Nothing Says Summer Like A Party and A... Shark Attack?

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*Andy's POV*

Ever since that moment at the airport all I could think about was that girl. Her hazel eyes, black hair, pale skin, her smile, the way she looked at me. Man if I only knew her name. Clearly the "love at first sight" nonsense Liam was constantly running his mouth about must be true, right? If this was love at first sight then, I'd have to give Liam credit for bringing me here.

"Andy. Hello? Earth to Andy." Jen said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I asked.

"I bet he was thinking about that girl." Harry said

I looked down sheepishly, knowing it was true.

"Told you!" Ammie said to Liam, holding out her hand. He placed a bill in her hand.

"Real mature guys." I said, rolling my eyes

"Mate, you need to go find her. It might be love." Harry said, holding Triniti

Triniti was Jen's daughter. Naturally, as soon as Harry laid eyes on Jen they fell in love. Harry took on the responsibility of being a dad, but he loved every single minute of it and spoiled the both of them so much it wasn't funny. That was what I wanted. Someone to love and spoil and to celebrate every achievement with. I guess I will NEVER find that girl again. I sighed as we pulled up to the hotel. I apparently wasn't in my right state of mine, because Louis smacked me.

"What the hell was that for Tommo." I asked

"Pay attention." He said, pointing in front of me.

"Is that her?" Bryleigh asked

"I think so. I can't get close enough to tell." I said, squinting my eyes.

"I'll find out." Ammie said running forward before we could stop her.

*Caroline's POV*

We got out of the car at the hotel, like always Bethany was running haywire. I managed to snap the body leash on her again.

"Caroline." She whined.

"Don't Caroline me Bethany Anne." I said, wagging my finger at her like she was three.

"I'm not a child. It's a vacation for a reason. To have FUN."

"But you won't have too much fun. You are to be inside our room by ten o'clock."

I heard footsteps running towards us.

"Hi!" Some girl shouted at us.

"Um, Hi?" Anna Asked.

"So um, My friends and I were wondering if you guys would like to come to our party tonight." She said, calming down

"Party?!" Bethany perked up

"To celebrate the first real day of summer we always have a party."

"Michelle, you guys in?"

They stood there for a minute.

"If they don't I will be there."

She clapped and left back over to her group of friends.

"No you won't Bethany." I scolded.

"Why? It's the summer? We came here to have fun. Not to do what YOU wanted." She barked back at me

"I'm trying to keep us safe!"

"No you want us to be like puppy dogs and never leave the fence. Well it isn't going to happen."

She stormed inside.

Am I Just Your Summer Love? (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant