Traitors! (RWBY x Betrayed Fe...

By Graf__Spee

67.2K 975 726

Y/n is a huntress in training. She was just as powerful as Pyrrha, except one thing stops her from hurting pe... More

Bio and Information
Other part of your harem
Chapter 1: Betrayed
Chapter 2: The New World
Chapter 3: New Land!
Harem PRT. 2
Chapter 5: Who Are These People?
Chapter 6: New Students?
Chapter 7: Menagerie
Chapter 8: Surprise~
Chapter 9: The Lesson

Chapter 4: Out Of Nowhere

5.7K 75 36
By Graf__Spee

3rd POV

A certain Siren watched as the team's of four began their walk towards Ozpin's office, 'So these are the girls Mistress talked about? They look so weak. Even the girls look a tiny bit stronger than the boys, how pathetic. Well, time to go let Mistress know of this!'

Just as Alpha flew off, Ruby had looked up to where she used to be but seen nothing, causing Yang to pat her back, "What's wrong Rubes?" Ruby shook her head, "I thought I seen something in the sky." Wiess scoffed, "It was just probably another one of those birds you dunce." Ruby nodded, "Yeah." The teams continued to walk to the CCT tower where Ozpin was. It took them a while to get there but they had made it.

The teams entered the elevator before ascending up. When they reached the top, the elevator doors opened up. Ozpin looked out the window before turning around and taking a sip from his mug, "Ah. I see you arrived." The teams approached Ozpins desk as he sat down. It was silent all exceot for the sound of the gears clicking above and below them. Then the elevator doors opened again. Out walked James Ironwood, Winter Schnee, Raven Branwen, and Summer Rose. Along with a few atlaseian knights. Raven glared at Ironwood.

Ozpin leaned forward towards the team's, "I'm guessing you all are wondering why you are here, correct?" They all nodded, except Ironwood and Winter, "Well, we recieved a distress signal from unclaimed territory. And it shocks us that it comes from a White Fang base. Qrow Branwen is currently scouting ahead to see what there is." He will be awaiting you all at the drop zone.".

He continued, "Your job is to investigate the bases and find out what attacked them. If this is a trap, I'm sure Qrow will let you all know of such. There are too many trees to actually locate a proper place to land near any base, so you will have to jump down from the bullhead. If you find any remaining White Fang. Help them, see if they can help us with answers. And I'm looking at you James." Ironwood rolled his eyes as he began to walk towards the elevator.

"You are dismissed."

With Observer Alpha...

Observer Alpha floated beside Y/n as they watched their city being built. It was being done fifty times the soeed thanks to the Siren technology. They just looked at the sight before the Siren broke the silence, "Mistress, the group of people you told us about will arrive shortly at base 3ba6." Y/n nodded as she walked off towards an armored vehicle that will take her towards the base. Observer watched as the vehicle pulled off. She sighed as she disappeared and went to watch the teams of four.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/n clashing with Ironwood!

With the team's...

The group of bullheads approach the DZ as they ready to jump. Atlas troops were already being dropped before the students. Raven and Summer looked at the group of students before Raven pulled the handle causing the back door to lower, "Let's get this over with." Raven said as she jumped out and took her bird form. Summer nidded before using her semblance and speeding down. The students followed behind.

As they breached through the clouds, they could see that the base was ablaze. Lit with fire. Places were blown up and dust crates thrown around as atlesian mechs were torn apart and littering the ground and few thrown into the sides of buildings. The teams landed in the middke if the base as a crow landed in front of them which then turned into Qrow Branwen.

He looked at Raven who glared at him before patting Summer and Ruby on the head, "James, I haven't seen anything around these areas. There looked to be treads from some type of vehichle but they disappeared when they went through a body of water. The mud covered it.". James nodded before looking around. He walked towards a mech that was stolen and inspected it. Some tyoe of blade had sliced through the mech. Like a sword, or katana. Everyone looked around until a soldier aimed his gun at a certain dual hair colored girl.

Ironwood unholstered his gun and ained it at her, "You." She waved with a smile, "You are associated with Roman Torchwick, are you not?" She nodded, "What are you doing here." She just looked around before looking back at him. Ironwood grew irritated due to the girl not talking.

Then, a bullhead fell from the sky and crashed into the woods. Ironwood pulled the trigger and shot Neo, only for her to shatter into glass. Bullheads were falling from the sky still as the sky filled with bright lights, Winter yelled, "Take cover!" They attempted to take cover as artillery rounds pummeled them, destroying buildings and their cover.

After a solid hour, the artillery stopped. The groups were out cold as vehicles pulled up. Soldiers rushed forth and trained their guns on the knocked out intruders. A certain tiger eared girl walked toawards the piled bodies.

Y/n's POV

I steoped out of the armored vehicle as it came to a stop. I grabbed pistol as I walked up to the soliders who surrounded the unconscious bodies. I knew this would get their attention, my gut never lies. I looked at the bodies to see Ironwood. I pointed at him, "Roman, Cinder. Take him." Cinder and Roman walked out of the shadows and looked at Ironwood before Cinder smirked. Spee walked up beside me and looked at me, "Commander, the Sirens can take fragments of the atlesian tech and perform research on it so we can make copies of there technology.".

I nodded at my secretary and patted her on the head before kissing her cheek, "Tell the Empress to come collect the fragments. Get vehichles here so we can load them up and tale them with us." She smiled and nodded, "Yes commander." She ran off to talk to the Empress. I watched as Ironwood got dragged off. I looked a the other bodies and seen Sun, Neptune and his other teammates so I pointed to them which the soldiers took. I noticed a white haired girl in Atlas clothing.

I walked towards her. She looked like an older Schnee. As I turned the girl over into her back, I seen it was Winter. Apparently me turning her over woke her. Her eyes fluttered open as I stated down at her. Her icy blue eyes stared up at me. I smiled, "Morning sleeping beauty."

Winter's POV

My head hurts like hell. It feels like I was hit with a dust crate. My eyes fluttered open as I seen a girl leaning over me. She had golden eyes and tan skin. She had white hair and...faunus ears?! I looked at her before she smiled and said,"Morning sleeping beauty." I blushed at her warm breath against my face. But, now that I look closer, she seems familiar. She kinda looks like Y/n. But Y/n died months ago.

I opened my mouth to speak but to no avail. I touched my throat as the girl stood up. She wore a strange looking uniform.

(What you are wearing except it says L/n)

The ranking on her uniform was that of a commanders. The tag on it said, 'L/n'. My eyes widened, it's actually Y/n! I went to stand up only to feel a gun barrel press up against my head. I adjusted my head to look behind me. It was an atlesian soldier?! What the hell is this?!

I slowly raised my hands before noticing the other groups were knocked out. I watched as Y/n walked over to Ruby Rose. She kneeled beside her unconscious body before taking out a card from her unform and slipping it inside Ruby's shirt. She patted the silver eyed girls chest before standing back up. She looked at me before smirking, "Its nice seeing you again Winter. But it seems we're on different sides now. You can join me if you want, but it comes with a price. I'll leave you a card when you decide.".

Y/n came over to me before handing me the card and pecking me on the lips. I blushed and went wide eyed as she just winked and walked off, "Let's go!" She did a gesture with her hand before the soldiers walked towards their vehichles. I sat there, touching my lips thinking of what just happened. I looked around in search of Ironwood. He was gone, along with a team. Team SSSN. I stood up before looking around. Buildings were obliterated and turned into ash and dust. The mechs that were once there were gone. I began to walk around.

I looked at a small building that was barely standing. I walked in and couldn't see anything. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my scroll. I turned on the light as I began to search around. I came to a door that was jammed. I kicked at it a few times before it fell. I coughed as dust kicked up. I shined my light around and layed eyes on a desk. On it was a button, flashlight, keys, and a gun.

I grabbed the flashlight as my scroll died. I moaned in annoyace as I turned the flashlight on and put away my scroll. I looked at the button that had switches and pressed it. I jumped as the floor broke apart. I looked down and seen nothing but darkness. I flipped a few switches as I heard something that sounded like a conveyer. I oressed another switch as a vehicle rose up on a platform.

It had no emblem on it. I looked around for a light. I seen a switch on the wall and flipped it as a light came on. I turned off the flashlight before walking around the large vehichle. I looked at the back to see a hatch. I went to touch it but a pad like thing lit up with a blue light and a click was heard. I tugged at the handle casuing the hatch to open. I climbed in and went to the driver seat.

I sat down and looked at the dashboard of it. It had holographic panels on it. I seen a ignition piece and pulled out the key. It was like a card so I slid it in as the engine roared to life. I seen a symbol that looked like a headlight so I pressed it. As the headlights came on, the garage door opened. I drove the truck out to see the teams were awake and looking around.

To be continued...

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