Blood World - Book Three ✓

By jllnnah

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With families to protect, the fate of the wolves and vampires hang in limbo when a dark figure from the past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

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By jllnnah

The First Vampire

Chapter Summary
He Has Returned.

Sabrina stared at him in horror. The First had returned from the grave, awaken. Vladimir lifted a hand up and cupped her cheek, "Why did you leave me for that rotwit?"

She couldn't respond at all, she didn't know what to do, think, or say. Vladimir tugged his hand away from her flesh and snapped his fingers. "Take her."

The bat formed black smoke around it before shifting back to its vampire form. A sinister smile crawled upon its face as it seized Sabrina's arm. "Go gentle on Amelia. I don't want her to get hurt," Vladimir commanded.

The vampire slackened his grip on Sabrina's arm, Divinity tried to kick himself back up only to be pinned down again. "Urgh," He groaned.

Vladimir gazed at her and was about to kiss her when a bolt cut through his shoulder. He hissed, taken aback by the pain burning in his skin.

Snowdust shot a furious scowl at Vladimir, "Don't ever touch my daughter!" She cried out, leveling her crossbow at Vladimir's chest. "Farewell, bitch." She muttered under her breath before firing the crossbow again.

Vladimir ducked out of the way effortlessly, the bolt piercing straight to Sabrina. She coughed and dropped to her knees, the vampire still clutching her arm. Sabrina pressed a palm against her chest to hinder blood from trickling down. She gathered enough power to blast it at the vampire grasping her.

The vampire staggered backwards and plummeted. It hissed as its red eyes glared at her. When Divinity mustered efficient strength and power, he bit into Margaret's leg and chewed off the heel. Margaret screamed in agony before thrusting the other heel at the back of his head before she fell backwards.

"Where are the guards?!" Snowdust raised her voice then dropped her crossbow and glared at the vampires. She snapped her neck before descending on all fours, letting her bones shift in her body as fur clouded around her skin. Then, before she knew it, she transformed into a wolf.

Snowdust, in her wolf form, growled at the vampires in warning. Vladimir let out a wicked cackle, brushing off her form and faced Sabrina. "Oh, Amelia, stop pretending you're another person, you can't possibly trick me-" He widened his eyes as he heard Margaret's blood-curdling scream.

He spun around to see Margaret being devoured by Snowdust, her skin easily torn off like paper. Snowdust opened her mouth wide before snapping it at Margaret's head, disconnecting it from the body. Divinity took freedom as an opportunity to tackle Vladimir to the floor.

He sank his thumb into one of Vladimir's eye socket, letting blood gush out and stream down Vladimir's cheek. Then, to please himself, he ran his sharp nails along his cheek, leaving scrape marks. "That's what you get for touching my wife."

Vladimir limply clutched Divinity's neck, groaning then throwing him away. "I cannot die tonight. Not until she is dead. Might as well kill her now," Vladimir rushed toward Sabrina, lifting her from the ground by gripping her neck. Air abandoned Sabrina's lungs while strength also left her body.

A frigid sensation surged through Sabrina's body, her eyes turned teal. She raised a hand up and plunged it right into Vladimir's chest. Vladimir let go of Sabrina, causing her to fall to the ground with a sickening thud. Vladimir took four steps backwards, gaping at his chest.

He didn't feel pain at all, and to his relief, only a layer of his clothing was damaged by Sabrina's knuckles. Without hesitation, Vladimir blew a violent punch across Sabrina's face.

The wolf guards entered the scene, quickly dragging Vladimir and the other vampire out of the den. Sabrina dropped to her knees, panting, and so did Divinity. Snowdust returned to her human form, dusting off her clothing before racing towards Sabrina.

She bent down and asked, "Are you two alright? We must get you both to the infirmary," She looked around and yelled for help, "Help! I need people to help me bring these two to the infirmary."

Two wolf guards immediately ran into aid and carried Divinity and Sabrina from the ground. Snowdust instantly remembered Priyanka, still in her crib. She sprinted back to the garden to find The Royal Family of the Agnes Den, Lisa, Seth, and her sister, Stella close with each other, shaking in fear.

"What happened to Vladimir?" Seth jumped up to his feet, closing in on Snowdust.

She breathed out an exhausted sigh, "He's been taken cared of. Right now I need to prepare weapons. And, Priyanka..." She ambled towards the crib to find Priyanka safely sleeping.

Lisa came forward and held her mother's hand, "I had to comfort her while the ongoing commotion."

Snowdust gazed at her with a sweet smile, and tucked a strand behind her ear, "Thank you dear."

Queen Eleanor strode towards Snowdust and rested a hand on her shoulder, "Jones was about to say that The Agnes Den would like to request alliance from The Lycan Den. The Tundra has already accepted ours so now it is up to you, your decision."

Snowdust didn't bother weighing her options, she nodded her head and accepted. "We are now allies." She confirmed it, and with that, Queen Eleanor grinned from ear to ear.

"Excellent! King Agnes and I will discuss military plans whenever you request. We are available any time you need, do not hesitate to call us." Queen Eleanor pulled Snowdust to an embrace. "Thank you for saying yes to our alliance, it would do me great pleasure to be by your side."

Snowdust gave her a smile, though it didn't reach her eyes, "Of course. Who would deny?"

Queen Eleanor bowed, "King Jones, Prince Jamie, and I shall leave now. The den can't wait for the news."

Snowdust and Queen Eleanor bid each other farewell before parting ways.

Inside the palace, Snowdust briskly sauntered down a hallway and stopped in her tracks when she reached a door to her right. She twisted the knob and made her way inside. The scarce moonlight streamed through the glass window, enough to light up the dim bedchamber.

She knelt down to her knees before an odd looking wooden floor, she easily opened the trapdoor by using her nails. In it was a ruby pendant, a blood orb, and her trusty pistol. She stood up to grab a satchel sitting on her desk then started loading it up with items.

Footsteps pounded from outside the bedroom, Snowdust quickly slammed the trapdoor shut and hid her satchel under her bed then straightened the creases on her dress. The footfalls became silent as the door swung open. Her sister, Stella, walked inside, an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing?" She asked, folding her arms. Snowdust sat on the mattress of her bed, desiring a slumber. She peered at the window before she laid her eyes on Stella.

Should I tell her? Snowdust tried to find balance in her thoughts then carried out a heavy sigh. She'll worry, of course she will, no matter what.

Snowdust decided that she'd tell Stella the truth. What was the use in lying when she'd take Sabrina and Divinity with her? They too wanted answers.

"I'm taking Divinity and Sabrina with me to Mount Estinium, the home of Kismet. We all are looking for answers and we need them right now." She said.

Stella harked, nodding as she understood. "I know. But, who will take care of the palace while you're gone? Surely-"


Stella stared at her, Snowdust smirked as she saw her jaw drop wide. "Y-you want me?" She couldn't believe it.

Snowdust rose from her bed and held Stella's hands in hers, "I want you to experience what it feels like to have the throne so I'm leaving it under your care. Besides, I already trust you." Then, she remembered her twenty years of absence. "Wait, didn't you rule the den already while I was gone?"

Stella caressed her arms as she recalled the past, "Not really. The throne was an empty seat awaiting for Sabrina. The wolf guards were just protecting the den whilst the citizens continued on with their lives."

"Then this is your chance to experience." Snowdust cupped her cheek, "Sis, I care for you." She furrowed her brows, "If something ever happens to me... again and I mean literally die this time... I swear I owe you the twenty years of care you have given to my children, your family."

"It's nothing. And don't ever plan death, okay? Live for me," Stella gripped her shoulders, "You're a warrior, Snowdust, you've live through danger, even flirted with it. There's no doubt you'll live this too."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Snowdust leaned closer and kissed her on both cheeks before walking away.

Snowdust was headed for the infirmary to check on Sabrina and Divinity. When she entered, a nurse sauntered toward her, "Your highness, are you here to see them?"

"Yes," She answered. It was obvious she came to see them. The nurse nodded and escorted her to the room where both of them lied on separate beddings.

The nurse quietly left the room, leaving Snowdust alone with the two of them. She scanned around for a chair and sat down on it. She sighed, crossing her arms, and lowering her head.

Vladimir will pay for this. She said to herself in her head.


Vladimir paced back and forth inside the throne room, fueled with rage. When he encountered a wall, he slammed his knuckles against it, causing a mild crack. Isaac and Harry flinched at his sudden fisting.

"They got Margaret. She's down. We have to do something for retribution." He said, then a sinister smile turned his lips up. "Get ready boys, we are hunting wolves."

Isaac and Harry smiled at each other then knelt down in front of Vladimir, "Praise the first!" They said in unison. Soon, the three of them were spread around the forest, clawing at every wolves they see.

Harry crouched down behind a bush, peeking at a lone wolf sniffing the dirt. He inched backwards, waiting and waiting... until he leapt forward and tackled the wolf. Harry did the wolf no mercy as it burrowed past the fur and flesh, and into its guts. Harry arched down and drank as many blood as he could, quenching his blood thirst.

The night of the predators preying on the innocents continued. Vladimir chanced upon three puppies playing with each other. His eye twitched as he remembered the pain Amelia brought onto him. It was time for him to lash out, let everything out, he had bottled up too much energy already and it needed to be exuded.

Vladimir sprang into the scene, scaring the puppies. He grabbed all three of them as they tried to flee in terror. "You're not going anywhere," He ended with a long wicked laugh, a hysterical one, it echoed through the forest menacingly.

Each by each, he ripped their head off using his mouth then dropped three bodies to the ground before feasting on them.

In a distance, Isaac had knocked the life out of a wolf then plunged his claw deep into the stomach of the wolf then pulled out its intestine. Isaac bit down, ingurgitating the guts of the wolf. He pulled a limb out of its socket then smelled it, the scent of a delicious meal. He devoured it, his ravenous appetite forcing his mouth to chew faster.

He darted his eyes at a wolf growling. Isaac flashed the wolf a warning look then lowered himself. The wolf had no reluctance in its motion when it lunged for Isaac. Isaac charged at the wolf, assailing the wolf with fists and elbows. Isaac looked up at the night sky with the bright moon before sinking his fangs into the neck of the wolf.

Life seeped away from the wolf as it fell limply, motionless.

After a night of bountiful hunt, the three gathered at the palace of the late Margaret Amiraneed. Their hunger had been satiated.

"That was such an experience," Harry licked his lips which dripped of fresh blood.

Vladimir smiled then lifted a goblet from the table. He pulled out a wolf's heart and squeezed it, allowing the blood to fill the goblet. He handed out the heart to Isaac and Harry who shared it by cleaving it in half then ate.

He took a sip of wolf blood and pictured the corpse of Sabrina, who he thought was Amelia. "In fourty days, I will pay a soul, the vampires will rise, and our kind will be mighty and high."

Then, his finger travelled up to his broken eye and with a single touch, it healed the scar, restoring his eye back. Afterwards, his fingers brushed his scarred cheek, letting the wound fade.

"This hunt gave me enough blood to charge my healing ability."

Isaac and Harry cackled a villainous laugh, projecting an antagonistic behavior within the room. Vladimir took another sip of blood, contemplating a future ahead of him.

If he did everything right from now on, he would be sure of the future playing in his head right now.

A victorious empire of vampires... cheering for their Deity, their Father. A smirk curled his lips upward, a frisson of anticipation ran through his body.


Divinity jolted awake, sucking in a lungful of air. His vision was a blur, slowly clearing away the mist in his eyes. Then, he looked at Sabrina, laying unconscious on the other bedding. He tried to reach out but they were a distance.

Snowdust rose up to her feet and made her way towards Divinity, she cast her gaze at him. "She isn't awake yet. It's best if you rest first. Take a couple of hours, that's what you need," She advised him.

He sighed as his gaze was affixed to the ceiling, "I'm sorry if I wasn't able to protect her. As a husband, that is my duty... To protect her. And I failed. We tied the knot recently, and I feel like I am not doing a good job as a partner and a father."

Snowdust smiled warmly, clasping her hands, "You know I've been there. Gerald thought the same thing. I was always there to remind him that not all the time you can do things you want to do, let alone fate has carved out a path for you."

Divinity listened attentively, nodding, "Were you always there to protect him?" He asked.

Snowdust ripped her eyes away from him and sighed, patting her arm gently. "I wished I was, and if I did, he'd be here." She fought back tears brimming her eyes.

Divinity knitted his eyebrows in response, feeling pity for his wife's mother who he also considered as one. Snowdust to him was a maternal figure he always needed ever since he was a child. In his unfortunate childhood, his mother died. His father, Benjamin, always glossed over the cause of her death, leaving away the malevolent parts of their love story.

All Divinity longed for that time was a mother. A mother who'd care for him. Who'd love him for who he is. Sometimes, Benjamin would act irrational and complicated towards Divinity. Then, as he gazed at Snowdust, there was a hint of familiarity.

Snowdust arched an eyebrow as she noticed his gaze. "What is it, dear?"

"I remember your face when I was a child. When you stormed the palace with your husband. I'm not sure though," Divinity slowly sat up and sank his palms against the soft mattress.

"I did. It's better if we leave the past behind and focus on the present, while also preparing for the future." Snowdust neared and held Divinity's hand. "Whatever wrong your father has done, don't feel guilty. All horrible things that had happened... Let all that be buried."

Snowdust let go of his hand as she laid her eyes on Sabrina, slowly drifting towards consciousness. Then, she jolted awake, gasping and panting. Her gaze panned to Snowdust, then exhaled a sigh of relief before laying down again. Divinity gazed at her, perturbed.

"Where is Priyanka?" Those were the first words that spilled out of her mouth.

"Priyanka is safe, she's sleeping in your bedroom. She's being guarded by Lisa and Tatsuya." Snowdust informed her, perching down on her seat. "There's something I need to tell the both of you now that you two are awake."

Sabrina and Divinity harked to Snowdust's next words. "We're leaving before dawn. To Mount Estinium, where Kismet lives."

"Where exactly is Mount Estinium, is it off the maps of Blood World?" Divinity questioned.

Snowdust heaved a sigh, "We will have to board a boat and travel across sea to another island. The Island of Fate..." She informed and jumped up to her feet. "I'm preparing us for the trip. The Island of Fate is Kismet's home in Blood World. Kismet is a multidimensional embodiment of destiny meaning not only does it carry our own, but other realms too."

"So the destiny of the other dimensions and ours are managed by one and only?" Sabrina tried comprehending and when Snowdust nodded a yes, she completely understood Kismet's function.

"Not only does Kismet weave our destiny, it sees the past, present, and the multiple possibilities of our future." Snowdust explained further. "Though, if we want to change our destiny, our future... one must pay a soul."

Her words left a frightened mark in their hearts. Suddenly, the mood became somber as sullen faces dropped their eyes to the floor.

Their attention was claimed by the knocking on the door. Snowdust sauntered towards it and opened it for a familiar woman who strode inside.

"Asha." Sabrina mentioned her name, "What brings you here?"

Asha bowed down and held her hands, "I heard that Former Queen Snowdust will bring you two to a trip to Mount Estinium. I'd like to come with, for your protection, and... I too seek answers from Kismet."

"You can come with," Snowdust granted her the ability to travel with them. Asha turned to her with a face of gratitude.

"Thank you, your Highness," She bowed again formally and politely.

Snowdust faced Snowdust and Divinity, "Rest first and I will see you two before time enters the fifth hour of daylight. We will go see Doctor Leandro first." She said before turning around and leaving the room.

Asha followed.

Sabrina and Divinity gazed at each other then inclined their heads before drifting back to a serene and uninterrupted slumber.


Doctor Leandro Swine neared his mouth to the page and parted his lips to exhaust wind. As he blew at the page, dust flew away, clearing up the dirt that blanketed the paper. He swiped his palm at the page, fully wiping away the dust covering it.

His eyes skimmed the words etched to the paper. He read the writings out loud for himself.

"The God of Blood sculpted the first of many kinds in his world, The Blood World. The First Wolf and The First Vampire resided in the Island of Mercedes, allowing them to explore and expand their kind. The God of Blood left them to rule their own as he rejoiced in success with the other Gods from different dimensions."

Doctor Leandro shrinked back in his seat as he sighed heavily. "So, The First Wolf and The First Vampire were together in The Island of Mercedes. But, what creatures were created in the Island of Meline?" He studied the next page, which answered his question.

"In the Island of Meline, various creatures were scattered but left when it became a dumping place for corrupted and discarded subjects of creation."

He nodded, "That explains the corrupted wolves. The First probably left them there as they failed her expectations, thus, their mind corrupted. Ugh, so much lore."

Then, he flipped to the next page. His eyes landed on Werewolves.

His interest was hooked by the title so he read the page with wonder.

"Werewolves were a lower classes of wolves according to Amelia, The First Wolf. Werewolves were also created in The Island of Mercedes. Their initial purpose was for military but Amelia found more interest in wolves, casting away the werewolves." He lifted a bookmark from his desk and taped it at the page before closing the book.

His eyes flew at the door as he heard knocking. He sauntered towards it with a lifted eyebrow, his hand twisting the knob slowly then yanked the door open to find Sabrina, Asha, Divinity, and Snowdust standing on his porch.

"Oh, come in you four," He gestured inside, steering all four them into his cabin then looked around the outdoor scenery before shutting his door. "I didn't expect arrival of guests so do pardon me if tea time will wait a little longer."

"It's okay, Doctor Leandro. We can wait," Divinity said in his polite voice, Doctor Leandro smiled in satisfaction. He hastily dusted the couch then gestured the four of them to sit down.

"Make yourselves comfortable." He sauntered back to the kitchen and began brewing tea. "So, I bet you're not just here to visit. You're all looking for answers," He said.

"You guessed it right," Snowdust spoke as she walked towards the kitchen island and watched Doctor Leandro make tea. "I'm thinking that maybe you can come with us."

Doctor Leandro arched an eyebrow as he witnessed the iron kettle heat up, "Where are you planning to go?"

"To Mount Estinium," She answered.

Doctor Leandro briskly moved towards a cabinet, his hand reaching up the handle to yank it open and pluck out four teacups. "Mount Estinium... Kismet? Are you trying to carve a different fate?"

"Well, we want to know our future especially the war. Will the wolves emerge victoriously? Will Sabrina and Divinity's family survive the next generation? A lot of questions for the future," She said.

Doctor Leandro placed the teacups on the counter, then leaned against it, crossing his arms as he waited for the kettle's final boil.

Snowdust and Doctor Leandro resumed conversation about Kismet, the fate, and The Second Great War.

Meanwhile, Sabrina and Divinity explored the house, their hands running through delicate antiques. Divinity's eyes scanned the dragon's skull relic safely displayed in a durable antique cabinet. Then his gaze shifted at a serpent's scepter.

"Doctor Leandro makes quite an astounding explorer. He must have  discovered unknown biomes in our realm," He said.

Sabrina smiled and linked arms with him, "When all of this is over, and when we survive... Do you want to roam the world with me? Run through completely alien dimensions and have fun everyday?"

"Yeah, but we'll have to bring Priyanka with us because we'd be bad parents if we don't."

"Just by thinking of a daily adventure away from the den is already bad parenting," Sabrina chuckled.

A slow and low whistle echoed through the room, Asha leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms and a smirk. "I might wanna keep up with the star couple in front of me."

"Hey, Asha." Sabrina greeted her with a sweet smile, wrapping an arm around Divinity's waist, "We were just you know taking about these antiques and adventures. Apparently, when Vladimir is gone... And when Priyanka reaches the right age, we're going on a lot of adventure trips."

Asha unfolded her arms and moved closer slowly, "Well, that's good optimism about the future though we gotta focus on the present."

Divinity nodded, "Yeah, let's save all the future bits for later and be aware of what's happening right now."

"Tea is ready!" Doctor Leandro yelled, calling for everyone. All strode into the living room and sat down as Doctor Leandro prepared the mini table then set down a tray of steaming teapot and four teacups, all of which were made of porcelain.

Doctor Leandro filled each teacup with steaming hot tea before it was lifted from the table. Snowdust took a careful sip of the tea, barricading the tongue from a searing experience.

She placed it down on the mini table and crossed a leg over the other, immediately diving into business. "It would help us if you'd come with. You seem to be reading a historical tome over there," Snowdust peered at the thick book lying on Doctor Leandro's desk.

Doctor Leandro scratched his head and jumped up to his feet, sauntering towards his desk to grab the book then returned to the sofa and perched down again. "I learned a lot reading this book. It seems that werewolves do exist... In The Island of Mercedes." He embraced the tome, pressing it against his chest as protective arms were wrapped around it.

"Island of Mercedes?" Sabrina lifted an eyebrow.

"Yes, where our kind and the vampires began," He said.

Divinity gripped his chin, contemplating then spoke, "So our trip will lead us to Mount Estinium and when we're done with Kismet's answers, we head to the Island of Mercedes?"

"It seems that is the plan." Snowdust rose up and drained her tea. "Doctor Leandro, are you travelling with us?" She stared at him, expectant of an answer.

Doctor Leandro slid his eyes downwards, refusing to meet Snowdust's then with sudden resolve, his options weighed over one decision. "I'm coming."


Chapter End Note

Doctor Leandro has agreed to come with... Now, they must face a trip across the sea to the Island of Fate, where Kismet resides.

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