Chapter 36 'Second First Date'

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Laney's POV

These past few weeks have been weird with having Ian around all the time. I love it, but it brings back so many memories. I feel protected and stuff, but I feel like we have a relationship that Drew and I had. Let me tell you, there was nothing romantic there. I don't want to hurt Ian, but I can't just keep pretending to like him. I'm trying so hard to get over Wesley that I don't want to quit trying though. I'm not giving up on being with Ian yet. I'd hate to see his heart break.

We've been studying so much for finals before we leave for Spring Break. I've got even more after, but I'll worry about those while I'm off.

He's taking me on our first date tonight. I don't know where, or what we're doing. Kate is trying to help me pick something to wear and get ready.

"What about this?"

"That looks slutty, I'm not wearing it," I scoffed.

"But it'd look hot on you," she smirked.

"This is only my second first date with a guy, I'd rather not have sex with him."

"You're not a virgin are you?!"

"No, my last boyfriend is the only one I', done it with."

"Wow, I'd expect more than that from you," she giggled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That you're hot and I can't believe more guys don't want to date you." She continued looking through my clothes but wasn't satisfied with what I had.

"We need to take you shopping, now," she insisted.

"I don't have the money right now Kate. I'm sorry," I sighed embarrassingly.

"Nonsense, I'll get you something super cute! I got extra tips this week at the restaurant."

"I couldn't accept that! You should use it for your books or something. I'm sure you've got debts like me."

"I do, but this is fun money. So let's go!" I agreed after awhile and she took me to one of her favorite stores. We looked around and I didn't like anything she picked out.

"This is ridiculous! You'd look so cute in all of these things I'm picking out and you won't even try them on," she huffed.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like tight fitting clothes. I'm not the skinniest little girl anymore," I sighed. It seems like ever since I stopped dating Wesley all of my confidence has disappeared. I don't know what happened.

"Laney! You have a rocking body! You have the perfect curves in the right places. Embrace them! Please try this dress on," she begged. It was black and had sleeves that went about halfway down. It had some rhinestones on the neck line too. I hesitantly took the dress and went to the dressing room. I pulled it on and it hugged my body tight. It was uncomfortable at first, but the more I looked at myself in the mirror I got kind've used to the feeling again. I wouldn't have a problem wearing something like this on a date with Wesley, but I just feel so insecure now. I walked out to show Kate.

"I kinda like it," I smiled.

"Kinda?! That looks so hot Lane! You're getting it!" I giggled at her response and changed back into my clothes. I went up and she paid for the dress. I feel bad for letting people pay for my stuff. I always feel like I owe them stuff after they pay. We went to get food when we were done.

"So, how was your date with Ash?"

"How'd you know?"

"He wanted me to help him find something to wear," I laughed.

Always Remember (Wesley Stromberg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora