Lookism x tonystark!brucewayn...

By kal_amrit

30.9K 1.1K 237

"I haven't been a kid since I was 8 years old". Based on Webtoon Lookism. In which a 17-year-old billionaire... More

LOOKISM [edited]
O/C [edited]
Prologue [new]
One|| The Exchange Student [edited]
Author's Note
Two|| Sticks And Stone Will Break Your Bones [edited]
Three|| The Hostile And Vulnerable Prt. 1 [edited]
Four|| The Hostile And Vulnerable Prt. 2 [edited]
Five|| A Library Study Session [edited]
Six|| Coffee Is My Survival Juice [edited]
Seven|| Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover [edited]
Eight|| Meeting Duke Pyeon [edited]
Ten|| The Festival [edited]
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note

Chapter 16

758 36 2
By kal_amrit

The sun had risen and the light peaked its way in through the gap between the curtains. "Miss Lee!" I groggily open my eyes from my sweet slumber, seeing James and Yeon-Seo barge into my room looking both annoyed and angry.

"Miss Lee, wake up!"

I groan and cover myself under my sheets. 

"Get up now!"

I decide to ignore their order. Once they noticed, James bangs the door closed while Yeo-Seo stomps her way to the window side in frustration.

"You, have the retreat to go to and you promised you'd take me!" He whines and she throws open the curtains. I flip on my side facing away from him. "I'm not going. Just take the day off, guys", I yawn carelessly which only resulted in them to shake in anger. 

'Take...a...day...off?' He grinds his teeth in annoyance. "This is supposed to be my day off!", he yells grabbing a handful of my sheets and yanking it of me and to the floor. 

"If I don't get you there, looking presentable, I will be gutted like a fish!" 

I curl into a ball on my bed not realizing there were knocks at the door. Once the knocker had clicked open, I was being pulled by the leg.

"Ahhhh! Stop!", I screamed holding onto my dear life.

"Let go! You're going to break my leg!", I yell at him as they continue to pull on it.

"Um...Excuse me? Sir, ma'am?"

We realized someone had entered the room so we looked to see one of the maids. I sigh and fall back on my back. "Whats is it?" I say. 

"I'm here to help prepare you to prepare for your middle school retreat, Miss Lee", she spoke cheerfully and placed a cup of coffee on my nightstand. 

This time, I didn't bother talking back and just sat upright to see Yeon-Seo picking out my outfit with a happy smile on her face and the woman, who according to her badge, was Jugeong was now going through my makeup box.

I get up and freshen up in the bathroom. Minutes after, I come out, wearing nothing but my undergarments causing James to throw my outfit in my face. "You get dressed, okay?" James spoke and excitedly skips out of the room. I roll my eyes and take my seat at the dresser and Jugeong begins my makeup and hair.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"


"Is there someone you fancy?"

I kept silent in thought. "No." I look away in embarrassment causing her to giggle.

After her endless amount of questions, I was ready and out of the manor and into a black SUV. I wore a navy blue short-sleeved mini dress with white trainers. My hair was straightened, my lips were tinted red and I wore large silver hoops earrings.

"Let's go!" He swings open the door after putting the language at the back and jump into his seat like a child. James wore his typical black jeans, white top and canvases. Within seconds we were on the road for the retreat after waving Yeon-Seo a bye. 

We didn't bother stopping by the school so we're heading straight to the destination. I peak out the opened window seeing a whole load of coaches pass. Well, look who it is. It's J High.  As if James read my thoughts, he stepped on the gas pedal and we sped side by side the line of coaches.

I carefully find the Fashion Dept's and the Architecture Dept's bus. When I did, they seemed to take notice of the SUV.

"Hey, I haven't seen Ji-Young around."

"She said, she'll be getting her own way there."

"Yh, with style! Look!"

We finally arrived at the retreat centre after our small rest stop which got introducing James to everyone, even taking a swing at the punching, breaking it completely in the process. 

"Everyone line up! Gather in front of me."

The instructors were waiting.

"Woah, that instructor's hot."

"He's mine!"

"Nice body."

I stare at the man who everyone swooned over. I wasn't bothered by the attention he was receiving. I heard James chuckle who enjoying himself a bit too much. It didn't last long.

"Lol look at him."

"He looks like a goblin hehe."

"Can't compare."

"I hope he's not our instructor."

He sent everyone his threatening glare causing everyone to shrink back taken back at his mysterious presence.

"We have faith in all of you. But in order to be safe. We're going to search your bags."

It's started. Our three-night, the two-day retreat had begun.

Their search had begun. Students had alcohol and cigarettes hidden in the unlikeliest of places. Pringle boxes, crisp packets. It's pathetic, really. 

We were told to change into our gym clothes for team building exercises and a talent show. After wrapping up the event, it was time to get some shut-eye.

Daniel was asked to follow Zack. Knock. Knock. I lazily walk over to the door to see them causing me to stare up at them in surprise.

"Ji-Young let's hang out." He said showing a bag full of snacks. I stare at him in the eyes causing the blush to his cheeks to grow to cause my ear to grow red.

"Sure", I say and he suddenly grabs me by the wrist and drags me to Mira's room and leads me in. We all took over seats. Jiho was there too along Zoe and Yui.

"If you put your phone under the 7up...tada! Its a green light."

"Oh cool."


"Thats neat."

"Ji-Young, let's play truth or dare!"

"What? I can't drink."

"Hey, don't worry, Zack, Daniel and Ji-Young are lightweights too."

I roll at Zoe's comment an look away to see Jiho gulping down a tone of drinks. I gave him a confused look. Why on earth is he drinking like that? 

The game continued for some time. In the end Mira didn't drink a sip. The rest, including me were wasted. When the counselors opened the doors everyone were passed out so we weren't caught. 

The second day began and we were currently coneoing. I found it annoying that the instructors  were staring at me for a reason i wasn't sure off. I brushed the feeling off and continued to enjoy my day. 

Night came and we all lit candles. They represented a personal sacrifice to light up its surrounding. I thought about what people are candles for us.

"Our parents." I say aloud catching everyone of guard. 

"Of course, our parents."

I looked over to Zack who was moved by the thought. I smiled sadly at his attempt to shield his teary eyes with his cap. The second day's activities flew by, I walked beside Zack who looked down at my smiling form. The moments added up to memories and the last night of the retreat was passing but it was far from over.

I was walking through the hallways to hear bangs and yells. "Mira!", i whisper scream. I recognized her voice, I quickly walked closer to the wall and began approaching the opened door. I cautiously walked in to see Mira in a shaken form and once she noticed I was here smile dropped into one of terror. "What is it Mira?" I say noticing her fearful expression. She's not looking at me so then what is she- I slowly turn around. "What is i-?" Before I could fully catch a glimpse of what she was staring at I felt a painful pinch to my neck and I began losing balance. "W-Whats happening?" Everything began spin and grab my head in pain. I hear the Mira's cries then a hear a disturbing voice.

"I'll deal with you later." He began laughing and that was the last thing I heard before I dropped to the floor and blacked out. 


"They didn't come back?" Zack asked Zoe and Yui.

"Yeah...they must've been in another room. Drink with me."

"Hey, wheres Daniel."

"He's asleep."

Zack walked away and soon received a call from Daniel to wake the other Daniel up and soon left but came back to hear him talking about Zeus being a wanted criminal. His expression changed to something he had never seen before. Zack took off calling out our name.

"Oh Zoe. Did something happen?"

"Dunno...he said there was no sign of Mira or Ji-Young for sometime."

Daniel's eyes widened at the thought of us with Zeus.

Is it true? Experiencing life eyes of a child.  Then we will be able to see the magic and wonder the world has to offer. But...I don't remember seeing anything magical when I was a child. That was when it all began.

The pain.

Everyone walked away from me without an explanation. Did I do something wrong? My father swore we'd be together forever.

But I could help but wonder. Was I a bad kid? Was it my fault that they left?

"I'll be happy again. Be strong." My inner conscious kept telling me.

So I kept telling myself everything will be okay. I'm going to be happy again. But why is everyone being so cold to me? Please, just tell me why? Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this?

I just wanted to make friends. But they all pushed me away. They'd tell me to go away. That's nobody wants me here. Not here. Not anywhere.

They'd say it was my fault they left. That I was the reason.

I didn't know what to believe anymore.

They called me terrible names but I didn't let their words weaken me even when they judged me, even when their backs are facing me, even when they're walking away from me.

How much longer can I keep this up?

The pain grows by the day.

I don't care about happiness anymore.

I just want to feel okay again.

Is that too much to ask for?

I begin to wake up with a tear stricken face lying on my stomach. Once hearing Mira's cries, I begin to recollect the recent events. I shot my eyes open with great difficulty and fighting the fatigue but it was no use so I fell back down in exhaustion.

Did he drug me?!

"Mira", I croaked out but it wasn't loud enough, she couldn't hear me. Then a door slammed open. I was able to make out the figure. Zack, save her. Save her! I sob noticing her position under Zeus. He had beaten her and attempted to begin raping her.

As I was looking defeated and unable to move, Zack made note of our situation. Zeus and blood, beaten and half-naked girls.

 His eyes were fierce. "Ji-Young?", he called out for permission. My eyes watered more and I give him a pained filled smile. I felt Zeus look at Mira then me with an evil grin plastered on his face.

I forced myself to speak loud enough for him to hear. "Help", I choked out a cry. It was enough for Zack to lose his marbles. I, on the other hand, was close to losing consciousness once again.

What did he inject me with?!

I heard constant thumping and murmurs. I felt Mira held me tightly, facing me away from the fight.  I felt something ignite in me. This hug wasn't a regular hug, it was one of fear and desperation. 

"Stay strong", I spoke to myself. "Stay strong", I reminded myself again. 


I've been taking hits from life as long I can remember and I'm totally fine with it. I'll just keep moving forward as long as I can.

I tried again. I push myself with everything I had. I huff and huff. I wipe my blood, sweat and tears from my face. By this time Zack had two broken arms and broken ribs yet he was still standing.

There's one thing you shouldn't witness...me losing control of my emotions.



"Is there anyone?! Waah!"

Maybe one day...

I had executed a high kick so much force it broke Zeus's jaw causing in blood gushing out his mouth once he flew back from the impact.  I didn't waste time and kept punching and punching almost beating Zeus to death.  I felt arms around my waist trying to pull me away. 



"It's over! Please stop!"

Just maybe...

My punches grew weak. My muscles we burning and aching a tremendous amount. They begged me to stop.

"Mira...Mira...", I cry as I continue to hit him. "You hurt them...you bastard!", my voice waver and cracked.

Soon, I became numb and hang my head low.

I'll be okay once more.


When they found us in the warehouse with the cops, I was out of my mind and beating Zeus senseless. Whilst being drugged my expression was one-off desperation, not of anger. 

"I can't believe it."

"That guy?"

"No way."


Everyone began whispering as the officers investigate the scene and take Zeus away.

"With that face?"

"A false charge?"

"Being so handsome..."

"Why would he do that?"

 I was reeled to the ambulance in a wheelchair. They said the drug wasn't harmful but they'll be taking me away to extract the drug in my system. I look from my lap to the crowd. Most eyes were stuck to me.

There was Daniel, Jay, The Burn Knuckled and everyone else stood in the crowd in utter shock. I gave them a reassuring smile that everything will be alright.

I weakly look up to see Zeus one last time before he was sent behind jails. Those metal jail bars would the only thing that would protect him from me. My eyes catch Won Bin beaten to the pulp.

"They say he stopped him."


"Haha, but he looks like the real criminal."


"Haha. He can hear it."

"It looks like he's getting arrested."

"Hey, stop tapping me."

I sat beside Zack and we smile at each other then turn to glare at the commentators. "What'd you say? Say that again, I dare you." I threaten.


"You should watch your damn mouth." Zack growls at them.



We caught Won Bin by surprise and we look at him and bow with respect causing him to smile. Soon, Zack passes out. He was seriously injured and that he'd need to months of recovery. While I needed to be hospitalized for two weeks.

That day, I learnt something. My emotions didn't make me weak. I was wrong, my emotions make me strong.

Could be better. It'll be edited. Please write your thoughts about my recently uploaded chapters in the comment. Thanks:)

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