Ellie's story ... A One Direc...

By hyucksrainbowz

22.4K 401 76

Ellie has been abused and used for her whole life. She never had the chance to have a normal childhood. That... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen

chapter fourteen

762 17 5
By hyucksrainbowz


       Ever since Ellie had woken up from her nap all hell had broken loose. She was crabby and refused to wear her glasses. She got fed up with her cast and started hitting it against the floor. Once we finally got her to stop hitting the floor she still wouldn't put her glasses on.


      Ok so yes I am aware that I was being difficult, but it wasn't like I could stop it. I was tired. This cast was itchy and I wanted my hand to be free.

     "Get it off of me!" I sobbed as I hit my cast on the ground.

       Somebody wrapped their arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I struggled and kicked against their grasp, but I doubted it did anything. I was too little and whoever was holding me was stronger. Eventually, I tired myself out and went limp in the mystery persons arms. I was spun around and came face to face with Zayn.

      "Better now?" He whispered into my ear.

       I slowly nodded and laid my head onto his chest as i slipped into a dream.


      "What was that all about?" Louis asked.

      To be quite honest i had no clue what was wrong with Ellie. She had never acted like that before.

     "I think she was just tired and overstressed" Harry sighed. "She was shaking a lot as we walked into the eye doctor."

      I shrugged, "hopefully she can sleep it off."

       It was almost time for us to go on stage. We all kissed Ellie goodnight as we left to go perform.

~skip concert~

       As we walked backstage to head to the hotel Ellie was still sound asleep on the couch.

      I carefully picked her up and she didn't even stir. She was sucking her thumb as soft snores escaped her mouth. We finally got to the hotel as I laid Ellie down to sleep. She was sleeping with me tonight and I realized that we didn't have her pajamas. I shrugged, her sweater seemed pretty comfy.


    I rubbed my eyes open slowly. When I finally opened them I was in the dark and I had no clue where I was. It was pitch black. I felt around but all I could feel were blankets. What if the boys left me because I misbehaved I thought. This brought tears to my eyes as I began to cry.

       I heard shuffling somewhere to my right as I saw the outline of a figure appear. Not knowing who it was I began to struggle away from the mystery person. They wrapped their arms around me and pulled me to their chest. I continued to struggle until I heard Liam's voice in my ear. I looked up and touched his face as he released me from his arms.

      Suddenly, the light switched on and I could see that we were in a hotel room.

      Liam looked down at a wet spot on the bed as he said "looks like you had a little accident".

       "Sorry" I mumbled as I hung my head low.

     "It's ok princess, can I tell you a secret" Liam asked me as he lifted my chin up.

      I slowly nodded my head, "Harry has accidents sometimes too."

     I tried to hide me giggles as Liam told me this new fact.

      "But Harry is a big year old" I tried to tell him.

      "I know." Liam shrugged as he chuckled with me.

       "But let's get you cleaned up ok?" He asked.

       I nodded as Liam lifted me off the bed and carried me to the bathroom where he took off my sweater and leggings. He started to run a bath as he ran to get me another pull up and something to wear. He returned with Harry's sweatshirt and a new pull up.

        Then, he set me into the bath water. We had been playing for a while when Liam said that we had to get ready to leave. I sighed and nodded my head as he took me out of the bath. He put my pull-up on and then slid Harry's sweatshirt over my head. When we walked out of the bathroom the rest of the boys were sitting around the lounge area.

      I ran over and jumped onto Louis's lap.

      "Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered into his ear.

     He nodded eagerly as I whispered "Harry has accidents".

    Louis laughed as I told him not to tell Harry that we know because he would be embarrassed.

I went around and told Niall and zayn the same thing. When I didn't tell Harry he ran after me to tickle me. Sadly he was faster and his legs were longer. He tickled me till I was gasping for air and then he finally released me.

"Ok Ellie we have to go now put your glasses on" Niall said to me.

I stuck my bottom lip out. I really didn't want to wear my glasses. Nobody else wore them.


Oh no here we go again. I braved myself for Ellie to begin crying, but she just looked up at us with big puppy dog eyes.

"But nobody else has glasses" Ellie tried to argue.

Based on that statement I got an idea. I quickly ran to my room and found my sunglasses. I popped out the lenses and put them on my face. They would have to do for now. I returned to the living area where Ellie was still trying to win the boys over with her puppy dog face.

"Look Ellie, I have glasses too!" I exclaimed.

"Really Ni-Ni!" Her jaw dropped.

I nodded my head as I watched Ellie reach for her glasses from Liam. She slid them on her face as she blinked her eyes a few times to adjust to the lenses. This was the first time I had seen her with them on and she looked adorable. They were a little big on her face and kept sliding down her nose.

      "Ready to go everyone?" Paul popped his head into the room.

    We all nodded and gathered our belongings. Ellie climbed into my arms. She wasn't exactly dressed, but Harry's sweatshirt would do for the bus. We walked out the back entrance of the hotel and boarded the bus. Today we were going to have some film crews follow us around to make a video for the fans. They have been requesting to see our daily routines and so today was the day we chose. I just really hope Ellie listens to us.

      It was a short bus ride to the venue, but Ellie and Liam had fallen asleep. They must have been up early or something. Liam was laying on the couch with Ellie wrapped in his arms. Harry carefully lifted Ellie out of Liam's arms and she snuggled into his shoulder. Liam, on the other hand, would not be so lucky. I watched as Louis filled a large cup with cold water. He counted the three and before you could say I love Ireland, Liam was soaked. His eyes shot open as he saw Louis.

"Louis!!" He yelled. Louis sprinted out the door and into the venue as he waved at the fans. All the commotion had woken Ellie up and she was squirming to get out of Harry's grasp. Harry released her and she ran after Louis and Liam. Harry, Zayn, and I followed them into the venue. It was kind of weird having cameras follow us around, but I guess we would get used to it.


I had already asked and Lux wasn't going to be here today. There were also these weird men following us around with cameras. Liam had told me to ignore them and just carry on with my day, so that's what I'm trying to do. I was chasing Louis around on his skateboard until I eventually got tired. I sat on the ground until Louis walked over to me, skateboard in hand.

"Do you want to try Ellie?" I nodded eagerly. I sat down on the board and moved myself with my hands until Louis asked if I wanted to try standing. My eyes grew wide at the thought of it. I'm not exactly the most coordinated kid on earth, for Pete's sake I have he cast to prove it. Despite my doubts I nodded my head slowly.

Louis held my hands as I climbed onto the board. He slowly started to walk, dragging me with him. I fell a couple times, but eventually I got the hang of it. Sadly, the fun was short lived because the boys had to do soundcheck. I watched as they sang into the microphones and waited patiently for them to be done so I could play. Eventually they finished and Niall asked if we wanted to play football. I nodded eagerly.

"Let's get some real clothes on first, ok?" Liam asked. I looked down to realize that i still had Harry's sweatshirt on. Liam held his hand out and I grasped it, following him wherever my clothes were stored. Turns out we had to go to the tour bus. Liam dressed me into a pair of leggings, some type of jersey, and my white converse.

"We will let lou handle your hair ok?" I nodded and followed Liam back inside towards lou. She had me sit in the special chair as she pulled my hair back into two buns. I think she called them space buns. After she finished my hair I ran back to the boys who had a football out. Louis passed me the ball, but when I went to kick it I missed and fell on my butt. All the boys laughed at me as I pouted and let out a yawn.

"Uh-oh someone's tired" Harry chuckled. There was no use in fighting it, I was tired. I allowed Harry to pick me up and carry me backstage to a couch. When we got there I giggled as I saw zayn asleep on the floor.

"Can I sleep with zaynie?" I begged.

"I don't see why not" Harry shrugged. He let me down as I curled up next to zayn, drifting off into a sleep.


I was excited. Tomorrow morning my sister, Lottie, would be joining us on tour to help out Lou. I had gotten her the job because I thought it would be good for her. I still had yet to tell Ellie, but I think she will do okay with it. I hope that she likes Lottie. She hasn't met any of our family members yet, so Lottie would be the first one.

"Whatcha thinking about" Liam asked me as he plopped down onto the couch.

"What if Ellie doesn't like Lottie mate?"

"I'm sure she will. She gets along with everyone. Plus Lux and Lottie get along and Ellie follows almost everything Lux does." Liam stated, trying to diminish my worries. I nodded, he wasn't wrong.

Zayn eventually woke up, bringing Ellie with him. It was getting to be time to get ready to on stage and Ellie was content, sitting on the couch playing on Harry's phone.

"Bye-bye Ellie Bear" I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Bye-bye Louis"

We left Ellie and ran on stage to hear the screaming of the fans.


Harry had left me his phone to play with. I found the camera and decided to take videos. I ran around talking and showing the camera where everything was, just like I had seen Harry doing with the cameras earlier. After I showed them everything I ran back to the room i was playing in and grabbed my dolls. I propped the phone up against a chair and started to play with my dolls. After a while I forgot the camera was even on me. I yawned really big and knew it was time for bed.

"Bye-bye camera" I stated as I laid down on the couch dozing into a sleep.


I ran off the stage with a huge adrenaline rush. I found Ellie laying on the couch hugging the blanket tight to her small body. My phone was propped on a chair leg facing a sleeping Ellie. I was surprised to see it recording and when i stopped the video it was over an hour long. I would have to watch this tonight and show the lads.

After seeing the video I slipped my phone into my back pocket and picked Ellie up carefully. She barely stirred before laying back in my arms. Tonight we were on the bus and didn't get to stay in a hotel. We quickly boarded the tour bus and I laid Ellie in my bunk.

"Boys, tomorrow you have tons of interviews before the show and Ellie has something special for herself as well." Paul informed us.

"Wait a minute what does Ellie have?" Niall questioned.

"It's a surprise for you lads" Paul winked at us.

"Who's going to take her then, we never had her go anywhere by herself." I asked Paul.

"Well, I suppose Lottie could do it" Louis spoke up, "as long as you lads are ok with it."

We all nodded our head in agreement, plus if Lottie took her that might decrease the fan presence. We hung out in the living area for a while, before we all decided that it was time to go to sleep. I checked on Ellie to make sure she was still sleeping soundly before crawling into my bunk.

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