TPO5: Still Charmed

By JunesSpellbook

312 29 32

Book 3: The girls time of trying to live separate has came short when all the elders have died, while battlin... More

1. Trouble in the Pot
2. Manor Mayhem
3. The Brooms are Back Pt. 1
4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)
5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)
6. Simply Normal?
7. Are You Ready? (Interlude)
8. Half-Bloods
9. Here Comes the Bride!
10. We're Ready Pt.1
12. Something Wicca This Way Happens!
13. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 1
14. Spiraling Out of Control Pt. 2
See next:

11. We're Ready Pt.2 (interlude)

48 1 10
By JunesSpellbook

Omniscient POV
While the girls were knocked out, they hear a calling spirit telling them to wake up.

The girls started to wake up one by one surprised by the transparent spirit they were seeing in the middle of the altar.

"Hello my beautiful granddaughters." Their grandmother June smiled.

"Grandma, what are you doing here?!" The girls asked in awe.

"I'm here to tell you that your mission as taking over the Magical community isn't complete, there's still some secrets, rituals, books, and even some objects and, that you just don't know about, it was more than simply answering questions and deciding for others in the magical community." June said to her granddaughters.

"I'm sure there's beings and places we're oblivious to as well huh?" Gabby asked.

"Precisely Gabrielle, especially witches, witches who've have been doing it way longer than you and also share the charmed title." June said.

"What do you mean?!" Kristal quickly asked.

"I've said too much, if you want more check your mother's closet, blessed be, I love you girls and tell my great-grandkids I love them too!" June said as her spirit faded away.

The girls look around in confusion.

"What does all of this even mean?!" Brie irritably asked.

"Whatever it is, I don't want you and Ashly to worry too much about it, it's bad enough you two did what you did today." Kristal simply replied. "I want my nieces or nephews safe, you may be a witch, but that doesn't mean you're apposed from having a safe pregnancy." Kristal said in a tone proving why she's the big sister.

Kristal's POV
At home with my husband and kids, I enjoy the moment of being secure, but I knew that was about to change when we find out whatever it is that's in our mother closet.

Kameron was in my arms while Khris and K'Lynn was between Luke and I in the bed.

K'Lynn rolls over to side getting right up under me and my eyes kinda got teary because I'm so used to be a daddy's girl, so I wanted to enjoy this moment as long as I can.

Meanwhile in the other hand Khris was sitting up next to his dad watching the tv looking like a old man, I had the tell him some bout changing the channel with his powers just by blinking his eyes, he thought it was funny especially because we couldn't find the remote.

Luke turns over to the side and I try not to laugh or look because I can feel his eyes locked upon my face.

"What!" I finally said bursting out in laughter.

"As sweet as the moment is, I can tell something is wrong with you." Luke said in a very comforting tone.

"So after my sisters and I vanquished The Quintrix, out of nowhere a visiting spirit visited us and a very familiar one I might add, it was our dead grandmother, she told us that there's still so much that we haven't learned as elders and to figure out what that means, the answer is in our mother's closet and I'm just nervous because Ashly and Brienna are pregnant, and all of us almost died today, I just feel like as the eldest sister it's my job to make sure that this family is safe and in order." I vented.

"Funny story, you may not believe it but... it's not just you, you have me, I have brothers, hell even my brothers have brothers, you have Normani and Joshua and even the other half-bloods, we all are a family that helps each other out, do you honestly think if you girls decide to take this mission we won't make sure Ashly and Brie are safe especially how protective their men are over them?" Luke said making a vey good point, it's like he always knows what to say to calm me down.

I sighed, "You know sometimes I wish we can do what Antonio did when he changed his name from Lance giving himself a whole new identity, but this time we we'll do it without any powers whatsoever, but that's just not the life that was given to us." I said while Luke just shook his head.

Kameron started to move around in my arms and I quickly adjust how I was holding him so he can get back comfortable.

I gave all my kids a kiss the ones sleep and awoke right before I kissed Luke and we continued to enjoy our tender family moment.

Ashly's POV
Antonio was cleaning while I was on the couch eating a jelly, bacon, and egg sandwich.

Ava was on a mat where I could see her as she kept attempting to crawl, it was so cute because everytime she tried she would start off moving her body backwards.

"Hey baby! Where do you want these herbs to go? In the pantry or in the cabinet?" Antonio yelled from the kitchen.

"Uhm the cabinet is fine since it has a easier access and I could just get whatever I want when I need it and it'll be right there." I responded trying to get some of the jelly off my stomach.

While Antonio was cleaning it hit me that the house was just cleaned yesterday.

"Babe!?" I called in a questionable tone.

" Why are you acting like Shyann?" I quickly asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked in a tone like he knew exactly what I was talking bout.

"Well the house was cleaned yesterday and Shyann is a neat freak and she will clean till you see your reflection even in areas you won't normally see it, especially when she's stressed so therefore, I know something is bothering you." I answered his question perfectly so he couldn't even try to deny it.

"Well, I know we have these powers and we're supposed to do these great things with them and protect the innocent and stop evil beings from destroying he world, but finding out that y'all almost died, it just scared me and I know it's something we're just supposed to be used to, but you never get used to it when the ones you love are involved." Antonio said as he stopped what he was doing in the kitchen to come sit next to me.

"Well Antoni- well Lance, like you said it's who we are, but just know if something were to ever happen to me, I'd make sure I'll always leave a piece of me behind to know that we will always be bound together." I said referring to our daughter Ava and our child in the womb.

"And I'll do the same." Lance said giving me kiss and soon as we were kissing for too long Ava started making noise with the dogs.

Brie's POV
Don and I were getting into a slight argument over the whole situation, but I can tell everything was coming out of fear from the both of us.

" Just like you have a job to do being a king of the nymphs, I have a job to do as a charmed one, don't you think I scared myself?" I asked slightly raising my voice.

"Yes just like my life is in danger everyday being a ruler being paranoid that my own people could be plotting against me everyday, I know that, but at the end of the day I'm not the one carrying our children, when you die so do they, so not only I would have lost you, but my own flesh and blood in the process."Don said and I just started to breakdown.

"Now I feel like a bad mother and my kids aren't even born yet, but if we didn't vanquish them they would've been dead anyway, not just them, but our future grandkids and their kids because they wouldn't even get the chance to exist, so I did what I had to do, just like there will come a time you will be in the same position as me doing what you have to do as well, instead of putting the blame on each other, let's just look at the bigger picture, you're my king I'm your queen, and we're in this together." I said trying to speak through the emotions.

"I'm just scared of the future instead especially of what's already happening in the present." He said as he put his forehead on mine.

"So am I." I replied.

Gabby's POV

As soon as I got home, I started to study on spells remembering them by heart, writing down ingredients to very useful potions and reading entries related to my powers.

I wanted to make sure that we we were prepared for any and everything that can possibly be thrown at us.

I take my job as witch very seriously no matter how much it interferes with my personal life, so founding out that there's more than we know, is a very controversial thing.

Stephen and I got into a little spat becomes he wants me to slow down and relax,but when there's things to learn I just don't know how to. 

While petting Jinx in my lap, I read something that stood out, "Once a witch is experienced enough in the craft she can cast spells nonverbally."

'Now why didn't the original elders tell us this when they were alive." I thought aloud.

Jinx just simply purred in response.

"Yeah you're right.. water under the bridge.'" I replied.

White and blue lights started to form and boom there it was, Stephen caught me in the act.

"Gabrielle... are you serious right now?" He asked in a frustrated tone.

"Babe I'm sorry, I don't stop you from your job as king of atlantis or when you're helping other witches or whitelighers, this is who I am, my grandmother who's been dead visited us,so I'm not taking this lightly." I said defending myself.

"I know, but you're acting like I asked you to cut your arm off, even I take time to regroup myself." Stephen replied.

And we just looked at each and just simply laughed at each other.

"I really love you, but I'm serious, you need to relax I tell one of my charges all the time it's never good for a witch to be overworked, her powers will do nothing for her." Stephen said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead before he let me finish studying.

Shyann's POV
I told Christian everything that happened and we took it upon ourselves to go to the Manor.

Ariana and Normani answered the door in their pajamas while Christian and I were in our coats, beanies, gloves, and scarfs.

"Where's my sister?" I asked as soon as I notice I didn't see Normani.

"And why do you girls look annoyed?" Christian asked.

"Well hello to you too Shyann." Zendaya said to me sarcastically.

"And Christian because Normani and Blair having been getting you know.... cozy and it's been really distracting." Ariana replied.

"It's quite entertaining if you ask me... that girl can whistle." Zendaya slightly chuckle.

"Or maybe Blair is just a good conductor on hitting the right notes." Ariana chuckled herself.

I simply shook my head, "Whew she just better not be pregnant, but she needs to wrap it up, literally and figuratively she sleeps in our mother room and there's something we need to get out her closet." I said staying why Christian and I were there.

"See I told you Josh seemed like he was a lil..." Zendaya started to say wavy her hand side to side.

"Would you stop it! Trust me he may be in touch with his feminine side cause whew... but that's a topic for another day." Ariana said sounding like she was getting a flashback.

"Uhm can you let me in please." I said trying to stay on topic.

"I guess since technically it still is your house." Zendaya sighed.

Christian and I gave each a look and just simply shook our heads.

I go walk upstairs and bust Normani's door open.

"What the hell going on up in here?" I asked watching them trying to cover themselves quickly.

"Last time I check I thought I was 21!" Normani said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but our grandmother visited us today, telling us about some secrets that's still unknown, and the answer is in mama's closet." I said in a apologetic tone.

"I thought your grandmother was dead." Normani stated.

"She's your grandmother too." I responded.

"You know what I mean." Normani looked.

"I think imma just leave because obviously y'all have a lot going on right now soo..." Blair said as I can see him trying to get dressed under the covers.

"Home!" Normani shouted facing her hand at Blair orbing him to wherever he lives.

"That was so embarrassing." Normani said putting her face in her pillow.

"I'm sorry, but yes our grandmother is dead she can as a visiting spirit when we vanquished The Quintrix, nearly died, but long story short I just need to see what's in this closet and we're going to need you and Joshua's help since Ashly and Brie are getting close to labor." I explained.

"I mean yeah you know I'm always down to help, when does everything start?" Normani asked.

"Well it all depends on what's in this closet." I nonchalantly replied.

"Oh God... I hope not R.Kelly." Norman said in a tone acting like she didn't just say what she said.

I start moving Normani's clothes out the way, "Damn where do you even have the time to shop?!" I asked getting frustrated at how much stuff she had, "It reminds of when I was working at Lit Apparel." I groaned.

Finally, after moving a lot of stuff out the way it was the chest that Gabby found when we first became witches. "Oh not this again." I said remembering when we first came into our powers.

"What's the matter?" Norman asked. 

"Nothing much, it's just the chest that started it all." I responded.

I picked it up and I tried my best to remember the encantation to open the box, then it hit me that it was The Power of Five backwards.

"Evif fo rewop eht!" I chanted as the box started to shine as it opened.

A golden key levitated and soon as I grabbed it, I let out a loud gasp.

*Premonition* A black girl with blonde curly hair running from a demon holding fireball, she's carrying a medium sized book, she accidentally drops the book, trips over it and the demon kills her with his fireball, when he went to grab the book, it moved somewhere in the grass, then the demon looks at a sign that says 'Bay Mirror' with a white woman smiling on it, and he then shimmers away. (The demon himself was white with black spiky hair, and his outfit was leather.) *End of Premonition*

Gabby's POV
I was getting annoyed because I didn't even know where to start and I was waiting for Shyann to see what the answer was.

Just when I was growing impatient Shyann texted me a picture of a key attached to the description of her vision.

When she said Bay Mirror, I realized that her premonition happened in California, and I would know since i hard to live there.

"Ugh just give me a sign." I moaned.

As soon as I said that one of the books I were were from started to flip to 5 different pages.

"Oh shit..." I said to myself. "Looks like we're going to California." I smirked.

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