Chapter Ten: The Assassin (Mini Chapter)

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A few hours later, Lamar sat down and started to play some games, when Masa walked into the room looking worried.

Lamar: Masa? Is something wrong, homie?

Masa: Sofia... She's disappeared.

Lamar: WHAT?

Tari and Theo ran into the room.

Tari: We can't find her anywhere!

Theo: I bet Tas Corp has something to do with this!

Masa: Hey, Infinite and Crystal!

Infinite and Crystal walked into the room.

Infinite: Yes?

Masa: We have a problem. Sofia has disappeared, and we can't start our plan without her!

Crystal: Ah, shit! That's not good...

Lamar: I would say we head back to Tas Corp, but we gotta focus on the current situation!

Infinite: Okay, everyone stay here. Me and Crystal will head out and see if we can find Sofia.

Masa: Got it. Stay safe, you two.

Infinite and Crystal nodded, as the couple ran out of the building and started to search for Sofia. Meanwhile with Tas Corp's assassin, he carried Sofia away as she screamed and hit his shoulder rapidly.

Hurk: Lux, I got one of them!

Lux tapped his earpiece and responded to the call.

Lux: You did?! Which one?

Hurk: This blond haired chick!

Lux: Sofia? Bring her to Tas Corp! She will be useful to us.

Hurk: Roger that! Hurk out!

Lux tapped his earpiece again and looked over at Belle.

Lux: Belle, is something wrong?

Belle: I just miss Lucinia... She's either dead or missing...

Lux: I'm so sorry for what happened that day... But there will be time to mourn later, Belle. Our assassin has captured Sofia and is bringing her here.

Belle: That's good, I guess...

Lux: That assassin should not fail. He is highly skilled in martial arts, and is a demolition expert.

Belle: Mmhmm...

Belle continued to play her game, training for the upcoming tournament. Lux walked off and smiled.

Lux: The Meta Runners will all be mine soon... And Lari? You're going to pay.

Back with Hurk, he dragged Sofia into a car and tied her hands up.

Sofia: OI!

Hurk: Sorry, lady. Lux's orders!

Hurk closed the door and got into the car, as the windshield suddenly got hit by a thrown garbage can.

Hurk: WHAT THE HELL?! NOT MY RIDE! Who did that?!

Infinite and Crystal ran towards the car while yelling.

Hurk: OH, SHIT!

Hurk drove backwards and began to rev his car up.

Infinite: Okay, puncture his tires!

Crystal: Got it!

Hurk: Come get it!

Hurk drove towards the couple, as Crystal jumped into the air and fired electricity out of her Meta Runner arm puncturing one of Hurk's tires.

Hurk: CRAP! Grrr!

Infinite: Just give Sofia up, and we'll let you off!

Hurk: No!

Hurk rammed Infinite with his car, launching the jackal into a billboard.

Infinite: OOF!!!

Crystal: Honey!

Hurk revved his car up again and smiled evilly.

Hurk: Time to make roadkill!

Infinite smiled and jumped into the air.

Infinite: Omae wa mou shindeiru.

Hurk: NANI?

Infinite's Meta Runner arm turned into a sword, as he stabbed the car engine with it.


The car exploded, sending Hurk and Sofia flying.


Crystal walled jumped a few times and caught Sofia in the air.

Sofia: Oh, thanks Crystal!

Crystal: You're welcome!

Crystal landed perfectly, as Sofia hopped off her arms.

Hurk: Ugh... Damn it... I'm not done yet!

Hurk grabbed his rocket launcher and fired, as Infinite made a molotov and threw it, which smashed on the ground in front of Hurk. The rocket Hurk fired suddenly turned around and went towards the assassin.

Infinite: You used a heat seeking missile, idiot!


The rocket exploded, as Hurk dropped his rocket launcher and fell to the ground frozen like a statue.

Sofia: Is... He dead?

Infinite felt for a pulse and felt a small one.

Infinite: Yep.

Crystal grabbed Hurk and dropped him into a nearby dumpster.

Crystal: Our mess is cleared up.

Infinite: *Chuckle* You alright, Sofia?

Sofia: Yep! He didn't hurt me at all, but he was gonna transport me to Tas Corp.

Infinite: Oof. Let's head back home. This plan isn't gonna do it itself!

Sofia nodded, as the three walked back towards their house. Hurk got up a few minutes later and held his head.

Hurk: Damn... Smart bastard... I'm gonna have to heal my wounds... Lux won't be happy about this.

(So sorry for not updating this for almost a month! I wanted to wait until Meta Runner returned from it's break, but I got busy with other things. Oops!)

(Also, I KNOW Lux's real name is actually 'Lucks', but I prefer to call him Lux because that sounds cooler.)

(The recent episodes were great! Oh, and Meta Runner even has it's own Wikipedia page! That's unexpected!)

Anyways, lata!

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