Chapter Thirteen: Game On

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After more hours of intense training for the tournament, the time finally arrived. Infinite, Crystal, Tari, Lamar and Masa walked into Tas Corp with looks of determination. 

Infinite: Let's fuckin' do this.

Masa: I'm proud to lead all of you into this tournament. Once we get into the game, stick together and do not wander off.

Tari: G-got it!

Lamar: Right!

Crystal: Okay!

The Meta Runners walked into their roomand looked at their entry passes. Lamar opened a bag as Theo jumped out of it and took a deep breath.

Theo: *Cough* Agh! That was REALLY uncomfortable. Why do you have so many cars, Lamar?

Lamar: You never know when a fool might want to duel you!

Infinite: *Chuckle* I might.

Lamar: Hmm... If we win this tournament, then challenge accepted.

Tari: *Walks up to the window* That's... A lot of people down there...

Crystal: Oof... You're right...

Announcer: Tonight, one-hundred players one to four will face off for the chance to win that exclusive player contract with Raptor Gaming!! A lucrative AMD computer sponsorship!  And a position in Silica City's Challenges League! 

Infinite: Oooooh, sounds good.

Crystal: Yeah.

Tari: It... Wouldn't be too late to back out now... Would it?

Infinite: Aw, come on Tari! 

Masa: This is the only private tournament that's still connected to Tas Corp's servers.

Lamar: Yep, and Sofia's had to use every resource we had to sneak us in here. As much as I hate to admit it... This thing is happening.

Infinite, Crystal and Tari took their seats and looked at their entry passes.

Announcer: Alright, all competitors are loaded and we are ready to go! Count it down with me folks! 

Masa: Stick to the plan! Top of the mountain, no distractions.

Lamar: See ya'll on the other side!

Theo: Yahoo! Let's go!

Infinite: Ready, sweetie?

Crystal: As ready as I'll ever be.

Tari closed her eyes, gasped and warped into the game but instead found herself in a completely pitch black void. In front of her was Lucinia not facing Tari.

Tari: Hello?

Lucinia: ...

Tari: Do I know you...?

Tari reached out for Lucina, but suddenly she fell deep into the abyss. Everything went white as she woke up and coughed. People around her were fighting to the death.

Lamar: Damn... We would not have gotten a worse spot!

Theo: Hey, guys! Tari's up!

Masa: About time.

Tari: Oh, wait, what happened?

Lamar: You've been knocked out since the game loaded. We had to hold up here just to keep you safe.

Tari: Hang on, where are Infinite and Crystal?!

Masa: They for some reason spawned a bit further away from here! But by the looks of it, they're doing okay. 

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