Chapter 44 'Complications'

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Laney's POV

"Good morning Lane," I heard someone whisper while patting my leg. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and sleepily sat up. I saw it was Wes when I finally let my eyes adjust.

"Morning Wes, how is everything?"

"It's good. They're okay, but my dad had to go into surgery late last night. He'll be okay though. Anna wasn't hurt as bad, but she's got some bumps and bruises."

"Is Matt gone? Are they still at the hospital?"

"No, he's downstairs. I just got home, but Keaton's still there with them."

"Why did you come home? You don't have to worry about me."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything. Did you take your medicine?"

"Not yet, I might've forgot last night too," I admitted.

"Laney! This is why I worry about you babe," he sighed jokingly.

"I'm sorry. I had a lot on my mind last night and myself was the last thing I was going to think about."

"You need to start thinking about yourself more then. If you don't we could lose our baby."

"I love you Wes, and I made a mistake. I'm sorry, I'll be more careful. I'll go take it now," I assured him while getting up. He gripped my waist and helped me up like he did almost every morning. He kissed my head before letting me go downstairs. I was greeted by Matt in the kitchen who was eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning Lay. I didn't wanna wake you so I came down here," Matt explained. "But I have to get to work soon, so I'm gonna head out." He put his bowl in the sink and put his shoes on to leave.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it," Wesley said before he left.

"No problem. If you ever need me, I'm just a phone call away."

"Bye Matt, I'll talk to you some time," I smiled and waved goodbye as he drove away. Wesley brought me a glass of water and my medicine and made me take it. I gulped the big pull down and handed the glass back to him.

"Thanks," I mumbled. I flipped the TV on but there was really nothing exciting. I ended up watching some cooking challenge show.

"Hey babe, I made you some breakfast," Wesley said while bring a tray out to the living room. He sat it on the table he scooted in front of me.

"I'm not really that hungry," I groaned.

"Just eat, it's not good for you to skip any meals," he insisted. Since when does he know anything about a pregnant woman. I decided to eat just to satisfy him. He made eggs, of course, a piece of toast, a couple slices of bacon, and some hash browns. He even brought me out some orange juice.

"You know, you're the best Wesley," I smiled. He really is. He does so much for me, and he makes me feel so special. I don't know what I would be doing without him.

"You're the best," he winked.

"No I'm not. I know these last few months haven't been easy for you with me. I've been moody and grouchy. I don't know how you put up with it. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, and I need to realize I can't do everything by myself. So I want you to forget what I said yesterday about not helping me, because I really do need your help a lot."

"Oh Laney, there is nothing in the world you could do to make me not love you. And do you honestly think I was going to listen to you and stop helping you? I couldn't even if I tried."

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