disclaimer.

Recap from the previous installment:  Sunday afternoon and evening, Matthew and Jocie reconnect in a meaningful way--as tender hearts, sharing sweet kisses and embraces before saying farewell that evening--getting to know each other more and creating new memories for each of them.  The coming week holds much promise for these two heartfelt yet to be lovers, Matthew and Jocie. They are quickly moving forward toward a romantic relationship with each other.  And neither heaven, nor Earth, will thwart them.

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch.  10 (PG-13): Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder 

Jocie has successfully avoided Matthew for almost two days since their romantic parting Sunday evening.  She still feels that some distancing is warranted--to cool them both off after Sunday night’s passionate kissing.  That is not to say that her thoughts are in league with her person--because her heart and mind run rampant with desire for the tall kind strong man she has come to know, Matthew Drake.  Matthew is everything Jocie has ever wanted in a man and in a romantic partner. He is kind, he is loving, and he is strong--and yet, he so tender and solicitous of her wants and feelings.  He is not pressuring her into more of a relationship with him than she is ready for, or that he is ready for--and that utterly beguiles and charms her. 

Monday had been easy enough for Jocie to somewhat distract herself away from day dreaming about Matthew all the time.  She had her work visa appointment at the U.S. Consulate in London in the morning--it was the site of the lovely Tea Party reception that she and Matthew attended on Sunday afternoon, even if she was the only lady not wearing a hat.  And in agreeing to help her with her work visa paperwork, the consular staff also suggested several contacts she might make application to for university or college academic advising positions.  She had followed through and visited those contacts Monday afternoon--leaving resumѐs with several colleges and universities within London. 

Jocelyn feels a promising response to her request for work as an academic advisor will be forthcoming, given the cordial receptions she receives at each office and that her experience and credentials are solid.  The staff there are probably so accustomed to faceless applications arriving in the mail, that the personal touch of Jocie dropping off her application letter and resumѐ at each office, charms them.   If they call her back for an interview this week or next week, Jocie  feels certain that she will be able to convince them of her suitability to assist their students in navigating their goals to attend an American university for a study abroad experience.

However Tuesday August 17th is another matter entirely.  Restless and on edge after his morning shift at the postal center, Matthew paces the floor of his aunt’s flower shop around 11:00am. That is until he can not hold his concerns  in any longer and he unburdens himself to her in a quiet moment when no customers are present.

Matthew: “Aaaaaggghhh!”  Matthew [(2) right] expels a somewhat stifled groan of pent up frustration, want, and need as he focuses on a fern in front of him to try to diffuse his angry feelings by not looking directly at his aunt.

Aunt Madge:  “Matthew?  What troubles you so?”  Aunt Madge asks him worriedly as she arranges flowers and greens for a floral gift basket  to be delivered for a customer later that afternoon.

In the short span of the last few days-- since they have met and come to know the American, Jocelyn--Aunt Madge has watched her nephew Matthew turn from her contented docile companion, to him being more confident and assertive, which is a little unnerving for her since he towers over her petiteness.  And  now to him seeming to be almost a feral being as he lets his frustration show.  It will take much caring and comforting on her part to calm him down.

And with Matthew being reduced to only taking his calming medicine at night before bedtime since last Friday, Madge notices that his difficulties of temperament seem to begin midday. Aunt Madge ponders whether he needs more of his medicine than just before bedtime--perhaps he should take his midday pill again.  But will he take the pill were she to suggest it now?  Or, should she slip his pill within his lunch somehow? She realizes that the notion of disguising his medicine in his food is not very practical, nor ethical on her part.  But she has the fleeting and rejected thought, nonetheless.

Matthew: “Why does Jocelyn not call?” Matthew whines without meaning to.  “We had talked of visiting some historic sites this week. I would like to show her my London.”  Matthew feels hurt by Jocelyn’s absence.  Perhaps, he feels a sense of abandonment. He has formed an attachment to her in a very meaningful way.

Aunt Madge: At a loss for how to make her nephew feel better, Aunt Madge [(3)right]  still tries to caringly soothe him. “You are missing Jocelyn, Matthew.  And that is understandable.  But …”  She does not get to finish her thought.

Matthew plops on a stool behind a floral work counter that his flower stems and leaves yet to be brushed into the rubbish bin.  And hangs his head dejectedly.

Matthew: “Aunt Madge, Jocelyn is the first real friend that I have made since …  the car accident.”  He becomes more somber in remembering his sorrow as if the wounds to his body and to his heart were freshly made.  “Since, I lost everything I hold dear two years ago.” 

There are tears in Matthew’s eyes, but he does not let them fall.  However, it takes him several moments before he can speak and his Aunt Madge sighs sorrowfully.

Aunt Madge: “I know.”    She is choked up, too. Matthew lost his wife and son.  And she lost a woman she considered a neice and her grand nephew.  It was a tragic loss felt deeply by both of them.

Matthew:    “Aunt Madge, Jocelyn gives me hope, somehow. I don’t know why.”  He shakes his head and looks up questioningly at his aunt.  Matthew’s mind is still slightly muddled by the bedtime calming medicine he takes--though its affect is greatly lessened at this point in the day.

Aunt Madge walks over to Matthew and brushes an errant bang lock from his forehead, then she cups his cheek with the palm of her hand.  She treads carefully in her response to him--mixing caution with just the right amount of caring.

Aunt Madge:    “Matthew, It’s understandable that you like her. Jocelyn is a sweet girl.  But you need time to get to know each other better as friends before you develop greater feelings for her.” 

Unbeknownst to Aunt Madge, Matthew has already crossed that threshold--and there is no going back.

Matthew: “But Jocelyn hasn’t come to see us or called us for two days.  Did she not like us afterall?”  And he worries, were his loving attentions too forward too soon in getting to know herShould he not have kissed her, twice?  Or at least, not have kissed her the way that he had?  Yet, he reasons, she kissed him back.  He knows she did.  Matthew can still feel the imprint of her soft and supple lips upon his lips, he can still taste their kisses sweetness.  Matthew loves Jocelyn.   She has brought him to life again.

Aunt Madge: “Now I am certain that it is not a question of Jocelyn liking us or not.” She bites her lower lip, and her resolve crumbles in seeing him so distraught.  “Hhhhh!  Matthew, would you like me to call her for you?  We could invite her to lunch at the pub.”

Matthew:   His face brightens. “Would you, Aunt Madge?  I would like to see Jocelyn again.” 

And he thinks, I would like to kiss Jocelyn again.  With the lessening of his calming medicine, Matthew’s libido has also returned--which is, in no small way, part of his frustration.  But as with any emotion, Matthew will have to get his feelings under control.  Though Matthew still doesn’t quite realize that to others--his Aunt Madge, in particular--his reemerging emotions might be seen as something they are unaccustomed to dealing with.

Aunt Madge:  “Very well, Matthew. But please don’t be disappointed if Jocelyn can’t join us today.  She might have job interviews to go on.”

Matthew nods vigorously, anything to get his Aunt to make contact with his Jocelyn.   Aunt Madge calls Jocelyn up in her cell phone contacts list and touches the dial button on the screen.  The phone rings. 


Having spent Tuesday morning delivering more resumѐs to colleges and universities, Jocie pauses to consider if she will go back to her hotel and change before doing something fun this afternoon to give herself a break, or will she try to visit a few more schools. Jocie is dressed in professional but youthful attire of a brown tweed pencil skirt with a hem set primly at her knee, topped off by a complementary taupe sweater set above, accented by a thin gold chain and  no other jewelry.  Jocie has always had a quiet way about her and is sparing with her accessories--especially for business attire.

However, Jocelyn’s business dressy brown slip on shoes are new and she is still breaking them in.  After taking a local tourist trolley bus to Buckingham Palace [(4) image right]   to see the Changing of the Guard [(5)].  Jocelyn sits on a bench near the main entrance--with her feet slipped out of her shoes for comfort--Jocelyn’s cell phone rings and she answers it professionally, in case it is a prospective employer calling her for an interview.

Jocie: “Jocelyn Burrows.”  She answers confidently into the phone.

Aunt Madge:  “Oh Jocelyn, Dear, hello!  It’s Madge Drake.  How are you?”  Aunt Madge smiles at Matthew who is listening intently to her end of the conversation.

Jocie: Jocelyn smiles excitedly [(6) right].  “Hello, Aunt Madge! I’m fine!  It’s good to hear from you. How are you?” And Jocelyn wants to ask about Matthew, but feels that she shouldn’t let her feelings show to others yet.

Aunt Madge:   “We’re fine.”  Mathew vigorously nods his head up and down.  Aunt Madge smiles.  “How is your job hunt coming along, Dear?  Would you like to join us for lunch at the pub again?  Our treat, this time.”

Jocelyn: “Thanks for asking, Aunt Madge.  It’s looking promising from the job contacts that I have made so far. Everyone has been welcoming and cordial.  No call backs yet, though.”  And Jocie wonders if the famous British politeness might be at work here, and that she might be misreading her reception at the various schools that she visited.

Aunt Madge: “Oh.” Madge sounds disappointed--at Jocelyn not getting a job interview yet.  But Matthew thinks it is about lunch.

Matthew: “Won’t Jocelyn come to lunch with us?”  Matthew asks forlornly.  And Matthew inadvertently says it loud enough that Jocie to hears him over the phone.

Jocie: “Is that Matthew?  Back from the postal center already?”  Jocie asks interestedly, that Matthew can somewhat hear and he puts his ear next to his aunt’s ear with the cell phone so he can listen in better.

Aunt Madge: “Yes Dear. He  … well we would welcome seeing you and catching up with a chat.  Over lunch today perhaps?”

Jocie: “That sounds lovely.  But I’m across town right now, near Buckingham Palace watching the Changing of the Guard. It will take me a while to figure out get back to you.” Jocie frets, her still not having a great handle on the public transit system.  And she looks around for that tourist trolley bus that brought her here--hoping that it has a return path t hat will put her nearer to her hotel and the flower shop.

Matthew: “Aunt Madge?  May I have the phone please?” Matthew holds out his hand and his aunt places her cell phone in it.  “Hello Jocelyn!  This is Matthew!”  He gushes--elated to be speaking with her again.  “I’ll take the bus to you and then we can go out to lunch after taking the palace tour.”  Matthew is quite proficient in using London’s mass transit system.

Jocie:   “Oh!  Hello Mathew.”  Jocie smiles, though only passersby can see her smile--with them also looking somewhat askance at the lady sitting on the bench with her hosiery clad feet sitting on the pavement on either side of her shoes.  Jocie curls and flexes her toes in delight with making plans to see Matthew again. “That sounds nice!  I’m near the main entrance, I think. I can see the fountain through the gates.

Matthew: “That’s it, the main entrance, facing the Mall!  I’ll be there in twenty minutes by bus, Jocelyn.” 

Jocie: “I’ll be waiting for you, Matthew.”  She smiles into the phone, then hangs up and scrunches her shoulders in anticipation of seeing Matthew again. 

Matthew hands the phone back to his Aunt.

Matthew:  “Sorry about lunch, Aunt Madge.  Jocelyn and I will be eating out and visiting some historic sites this afternoon.  We’ll see you later.”

Then Matthew grabs his jacket and dashes out of the flower shop, leaving his Aunt Madge looking astonished. Not only has Matthew changed their plans, but he did not consult her. Then her phone rings again. It is her man friend, Michael Ferguson.  And Madge’s thoughts turn in another direction.


Jocie and Matthew meet up at Buckingham Palace and then they take the palace tour.  It is a beautiful old building, lovingly preserved as one of its nation’s historic treasures.  Then, they buy hot dogs from a vendor near the Mall park and sit on a bench to eat their lunch.

Jocie:  “Well this is a bigger park than the one you first showed me.”                                                                                                                                                                                   

Matthew:  “Yes, and there are many more people here.   I don’t like crowds.”  Matthew winces.  Though being as tall he is, Matthew can easily see above the crowds.  It is just the feeling of claustrophobia he feels sometimes--since the car accident.

Jocie:  “Oh, I’m sorry Matthew.  Did our site seeing make you uncomfortable since there were a lot of people around then, too?”

Matthew:  “I don’t think so.  I don’t seem to mind it as much when I’m with you.  I feel … safe with you.”  Matthew [(7) right]   gazes at Jocelyn with undisguised loving adoration.

Jocie:  Jocie blushes.  “Of course you are safe.  And, I feel safe with you, Matthew.”  Jocie clasps her hand in Matthew’s hand.   “But, if you want to do something more quiet this afternoon, we can.”  She smile sweetly at him.  They have a good give and take in their relationship so far--each willing to bend.

Matthew:  “That will be nice.  We still have to do the Times Crossword Puzzle today and buy a new Reader’s Digest.”

Jocie:  “Well, I think my hotel sells both.  So, if you don’t mind, we’ll go back there and I’ll change my shoes before we head back to Aunt Madge’s flower shop.  These shoes are new and they’re rubbing my feet the wrong way.”

Matthew:  “I’m sorry to hear that.  Of course, we’ll stop by your hotel and get your other shoes.”


After taking a taxi to her hotel--and then buying today’s Times and a current Reader’s Digest in the Lobby shop--Matthew and Jocie  go up to her hotel room mini suite.   Jocie gratefully takes her shoes and hose off.  Then  she dashes into the bathroom for modesty’s sake and she changes from her professional attire and into a comfortable loose fitting light weight cotton jersey pullover blouse and loose but form fitting stretchy capri length pants--and she soaks her feet in the bathtub as she sits on the tub surround.  Then  Matthew joins her in the bathroom as he reads the Reader’s Digest funny parts out loud to her while he sits in the bathroom with her on the closed toilet seat lid.  It turns out that they both laugh at some of the funny stories or jokes.  They seem to have a similar sense of humor, which is nice for their growing relationship.

However bemusedly, Jocie thinks that she and Matthew sitting in the bathroom while she soaks her feet in the tub is as unromantic an interaction together as you can get.  Though Matthew and Jocelyn do seem to have an ease and friendliness with each other for such domestic activities together—such as Jocelyn soaking her feet and such.  And Matthew has not tried to kiss her again--they have just caringly held hands as they spent a lovely afternoon together.  So, Jocie feels a little more comfortable around Matthew in terms of their relationship slowing down a bit.    In truth, Matthew is quite handsome and she has to remind herself that he is still recovering his health. 

And, since it is now around 3:00pm and Matthew hasn’t been back at the flower shop since this morning, Aunt Madge calls Jocelyn’s cell phone to see how they’re doing.

Jocie on phone:  “Jocelyn Burrows?”  She answers professionally again, in case it is a call about a job interview.

Aunt Madge on phone:  “Oh hello Jocelyn Dear.  It’s Aunt Madge.  I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.”

Jocie on phone:  “Oh, we’re fine, Aunt Madge.”  Jocie tilts her head to Matthew, and he smiles and nods back at her.

Aunt Madge on phone:  “Excuse me Dear, but are you in a tunnel?”  Aunt Madge asks quizzically.

Jocie on phone:  Laughing Jocie replies.  “Ha ha ha!  No, I’m soaking my feet in the bathtub in my hotel room.  I wore some newer dress shoes this morning while I was job hunting and then when we were site seeing--so my feet were killing me.  So we returned to my hotel room after lunch and Matthew is reading the Reader’s Digest jokes and funny stories to me while my feet soak.  I’ll hand Matthew the phone so you can say hi.”  And she hands him the phone.

Matthew on phone:  “Hello, Aunt Madge.”   He says warmly--not blandly at all--but his Aunt Madge doesn’t pick up on that.

Aunt Madge on phone:  “Matthew, Dear?  Are you having a fun time?”  She asks as if he were still the childlike docile man that his previously three doses a day calming medicine had made him.

Matthew on phone:  “Oh yes, Aunt Madge!”  He says in a cheerful conversational tone.  “But Jocelyn’s feet hurt from her shoes.  So, she’s soaking her feet right now.  But we still have to do the Times Crossword Puzzle.  So, maybe we’ll save that for dinner.”    Matthew grins to himself as he negotiates more time with Jocelyn.

Aunt Madge on phone:  “That’s why I was calling, Matthew.  Would you please put Jocelyn back on the phone, Dear?”  

Matthew: “Certainly.”  Matthew hands Jocelyn the phone.

Jocie on phone:  “Hello again, Aunt Madge?”

Aunt Madge on phone:  “I’m sorry about your feet dear.  Maybe they’ll feel better tomorrow.”

Jocie on phone:  “Thanks.  Did you need Matthew back anytime soon?”  Jocie asks hesitantly.  She really doesn’t want their time together today to end either.

Aunt Madge on phone:  “Well, that’s up to you, Dear.  Matthew mentioned having dinner with you again tonight.  Is that your plan as well?”

Jocie on phone:  “That’s fine with me.   I have no one else to eat dinner with.”  Jocie shrugs her shoulders, smiling sheepishly at the cheerfully grinning Matthew.  “So, if you want to do the same as Saturday night and pick him up in the hotel lobby at 10:00pm again, that’s fine with me.” 

Jocie begins to blush--for Saturday night was also the first time that Matthew almost kissed her as they chastely lay napping on her bed together.  And they were late getting to the lobby.  Then of course, Sunday’s kissing each other good night was very lovely as well.

Aunt Madge on phone:  “Alright Jocelyn, Dear.  Thank you.  I think Michael and I will go out for dinner again this evening.”  Aunt Madge smiles blushingly because she hopes that more than dinner will be going on.

Jocie on phone:  “Well have fun, you two!  We’ll see you later.”  They hang up their cell phones. Then Jocie carefully sets her phone on the sink cabinet counter--fearing were she to set it on the tub surround that it would end up dropping into the soapy water.  That’s what happened to her old cell phone just before she flew over to London.  “So Matthew, I guess we’re doing dinner again tonight.  Did you want to go back to the flower shop in between now and then?”

Matthew:  “No, there’s nothing to do there.”  He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.   With his calming medicine all but out of his system today, his mind craves mental stimulation, engagement, and interaction--and Jocelyn gives that to him, and so much more.

Jocie:  “Okay.  Well, I’m going to take my feet out of the tub and dry them and then prop them up on the coffee table for a while.  So let’s go sit on the couch and relax.”

Matthew:  “Alright, I’ll join you.” 

Matthew brings the new Reader’s Digest with him as they both sit on the couch.  Matthew also takes off his shoes and socks and they both prop their feet up on the coffee table.  Matthew thinks that Jocelyn’s feet are dainty--and he likes the faint pink nail polish she has on them.  Pedicures and toe polish are Jocie’s little way of pampering herself--in a new way since her break up.  However, she eschews anything but buffed or maybe clear nail polish on her finger nails for a more prim and professional look.   Of course, the tall Matthew’s feet are much longer and wider than Jocie’s feet.  And Jocie had also admiringly noticed that Matthew’s legs and feet [(8) right] look very manly and strong—if manliness can be said about men’s feet.  And in Matthew’s case, she thinks that it can.

Matthew gently clasps Jocelyn’s right hand in his right hand before he leans forward and reaches with his left arm to pick up the Reader’s Digest from the coffee table. Jocie reaches out and touches his outstretched left arm with her left hand.

Jocie:  “Matthew, I’m still kind of sleepy from the jet lag and all of our walking again today.  Could we just take a little nap and not worry about finishing the Reader’s Digest this afternoon?  We can finish it another time.”  She yawns sleepily

Matthew:  “Certainly.”  Matthew likes Jocelyn mentioning a future time that they will spend together.  Matthew leans back on the couch and he lifts up his left arm closest to Jocelyn and he looks at her expectantly.  When she hesitates, he asks  “Don’t you want to cuddle while you nap?”  Then he smiles warmly at her.

Jocie:  “Okay Matthew.  I’m sorry that I’m so sleepy.  I’m not accustomed to all of this walking.”  Jocie yawns with a sweet smile peeking through.

Then Jocie leans against Matthew’s chest, cuddling with him.   And Matthew lightly lays his left arm upon her back and she falls asleep.  This is just how it should be, thinks Matthew as he gently strokes her left fingers laying upon his chest.  Matthew has missed this, simple human contact.  But he feels so much more with Jocelyn.   She is so sweet and lovely, kind and caring--and accepting of him, as he is.  And his heart also yearns for her in a romantically desirous way.  Yet he will not disturb her rest just to kiss her again, merely because he wants to lose himself in that small intimacy with her. There will be time enough for that later, he hopes. 

Matthew was never a man to aggressively pursue a lady.  Rather, he made his interest known to the lady--and to Jocelyn-- through his warm but gentlemanly behavior.  Matthew knows no other way of courting Jocelyn that fits his own sensibilities, than the slowing building of intimacies that they are sharing over time--laughing together in shared activities, holding hands together, embracing each other, and kissing together, etc.  The anticipation of their increasing feelings for each other is a quiet joy for each of them as they each build new lives for themselves, preferably with each other. 

Matthew:  In a hushed voice so as not to waken Jocelyn, Matthew tenderly whispers.  “I missed you, My Love.”

Matthew kisses the silky hair at the top of Jocelyn’s head.  Then feeling a bit sleepy himself, Matthew lays his head on top of Jocelyn’s head resting upon his shoulder, and he also dozes off to sleep. 

There is a comfort and familiarity that Matthew and Jocie find in each other--a calm center that they bring out in each other--and that they enjoy in cuddling with each other as they sleep on the couch in her hotel room.  There is also a growing sensually romantic attraction that Matthew and Jocie feel for each other--that neither can privately deny to themselves, and that neither will be able to deny to each other when they awaken from their slumber.

To be continued with Chapter 11


“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch. 10 References for Wattpad, Nov. 09, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace 

1)   “Lost & Found” title graphic representing Matthew is an artistic blurring of a portrait of the Spooks character Lucas North (as portrayed by British actor Richard Armitage) found at http://www.richardarmitagenet.com/images/gallery/Spooks/Spooks9/album/episode2/album/slides/2_199.html

2) Image representing Matthew Drake bummed out  is Richard  Armitage portraying Lucas North (top of head manip by Grati) in Spooks, series 8, epi 7, pix 6  found at www.RichardArmitageNet.com at http://www.richardarmitagenet.com/images/gallery/Spooks/spooks8/album/Episode7/slides/ep7_006.JPG

3) Image representing Aunt Madge Drake is a cropped and brightened portrait of British actress Brenda Blethyn found at http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-H_ETHv0i8i0/Ti2-TA0VimI/AAAAAAAAask/iPSoRfv9KpI/s1600/Brenda%2BBlethyn4.jpg

4) For information about the queen’s main royal residence in London, Buckingham Palace, please visit http://www.royal.gov.uk/theroyalresidences/buckinghampalace/buckinghampalace.aspx; an aerial view of Buckingham Palace was found at http://www.e-architect.co.uk/images/jpgs/london/buckingham_palace_wa261108.jpg

5) For information about the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, please visit http://www.royal.gov.uk/RoyalEventsandCeremonies/ChangingtheGuard/Overview.aspx

6) Image representing Jocelyn is a cropped portrait of British actress Kate Beckinsale found at  http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=34304829

7)  Image representing Matthew Drake is a Lucas North (as portrayed by British actor Richard Armitage)  pix from Spooks series 7 or 8 on RANet found at  www.richardarmitagenet.com d

8) Matthew’s feet  image is that of Richard Armitage’s feet from the 2003 Cold Feet promo pix, found at Jonia’s Cut and  used here at https://gratianads90.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/robertfeetimageareofrichardarmiage_fp1dec1512joniascutcrop.jpg

“Lost & Found” (Revised), Ch. 10 Images for Wattpad, Nov. 09, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace


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