Destined For the King


9.3M 259K 52.3K

"Time is up, I AM CLAIMING WHAT IS MINE!" His voiced shattered throughout the entire tower. He has found me a... More

Love is for the pure
Rapunzel Rapunzel...
Fight Til The End
Face to Face pt. 1
Face to Face pt.2
Panic Attack
Throwback p1
Throwback p2
Dinner date
Meet the Parents
Dinner conversation
Family secrets
Armani Dresses
Fresh start
New Agreement
Party Time
In the Works
Perfect Night
Surprise Honey
Test run
Family Drift
Talks and Mimosa
Shot at Love
Our First Kiss?
Up In The Air
My Turn
Engagement Party
Do I stay...
Or Do I Go...
Dark times
Make Amends
Shell of A Man
Day 1
New York
Birthday p1
Birthday P2
Morning after
Realtor Project
Back Home
Finally Reunited
I'll Marry You
Massive Print
New Expectations
Wedding plans
Decisions without Him
Yes to the Dress
Bridesmaid shopping
Sit Down
Wife Selection
Crocodile Tears

Week of Freedom

96.3K 2.7K 697

Another chapter in less than 24 hrs. Be happy and enjoy the double update because I might not update for a while.



The sun beamed through my window waking me up from my deep slumber. The sun has been a peaceful method of waking up when freedom is at the tip of your fingers. I didn't waste any time in bed. I rose excitedly and skipped towards the bathroom. I've been up bright and early at 7 am for the past week. I didn't want to waste any more time indoors. Mama was downstairs making breakfast. The aroma of croissants and her famous fluffy pancakes seeped through the bathroom from the crack under the door. As I brushed my teeth, the memories of the day I left Genoa filled my head.


Dominic followed me outside as my famiglia was helping the guards fill the car with their luggage. Mama and my grandparents were kind enough to give Dominic a hug and kiss goodbye before getting inside the car. I waited for all the luggage to be packed inside the trunks and for everyone to be inside the car before I said my goodbyes. Dominic looked at me confused before he noticed my luggage being loaded into the car. His stone-cold expression was replaced with sadness for a quick moment before reforming back. He was hurt at the fact that I was already packed. I guess he never noticed.

Once everyone was in the cars, I turned to say goodbye to Dante and Liliana. Despite my time, I will miss these two; especially Liliana. She kept the peace in the house whenever there was chaos and I know with me leaving she will have to deal with the wrath that it Dominic. I didn't know whether to hug Dominic or just leave. He stood straight with his arms crossed tightly against his chest. I don't think he wants a hug from me.

"This is goodbye, I guess. See you later, Dominic." I waved goodbye and turned to get inside the car. Before I can open the door, I felt a hand clasp around my wrist and spin me around. I could barely process what was happening before Dominic pulled me a tight bear hug. His squeeze around my waist was tight and desperate.

"This is not goodbye." He whispered hoarsely into my ear before pushing me away and storming back into the house. I didn't know what to say to that. I gave a final wave to Liliana before getting into the car.

During the ride to the airport to the plane landing in Milan, we were all silent. Everyone saw the intense hug between Dominic and me and considering what has transpired over the last 24 hours, it was best not to talk about anything just yet. Mama held me during the plane and ride and sang lullabies quietly into my ear as she ran her fingers through my hair. Her voice soothed my shaky nerves. Once we landed in Milan, my new life was about to start and that's the only thought running in my head. No Vincenzos looming over me, no parents telling me what to do, and no Dominic holding me back. It was me against the world.

There was a part of me worried about Dominic. He seems like the type to be destructive during stressful moments. So I sent a text to Damon explaining everything and he promised to keep an eye on Dominic while I'm in Milan.


I've spent my first week back at home. Surprisingly enough, my papa decided to leave on a 'business trip' the day we arrived so I didn't get a chance to see him once we landed. There's a part of me that thinks he's avoiding me. He hasn't once tried to reach out to me since I've been home so today I decided to move into the house we own off the coast. My parents have been renovating the home for years and it's finally finished. It's close to Mama's work and only a 15-minute drive from the house.

Time has flown by since arriving in Milan. I didn't waste any time exploring the town with my girls and by myself. The first 3 days, Bambina and Juliana took me to all the spots I missed when I was in hiding. They took me to the beaches, pubs that all the high school kids would hang out, the movies, and of course the mall to spend all of our money. There was no more leaning on Dominic for money since I left all his credit cards back at the house so my next conquest was to get a job. Luckily by the end of the week, I managed to get a receptionist job at a real estate firm for luxurious estates.

The transition from no freedom to freedom has been a thrill. The regret and anger I've carried inside have begun to wash away and it's only been a week. I can only imagine how amazing I would feel in a month's time.

Mama smiled at blew me a kiss as I walked into the kitchen. As usual, Roberto was still asleep in his room so I was having breakfast alone with Mama again.

"You look nice today, are you going to work?" Mama asked as she handed me a plate of food.

"Yes, I start my job today. I'm really excited." I glanced down at my outfit to make sure I was dressed okay. I wanted to look like the other women a the office so I wore a black pencil knee-length skirt with a small slit at the back, a pink fitted sleeveless chiffon halter neck collar blouse, and small black open toe heels.

"Are you nervous about anything?"

"No, I'm just really excited to start. After work, I'm going straight to the country house."

"Tesoro, do you really want to move out so soon?"

"I need too. Even though you don't want to admit it, papa is avoiding me. He hasn't called once and he's called you and Roberto like 5 times since he's been away. I know he's still weird with me since our last conversation and hasn't approved about my decision to be with Dominic. I don't want anyone to be weird. I need to feel comfortable so if that means leaving then so be it."

"He really is away on business Alessandra."

"That's fine. He has time to call you, he should make time to call me."

The conversation ended at that. Once I finished eating my breakfast I headed out the door. Driving was a different experience I had to master within the first week I was here. I had my license but never got a chance to actually drive a car. After a few dents and two trips to the mechanic, I got driving down as one of my better skills.

Being excited for my first day of work, I arrived 20 minutes early to my shift. I wanted time to learn the computer and how to use the phones before I actually started. The owner of the real estate Mr. Gabbana was waiting at the reception desk upon my arrival. Mr. Domeninco Gabbana is on the younger side with a few grey hairs poking through his luscious curly locks and faint crows creasing on the side of his eyes. Other than that, he screamed youthfulness and beauty. From his flawless olive skin to his straight shiny pearly whites and full dark bushy beard. He is handsome and for a man in his early 30s, he's quite successful and incredibly friendly.

"Ah, Alessandra! Early and prepared. That's what I like to see! Come, let me show you around the office." Mr. Gabbana announced. The one-level modern real estate office is more luxurious than most places in Milan. The office is built as a large square. The entire office is surrounded by windows to give it a modern concept with open lighting. There was brick walling surrounded the other walls of the office. There were 4 private offices for the senior realtors in the firm and the large office at the far back across from the lunchroom. There were cubicles in another corner of the office for the junior and newbie realtors.

Finding my way around the office shouldn't be too hard. We walked back to my desk by the front doors. My job is to answer the phones, make appointments, schedule any open houses or private appointments, and redirect clients to the right realtor. Mr. Gabbana got me set up with the computer and handed me a small binder booklet with all the common questions that will be asked, the extensions of everyone who works here and the procedures to schedules and other things.

After Mr. Gabbana explained everything, he went back to his office. The other realtors started to stroll in before noon. Some were friendly enough to say hi and introduce themselves to me while others simply ignored me and walked straight towards the back. Not that shockingly, it was mostly the men that decided to say hi while the women were the ones to ignore me.

The first half of my day was a breeze. I had a few calls come in and successfully set up 3 open houses but other than that I spent the better half of the morning writing out a week advance schedule for one of the senior realtors. It was a few minutes before I was set to go on my lunch break when a shockingly familiar face walked through the doors.

"Wow, who would have thought I would see you again Dollface?"

Damon walked through the doors with his signature smile on his face. He's dressed in casual business attire. He had a dark blue cashmere sweater under his black sports jacket and matching black fitted slacks.

"Damon, what are you doing here!" I got up from my seat to give him a hug.

"I have an appointment with my realtor, Mr. Gabbana. I have some property in Milan that I want to sell. So this is where you've run off too."

"I didn't runoff. I chose to take a break away from things."

"Hmm...when's your break dollface?"

"In about half an hour."

"Perfect, wait for me dollface. I'm taking you out to lunch."


Damon drove us to a nearby restaurant to check up on things. It's been a week but Dominic has been on my mind despite telling everyone otherwise. I wonder if he's doing okay. After everything, I still want to make sure he's okay. He didn't take me leaving well and I don't want him to do any more damage that he can't take back later on.

"How long are you in Milan?" I asked him as I sipped the wine he ordered.

"I go back tomorrow night. I got to go to the property and make sure it's ready to sell. I also have been chatting with your friend Juliana. She is a feisty one."

"Wait, what?! She never told me anything! How long have you guys been talking?"

"Only for a day but she has made things quite difficult."

"Are you going to see her while you're here?"

"She made it clear she isn't interested in being with a player like me but I'll be changing that thought very soon.

"Take it easy with her, I don't need her going insane over you."

"How about you, Dollface? How is the newly found freedom treating you?"

"Honestly Damon...I love it. I've never been this happy in years! I got a job and I'm going to be living on my own starting today. I got to go out with my friends and spend time with my famiglia. I really needed this. Like who wakes up before 7 am every day for fun. I hate going to bed because I couldn't wait for the next day to start."

"You seem happy. I'm proud of you for taking advantage of your freedom."

"Thank how is Dominic? Is he taking everything okay? Tell me the truth."

"He's... better now. At first, he was a mess. Drinking like his liver didn't exist, disappearing during weird hours of the night. The city of Milian is under terror. There has been calls that Dominic would stand outside people's houses and watch them. He's been a real psycho and hard to take control of but Liliana and I finally got it under control. He's now a nonstop working machine."

I knew this would happen. I do feel bad that Dominic is taking the separation hard and everyone around him has to suffer for it but I would make the same decision all over again. I needed to be free and find myself before I allow myself to fall in love and in a relationship.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on him. I know that's not an easy job."

"No fucking kidding. He tried to shoot me 3 times because of your engagement party. You should have seen his face when I told him you sent me there to watch over him. I thought he was going to set fire to the city."

"No grown man wants a babysitter but he wouldn't need one if he would act normal. So did he send you here to check up on me?"

"Honestly no. He knows of my plans to go to Genoa but he didn't say a word. He's been mute since he's stopped his drinking binge. He's been trapped in his office behind his computer."

"Has you know who been around?"

"You mean the ugly Veronica? Yes, she stopped by every day since she heard that you went back to Genoa to visit your famiglia. She hasn't been let onto the estate."

"Wait people know I left?"

"Yes, Dominic once he's gained his sense back released a statement that one of your famiglia members are sick and you're taking the time to spend time with them. He's smart for that. With you gone, it raises suspicion. You don't need people looking further into your life."

"Okay...that makes sense."

I'm happy that Veronica hasn't made it through the estate gates. He used her to get under my skin but seeing them together at our engagement put doubt in my head that they might be perfect together. I did give permission to Dominic to try a future with her while I'm away. He deserves to know if Veronica might be the one. But he's stubborn.

"Do you think you'll ever come back to Genoa? You got a taste of freedom and from my standing, it looks like you're in love. Do you think you can give it up to go back to Genoa; to Dominic?"

Damon's words stung like a fresh cut. He's right, I am in love with the freedom and everything about it. I love waking up happy and going to bed happier than I was when I woke. I love leaving whenever I want and not explaining to people where I'm going. I love to party when I want and drink whatever makes me happy. I love working for my own independence and I love having freedom. If Dominic does change and wants to take me back...I don't know if I can go back.

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