Am I Just Your Summer Love? (...

By NiamAndLiLoShipper93

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Am I Just Your Summer Love?
Parts/Application!!!! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!
Chapter 1: I Don't Have F-U-N
Chapter 2: Seeing Him For the First Time
Nothing Says Summer Like A Party and A... Shark Attack?
All The Right Words I Needed To Hear
Promise You Won't Forget Me?
We're Getting Married!
I Waited Up All Night For You.

This Was Supposed To Be My Happily Ever After

12 1 2
By NiamAndLiLoShipper93

After the sleepover I woke up the next morning and decided to make breakfast. While I was cooking I realized that there were only two days left until Andy and I were to get married. I had hoped that once I married I would definitely marry for love and I do love Andy. I just wish that he felt the same way I did. It seemed that here lately every time he got a chance to be away from me he would go. I Honestly hoped that once we got  married everything would go back to normal and be the same as it was when we first met.

"Breakfast time." I said loudly

There were groans from the living room.

"I guess I'll just have to eat this by myself."

There were heavy footsteps Before and Liam and Andy stepped into the kitchen.

"We're here babe." Andy said, kissing my forehead

"You guys hungry? I made all your favorites."

"Actually I should go." Liam said

"Are you sure I made plenty?"

"I'm sure and I can tell by the glares I have been receiving since last night it's probably best if I go."

"Well if you need me You know where to find me. Tell Ammie I said hello."

"I will. Bye guys."

He grabbed his jacket and he left. I turned to Andy.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked bluntly

"I haven't been." He said simply

"Yes you have. Is it because I'm fat or because I've done something? What have I done to make you  avoid me?"

"It's nothing to do with that. It's because I haven't been honest."

He looked down suddenly.

"What did you do?"

"I had a moment of weakness."

"Oh No. You didn't? Did you cheat on me?"

"It wasn't Supposed to happen. I went out with coworkers They got me drunk And I slept with the waitress."

"I knew it! I knew you cheated on me I just didn't want to believe it. How could you? This was supposed to be my happily ever after!"

"I'm sorry."

"I need some air."

I grabbed my jacket and ran to the nearest Starbucks, crying. I didn't know why I felt he would still be The same guy from vacation. I called Caroline and she met me there.

"He cheated on me!" I sobbed to her

"Did he say with whom?"

"Some waitress at Funky Buddha."

"I Told you not to fall in love with a guy you just met. But did you listen? Oh no of course not."

"I don't need your 'I told you so' lecture right now Caroline. I called you because I needed a friend. Maybe I should have called Liam instead."

"No. No. I'm sorry. You're right you called for a friend and I need to stop being level headed and I need to support you."

"Thank you."

We talked for hours and then I looked at my watch.

"I should get home. Andy'll want dinner When he gets home. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime you need me I'm here."

"I know... Thank you."

I hugged her and went back home to find Andy waiting for me with a dozen red roses and a candlelit dinner.

"I am your happily ever after." He said before kissing me

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