Weirdness, Randomness and Yao...

By MidnightThorn

3K 38 16

Hey, Hi, Hello, I'm Niko and this is my 1st story on Wattpad! I wont be updating much (Or I might who knows!)... More

Chapter 1: A new Transfer student? A new melody arises!
A night out with Tsurugi and Tenma!
Truth or Dare with the crew!
Ranmasa in the guest room!
When its past 1am but you dont wanna sleep
'Kirino~Senpai.... I'm sorry..'
Chapter 3: taking care of Tenma
Chapter 4: Misunderstood
Chapter 5: Every puzzle has an answer
A familiar face
Chapter 6 (I think): the winter festival.
The Girly Boys :3
An art trade
Ok so...
Random Facts about the author!
So, totally out of context roleplay thing from Amino.
Last one for a while I swear! >~<
Chapter 7: Forest Field trip!
Thank you for 1K Reads!!!!
Chapter 8: It seems we meet again.
A Much needed Authors Note.
The Bread Bank.

Chapter 2: Tenma is a sick kiddo ;w;

192 2 0
By MidnightThorn

Niko: OK! I'm finally gonna continue from CHAPTER 1 :>>

Tenma: Took you long enough...

Niko: Well sorry! I guess I got distracted

Tenma: By what?

Shindou: Look at the chapter that's after Ranmasa in the guest room.

Niko: -w-

Sangoku: Oi! We're gonna start training soon!

Shindou: Right!

Tenma: Hai!

Niko: ok???

Tenma: What is it?

Niko: Nah, it's nothin. ON WITH THE STORY!!

Tenma's POV

"Tsurugi?" I asked. "Why are we here?"... He didn't respond. I looked at him worridly. Had I done something wrong? I decided not to ask questions. "A-A-ACHOO!" I sneezed. Tsurugi immediately turned around. "Are you sure you're ok?" He asked. "F-Fine..." I replied. I'd rather not make him worried... He looked at me in the eye, causing me to flinch a bit. "W-We should get to practise.." I told him. "Right." He said. As we walked I could feel my face heat up... my eyelids were getting heavy and my nose and stomach started paining me. Did I really have a cold? I looked at the ground and felt myself falling asleep, though I managed to keep myself awake til' we got to the field. "Tenma, Tsurugi! there you are!" Shinsuke called. "S-Sorry..." I apologised tiredly. "You ok Tenma? You sound super sick.." Hikaru said. "W-What? I-I'm fine Hikaru" I told him. Tsurugi then walked up to me and grabbed my arm and started dragging me. "H-Hey! T-Tsurugi!!" I shouted. He pulled me into an empty classroom and shut the door. "So you ARE sick..." He said. I looked at him in worry that he thought I lied to him. I just didn't want him to worry. My vision started becoming hazy and blurry and I could feel myself passing out. and then....

Tsurugi's POV

"Matsukaze!?" I called. "Matsukaze are you ok!?" I put my hand on his forehead and he was burning. He had a fever. How long did he think he could hide this?? I'm such an idiot for not realising it sooner. I picked up the small brunette and carried him to the infirmary.




Several Hours Later(Still Tsurugi's POV)

The nurse told me take care of Tenma, as he hasn't woken up yet, so.. I brought him back to my house. I put him on my bed and went to get some food. I hope he's ok... 'That uniform doesn't look very comfortable...' I thought. I was thinking about changing him myself but I didn't because that'd be weird. Though he did look quite uncomfortable. Then the door opened. "Kyousuke? Are you home?" "Niisan!" I said. "What are you doing here?" "Fuyuka~Chan said I could come see you." He replied. "Isn't that Tenma~Kun?" He asked. "Yup... He's sick and he has a really high temperature.." I told him. "Ah, ok." Niisan nodded. Tenma then started tossing and turning, He clearly wasn't comfortable... "I doubt that uniform feels very comfy.." niisan said. "yup... but it'd be too weird to change him.." I mumbled. "He's unconscious Kyousuke. I doubt he'd notice" Niisan explained. DID HE WANT ME TO!? "W-What, are you saying I should change him?" I asked, sounding a bit embarrassed. "Yup." Niisan winked. 'Dammit niisan..' I sighed a bit and nodded as I went to get some spare clothes.


"Done." I said. Tenma was now wearing a hoodie (though it was way too big for him) and a T-shirt. (Niko: What about pants? Tsurugi: I DIDN'T GO NEAR THERE!) He definitely looked a lot more comfortable, and he stopped tossing and turning so much. "I should go." Niisan whispered. "Right. Goodnight" I waved goodbye to niisan and went back to Tenma. I started rubbing his head til I heard a sound. "Nng.." Tenma moaned. "You're awake!" I said softly as to not hurt his head. "Y-Yeah... where am I?" The brunette asked, "my house." I replied. He looked around and then looked at himself, and his face immediately went red. "This isn't my soccer uniform.." He mumbled. My face went red and I looked away. "Tsurugi, did you..?" He started. I nodded my head in embarrassment. His face was red, but there was also a small smile as he lay back down and fell asleep again. I gave him a small kiss on the head and fell asleep too.

Niko: ...

Tsurugi & Tenma: ?

Niko: Nothin.

Sangoku: OI! TRAINING!


Tsurugi: Right!

Niko: *Yawns*

Tenma: Niko are ya coming?

Niko: ....I wasn't told to.

Shindou: Do you wanna train with us?

Niko: ....A bit...

Shindou: Then come on.

Niko: Can I?

Tenma: Of course! you're part of Raimon too!

Niko: Heh.. Thanks guys.


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