TPO5: Still Charmed

By JunesSpellbook

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Book 3: The girls time of trying to live separate has came short when all the elders have died, while battlin... More

1. Trouble in the Pot
2. Manor Mayhem
3. The Brooms are Back Pt. 1
4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)
5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)
6. Simply Normal?
7. Are You Ready? (Interlude)
8. Half-Bloods
9. Here Comes the Bride!
10. We're Ready Pt.1
11. We're Ready Pt.2 (interlude)
13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1
14. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 2
See next:

12. Something Wicca This Way Happens!

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By JunesSpellbook

Paige's POV
*San Francisco*
Ever since Prue has came back into the picture I have been feeling kinda out of place, so I've been slowly burying myself into becoming a full time whitelighter altogether, but now I've barely been able to even do that because The Elders are slowly dying and they are afraid to give council.

My husband Henry is with the kids while I visit the Manor to visit my sisters.

"Hello Missy Paige, nice to see you." Phoebe said giving me a hug being through first one to greet me.

"Hello Phoebe, it's nice to be seen by you." I replied.

"Aunt Paige!" Wyatt and Chris said as they came up running to me almost fumbling me down.

"Hello boys, where's your mother?" I asked.

"In the kitchen baking with Melinda." Chris responded.

"As I figured." I smirked shaking my head.

When Phoebe and I were proceeding to walk into the kitchen, Prue stops us from the middle of the stairwell, "Great Paige, you're here, have you had any news from The Elders??" She asked.

"Well hello to you too Prue." I simply said.

"Yeah, you're right, hello Paige my beautiful long lost sister, how are you?" Prue said quickly changing her greeting.

"Awe thanks, I could be better, but no I have not, I'm started to get worried, they won't even let me orb up there." I answered.

"Awe look at you two bonding, this is so sweet." Phoebe said blushing.

After Prue and I's quick conversation, I proceeded to walk to the kitchen to speak to Piper.

She dust her hands off then wipes them on her apron, "Oh it's such a pleasure to see you Paige, I was getting close to filling a missing person's report." Piper joked.

"Haha very funny Piper." I tried to force a chuckle.

"C'mon Paige we've been your sisters long enough to know when you become distant, something is bothering you, but you feel like you're going to be a bother, so you hold it in." Phoebe said calling me out.

"Well I don't know, Prue you grew up with her, you have the most memories with her, and then she died and you found me, so I just automatically felt like this big replacement and Piper you resisted me at first, and mind you it did take a while for me to stop comparing myself to her, and now she's back and I just feel like I don't belong, if that makes sense." I said trying not to say too much before I cry.

Piper and Phoebe gave each other a look.

"What? What is it? You can't just look at each other like that and not say anything." I blurted.

"Well believe it or not you and Prue have a lot more n common, and would it make you feel any better if we told you she feels out of place too?" Piper said which kind of made me feel at ease.

"The famous and powerful super-witch Prue feels out of place?" I asked in a surprised but confused tone.

"Yes." Prue's voice said from behind me.

"Paige, yes I've might've grew up with Piper and Phoebe, but you've actually got to live the rest of their lives with them, and you've gotten to do things that I could only dream of, you were there when they had their kids, I didn't get to see that, and you're married with kids of your own, and I just don't have that luxury, technically this power of four thing isn't even really real because the prophecy is 3 sisters and I already had my time, so yes I do feel out of place, but I honestly do love all of you, no matter what, you're still my sisters!" Prue said making us all cry as we gave each other a big hug.

While we were having this tender moment a elder orbs in with Leo.

"Wow an elder alive?" Prue joked.

"Same to you." He said back.

"Touché." She simply mumbled.

"Okay enough with the chitchat, what's going on, why- why are you here?" Piper asked in a annoyed tone because of her history with The Elders.

"Well, Paige your charge Ember has died." Leo said and I felt my heart drop because it always hurts as a whitelighter to lose someone you're supposed to guide and protect.

"There's some things I need to tell you, something that should've been revealed a long time ago." Elder Sandra said.

"When Magic first was discovered it went all over the world even creating different worlds or as we like to say realms or universes, well just like you met yourselves where good is bad and bad is good, well there's also alternative universes where there's other charmed ones that exist and other prophecies for different witches, and believe it or not witches are also elders and the whitelighters are made by witches and darklighters are the evil side of each whitelighter... it's just a lot, some hidden spells, and some hidden objects." Elder Sandra explained.

"So what the hell does this have to do with my charge?" I asked getting angry finding out all the things that's been hidden from us.

"Well your charge was the guardian of the book of secrets, and the demon Spiral consumer of realms, killed her thinking he was going to get the book, but little does he know the book have a key, so you girls need to find the book and key before it's too late." The Elder told us.

"Why I constantly lie to us, and manipulate things and then tell us it's for the greater good?" I asked feeling betrayed. "It makes me question are we really good?" I said as I walked away.

Gabby's POV
Kristal, Shyann, Normani, Joshua, and I clear some things before we leave to California.

Stephen is taking care of the club, art gallery, & my other side jobs for me.

Shyann can always do her job from home if it's not extremely important.

Joshua can always orb between Cigam school and home.

Normani is a full time witch now.

As for Kristal she has her bestfriend Typh taking care of the hair salon for her.

Jussie our cop friend is helping the men with Ashly and Brie.

I take The Book of Shadows with us, "Are you sure you're going to be fine without the book?" I ask Brie and Ashly.

"We have 3 whitelighters with us, we should be fine, y'all just be safe." Ashly responded.

"Okay y'all better keep our sisters safe, I'm not playing with y'all." Kristal said as everyone laughed.

"Babe we got this, you really think I'm going to let our soon to be niece and nephews come into this world harmed?" Luke chuckled.

"Alright y'all." Shyann said as we proceeded to give each other our hugs and kisses.

"Love y'all be safe." Everyone said in unison.

We go outside we all place a hand on Kristal's vehicle and  chant, "Eb ot deen ew ecalp eht ot su ekat!" In unison as light and white lights danced around us and the car to random parked place nearby the billboard in Shyann's vision.

"So we find the book and then just leave?" Normani asked.

"Well I'm sure it's not going to be a grab the book and just leaving thing, that's why we packed some things with us." Joshua replied.

"Yeah that's why we brought The Book of Shadows." I stated.

As we're walking we see the exact book we were looking for by the nearby grass behind the gate.

All of us made sure no one were looking as we climbed the gate.

"I'm getting too old for this." Kristal groaned.

"Now that book doesn't look like it even has enough pages to be causing all this fuss." I stated.

"I mean the world of magic is well you know... magical, anything is and could be anything, wow I really just thought of that!" Joshua said giving himself props before we could.

"Boy shut up!" All of us said to him.

"Alright back to what's important, the book is right there, Shyann has the key, and maybe just maybe, we don't have to stay here long and we can go back home and figure out everything there." I said just thinking.

"It's worth a shot!" Kristal responded.

Phoebe's POV
"With the spell I wrote, the book should be around this area." I mentioned.

"Well Pheebs, use your powers see if your spell is accurate, because all I'm looking at is a billboard with your face on it from over here." Piper slightly shouted at me.

"Well look I'm not going to get a premonition just for standing right here, let's just keep walking, I don't want to be here just as much as the next witch, I have a husband and kids that I want to be with." I defended.

"Hey look over there." Prue pointed out.

"What?! What am I looking at?" Piper quickly asked as I was confused myself.

"It's a dark blue SUV parked." Prue responded.

"So that means we're not alone." I stated. "Paige orb us across that gate if you don't mind." I said.

We grab hands and white and blue lights swirls around us as we move from where we were standing to behind the gate.

"We've got company." Shyann said.

"Funny I was going to say the same thing." I responded.

Omniscient POV
For the first time in history a group of Charmed Ones has met another group of Charmed Ones.

How will there first interaction go?

"I don't know who you are or what you are, but you will be doing is stepping away from that book." Piper demanded.

"Look we don't want any trouble ma'am, I promise you we have the same goal here." Joshua said trying to make peace.

"Oh really, and what goal is that!" Prue asked.

"Not that we should be explaining ourselves to you, but we want to save it from the demon trying to take it, so you're either with us or against us." Kristal said stepping forward.

"And how do we know you don't want the book for yourselves?" Paige asked.

"I was just bout to ask the same thing." Kristal said.

"Well we're The Charmed Ones, so who the hell are are you?" Prue asked in a demanding way.

"Well so are we." Shyann said as she stepped forward with Kristal and Gabby.

"Oh now I know who you are, now that you said that, only three of you are charmed, and it doesn't include the dead sister." Gabby said standing her ground.

All of the other sisters gasped at Gabby's response.

"The dead sister's name is Prue and I'm very much alive." Prue responded with some aggression.

"Well Prue...I'm Gabby, these are my sisters Kristal, Shyann, Normani, and my brother Joshua, my sisters Ashly and Brienna they're pregnant so, but they're actually charmed not Mani & Josh." Gabby explained.

"These are my sisters Piper, Phoebe, and Paige." Prue said as each sister waved when named was called.

Phoebe and Shyann look at each other. "You can keep trying to get a vibe, but we're good witches just like you." Shyann said.

"Then why don't I trust or believe you?" Phoebe rhetorically asked.

"That's a personal problem." Gabby said responding for Shyann.

"Okay that's it!" Prue said swinging her left arm sending Kristal, Gabby, Shyann, Normani, & Joshua flying.

As our fallen witches were getting up, the ones still standing took the advantage and went to go take the book.

"It's your cue." Joshua said to Normani.

Mani nodded her head and shouted, "Stay back!" Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige became surrounded with blue and white orbs as their bodies flew a few steps back flipping over. 

"Hey that's my power!" Paige blurted.

Normani's POV
I didn't even expect to orb all of them at once, I knew my powers were growing, but I didn't know they were by that much.

Paige threw a potion at me and I quickly shouted, "Potion!" The potion blew up in white and blue orbs.

"Oh you're just full of surprises." She said in a slight in distress tone. "Well the difference between me and you is that I don't have to always call out for what I want to orb." Paige said as she orbed the nearest tree branch in her hand and soon as she swung at me I orbed behind her.

"Branch!" The tree branched swirled in white and blue lights from Paige's hand into mine and soon as she turned around I hit her.

"My whitelighter is part warlock, one of the best combat trainers I know, you're going to have to come a lot harder." I taunted as I ran up to do a spin kick...

"Shoelaces!" Paige called as the laces on both of my shoes orbed into one knot making me fall straight on my face.

"Looks like you're going to have to come harder than that hun." Paige taunted using my own words against me.

"Either way it goes, you and your sisters aren't getting that book." I said and just when I seen she was about to orb the book towards her...

"Rock!" I called as I directed my hand to her head so that's where the rock can hit her and it did knocking her out for a few seconds while I help my siblings in need.

Joshua's POV
I didn't feel like fighting against anybody to be honest, but I was filling in for one of my sisters, so I had to do whatever needed to be done.

The one I had to fight wasn't even a sister.

"Bout time you got here Billy." Piper said from afar.

I don't know why she gunned for me but, she swung her arm sending me flying into a nearby tree.

I got up and went to defend myself.

Soon as I got back on my feet, she used her telekinesis to make me fall on my feet. "Ugh telekinetics are the worse to fight." I said getting up.

I was in the midst of debating if I should whoop her ass or just hold back like I've been doing.

'What will Brie do?' I think to myself. "Whoop her ass!" I said aloud.

Soon as I got up I orbed behind her kicking her in her back.

Once she fell on the ground I grabbed her hair and then put her in a chokehold.

"To say you're a whitelighter-witch, you sure fight like a demon." Billy said trying to speak the best way she can.

"Well I used to be an assassin, in my early teens, I've been holding back." I responded.

"Speaking of 'back.'" Billy said as she spun as levitating us as she dropped us hard on my back so she can be released.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. "You're talking about me, where did you learn that from?" I asked in a hurt, but very impressed tone.

"I had to vanquish my own sister, aggression just seems to come easy to me nowadays." Billie simply responded.

Gabby's POV
"As I can see, you're the touchy one." I said as I went against Piper.

"And what's your role, the butch one?" Piper responded and I don't know why, but that comment alone made me wanna do more than just whoop her ass.

My hands glowed blue, my powers started to do something they've never done before, I put my hands up and out of my hands shot all three of my powers towards Piper.

Once I put my hands down Piper was trapped in a ice block filled with water and electricity flowing, zapping her everytime she tried to break free.

I was kinda scared and surprised at the same time, I didn't know if that was from my witch side or my demonic side.

In the middle of being stunned, Piper continues to hold her breath and flicks her hands, literally breaking the ice.

Then she flicked her hands blasting me in the shoulder making me fly into the tree behind me.

My arm started bleeding, so I tapped into my demon side turning my arm into water, so it can heal, then I turned it back to normal, and it was completely fine.

"And you honestly expect me to believe you're a witch?" Piper asked in a cautious tone.

I completely ignored her and threw ice darts at her, she flicked her hands slowing them down, then she completely stopped them in midair, then flicked her hands blowing them up all at once.

"Woah, what a power flex." I said giving her props.

"Not too bad yourself." She said to me.

While our guard was down, I quickly chanted a spell, "Palmis caedebat in carpi!"

Once I chanted the spell, magical handcuffs conjure around Piper's wrist.

"I can't have you blowing me while I'm walking away." I said chanting a Latin spell that disables a witch's powers.

Kristal's POV
It was up to me to go up against the strongest as usual, I don't know if I was going to get my ass kicked or what, but I know I had to fight for my family.

"Should I just amuse you and let you get the first lick, and then kick your ass, or just simply kick your your ass, without thinking twice?" Prue asked rhetorically asked in a cocky tone.

"Don't get besides yourself now, I'm very capable of handling my own." I responding standing my ground. "So what's it gonna be." I said as a fireball levitated in my right hand.

"What are you gonna do? Burn me to death?" Prue taunted.

"It's a thought." I said as I threw the fireball at her.

She quickly raised her hand deviating it back towards me, I quickly ducked down and performed a sweep kick, knocking her on her feet. "Now who's kicking who's ass?" I snickered.

"I wouldn't be celebrating just yet." Prue said as she moved her hands in a way like she was slowly lifting something up as I raised up in the air and she twirled her finger round and round as I spun in a circle becoming dizzy and even nauseous.

She then released me swinging me into a tree.

I had a pretty hard fall, "Wow this bitch is powerful." I said to myself getting my strength back on my feet.

I can already tell how she operates, so to be prepared for my next attack, I kept running towards her throwing fireballs knowing she was going to deviate each one, so as I got close enough, I opened a fire portal under my feet, I reopened it in the middle of the air right above Prue elbowing her in the back of the neck.

She quickly dropped becoming unconscious, just when I thought I had her, she used her astral form to finish me off.

"You just don't give up do you?" I asked.

"Not in my DNA." She said as she spun and kicked me.

My lip started to bleed, but Luke taught us just keep going.

I punched her in her face, then I went for the stomach, then I stepped on her foot, and I went in for a uppercut.

She started to bruise up very easily, but one thing I admired was she wasn't going down without a fight either.

She did a backflip making her foot catching my chin making me fly up then falling on my back.

When she saw me on the floor she charged at me and kept punching me and punching me, till my eyes glowed red, I was feeling this powerful energy from the sun above.

The trees started to catch on fire one by one, eventually the fire started to come together building a huge levitating fireball big enough to take everyone out.

Soon as it was about to drop, Prue's astral ass got off of me and the fire I created started to disappear.

I didn't know I had that much power in me, I was scared of myself and what else my constant growing powers can do.

That's why I feel like Gabby and I need to find our father because there's more about our demon side that we need to know.

Shyann's POV
"I can feel what you feel, and you I both know it doesn't feel right us fighting each other, we're both good witches, let's just talk this out." I said trying to make things smooth as possible.

"Well if you can feel that I feel that this isn't right, you should also be able to feel that I feel you're still hiding something that probably could be very useful." Phoebe replied.

"Point taken." I responded.

"How did you even know the book was here?" Phoebe asked me.

"I had a premonition and funny, I seen your face, I didn't even know you were a witch till my sister told me, what about you?" I explained myself and answering.

"The witch that died is my sister Paige's charge, and she was informed and we casted a tracking spell." Phoebe explained.

I can tell Phoebe is a very sweet person, but my loyalty still lies with my siblings, so I can't take any chances.

"Wait a minute... what did you touch for you to have a premonition about a book that was protected by a witch in a whole different state?" Phoebe suspiciously asked.

Before I could even think of an answer she kicked me in a karate style type of manner.

I stumbled back a little bit and the key to the book fell out my pocket.

I gasped and when she went to grab it, I quickly put a small yellow forcefield around it.

While I was using my emotions to channel my forcefield power, Phoebe used her empathic powers to channel my emotions, so she can tap into my power to use em against me.

She rid of the forcefield around the key and then blasted me with my light powers.

"Oh no you don't , two can play that game." I said channeling her using her levitation power, super kicking her and as she fell, I landed picking up the key she dropped.

"You're a powerful knockoff me." Phoebe said getting up, "Now let's see if you can fight like me... no powers." She declared.

Even though I wasn't much of a fighter it was more up Brie's and kinda Kristal and Gabby's alley, I still wasn't going to back down.

Phoebe kicked me, grabbed my wrist, then flipped me over.

I don't know what type of Bruce Lee shit she was on, but I guess I gotta be a big girl and take every blow.

I got up and just started winging it.

I grabbed her by her shoulders and head butted her.

We both groaned, but kept going, I punched her then kicked her in her stomach.

Then when I went to kick again, she grabbed my leg, slightly swinging me to the ground.

"Okay, you win, but trust me, I'm a charmed one just like you, and you know that I'm not lying because you wouldn't be trying to protect this book either." I said groaning as I got up.

"Perhaps you're right, but how do you have the key?" Phoebe asked.

"Well I'm guessing we live in the same plane, but different destinies, but my elders are witches, well they were, so as The Charmed Ones, it was only right for us to takeover and protect the magical community, with that being said, our mother was an elder before she died and she was the holder of the key, if you don't believe me still, you know you have the power to see for yourself." I explained as honest as I could.

The key dropped again, Phoebe and I both gasped as we touched it at the same time.

A powerful glow shined over and around us as we shared the same vision:
Thousands upon thousands of years ago, a woman came across that Nexus. She alerted her mate to what she had found. At first, they were too afraid to go near it. Even at a distance, they could feel its power. But she pushed past that fear and tapped into this power. She was infused with more of the All than any human was intended to possess. The woman shared that power with her mate and it changed them, making them immortal and invulnerable.

It bonded them forever to one another and to The All, creating a state beyond consciousness beyond the known physical universe: The Higher Realm, a place of pure and utter bliss that they shared with the All. But their presence there affected the Earth. Their magical bond contained the All in the Higher Realm. The world started to die. The only way to save it was to separate the powers. To allow the power of the All to flow freely again, the woman and man were forced to abandon the Higher Realm, never to return again.

"My sisters and I already went against the very first witch, so this vision means something different." Phoebe said in a worried tone.

"Maybe its telling us whatever this All is the answer to all of this, different origins of how magic started all over the world and whoever is born under that origin is just born under that origin." I theorized.

"That makes complete sense, and I'm sure with you and your sisters being 'charmed' you have your own Book of Shadows as well, that helps you vanquish demons that falls under your origin of where magic comes from." Phoebe said adding more to what I was thinking.

"Wow, and I'm sure this demon wants to put everything together so he can control it." I stated.

"Don't they all." She simply responded.

I just simply made a face in agreement.

Omniscient POV
After the two psychics of the group separate groups Shyann & Phoebe talked it out, it was time to tell the others.

The three half-whitelighters Paige, Normani, and Josh went around healing everyone and their injuries after listening to what the two had to say.

"Okay so if there's this demon that knows all about this, where the hell does he come from?" Piper questioned.

"You're asking me like I'm supposed to know." Phoebe said defending herself.

"Well it's your lousy- well you two's lousy premonition, who else am I gonna ask." Piper said getting snappy.

"Well maybe he slipped through the cracks or something, and uhm... well ugh Piper, you're just asking the wrong witch." Phoebe said as she just dismissed Piper as she walked over to her and the rest of her sisters.

As all the witches were conversing together, they were rudely interrupted.

The demon with the leather outfit and the spiky hair who was in Shyann's vision shimmered out of nowhere.

All of the witches quickly got in fighting mode.

"If you think we're going to let you unlock that book..." Prue started to say.

"Then you're sadly mistaken." Kristal finished.

"Well isn't it The Charmed Ones and friends." Spiral chuckled.

"With all of you do you honestly thi..." Spiral started to say before he got cutoff by Gabby.

"Do we honestly think we can stop you? Is what you're gonna say, then one of us is going to say something like 'what makes you think we aren't' then you give an explanation to your plan then one of us gives a witty comeback that pisses you off then you whoop our ass for a couple of times then..." Gabby was saying right before Paige finished for her.

"Then we get defeated then we realize how powerful we are as witches believing in ourself, so we save the world again, fixing what needs to be fixed, so we can vanquish you." Paige finished.

"Basically I think what's being said is we just need to cut to the chase." Billy said spinning her index fingers over each other.

Spiral released a magical swirl and Billy used her projection power and turned it into a flying dove.

"Is that all you got?" Prue mocked.

"Oh I'm just getting started." Spiral smirked shooting multiple swirls at once.

All the witches used their powers to deviate them in their own way.

"Okay now you wanna play." Spiral chuckled as he cloned himself.

"Ohhh, okay... now we have a problem." The witches said in unison.

All of the clones started to attack the witches and they knew to stop underestimating them right then and there.

As they were getting tired, Kristal and Piper started to flick their hands blowing each clone up "When it got to the last one." They stopped.

"Ugh I love a good distraction." Spiral said as he revealed he had the book and key quickly shimmering away before any of the witches could make their next move.

"I'm just gonna say it... we're fucked!" Gabby blurted.

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