The First Omega || NaNoWriMo...

By Anyone_Can_Write

255K 15.3K 2.3K

With the fertility rate dropping rapidly, Ryan has come up with a solution to save humanity. Male pregnancy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
New Roleplay Book

Chapter 2

11.3K 625 117
By Anyone_Can_Write

 "I can't fucking believe that asswhole! To degrade you so thoroughly when all of his discoveries were because of you! He'd be nothing if you weren't there to help him Ry." Dreece's voice seemed to echo in the space around me.

Nodding, I stared into my beer, tilting it ever so slightly to watch the way the dingy light in Stiffy's reflected off the surface. A perfectly manicured hand reached out removing the glass before capturing my chin and making me turn toward them.

A few frown lines dented the smooth perfection of Dreece's face as they looked me over. I looked like shit, no doubt there. This was my third or fourth beer and the whole world was starting to get a bit funny looking. The blue of Dreece's hair seemed to scream in the horrid lighting as they clucked their tongue at me.

"You know what you should do Ry? You should dump his ass. Dump him and quit. Finish up your dissertations." There mellow voice soothed my headache ever so slightly, even if the words weren't all that helpful.

"And how the fuck would I do that? I need to have the ability to do research for a dissertation, plus I wouldn't have anywhere to live if I did. And I don't even know what I want to do my dissertation about." Even as I was speaking Dreece snorted waving their hand absently through the air.

"Simply, you tell him you are done, pack a bag and come crash at my place till you can find an apartment. And as to your research and dissertation, well that's even easier. Do it all on your male pregnancy theory! You said you've had a ton of success working on that with mice and I've seen your research so I know it's good." Dreece was grinning as they seemed to lay out the easiest solution to all my problems.

"Sure I could, except that I still haven't had a chance to try live trials, and unlike with the gender removal theory that worked perfectly for you, I don't have any willing candidates just lined up and waiting. Like Andrew said... no normal man would ever want to carry a child." My shoulders slumped forward, eyes dropping to my beer once more where it sat next to Dreece's margarita.

"Bull shit! You know of at least one person who would be more than willing to participate in that study." Dreece's eyes twinkled with mischief as they spoke, filling me with a slow dread.

"I'm fairly certain I don't Dreece..."

"Yes you do. You could administer it to yourself. Duh." There it was, the simple, yet terrifying solutions I've come to rely on Dreece for.

"M-Myself?" My voice squeaked, heat filling my cheeks.

"Yes Ry, yourself. You've told me more than once that you wish you could experience childbirth. Plus you have an obsession with visiting the hospital nursery whenever we meet up for lunch. And this way you don't have to worry about ruining someone else's life if it doesn't work."

Dreece crossed their arms grinning down at me. The way they were able to lay out a solution so bluntly was amazing and sometimes terrifying.

"I mean... I'll have to think on it. Plus there wouldn't be any way to know if it worked without a willing partner. So dumping Andrew would almost be counter productive at that point." There was the famous eye roll.

"No it wouldn't be. All you'd need is a few good one night stands. Plus they would help cleanse you of your Andrew obsession. But I get it, I mean okay I don't because I don't ever want kids, but sure you don't want to have to do it alone. Just think on it Ry."

"Oh I'll think on it, I just don't know if it's the perfect idea and I definitely need to think on it when I'm not drunk as a skunk."

"Can skunk's actually get drunk? Now that would be a fun thing to research." Dreece effortlessly carried the conversation away from my worries. Smiling I offered a few points of observation, but eventually we just fell into a companionable silence.

"Well," Dreece stood up, far more steady than I would have been after even a few extra strong margaritas. "I've got work in a few hours so I should probably head home and clean up. The offer to my couch still stands if you don't want to put up with Andrew anymore."

"Nah," I waved them off smiling, the warm rush of alcohol having done wonders for my stress and frustration. "I think I'm good, he may be a prick, but he's mine and I spent too much time training him to just give up this easily. I'll keep that in mind."

Dreece busted up laughing before paying their tab. Standing I hugged them, only to receive a semi sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"You do that Ry, and let me know when you come back to your senses. Don't forget that I know how to kill a man and make it look like an accident." Dreece smirked before grabbing their bag and heading out.

Shaking my head ever so slightly I stood up, planning to follow suit. Reaching for my wallet I'd panic. Dreece had confiscated it after the first round of drinks so I wouldn't go overboard and still had it.

"Shit." Panic boiled through me as I looked at the bartender who was still waiting for me to pay up my tab.

"Hey Jim, how much does my friend owe?" A smooth voice washed over me, warming my blood even better than the alcohol had. A gentle pressure encompassed my shoulder as whoever stood behind me seemed to claim me in front of the bartender.

A hint of whiskey and oranges met my nose, more intoxicating than anything Stiffy's sold, dragging my head to my right to look at my savior. The profile that met me was exquisit and vaguely familiar.

The man next to me actually winked as he handed over his card and effortlessly paid off my tab, the simple action setting my heart a flutter. Damn that alcohol, I must have drank way more than I thought I did. I mean he wasn't even really my type with his slightly long red hair, pulled back in a tail. Bright green eyes that seemed to almost see right through me in a way that had my cheeks burning without even trying... Shit I needed to leave. Now.

"Thank you." I offered quietly before turning to the door. The temptation to run out of there was hard to ignore, nerves and guilt biting at my heels.

"Hey wait up!" That smooth as whiskey voice followed after me, making me pick up my speed. The door seemed to get further away every moment rather than closer.

Finally I reached the door, shoving it open and falling out into the dingy street. The cold air seemed to cut at me, clearing away the fog as I took a deep shuddering breath. Turning to the south I started the trek home, feeling like a fool for what had just occurred.

A door closed behind me, the sound of people coming and going from the many adult establishments on the street. The heartbeat of this neighborhood helping me relax as I tried to analyze my reaction to the stranger.

"So was it something I said or are you just always that flighty." That smooth voice wrapped around me once more, making me freeze. I'd been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't heard him approach.

Turning slowly, I once more took in that stunning profile, a nugget of fear curling through me.

"I umm... I'm... I'm taken. Thank you for paying for my bill but I'm taken." My voice squeaked causing me to wince, embarrassment coursing through me.

"That's cool, I wasn't trying to hit on you. I work with Dreece at the hospital. I know they tend to take their drinking partners wallets, so when I saw them leave and not return yours I figured you'd need some help paying up your tab."

"You do? You did? I... Wait! You were watching us?" The nugget of fear turned into a lead ball of dread. After all, even nurses or doctors could be kidnappers, rapists or serial killers.

Mr. Green eyes ran a hand through his bright hair looking a bit embarrassed. That simple action and hit of uncertainty intrigued me, offering a hint of reassurance that he didn't plan to kill me... yet.

"Well... not intentionally, but it's kind of hard to miss Dreece's bright blue hair anywhere." He chuckled slightly still clearly embarrassed. "Any way... I just wanted to make sure you were okay and see if you wanted someone to walk you home. You were drinking with the alcohol master after all."

Despite my worry a small laugh managed to work it's way free of me, the atmosphere around us slowly relaxing.

"While I appreciate the offer I'm good. Dreece might be able to hold their alcohol, but they had to learn it from somewhere right? Plus I'm only about another block away from here." The idea of having this stranger walk me home was tempting, but it wasn't worth the risk of Andrew catching us. Not that there was anything actually going on.

"Ah, well then I should probably get moving so your... boyfriend? Doesn't see us." How he had guessed that I was gay was a mystery to me, but also a bit appealing.

"You better, Andrew gets a bit jealous whenever I hang out with other guys. Thank you for your concern though." We still hadn't moved from where I'd frozen earlier several feet of space separating us. Even with that space though I could smell his rich sent, heat pooling in my lower stomach from it.

"Umm right... so umm... I will see you around I suppose, or well I hope at least." Mr. Green eyes smiled before turning away to head back toward Stiffy's. I stood there stunned for a few moments trying to figure out what he meant.

"Hey! I never did catch your name!" I yelled after him, but by then it was too late. Just like he'd suddenly appeared, Mr. Green eyes was gone.

So what do you think? Did you like this chapter? How do YOU think Ryan should handle Andrew? Are you excited to see where this is going to go? Let me know your thoughts and ideas down below!!

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