If It's Meant To Be You, Then...

By wazzupworldlol

28K 94 80

Andi's life is great! At least that's what everyone of her fans think. She is a famous girl who dreams of bei... More

Chapter 1 (A Justin Bieber Love Story) If it's Meant To Be You, Then I Do...
Chapter 2 If It's Meant To Be You, Then I Do... (A Justin Bieber Love story)
If its meant to be you, then I do. Chapter 4
If Its Meant To Be You, Then I do. Chapter 5
Chapter 6 If its meant to be you Then I do
Chapter 7 If it's meant to be you, then I do..
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

If It's Meant To Be You, Then I Do.. A Justin Bieber Love Story Chapter 3

2.6K 11 18
By wazzupworldlol

Heeyyyy guyss needed a little break sorry.. :p I hate to do that but whatever!! :( I feel bad but I am back now!! :D Guess what?! Ok so im posting but its pretty obvious.. :p Here it is!! 

Chapter 3

Andi's POV 


Yesterday playing wii was a lot of fun but as you know I kicked him out of my dressing room still having the Ipod. Yes I have gotten all of the classic music off and put better music on. Today me and Justin are going to this huge building because our parents never got to tell us anything from the little scene. It is all the way across the country from me because I live in California and he lives in Atlanta.. We are on the plane now.. About 2 hours from Atlanta. By the way Justin is snoring beside me.. Yeah good times.. 

"Dude shut up!" I hit him and he wakes up and stares at me. What does he want? Oh maybe because I ruined him from a Beyonce dream... 

"Your so mean, I was in the middle of Beyonce!" he says.. Okie but that sounds so, so wrong Justin. 

"That sounds super wrong Justin.." I smirk and he rolls his eyes. 

"What time is it?" he asks as he yawns. I look at my Iphone. 

"It is 15 minutes till 7:00. We should be at Atlanta by 9:00." I say It has been so long on the plane! I feel kind of shitty.. He groans and slouches in his first class seat. "What Atlanta is only two hours away?" I say not getting what he means. We've been on this plane for hours which seems like days. But two hours just seems like 2 minutes.. 

"On the news last night, it said the Atlanta flight would be delayed for about 3 more hours than it regulary would be. So it will be five more hours till we get there. They didn't say why but it probably has something to do with weather." Oh shittzzlez.. 

"Oh my gosh.. Well this sucks my juicebox.." he giggles and grabs my head putting it on his shoulder then strokes my hair. Wtf?? Whatever I have been on this plane and haven't slept any because of his snoring so I might as well sleep. 

"Go to sleep Andilene, I won't put a bullet to your head or anything." he whispers. 

"You better not say that here.." I say and smile falling slowly to sleep. 

Justin's POV

"Go to sleep Andilene, I won't put a bullet to your head or anything." I whisper. 

"You better not say that here.." She says and smiles falling slowly to sleep. She looks so peaceful just sleeping there. Since she keeps her hair up in a ponytail everyday I urge to put it down so very curious to see her beautiful hair. I hear it is so beautiful that every girl wants it. Even her haters. So I get the hair band of and it flows down to her shoulders. They weren't lying at all. I stroke it over and over letting it go through my fingers. All of a sudden, her mom and mine peek around the seat and look at us. 

"Aww..." they both say smiling together. Mothers.. Sigh.. 

"Shh, turn around before she wakes up." I whisper and they nod their heads. I look back at Andilene and she is moving a little. I don't dare to breath because I took her hair down knowing the consenquences but it was so tempting. She moves so her face is directly below mine on my lap and she smiles. Aww she is so cute.. Oh gosh Bieber pull yourself together. You don't need a girl. Not now Caitlin was enough. I promised her I would come back for her.. This sucks my juicebox.. 

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