Survival of the fittest✔️

By AnotherFangal

243K 11K 3K

BTS Apocalypse AU In a world where half the population are living and half are the living dead, you need to b... More

1. The Apocalypse
2. Interrogation
3. Information Revealed
4. Arguments
5. Warnings
6. Scars
7. Scouting
8. Discussions
9. Midnight run
10. Trust formed
11. Everything's changed
12. Dull travelling
13. Unexpected Refuge
14. Teasing from both sides
15. Worried
16. Oh shit
17. Messy Return
18. Scouting
19. Gasoline
20. Burning
21. Pointless graveyard
22. Town
23. Hand her over
24. A safe place to rest
25. Close call
26. Storytime
27. Hope
28. Group meeting
29. Deep talk and new clothes
30. Bonding time
31. Into you
32. Truck Chase
33. Long journey chats
34. Dark night
35. Storytime with Jin and Hobi
36. Oncoming horde
37. No bullet in the head today
37. A little push
38. Taehyung's advice
39. We're not alone
40. Ji-booty
41. Don't jinx us
42. Just keep swimming
43. No such thing as luck
44. Almost lost
45. Escape story
46. Innocence killed
47. Rooftop camp
48. Jealousy
49. Emergency Exit
50. Baehyun
51. Woo
53. B
54. This is the end.
55. Final destination

52. I think we're even.

2.9K 169 38
By AnotherFangal

(2nd July)

"I'm assuming you're curious to know how I managed to track you for so long."

"The thought did pass through my head," you admitted watched Baehyun with a curious expression as he sat in his office chair opposite you with the desk in the middle.

"Well, it's a good story. I'll tell you." He cleared his throat slightly and continued. "When you first ran away I knew you went to the Warehouse. It was pretty obvious for 2 reasons. 1, the Warehouse was the only populated settlement near our camp. You would've been killed by Biters before you reached anywhere."

You seriously doubted that. You could survive on your own, you weren't useless. 

"2, you knew you'd be safe amongst our enemies. You knew I didn't want to raid the Warehouse but Namjoon's group were strong. That's why we waited."

"The Biters," you sighed a memory flashing across your mind of a Biter trying to kill you with a collar strapped around it's dead, fleshy neck. 

Baehyun chuckled, "Well done. Yes, my infamous plan was to gather a group of Biters to overrun the Warehouse to make my boy's jobs easier. Clever, eh?"

 You didn't respond to him. It was a clever plan and a good way to get the majority of the people in the Warehouse killed off to minimise the amount of fighting. "There were children in the Warehouse. Innocent children who were just trying to survive in a world they didn't understand." You got louder as you finished your sentence and anger was boiling in you again. 

Baehyun simply shrugged looking like he didn't care and you knew he didn't. "We had children of our own. Why would we need your filthy group's children?"

You were struggling to control your anger and the urge to volt over the desk and strangle him was getting stronger and stronger. 

"What I want to know is: why did Namjoon and his boys cover for you when I asked them at gunpoint where you were? They barely knew you a day and they were already telling me they had no idea where you were. What did you do, Y/N? Get their dicks wet?"

You snapped. How dare he talk about the guys like that. You vaulted over the table and kicked him slamming his chair into the wall where he was trapped. He was so surprised by your sudden movement he didn't even react until you pushed him in the face as hard as you could. 

He flashed into action kicked you hard in the stomach and sending you back where you collided with the desk and laid on it trying to get your breath back. He began to advance towards you looking like he was going to kill you here and now but you flicked your legs up and kicked him in the face just under his chin. He staggered backwards holding his chin and grunting in pain. His eyes turned dark as they met yours again, "I'm going to love killing you."

He lunged at you his hands wrapping tight around your throat squeezing tightly. Your hands were clawing and scratching his hands digging your nails into his arm as hard as you could in an attempt to get him off. 

You were 100% sure he was going to kill you as your vision blurred and chest burned for oxygen. Just before you were about to pass out a loud gunshot rang through the Station followed by more shots and shouting. Baehyun loosed his grip on your throat, not enough for you to escape but enough so you could breathe. Another one of his men opened the door with a bang not bothered by you choking and coughing on the desk. 

"What's going on out there?" Baehyun asked annoyed he'd been interrupted in killing you. 

"We're being attacked by a group of guys. Not sure but we have a suspicion they're here for the girl." He answered before running off leaving the door wide open. 

"No," you spluttered, "Why? Why are they here?"

"Looks like your boyfriends are feeling heroic. Let's go and see them shall we?" He let go of your neck completely which made you light head and grabbed a handful of your hair. He pointed his pistol at your neck and pulled you in front of him leading you to the door and back to the entrance of the Station. 

The gunshots and shouts were getting louder and louder as you approached. Down the corridor, you could see where the room opened to reveal more desks. Baehyun's men were ducked behind the desks closest to you and firing at the new people on the opposite of the room ducked behind their own desks. 

When Baehyun dragged you into the middle of his side of the room the gunshots stopped instantly, you couldn't see the newcomers but you prayed it wasn't your boys. 

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you'd like to kill us all but maybe you should wait and see who I've got here."

5 heads popped up from behind various desks.

"Let her go!" Jungkook shouted appearing to your right and pointing a gun at Baehyun.

"I know you won't shoot, she's too precious to you to kill." Baehyun sneered knowing he was right Jungkook wouldn't shot knowing there was a risk of getting you. "All of you stand up, I want to see you all."

Jungkook didn't lower his gun but slowly, Taehyung, Jin, Hobi and Yoongi appeared with guns raised and angry looks on their faces. 

"No," you choked tears streaming down your cheeks as you saw them. "Why did you come?"

"We're not leaving you, Y/N!" Jin shouted.

"Why did you run away? Yoongi asked a fire in his eyes you'd never seen before.

"I couldn't let you guys get killed," you said looking Jungkook in the eye but he was determinedly not looking at you. 

"Looks like they're going to die anyway," Baehyun chuckled. Before you could stop yourself you stamped as hard at you could on his toes making him grunt and throat you away to another one of his men who caught you and pressed a knife to your neck. 

"Y/N!" The others shouted fidgeting restlessly and pointing their guns either at Baehyun or the guy holding you. 

"This is how it's going to go," Baehyun shouted angrily not putting weight on the foot you stood on. "You are going to drop your guns or Y/N is going to get her neck sliced, simple. Drop them. Now!"

None of them moved clearly wondering if Baehyun was bluffing, you knew he wasn't. Baehyun nodded to his guy and the knife dug into your neck slightly making you groan in pain. 

"ALRIGHT!" Jungkook shouted not able bare seeing you in pain and hot blood to drip down from your neck covering your chest. He slowly put his gun on the floor and kicked it away from him raising his hands in surrender. The others copied him with defeated looks on their faces, this hadn't gone to plan. 

"Search them," Baehyun ordered and five of his men ran forward patting down the guys for more weapons. 

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Woo walk quickly over to Jungkook and pat him down, his lips were moving quickly but you couldn't make out what he was saying. Woo's hands were patting down Jungkook quickly and you knew he was deliberately missing patches on his body. 

"Put them in the cells, you know the drill. Only enough water so they can survive and no food." The guys were grabbed and forced down the corridor towards the cells as Baehyun turned to you, "You won't get off so lucky next time." 

You didn't register his words properly because you were too focused on the painful stinging in your neck and blood turning sticky on your chest. 

The guy holding you jerked you away down the corridor and you were thrust into your cell coughing and putting pressure on your neck. 

"Y/N!" You looked over and saw Taehyung and Hobi next to you, they pushed their hands through the wall of bars and you gripped them tightly covering their hands with your blood. 

"Why are you guys here?" You asked scanning them with your eyes to see if they were harmed.

 "We came to rescue you of course," Hobi smiled keeping his voice low so no one nearby would hear you talking. 

"You shouldn't have," you shook your head disapprovingly.

"And you shouldn't have run away, I think we're even," Yoongi pointed out loudly join in the conversation.

"Oh shut up," you smiled despite the situation but you were always happy when they were with you. 

"I can't believe you came." You breathed.

"We can't believe you left," Yoongi still sounded annoyed.

"I couldn't let you guys die!"

"There's no point arguing now because we can't do anything about it now," Jin pointed out firmly making everyone shut up. What on earth were you going to do now?

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