Always Remember (Wesley Strom...

Door e3and5soslover

10.4K 285 5

Laney is just a small town girl living in Ohio, but then her dad gets a job transfer in California and her fa... Meer

Chapter 1 'The Move'
Chapter 2 'Hello, Again?'
Chapter 3 'Hangout?'
Chapter 4 'Grounded?'
Chapter 5 'Sorry'
Chapter 6 'Just a Dream'
Chapter 7 'What Are You Doing Here?'
Chapter 8 'Sparks'
Chapter 9 'Talking'
Chapter 10 'You're My Secret Admirer?'
Chapter 11 'What Do You Feel?'
Chapter 13 'Vacation?'
Chapter 14 'Drew Day'
Chapter 15 'I love you not'
Chapter 16 'I'm in love with YOU'
Chapter 17 'Family Fun'
Chapter 18 'Don't Hate Me'
Chapter 19 'Are you Drunk?'
Chapter 20 'What Happened?'
Chapter 21 'Virginia'
Chapter 22 'I miss you'
Chapter 23 'Wait What?'
Chapter 24 'What Came?'
Chapter 25 'I'll Make it Work'
Chapter 26 'Promise?'
Chapter 27 'Christmas Shopping'
Chapter 28 'Road Trip'
Chapter 29 'I love you, Keaton?'
Chapter 30 'Merry Christmas!'
Chapter 31 'Welcome to New York'
Chapter 32 'New Years Kiss?'
Chapter 33 'Too Many Memories'
Chapter 34 'New Everything'
Chapter 35 'Need'
Chapter 36 'Second First Date'
Chapter 37 '3000 Miles'
Chapter 38 'Not Goodbye'
Chapter 39 'Surprise'
Chapter 40 'Doctor'
Chapter 41 'Not Expecting This'
Chspter 42 'House Party'
Chapter 43 'Wesley Jr.'
Chapter 44 'Complications'
Chapter 45 'It Can't be Time'
Chapter 46 'Magic Touch'
Chapter 47 'Time To Ourselves'
Chapter 48 'Baby Steps'
Chapter 49 'Big Day!'
Chapter 50 'Big Day Part II'
Chapter 51 'Big News'
Chapter 52 'Bora Bora'
Chapter 53 'Mystery Baby?'
Authors Note

Chapter 12 'Movies'

223 5 0
Door e3and5soslover

Wesley's POV

Laney and I have been dating for almost two months now. She's so adorable, and I fall for her more and more each day. I hope she feels the same way about me still, because she hasn't 'opened up to me' yet, like Sammy said she would if she fell for me. Maybe she just needs time. A couple months isn't that long.
I decided to text her and ask her if she wanted to go to the movies and dinner, since we haven't had a date in awhile.

Me- Hey cutie, are you busy? She responded almost immediately.

LaneLane- I'm shopping with my mom right now, why?

Me- I was just wondering if you'd want to go to the movies and dinner tonight.

LaneLane- Oh, sure! What time? I'll hurry and get back if you want to go soon.

Me- No, don't worry! Around 7! I wanna get a couple waves in anyways :)

LaneLane- Okay, see you then, cutie ;)

I put my phone up and decided to go to the beach. I was on my way there and I saw Carly. I tried to avoid her, but she wasn't going to let that happen.

"Wesley!" She called walking fast towards me. I turned and started going the other way but she caught up with me.

"Hey Wes! What's the hurry?" She asked nosily.

"I gotta shred some before 6," I replied trying to walk away.

"Why? What's at 6?" She stopped me again.

"I have a date," I answered pushing past her.

"With who? Is it that Laney chick you've been spending time with for so long?" She nosily said getting in my face.

"Yes, it is. We're dating, now if you don't mind, I'd like to leave," I said through gritted teeth. She rolled her eyes walking away. I waxed my board and got everything ready before going and catching some waves. I had just caught a huge one and decided to take a break for a little bit. I saw someone watching me as I got closer to the shore. I smiled when I realized it was Laney. She smiled up at me when I got to her.

"Hey babe, why are you here?" I asked plopping in the sand next to her.

"I figured you would still be here, and I like watching you surf. It gives me a chance to look at your butt in that wetsuit," she winked giggling.

"Oh, is that so? Maybe that's why I like watching you surf too," I teased.

"Whatever, I don't have anything to see," she chuckled.

"I beg to differ," I chuckled back. She just rolled her eyes playfully.

"You still wanna go to that movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course," she answered. We watched the ocean for a little longer and then we decided to go around 5:30.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" I asked getting in the drivers seat of my car.

"Yeah, ice cream sounds really good," she said. I drove to this really nice small ice cream shop around the block. We walked in and looked at all the choices.

"I'll have cookies and cream in a cup please," Laney piped up while getting money out of her pocket. I quickly slapped my money down on the counter before she could and she glared at me.

"I'll have the same," I chuckled as the cashier took my money.

"Wesley Trent, I'm paying you back, or I'm paying for our movie and dinner tonight," she muttered to me.

"You're most defiantly not paying for dinner, or the movie. You can pay me back, but the money will just go back to you," I chuckled. The cashier handed us our ice cream and we went and sat down at a high table by the window. I was looking out the window to see what Laney was gazing at when I saw the old couple she was watching. They were holding hands sitting on a bench. It looked like they were waiting for the bus. Laney was smiling at them and their actions.

"That's cute," I smiled snapping Laney out of her trance.

"Yeah, they are. I hope I end up having a relationship like that," she blushed a little eating her ice cream.

"Me too," I agreed eating my ice cream as well. We finished our ice cream and threw our containers away. I drove Laney to her house and dropped her off.

"I'll be back around 7," I reminded her before she got out.

"Okay, see you then," she said pecking me on the cheek. She walked in her house and I pulled away from her house. I went back to my house and got a shower to get the ocean smell off of me. I was dressed in jeans and a grey v-neck and no SnapBack, for once. It was 6:45 so I decided to head over to Laney's. I pulled into her driveway and got out to go knock on the door. I knocked a couple times and Sammy answered.

"Hey Sam, is Laney ready?" I asked politely.

"LANEY!!" He yelled up the stairs. I saw her walking down the stairs.

"Give me a quick second Wes!" She said before running back up.

"Come on in," Sammy invited. I was surprised by his actions. I walked in slowly and stood at the bottom of the stairway. I looked around awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She finally came walking down the stairs and smiled at me.

"Sorry about that," she sighed leading me to the door.

"No problem," I assured opening the door for her. She walked out and I closed it behind me. We got in my car and I drove to the fast food restaurant we were going to. It was In n Out Burgers.

"I hope you don't mind we aren't eating anywhere fancy," I chuckled walking into the restaurant.

"It's fine, I don't always like expensive things. You definitely don't need to spend money on me," she said emphasizing the last part referring to earlier.

"But I like to," I said.

"But I'd be happy with literally living in a box, I don't need money," she giggled. That was probably true. She always makes the best of things. She never complains if she doesn't get what she wants. I like that about her.

"That's why I like you, you're different," I smiled nudging her side while she looked at the menu. We were next in line. Laney ordered what she wanted and I did too. Laney quickly laid down a 20 dollar bill after I ordered and it was too late for me to pay. She giggled when she heard me sigh.

"Thank you," she giggled again when the cashier handed her her change.

"Laneeyyyy!" I whined.

"Wesleyyyyy!" She mocked me.

"I told you I was paying," I argued resting my head on her shoulder from behind. She turned her face so it was inches away from mine. I pecked her lips as I swayed her back and forth with my arms around her waist.

"Too bad, I already did. I at least feel nice now," she laughed after I pulled away.

"Laney you're too nice," I chuckled letting go of her. We were standing next to each other waiting for our food. It finally came and we took the tray and found a booth in the corner. We sat down and ate our food making small talk.

"What movie are we seeing?" Laney asked. I smirked at her.

"A scary one," I answered.

"You can't possibly think I'm scared of scary movies. I'm not scared of movies like that," she laughed.

"Oh come on," I chuckled.

"What am I supposed to act scared so you can hold me and hide me every time a scary part comes on?" She giggled.

"Yeah, that's what every other girl does," I replied.

"But like you said, I'm different," she winked at me finishing up the last of her fries. Indeed you are. Indeed you are. We left and went to the movie theater. We got our tickets and since we just ate, we only got some candy. Our theater wasn't that packed, but there were a couple other people in there. Laney raced to the top, so I followed her. She sat right in the middle and patted the seat next to her like a little kid would.

"Sit right by me Wesley," she chuckled in a high pitched voice.

"I wouldn't want to sit anywhere else," I rolled my eyes sitting next to her. We were waiting on our phones for the movie to start. When the lights got dark, Laney slowly slid her hand to my lap grabbing my hand. She interlocked our fingers and smiled over at me.

"I'm not scared," I mimicked in her ear.

"I'm not, you're just really cute," she whispered back leaving her hot breath linger on my ear. She left a tiny peck on my ear before pulling away. I shook my head chuckling quietly to myself. I focused on the movie and continued to hold her hand. Halfway during the movie Laney put the arm rest in between us up and snuggled into my chest. She kept hold of my hand still.

"Are you still awake?" I chuckled in her ear, making her jump.

"Yes, do you want me to get off?" She asked politely.

"No, you're okay," I smiled as she settled back into my chest. We continued to watch the movie, and it wasn't scary at all. It was finally over and everyone was leaving.

"You ready to go?" I sighed. She groaned pulling herself away from me.

"I guess," she huffed getting up. She yawned walking down the stairs of the theater and trailed behind me slowly. I waited up for her and slugged my arm around her shoulder pulling her along. We walked out to my car and I had to unwrap her from me and put her in the front seat.

"Can we just go to your house? I don't want to go home," Laney said quietly from beside me.

"Your parents won't mind?" I said making sure.

"I'll take the heat later, I just want to be with you tonight," she said still quietly, staring straight ahead.

"Is everything okay?" I asked grabbing her hand.

"Yeah," she said unsurely. I shrugged it off and pulled out of the parking lot, driving to my house. I pulled in the driveway and there were still lights on all over the house considering it was only 11. We walked in and my mom was sitting at the kitchen table. She looked up and smiled stressfully.

"Hi Laney, how are you sweetie? Wes still treating you good?" She asked as soon as she saw her. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello Laraine, I'm good. What about you? And of course, you raised a great son right here," she blushed smiling up at me.

"Good to hear! I'm good, just stressed with work and everything," my mom sighed rubbing her temples.

"Aw, if I can do anything to help let me know," Laney said grabbing my hand. She walked me to my room upstairs closing the door.

"Seriously, what's wrong Laney?" I asked when she turned around from closing the door.

"I'm sorry if I seem extra clingy tonight. I just have this bad feeling," she started, seeming unsure if she should finish.

"Don't worry about it Lay. What kind of bad feeling?" I asked concerned. I lay back on my bed after kicking my shoes off and Laney did the same laying on my stomach. I stroked her hair waiting for a response.

"Wesley, you wouldn't leave me right? Like what if you found someone better?" She asked out of no where.

"No, of course not Laney. I really like you, you're amazing," I answered.

"People have a tendency to leave my life a lot, and I feel deep down, you're going to leave. I don't know why I have this feeling, but it's bugging me. You know Matt? He was my best friend back when we lived in Ohio and Virginia. I trusted him with everything. That's when I fell for him. Then, he left, just like everyone else in my life has. I did some terrible things to myself when he left me," she said showing me her arms. There were scars of cuts up and down them.

"Laney," I gasped grabbing her arm. I kissed her scars and begged her never to do it again. She agreed and I was thinking of what Sammy told me. Does this mean she has opened up to me? After a couple months, she's finally opened up.

"It might be terrible for me to say that stuff, because I have a lot and so many people that love me, but I can't help it. I've been surrounded by so many people I love for so long, but I always feel so empty. When I'm with you, I just me," she smiled rubbing her thumb against the back of my hand.

"Laney, I will never leave you. I promise, I'm glad you can trust me, and I'm glad I make you happy," I smiled feeling accomplished.

"Can I borrow some clothes? I don't really feel like sleeping in skinny jeans," she chuckled.

"Yeah, you always make me get up in the most comfortable places," I complained.

"Keep complaining Stromberg," she mocked. I went to my dresser and grabbed her my smallest sweatpants and a tank. I chucked them at her and they hit her face.

"Wow thanks," she giggled. She got up and changed in my bathroom and came running back out. She jumped on me planting a kiss on my nose.

"What made you in such a perky mood?" I chuckled grasping her sides pinning her underneath me.

"You," she teased pulling me down for a kiss. It lasted longer than usual. I was really surprised when I felt her tongue brush against my bottom lip. I opened my mouth giving her access. Her tongue roamed my mouth while my hands roamed her body. I ran them up and down her sides trailing down her legs. She had her hands tangled in my hair. We were in a full make out session when she pulled away panting. We caught our breath and it was silent.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," Laney breathed out, breaking the silence.

"You have no idea," I chuckled heavily.

"I had to stop, or that would've led to some heated stuff," she giggled grabbing my hand placing it in her own.

"Have you ever- you know?" I asked unsure of how to ask.

"Had sex?" She laughed.

"Yeah, that," I confirmed.

"I- uh, no, is that bad?" She said kind've embarrassed.

"No, of course not."

"Have you?"

"More than once unfortunately," I answered not knowing what she'd think of me. I didn't want her to think I just wanted sex. After I said that she let go of my hand slowly and stayed silent.

"Laney, it meant nothing really," I started.

"No it's fine, I shouldn't be upset about it. I only just met you a few months ago. Plus, it's your life," she said calmly and quietly.

"Lane I don't want you to think I use girls just for sex. I'm not that guy anymore, I really really like you Laney, like a lot. If I would've known you my whole life, it's like, I would've been so complete," I explained. I saw the corner of her lips form into a slight smile.

"It really is fine Wes, it doesn't bother me. We weren't dating, so it shouldn't matter," she answered.

"Oh, and for the record, I really really like you too," she added winking up at me. She snuggled under my blanket into my chest and whispered a 'goodnight' before I felt her body relax on top of me and she started faintly breathing heavily. I reached over and turned my lamp off and wrapped my arms around Laney on my chest. I rested my head on my pillow and found myself lost in my thoughts when I drifted off to sleep.

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