The Girl Who Found The Darkne...


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Juliette Stevenson leads a normal life. Well, as normal a life you can get when your best friend was kidnappe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
SEQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?! PREQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


            Beep. Beep. Beep.

            My eyes fly open and I sit up quickly, gasping for breathe. I look around. Where am I? This is definitely not the hospital. I’m in a small yellow room with red curtains. I’m in the front of the room, while there are rows of chairs to my right. The whole place looks kind of cheesy. There’s a beeping noise through the doorway and the right that sounds somewhat like a microwave. I look down and see I’m wearing a black dress with red ribbons cascading down my legs. And I’m sitting in a…. Coffin? Wow. It concerns me how close it was between me coming back and them burying me.

            I slowly step out of the coffin, but something falls on the floor. I turn around and see a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper and a green bow.

            It must have fallen out of the coffin. I think. That does make sense. I did fall a few weeks before Christmas. I wonder where everyone is. I hope I’m not too late.

            “Juliette.” A familiar voice says. I turn around and see David looking like he just met a ghost. Which, he kind of did.

            “Close your mouth.” I say jokingly.

            “You’ll catch flies.” David runs over to me and envelopes me in a bone crushing hug.

            “You were dead.” David cries into my shoulder.

            “Your heart stopped beating. You stopped breathing. You were dead.”

            “I know.” I say.

            “I killed you Juliette. I just wasn’t thinking. I wanted to show you that you need me, that I can help you. But you fell too fast, I couldn’t catch you, I-“

            “Shhh, it’s okay.” I interject.

            “I’m here now, and that’s all that matters.”

            “I’m so so sorry Juliette.” David says sorrowfully.

            “It’s okay. Don’t be.” Then I do something I never thought I would do. I look straight into David’s eyes, and I kiss him.

            David immediately kisses back, closing the space between our bodies. I wrap my arms around his neck as our lips move softly and slowly against each other. We pull apart and I give David a smile, which he returns. All of a sudden, Chloe and Marsa appear in the doorway shocked.

            “Juliette!” They both say at the same time as they run towards me. I hug them as tight as humanly possible.

            “Juliette, I missed you.” Chloe says.

            “I missed you too, Chloe.” I answer, pulling out of the hug.

            “I missed all of you.” Which is true. I did miss David a little bit. I miss 14 year old David. He would have never beaten me, or killed me. I hope, when David dies, his soul turns into his 14 year old self.

            “What happened?” Marsa asks. My smiles fades away and I clear my throat.

            “I - uh – died. And then I talked to Alisa. And I came back.” Everyone was silent. You could hear a pin drop.

            “They let me come back because it wasn’t my time to die.”

            “Did you see, uh, Ethan?” Marsa asks. I shake my head.

            “I didn’t see anyone I recognized except Alisa, but I expect that Ethan is doing just fine up there.” Marsa looks somewhat disappointed.

            “Oh, okay.”

            “How about this for a Christmas miracle!” David exclaims happily.

            “It’s… It’s Christmas?” I ask. I make a tsk sound and shake my head.

            “You shouldn’t have a funeral on Christmas guys. It’s defeating the purpose.” I scold teasingly. There is an awkward silence.

            “So… Now what should we do?”

            “Let’s go back to the mansion.” David suggests.

            “Okay, sure.” I say.

            “The sooner we get out of this tacky room, the better.” We all laugh at that. It is a really tacky room. We leave the building which turns out to be an abandoned funeral home. Hm. Wonder how many people they dressed up as clowns before they went of business.

            We get into a black car, with David driving, me on the passenger seat, and Chloe and Marsa in the back. Upon request, we listen to My Chemical Romance for the ten minutes it takes to get back to the mansion. This time, though, we take an entrance on the side of the mountain that is actually a lot quicker than the front entrance. I’m starting to think David took us that way when we first got here just to annoy us.

            Anyways, for the rest of the day, we laugh and joke and have fun. We exchange gifts (Which David mainly provided) and had an awesome feast in the dining room. After dinner, we all watch ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’ in the movie room. David and I cuddle near the back while Marsa and Chloe sit a few rows ahead of us talking and eating popcorn.

            Its times like this that make me wish it could all be real. That David could be my actual boyfriend, not a delusional creep. Because, in all honesty, I did have feelings for David. I still do. But any chances of us being happy together ended on the night that David took Laura. I wish we could all just be friends, not a group of people put together because of a psycho. But unfortunately, that’s not how life works.

            After the movie’s over, Marsa and Chloe leave the movie room, while David and I stay a bit longer. Eventually, David wants to leave, and he makes the mistake of trying to get me up when I’m tired.

“Come on Juliette, we need to get to bed.” David whines, yawning loudly.

            “No, I’m too comfy.” I say, half asleep.



            “Pretty please?”


            “Pretty please with sprinkles on top?”

            “No.” David sighs.

            “Fine, we’ll just have to do this the hard way.” He says darkly.

            “David, what do you mea-“ I get cut off when David picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He walks out of the movie room and into the hallway like I’m a feather.

            “David, put me down!” I yell, making him chuckle.

            “Make me.” I smirk.

            “Fine, I will.”

            I pull up David’s shirt to expose his back. I start to trail little kisses down his back, and he shivers. As I’m kissing David, I start to slowly bring my hands down, resting them on his belt.

David can’t take it anymore. He rakes me off of his back and kisses me passionately. I giggle and pull away. I smirk at David triumphantly and turn around. Just as I start to walk down the hallway, David grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him.

“You aren’t getting away from me that easily, Love.” David says. He picks up my legs and dips me down to the ground, kissing me. Then he stands back up and carries me down the hallway bridal style. I bury my head in David’s chest, too tired to really care anymore.

David walks up the stairs and down the hallway to his room. David lays me on his bed and changes into a pair of shorts. Then he comes over and lays next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around my waist. David pulls me closer to him, so I can feel his chest on my back.

“David?” I ask nervously.

“Yeah?” He answers.

“What happened after I fell?”

“As you know, you were almost 20 feet high when you fell. You landed on your head really hard. We took you to a secret hospital for criminals if they or their, uh, ‘prisoner’ got hurt. You were in a coma for two weeks. Then you woke up briefly before we realized that a piece of broken glass from an ornament had pierced your stomach. The surgeons did the best they could, but your heart stopped mid-surgery and they couldn’t restart it. They pronounced you dead an hour later. But, you defied all odds, and came back, and I’m so glad you did.” David finishes.

“Wow.” I say.

“I’m sorry I made you go through that. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Done what?” David asks.

“Die and then come back to life? No, Juliette, you didn’t do anything wrong. You made the right decision by coming back. I know these past few months have been rough, but you’ve made it. You’re the girl who lived.” I sigh.

“I guess you’re right.” I say.

“Of course I’m right. Now get some sleep, you need it.” As I slowly drift off to sleep, I hear David whisper something in my ear.

“You’re the best Christmas present I could ever wish for. I love you.” I then fall asleep and dream about the life with David that can never happen.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I've been meaning to update but I've started high school and now I'm really really busy and ugh. Stoopid school. Hopefully I will be able to update more frequently now though. Again so sorry! Hope you enjoy this chapter! <3 Julie

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