Chapter 1: I Don't Have F-U-N

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Diary Entry Number One

 Date: June 1, 2013

Dear Diary,

this is my first journal entry of the starting summer. Right now as I look out my window it's raining harder than it ever has before, the thunder doesn't bother me but I am terrified of lightning. The rain makes a lulling sound upon the roof of my temporary home also known as the airport. My parents and I were supposed to be back by tonight in my hometown of Rosewood Spring, Michigan. However, the weather caused the delay of our flight so here we are sitting at the airport waiting for what seems like hours. In reality, it is about a three hour delay but I think It's worth it maybe I can get some writing done. So I figured now would be a great time to catch you up on everything that happened since last summer. Well, Let's see I made out and had sex with my math teacher (just kidding. That would be too pretty little liar-ish and that WOULD NEVER HAPPEN), I reconnected with my friends since we fell apart a little this year. Oh! And I just remembered my friends talked my parents into taking me to the beach for the ENTIRE summer. I hate sunshine and I hate the heat. The beach has both things that i SPECFICALLY told them I do not like at all. But do they listen? No. They never do. That would be way too simple.  I swear if they listened things would be A LOT simpler. But then again if I wanted things to be simple I wouldn't have complicated and weird friends. I love them and would NEVER trade them for anything in the world. Well I have to admit that this is actually relaxing. Writing in the diary for the summer. I am SO glad I decided to bring you along. I know I couldn't keep a solid record during school, but this summer i promise to write at least once a week maybe every other week. I just promise to do it. Well diary looks like I might be leaving. Oops, mum is calling me so I have to go! xx Anna Banana (:

Yes I did just sign my name with two kisses for those of you that may be asking. I always have and speaking of things i've always had; I've always had that nickname. Anna Banana. My dad called me that when I was little and I guess it just syuck but whatever. So let me give you the back story. It's always been me and my best friends. Caroline is the responsible one, Bethany the rebel, Michelle the shy one, Nicole is a bookworm, and then there's me, the keep to myself one. I have never been like the others and that's why we always got along so great. Maybe my parents just agreed to let me go on this vacation because Caroline was going. I guess. I don't really understand why my parents think we'll never get in trouble because Caroline is gonna be there. It's horrible. I hate the sunshine, and loud people, and a lot of things. 

"Anna Melissa Warren, come on or we'll miss the plane." My father said from the gate.

"I'm coming dad!" I grabbed my carry-on, rushing in front of him.

"I can't wait until we get back home. I'm sure you can't because you get to go on summer vacation with your friends in a few days." My mother chimed, sitting in front of me

"Yeah I'm just thrilled to be on a sunny beach with loud people." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. 

My parents just chuckled to each other and kissed, which I was thankful I was able to cover my eyes in time. They sighed dramatically.

"Anna Melissa. do not act like that with us." My dad said, interrupting my thoughts

"Yeah dad. I got it. No problem."


I was currently sitting on the bed thinking back to when we left that first day to go for a week. My bag was half empty and I still had two more bags to pack plus my carry-on. I sighed getting up packing as I heard my door open.

"Knock knock. I thought you could use a good homemade snack while you packed for the summer vacation." My dad said

"Dad, why did you and mum really agree to let me go on this vacation?" I asked, taking the plate.

"Because we know you need to get away from here. Find something more than friends and family. Maybe a boyfriend or something."

"Dad, it's the beach. Not a strip club. Gah."

"I know but, you deserve to have a ball and enjoy the summer like you haven't before. You're alwaysstudying or working and this summer you are to have a little thing called F-U-N."

"Dad I don't do fun. I'd rather stay in and read or blog or something that doesn't involve the sunshine, loud people, or the beach."

"No. You will not be sitting inside the whole vacation. You will go outside even if I make Caroline drag you out by your ears."


"No buts. You will do it."

"Fine! if you say so. Now go! I have to change and finish packing!" 

I shoved him out and he laughed. I shut the door, turning on some music, and changing my clothes. Plane ride to the beach here I come. Once I was packed, I went downstairs with my bags.

"I'm leaving guys!" I yelled

"Bye baby! have fun!" My mum yelled from the kitchen

"No hugs?"

"I thought you were too old for those?" My dad asked


They rushed in and hug me. The horn blew. 

"My cab is here. I have to go. I love you guys. I'll call when I land."

"Be safe." Dad warned

"Have fun." Mum echoed

I nodded, walking out the door. The driver loaded my bags and soon I was watching the scenary go by outside the window. Five hour plane rides were never my thing.

(A/N: I was writing this over and over again trying to get it right so I really hope you guys like it! Please vote/comment! xx Laurie)

Am I Just Your Summer Love? (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora