I Waited Up All Night For You.

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After we came back from my parents the other week Andy seemed different. I don't know if it was me or what. But we got into a fight earlier after Bethany and Caroline left. He started yelling at me and now I can't even remember what we were fighting about. It must've been so stupid. I decided to make him something special for dinner and apologize. his favorite was my chicken. He absolutely loved it. I hope tonight he could forgive me. I turned the lights down and lit some candles, setting the dinner out after turning the stove and oven off. I waited. and waited. and waited. Eleven rolled around and I turned the lights up and blew out the stubs of candle. I checked my phone and there was nothing from him. I called and left him a voicemail and still nothing. I sighed and began putting up dinner. After I packed it up and put it in the fridge, I went and sat on the couch watching tv until three in the morning. I wrote a note before going up to the bed and crying myself to sleep listening to the CD of songs Andy made for me this past summer replaying one song. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. That's what I fell asleep listening to along with my sobs.

*Andy's POV*

I knew I had to go home eventually but I was just so mad at something I couldn't even remember what we fought over. I left Liam a note telling him thanks for letting me cool off there and blah blah blah. I drove home and went inside. It was about four in the morning and I knew she was in bed. I saw a note on the coffee table. I picked it up, starting to read what wasn't smeared. 

Dear Andy,

I am sorry for the arguement earlier. I can't even remember what it was about but I am still sorry. if I hadn't have said anything you'd be here with me right now at three in the morning. I waited up all night for you. I know you will probably get onto me in the morning for that. If you're even home that is. I made your favorite dinner, the chicken you love so much. I hope you finally come in before I wake up. Your plate is in the fridge and whatever time you come in just know three things. 1) I am really so sorry. 2) I wish you were here with me as I went to bed 3) I love you. I hope you know that I really am sorry and I know you are probably so mad at me you didn't come home or it'll be very late. I hope you can forgive me for whatever we fought about. I hate fighting with people I love. It really tears me apart. But I had this nice romantic dinner planned to apologize to you but I never heard anything from you..

I love you Andy.

xx Anna Banana

I knew she'd been crying writing this which hurt me ten times worse. This was our first really big fight and I couldn't remember what it was about. Gah, i'm such a fucking dick. I hated myself more than anything I ever hated before. I took the letter and folded it up sticking it in my pocket, heading upstairs. This way more important than eating right now. I quietly opened the door hearing the CD play that one song. I half smiled remembering she still had that CD I made her. She smiled like crazy when I gave it to her. I turned it off and went to her side of the bed. The black stains on her pillow were clearly make-up stains. Her face was stained with the tear streaks. She cried herself to sleep. Oh dear god what did I do to her. I took a make-up remover wipe and cleaned off all of the make-up off her face. She stirred lightly as I stroked her hair. 

"I am so sorry. i didn't ever mean to make you cry yourself to sleep." I whispered.

i was in shock at the next words I heard.

"Well, you did. You didn't even bother to call me. I was worried something had happened." She whispered back

"Baby, please forgive me. I am so horrible and I will never ever leave angry like that again."

"Andy it's okay. I forgive you. I know you'd beaten yourself up about the note. Just next time please just call me."

"I will. I am so sorry. I love you."

"I love you too. Did you eat your food?" 

"I will. tomorrow. right now I am going to get in bed and cuddle, hold, and love on my soon-to-be wife."

"Then come on in."

"I stripped out of my jeans and shirt, climbing into bed, and scooping her up in my arms. She giggled and started cuddling up to me.

"I wish I could show you how much I am sorry."

"Just being here is more than enough Andy."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. but if you ever make me cry again I'll tell my daddy."

"It'll never happen again."

She laughed lightly. 

"I'm glad it won't. Now cuddle me and talk to your kids. They missed you too."

I smiled and put a hand on her stomach.

"Hi angels. Daddy loves you guys and mommy very much. We can't wait for you guys to get here in a few months. We're so excited. Daddy is going to spoil all of you, along with your uncles and aunts."

I looked up and she was fast asleep again. I pulled her as close as I could and held her tight, stroking her hair. I looked at her, I mean really looking at her. She had a heart shaped face, a cute button nose, full kissable lips, and her dimples were showing even in her sleep. 

"I love you Anna Melissa Warren." I whispered into her ear before falling asleep

I knew that right then and there I was more than ready to stand in front of everyone and say I do; making our love for each other stronger than ever.

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