Trying To Be Good

By LoveTheNerd

148K 2.3K 119

Zoe is the older sister of Dizzy and one of the original VK's. Zoe gets to go to Auradon with Mal, Jay, Evie... More

Rotten To The Core
Our Time Has Come
Auradon Prep
The Magic Wand
Fitting In
Love Spell
Did I Mention
If Only
Villain Family Day
Auradon Family Day
Anti-Love Spell
Battle For The Wand
Set It Off
Ways To Be Wicked
Auradon Girls
Countdown To Cotillion
Take It Or Leave It
What's My Name
The Date
Back On The Isle
Chillin Like A Villain
Don't Quit Us
Rotten To The Core
Space Between
Hooked At Noon
It's Going Down
Girl Talk
No Time To Explain
The Barrier Comes Down
You And Me
Part III
Good To Be Bad
Welcoming The New Arrivals
He's Trying To Escape
Do What You Gotta Do
Sleeping Is Too Good For Auradon
Night Falls
One Kiss
We're Trapped
My Once Upon A Time
We're Stronger Together
Can You Wake Her?
Break This Down
You Didn't Think That Was The End Of The Story, Did You?
Happily Ever After
My Stories
Author's Note

How Do We Keep Evil Out Of Auradon?

1.9K 23 1
By LoveTheNerd


The next morning, Zoe and Ben meet with Beast, Belle, and Fairy Godmother.

"I think we all know why we're here," Beast starts. "The people are in a panic about Hades. He almost got out."

"Who knows what he would've done if he had escaped?" Fairy Godmother adds.

"We can't risk having another villain on the loose," Beast finishes.

"I really feel like this is my fault. I'm supposed to protect Auradon," Zoe says as she looks at Ben.

"You did, you do protect Auradon," Ben tries to reassure her.

"Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger. Maleficent, Uma, Hades," Beast explains before Ben's phone goes off.

"Maleficent's scepter and the queen's crown have been stolen," Ben says after checking his phone. Belle and Fairy Godmother let out gasps of shock.

"Uma?" Beast accuses.

"We don't know that, Dad," Ben argues.

"When the people hear this, they will never wanna leave their houses. What do we tell them?" Belle says before looking at Zoe. "Zoe? What do we do? How do we keep evil out of Auradon?"

"I think that there's only one way to guarantee their safety. And I think that there..." Zoe starts explaining. Her head was telling this would be the best option but her heart is fighting against it. "can't be anymore going in and out. I think that we have to close the barrier... forever." Beast and Fairy Godmother nod in agreement.

"No," Ben says.

"Son," Beast tries.

"No," Ben says as he turns around.

"Ben," Zoe calls as Ben walks away.

"No, no, no, no," Ben says as Zoe follows him.

"Ben. Hey," Zoe says getting him to stop. "I do not want to take away your dream. Because it was so beautiful. And it is why I fell in love with you. But as King, and as Queen what's our duty?"

"To protect Auradon," Ben answers her sadly. "But do you know what would this mean? All those kids? Are you prepared for that?"

"I know what it means and no, I'm not prepared for it. I just think that we have no other choice," Zoe answers him as she holds back tears.

"Son?" Beast calls causing them to look at him. "Zoe's right."

"I just don't think that we would forgive ourselves if something terrible happened," Zoe explains.

Zoe goes to Evie's starter castle, 'Evie's 5Hearts'.

"Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" Mal asks Zoe.

"No one. I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures," Zoe explains.

"Will this delay our bringing over more V.K.'s?" Evie asks her.

"We're talking about closing the barrier for good," Zoe answers her.

"But you said no. I mean, the five of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?" Evie says as Zoe tries to hide her shocked look.

"Yeah. I know. I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon," Zoe says trying to explain her reasoning without disappointing her friends.

"Is that what they're thinking? And were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in or out of the Isle ever again?" Mal questions.

"What, we never get to go back and see our parents? And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted," Evie adds.

"Yeah, I know," Zoe says sadly.

"Z, I am so glad that you are going to be Queen. You will be a part of these conversations, you will stand up for the V.K.s. Thank you for telling us," Evie says before hugging Zoe.

"You're gonna be a great Queen," Mal adds before joining the hug.

Zoe walks outside with her gift for Jane, after changing clothes. Audrey then appears from a cloud of pink smoke.

"I was hoping you were home," Audrey says as she sees Zoe.

"Is this a joke? What are you doing with the crown and the scepter?" Zoe questions her as she looks at Audrey in shock.

"Well, I wanted them, so I took them. And you, of all people should understand that, Zoe," Audrey answers her before breathing in the power of the scepter.

"Wait, Audrey, stop! Don't use that," Zoe says as she sets the gift down.

"I thought you liked spells," Audrey says causing Zoe to look at her in shock. Audrey then brings the scepter back close to her.

"Okay, Audrey, you're better..." Zoe starts.

"Quiet!" Audrey yells.

"It's not a toy. It's dangerous," Zoe tries.

"I want to be dangerous," Audrey says angrily as she turns back to Zoe. "My life was perfect until you stole it. And then Auradon turned its back on me. Well, it's time for a little payback." Audrey walks away from Zoe.

"Audrey, wait!" Zoe calls out. Audrey then zaps Zoe with the scepter.

"You think Ben will love you now, you old hag?" Audrey asks her, seeing as Zoe had been changed into an old hag. "You'll pay the price of what you did and so will all of Auradon." Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Celia run outside. "So long, suckers!" Audrey disappears in a cloud of pink smoke. Jay reaches over to help Zoe.

"Whoa! You might wanna think of a spell for that," Jay says realizing she had been changed.

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter," Mal says sadly.

"Well, that's a shame," Carlos says.

"Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger," Zoe explains.

"What should we do?" Evie asks her.

"The only thing more powerful than the scepter is Hades' ember," Zoe answers her.

"Oh! Like he's just gonna hand it over, if we went back to the Isle," Jay says sarcastically.

"And no one knows where his lair is," Mal adds.

"I do. I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's," Celia explains.

"You are coming," Zoe tells Celia.

"But I just got here," Celia complains.

"Zoe?" Dizzy asks as she and Felicity walk out with the twins. Felicity and Dizzy let out a scream.

"Dizzy, Felicity, stay here to take care of the twins. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine. Go inside," Evie explains before they go back inside. "Guys, go get your stuff."

"How bad is it?" Zoe asks Mal and Evie.

"You age beautifully," Mal says after she and Evie share a look.

"Now, let's just get you into something fabulous," Evie says with a smile.

"Okay," Zoe says.

"Come on," Evie says a she and Mal walk off with Zoe following slowly. Mal and Evie go back to help Zoe. "Okay. Oh, yeah, there we go. Okay. Almost there."

The VK's take their bikes before stopping by the water. Celia is riding with Zoe.
"Noble steed, proud and fair,
you shall take us anywhere," Zoe says as her eyes turn purple. They then start driving across the water to the Isle.

Meanwhile at Jane's party, Audrey showed up and put everyone to sleep besides Chad. Jane escaped by getting into the Enchanted Lake.

"Hey, Jane. I'm on my way to the party. My meetings ran long," Ben says as he answers his phone.
"No, no. Stay where you are, Ben. Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call Mom and tell her to get her wand," Jane quickly explains before hanging up.
"Is Zoe with you? Jane? Jane?" Ben tries asking before realizing she hung up. He was worried about Zoe.

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