Meta Runner: Always Fighting...

By InfiniteLeJackal

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Ever wondered what happened to the clones of Infinite and Crystal after Blizzard kicked them into that portal... More

Epilogue: A New Universe
Chapter One: Escaping Tas Corp
Chapter Two: The Ultimate Gamer
Chapter Three: Into The Gameverse
Chapter Four: The Evil Clone
Chapter Five: Tas Corp's Fatal Mistake
Chapter Six: Clauds In Trouble
Chapter Seven: Tari's Potential
Chapter Eight: Game Battle
Chapter Nine: A Dark Secret
Chapter Ten: The Assassin (Mini Chapter)
Chapter Eleven: Training
Chapter Twelve: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Thirteen: Game On
Chapter Fourteen: Mountain Brawl
Chapter Fifteen: Game Over
Chapter Sixteen: Loss
Chapter Seventeen: Breaking In
Final Chapter: Meme Stone Battle

Chapter Eighteen: Demolition

93 2 2
By InfiniteLeJackal

Infinite: How are the explosives going, Hurk?

Hurk: I say about thirty percent is done! It will take a while, though!

Crystal: Uh oh, they're busting in!

Lamar grabbed a crowbar and prepared to fight.

Masa: Get ready, everyone.

Belle: *Nods*

The Future-O-Gaming guards broke the gate down and started to rush into the room, the Meta Runners jumped out of their hiding spots and ambushed the guards.

F-O-G Guard 1: OH, WHAT THE FU- OOF!

Lamar hit one of the guards on the head with his crowbar and punched another in the face with his Meta Runner arm.

F-O-G Guard 2/3: UGH!

Masa fired at the guard's legs and arms to disable them, Infinite and Crystal ran out the door and pushed a few guards into the wall.

Infinite stabbed the guards and pinned them against the wall as more of them continued to show up.

Lamar: Damn, there's a lot of them!

Infinite: Hmm...

F-O-G Guard 4: Eat this!

The guards threw smoke grenades and tear gas which started to fill the air.

Hurk: Crap, tear gas and smoke!

Masa and Lamar quickly grabbed a table as Infinite and Crystal ran back into the room, the Meta Runners blocked the door with everything in the room and sighed.

Infinite: They're only gonna break in.

Crystal: Yeah...

Masa: Hmm... What are we going to do?

Hurk: Damn, there's so many supercomputers in here! 

Infinite: Crystal, go help Hurk plant the bombs. I'll go deal with the guards.

Crystal: Huh?!

Son: By yourself?!

Clauds: Are you crazy?!

Infinite: Maybe. Don't worry, I am the clone of the Hero of the Multiverse, after all. 

Masa: Fine, then... Good luck, Infinite.

Infinite: *Arnold Schwarzenegger voice* I'll be back.

Infinite crawled through a vent and dropped through the ceiling.

F-O-G Guard 5: Dafuq-

Infinite snapped the guard's neck and grabbed his shotgun.

Infinite: Hmm... This will come in handy.

F-O-G Guard 6: What? Hey, Infinite is-

Infinite shot the guard in the face and continued to move forward and saw the other guards trying to bust the defenses down.

F-O-G Guard 7: We're gonna get in there, and Lari will enjoy killing all of you!

Infinite: I don't think so.

F-O-G Guard 8: Huh? OH, SHIT! Open fire!

The guards stopped busting the barricade down and fired their guns at Infinite, who easily started to deflect the bullets with his Meta Runner arm.

F-O-G Guard 8: Where's the rocket launcher?!

Infinite: Oh, I snatched it earlier. Want it back?

Infinite pointed the rocket launcher at the guards and fired it.

F-O-G Guards: WHAT THE FU-

The rocket exploded and so did the guards, spraying guts and blood everywhere.

Lamar: DAMN!

Infinite: Oh, I'm sorry. If you didn't want me to kill ya, you should of said something!

The Meta Runners laughed as Lari watched from a security camera.

Lari: NO! 

Infinite: How are the bombs going?

Hurk: We just planted the last one! 

Crystal: Go on, Hurk!

Hurk pressed a button and a five minute countdown began, Masa busted the barricade down as everyone ran out of the room.

Infinite: Nice work, guys!

Crystal: Infinite...! You're hurt!

Infinite looked at his chest to see a few bullet wounds.

Infinite: Oof...

Masa: Are you okay?!

Lamar: Jesus...!

Son: Oh...

Infinite: I'll be fine, guys. It only feels like a tiny prick.

Crystal: Okay...

Lari: No...! Shit! SHIT! I've got to disable those bombs!

Lari jumped from her chair and ran out of her office. 

Sofia: Uh oh, guys! Lari is approaching the supercomputer room!

Infinite: *Jontron voice* What?!

Masa: We'll take her down-

Infinite: No, leave this to me! 

Lamar: A-are you sure?!

Infinite: She has godlike strength due to the Troll Stone in her Meta Runner arm, she'll just wipe the floor with you guys. Crystal, stay with them and help defeat any other guards.

Crystal: *Nods*

Crystal and the others ran off as Lari appeared at the other end of the hallway.

Lari: We meet again.

Infinite: Indeed we do, faker.

Lari: I don't think you can call me the fake anymore. Tari is gone, Infinite.

Infinite: Even if she is gone, she is the true Tari, Lari. You're just a clone, like me.

Lari: ...

Infinite: We're nothing but replicas of our former selves, and today is the day you die.

Lari: We'll see about that.

Infinite and Lari ran at each other and began to fight.

Lari: Your skills are impressive, even for a clone!

Infinite's Meta Runner arm turned into a sword as he swung at Lari, she dodged all of the attacks and kicked the sword into the wall.

Infinite: Shit, it's stuck!

Lari whacked Infinite across the face multiple times and kicked him in the pingas.

Infinite: *Head shrinks* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...! My nuts...!

Lari grabbed Infinite and threw him through the window.

Lari: Now, for the bombs.

Lari walked into the supercomputer room and went to grab one of the bombs when Hurk shot her from behind.

Hurk: Not so fast!

Lari: ...

Lari snatched Hurk's gun from him and shot him in the leg.


Infinite got up and kicked Lari into a wall.

Lari: OOF!

Lari charged up energy in her Meta Runner arm and punched Infinite in the face, sending him flying through multiple walls.

Infinite: GAH!!!

Infinite went through another wall and landed on Lamar.

Lamar: AH!

Masa: Infinite!

Infinite: Sorry, Lamar!

Lari entered the room and picked Infinite up and threw him into the wall.

Infinite: OOF!

Lamar: Grrr...! Lari, we're gonna kick your ass!

Lari: Oh, I would LOVE to see you weaklings try.

Belle: Damn it... No, leave it to Infinite for now! 

Hurk: Guys, we have one minute until the bombs go off!

Lari: HUH?! NO!

Infinite: Guys, get out of here! I've got this!

Lamar: But you'll get caught in the explosion!

Crystal: Honey-

Infinite: GO!

The Meta Runners nodded and dashed out of the Future-O-Gaming building, Lari made a run for it but Infinite stopped her.

Infinite: Oh, no you don't!

Lari: Out of my way! That AI must spread!

Infinite: No, it doesn't!

Infinite grabbed Lari and threw her into the supercomputer room.

Lari: Oof!

Infinite's Meta Runner arm turned into a sword again as he stabbed her against the ground.

Lari: ARGH!!!

Infinite: ...Looks like there's only one thing to do.

Infinite grabbed his shoulder and ripped his Meta Runner arm off, leaving Lari pinned against the ground.

Lari: NO!!!

Infinite: Have fun burning to death.

Infinite ran out of the supercomputer room as the bombs went off, destroying all of the electronics inside, the rest of the building started to explode as well sending Infinite flying out the front door.

Infinite: WHOA!!!

Infinite hit his head on the ground and passed out.

(Yes! We did it! But something tells me Lari isn't done yet...)

Anyways, lata!)

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