All because of Biana

By MsW00d

161K 1.1K 4.7K

It started so innocently, and no one knew it would lead to so much hurt and suffering. But if she could go ba... More

Truth Or Dare
Mrs. Vacker
Blood Bath
Stones Water and Bones
Our Enimies Are Close
How Keefe Stole Christmas
Rockin' Around Calla's Tree
The Mistletoe
Thank You
Catch Me!
Beggining of a new era
Day two
My Office
Not so scary
Amazing times
Matchable at last
In the Future

Give Me Strength

8.3K 49 194
By MsW00d

This is Who Am I by (idk how I spell their nane, it's in the video). Yes, I did sister snatch the title from a line in the song, don't judge me. ON WE GO!

Gethens ugly voice rang throughout the dark room where Sophie was laying in the floor. Her hair was scattered on the floor and she wore an emotionless expression.

Her body ached, but she was numb at the same time.

"Some Moonlark you are. You can't even fight back." Gethens raspy voice shouted. Next to him stood a slightly shorter boy, with messy blonde hair.

She knew it was Keefe, but her vision blurred and she continued to lay there. This nightmare was all too familiar. She'd had it dozens of times before.

She knew every second by heart, Keefe would soon come up, and kicked her in the stomach and she would cough up some blood. When she looked up at the boys face, she saw fury. But tears streamed down his face at the same time.

Then something happened that hadn't before. She heard Fitz. But his voice was far. He was shouting something but it sounded staticky and straight out of a horror movie.

Her eyes shot open, and she quickly sat up, coughing. She turned and looked behind her, when she saw Fitz staring at her with wide eyes. "What?" Was all she could get out before her hands raced to her stomach and pain surged through her.

She lifted the bottom of her shirt a little bit, and revealed a dark purple bruise, right where Keefe had kicked her in her nightmare. There was a little bit of blood on the bedsheets.

The next few minutes were a blur. Elwin rushed in, and she was also aware of Fitz holding her, but it was like she'd gone deaf and blind. That is, until Keefe walked into the room.

The utter terror poured out of her like a waterfall. And it was enough it cause Keefe to get knocked back a step. The pain in her stomach returned, worse than before.

"Foster? Your emotions are through the roof, what's wrong?" Keefe asked. And although he sounded genuinely worried, he still terrified her.

"I think we need to call this sleepover over." Sophie said with a weak voice. "It's only been one disaster after another." No one said anything, but they all nodded in agreement.

How could a nightmare effect reality? It doesn't make sense. She transmitted to Mr. Forkle. He'd most likely know.

This is beyond my knowledge. But I'll look into it miss Foster. To prevent nightmares, I suggest taking sedatives until we can figure this out. And with that, their connection was severed, leaving Sophie with her thoughts.

It might be a good idea, so when the night and and Sophie asked for Edaline to make her some slumberberry tea, she has high hopes.

The hot tea was so good, she'd drink it everyday if it weren't a sedative. However, she settled into bed, and drifted off into her wonderland of dreams.

Everything was fine. Normal dreams and happy memories floated around. But when she saw Fitz and Keefe, and her mind wandered to what happened to cause the fight.

She woke up in a sweat. A single tear ran down her face, and she could help but wonder what was happening to her.

This just came to me. Tomorrow the 8th book gets released. Imma make a chapter for tomorrow dedicated to Sofitz since Shannon said the new book will be based on the last line of flashback. If you haven't read Flashback, what the hecc are you doing with your life?! Let's continue.

Sophie's quiet footsteps was the only sound in the house as she crept down the staircase. She had put in her earbuds and was listening to music on her iPod.

She made it outside and had wrapped her arms around herself, gently tapping her arm to the best of her music. It was a good temperature out, but her dream left her with a cold feeling.

As she wondered she saw Silvenys old cage. She was then filled with an overwhelming sadness. She missed her dear alicorn friend. But she shook off the thought and continued on her trek.

I miss you. Sophie transmitted into the great night sky. She didn't think anyone would hear her, so when a crisp accent rang though her head, she was knocked back a step.

I miss you more. The voice said. And she recognized it to be Fitz's voice.

You scared me! She transmitted, clutching her chest and catching her breath.

Sorry! You sounded so upset when you transmitted, I was just trying to lift your mood. And..I do miss you, even though it's only been a few hours...

Her heart fluttered. And with her luck, Fitz could probably feel it. And she wasn't ready for humiliation.

Hey soph? I couldn't help but hear something in your mind and...I like you too. A lot, actually.

MY DUMB BUTT (sorry for swearing) PUBLISHED THIS CHAPTER WITHOUT ADDING AN END NoTe. Sorry to the little child who commented wanting an update. My lazy but was eating chocolate chips and drawing the new cover! Anyways, farewell, grab your pitchforks, pray to the holy lord Shrek, and LEGACY IS COMING OUT TOMORROW. FJSKSNNENDND

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