What The Heart Wants

By mel890522

220 12 33

Tiffany did not believe in true love or in faith. Adam walked in her life a few years ago and gave her back w... More

Chapter 1 (Memories)
Chapter 2 (Hidden emotion)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

11 0 0
By mel890522

Stacey rushed through the hospital doors and ran straight for the elevator, she was not sure what to expect her brother was not a pleasant person when he was angry and his message was not very clear but the only thing she could make out was that she should come to the hospital as soon as possible. She felt disgusted with herself and overwhelmed with all the guilt. All the different scenarios were playing through her mind and because less than an hour ago she had the most intense orgasm with her best friend's fiance and she was not sure if Adam felt any guilt as to what the two of them have done. She stood by the elevator pressing the button consistently because she was felt deep down something was wrong she never should have left she thought to herself, her feelings were eating her up inside. If Tiffany had to find out then it could ruin their friendship it will ruin everyone's lives and the damage it would cause would be beyond repair. 

Stacey felt the warmth of Adams hand wrap around hers as they just stood in front of the doors waiting for the elevator to arrive. It felt like forever until the beeping of the elevator doors opened and she and Adam stepped in and waited for the doors to close to take them to the floor where Tiffany was being held. Stacey closed her eyes and prayed silently as she waited for the doors to open again holding as tight as she could onto Adams's hand. As soon as the elevator door opened Stacey scanned the hallways to see if she see anyone familiar but there was no one in sight and it was very quiet. Stacey did not want to let go of Adams's hand she felt like her life would fall apart if she let go and she knew she would have to let go because it would look suspicious if she came in walking with Adam hand in hand.

 She pulled away her hand as soon as she turned the corner of the hallway and saw Tiffany's mom sitting outside the hallway. She started walking faster and greeted Tiffany's mom and started asking her what was happening but the poor woman just manages to sob her heart out. Stacey was so confused at that point because nobody is telling her anything. She hugged Tiffany's mom's back and told her everything will be okay and then she waited till the sobbing became less before she spoke up again. To her surprise Adam cleared his throat and began speaking to Tiffany's mom in a soft low voice asking her if she needed anything, where her husband is, should they go get him but the woman looked at them both and told them how sorry she was for the outburst and she started explaining that one of the doctors took Tiffany for an emergency brain leakage and that once they are done then they should start seeing results and that Tiffany's chances of waking up will be much better, Stacey was delighted that the first good news she had heard in the last couple of nights she spends here at the hospital other than they do not know or they will not be able to disclose any information until they have done more test.

That is good news she whispered to Tiffany's mom and gave her a big hug, I would really like to thank this doctor that came to help your daughter. She stood up and felt suddenly sick to her stomach she needed to vomit and then she excused herself and walked to the bathroom as soon as she reached the bathroom she locked herself in one of the cubicles and vomited like she ate too much food, she had never felt so sick in her life and as she was throwing up she started to cry because her best friend was alive and she just screwed her fiance and she was in love with the guy and not only did she sleep with him but she was the worst friend ever on the planet.

She wanted the world to just swallow her alive and not spit her out again because she deserved it. After all the vomiting she has lost all the strength in her knees and she sunk down to the floor and rested her head a bit against the toilet seat rim. It took her a few minutes to realize she was sitting flat on the bathroom floor and that she been sitting there for about 30 minutes. She then stood up and fixed her clothes and she glanced in the mirror and washed her face, she looked like a mess and she felt like the mess she was. She then walked out of the bathroom and back to the waiting room where everyone was waiting for her because they all looked up when she walked in.

Honey are you okay asked Tiffany's mom, you look a bit greenish on the cheeks. Shaking her head yes Stacey took a seat next to Adam and smiled at him. The waiting process seemed like forever and everyone became restless and it felt like hours had passed. Each time a nurse came into the waiting room Tiffany's mom would jump up and asked if there was any news yet but then the nurses all would respond the same I am sorry she is still in surgery we will only know as soon as the doctor comes out of the operating room. Adam would get up every thirty minutes and asked everyone if they wanted coffee, he was such the sweetest Stacey thought but she guessed it kept him distracted because the waiting is unbearable and at least he is doing something to keep him distracted other than to talk about everything that happened in the last few hours. His phone kept buzzing, he just kept ignoring the calls and seemed irritated when he see the unknown number calling him over and over. Stacey felt a bit uncomfortable after the twentieth time she spoke up and nudged Adam with her elbow, Can you please pick up the call maybe it is important. 

Fine, he grunted and walked off answering the call. Stacey timed Adam while he was on his call and when he came back he had a frustrated and angry look on his face. She decided not to bother asking him what the issue was because right now that was not important. We need to talk he whispered softly as soon as he sat back in his seat next to Stacey.

Mmmmm, did you say something she snapped her head up and looked him in his beautiful grey eyes? We need to talk he said to her right now please follow me. They both got up and excused themself but as soon as they walked towards the door, the door opened and two doctors walked in and announced Tiffany's last name. Every head snapped towards the doctors and rushed over them.

to be continued 

sorry for the late chapter been so busy with other stuff but will be updating a new chapter soon 

thank you for the support and hope you like this chapter and drop your comments 

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