Queen Quinn

By syko_lost_his_halo

5.8K 321 1K

eighteen year old Kellin Quinn is the definition of scary cat and spoiled. He's rich and doesn't leave the ho... More

2 Danny
3 ugly
4 thunder
6 dont forgot about food
7 Queen Quinn
8 dont go
9 public
10 house
11 sister
12 snow
13 Devilish
14 hell
15 freak out
16 year
the end

17 caught

254 12 12
By syko_lost_his_halo

Everybody is talking to each other minding their own business and I'm trying not to moan. Oli's hand slips under my dress and I make sure nobodys paying attention.

I bite my bottom lip as Oli starts to grope my dick. "You're enjoying my embarrassment to much," I whisper to him. I'm wiggling and struggling to look normal and I can feel how hard he is underneath me.

He shoves my underwear off and pushes them all the way. They fall to the floor and before anyone sees I kick them under the couch. There goes my panties.. his hand grabs my shaft and starts to pump me. I close my eyes and focus on not making sounds. This is the quietest I've ever been.

My stomach tightens and I inhale sharply. I'm about to cum. My body is trembling and I hit my climax. I cum into Oliver's hand and my thighs. Oh my god. I look up to see nobody saw.

Oli wipes his hand against my dress and I look at him surprised. He just made me come in Matt's house, on his couch, with all of our friends in the room.


In the car coming back home I'm shaking and trembling again. Moans leave my lips and I swear I'm going to pass out from being so exhausted. I've climaxed 3 times today and I'm about to cum again.

"Y-our house," I say knowing is way closer. He obeys and goes to his house. He wastes no time and soon enough I'm being carried into his house. He bends me over his kitchen table and lifts up my dress.

He takes out the toy and then I hear his pants unzip. "Please," I moan and I get what I want. Him shoving his dick inside of me. He slames into me from behind me and pulls out doing it again.

Everytime hitting a bundle of nerves in me making me scream in pleasure.


As soon as we are both done he picks me up and takes me to his bathroom. Cleans us up and then taking us to bed. Both of us exhausted but I'm way more tired because I fall asleep as soon as he puts me on the bed.

Oliver's pov

I hold kellin as he sleeps, he is adorable as he sleeps. He's adorable just being alive. I've gotten use to kellin talking in his sleep. Its usual just him agreeing or disagreeing maybe stuff that happened through the day but nothing important.

"I need it," he mumbles in his sleep. Its never important but it always makes me pay attention. The other week he said he 'wants it' so I try to listen to what it is. I tried to ask what he wants while he was awake but he always says he has everything he wants. Kellin also refuses to believe he sleep talks.

"Its under my floor," he says while squirming around. He jerks awake and looks at me panicked.

"Love, What's under your floor?" I ask and take him into my arms again.

"N-nothing.. I accepted I'll never get it back," he mumbles going back to sleep with his head rested on my chest.

"Talk to me," I ask petting his hair. I feel like he's my angel and I need to protect him and make him as happy as I probably can.

"No Oli, I'm going to sleep," he mumbles hugging me.

Tomorrow is our one year anniversary and I know I have to do good. He deserves the best. I want to get him something special but I dont know what.

"I'm here," matt calls from downstairs. I get up and go downstairs to find him getting a glass of water.

"I'm going bloody crazy, I need to find something for kellin! Jewelry? Food? He's rich he has everything he wants," I start complaining pacing back and forth.

Matt looks at me with a smile. I want to smack that smile off his face. This is important! "Dude, kellin is really a sentimental person," he says and I look at him weird. What does he mean? What could I give him that I cant buy?

"Like?" I usher him to say more.

"Is there anything he said he likes, needs, or wants?" He asks.

He likes...? I dont know he likes everything I get him. But I want it to be special.  Needs? The only time I've heard him say need was while he was asleep. Same with wants..


In his floor boards is something I need to get him. At his old house?

"Matt, I think I thought of something," I say excitedly.

"Oh no, that's dangerous," he mumbles.

"Okay so, in his sleep he mumbles about needing and wanting something in his floorboards. His room doesn't have wooden floors but my house does. Meaning that old creepy house down the road does too. So maybe it's in his old house!" I say pointing at the window. Matt has a disapproving face.

"Um.. break in to a house to look for something a sleeping person mumbles about?" He asks slowly.

I feel like this is right. He said it wasn't possible to get it back but I think that's just doubtful thinking. I'm going to do this. "Yes, help me?" I say and rush to the window. The person who lives there is always gone after 6 and doesn't get back until morning. Is 8pm right now.

"But, I dont want to go to jail," he says but I grab his arm and run out the door. We are doing this. He walks with me towards the old house.

"Nobody there after 6, we are just going to go into the garage for 10 minutes," I say knowing it will most likely be okay. This isnt the first time I've broken into a house.

"You're so stupid," he mumbles as we make our way to the house. He follows me as I go around to the window. No screen, even better. I slide the window up and smile at matt. This is so easy. I crawl in and he follows me into the dark smelly garage.

Kellin said this was his room, sure enough it has wooden floors. I turn on the light and we both look around. It's cold and gross in here. There's a old mattress that's covered in dirt and blood stains.

My heart drops, is this kellins blood? Matt walks over to a rotten dresser and picks up a picture. I look at it with him. It's of demons beating up a angel. I feel myself about to cry. I'm Oliver Sykes I dont cry.

I shove the feeling away and look at the floor, one looks way looser than the rest. I go over to it and lift it. The wood comes up and theres a secret hiding spot for stuff.

I look at matt and he kneels down next to me. I pick up the first thing I see, a book. Its obviously really old and used. I flip it over to see it's a bible. I open it up and I see notes and highlighted words and it looks really.. personal.

Dear god, please forgive me for trying to kill myself..

Dear god, forgive me for ruining my mom's life

Why cant I have friends?

Is it bad to like boys?

Questions and prayers are written all over the pages. Tears brim to my eyes. Kellin lived in his room, hellin got beaten and tortured in this room. I inhale sharply and drop the book.

Kellin suffered so much. I put my hands over my face. Matt has never seen me cry. "Oli, it will be alright. He's safe now," Matt says.

"He was tortured, his mother beat him. His father raped him. His sister killed herself and his mother in front of him. He's gone through s-so fucking much. I love him so much," I cry. Matt didn't know that until now but I trust him.

"He had a bad past but things have been going well. He looks like he's excited for his future so dont dwell on the negative past just make him happy," matt say and picks up the bible and flips through it.

"This is really dark," he mumbles reading kellin's writing.

"Do you think I should give it to him? What if he freaks out..?" I ask wiping my eyes.  He goes through it more.

"If this was mine I would want it in my possession," he says I put the board back and get up.

He gets up with the bible and we get out. I've given up on hiding that this makes me sad. He seems to understand though.

Kellin's pov

Nervously I knock on the front door. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Matt opens the door shocked to see me. Its 9:30pm I guess I should have done this earlier.

"You're 21 right?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah," he says and I grab him arm. I know it's not nice to kidnapped people but I need to. I drag him to my car and shove him in the passenger seat and rush over to get into the driver's seat.

"Okay I'm guessing this has to do with your anniversary?" Matt asks. How'd he know? I guess him and Oli talk, I shouldn't be surprised.

"Yes, your buying me wine and helping me uh.. pick something out. Your 100% straight right?" I ask nervously. Besides just he's really the only person I can trust with them seeing my scars. But justin is in Florida right now so he cant help me.

"Yeah I am, why?" He asks. I pull into the mall's parking lot and we get out. "Um.. I dont want things to be awkward, I need help finding something that looks good on me," I say trying to make it seem less weird than it is.

"Okay, well I can help. I might no be attracted to you but I can help you pick out something and make sure its something Oli will find attractive," he says and I smile.

I lead him into Victoria's Secret and look around. I don't know if I look better in pastels or dark colors. I rush around touching the pretty underwear. I get giggly when in here, I just love these sexy clothing items. I pick up a thong and a worker comes up to me with a annoyed face. "Sir, this is a girls store. Will you please stop playing around and leave," she says to me.

My face drops, I'm not playing I'm shopping..

"That's no way to treat a customer," matt says with a death glare at the rude lady. She looks at me then him, she turn he heel and walks off.

"Thank you.. I usually get that though," I say. Lots of people don't like the idea of me wearing girl underwear.

"That's not right," he says and then looks around. "Do you like this?" He says picking out dark purple panties and a matching dress top. I dont have anything purple and it's his favorite color. I'll have to try it on to make sure tho.

I take it and examine the see through top. Tops make me nervous because I'm a guy and I dont have boobs. "I'll try it on," I say and the pick out a back outfit and a pink one.

I see a red and black lacy and very devilish pair of panties. I grab them getting a perfect idea. "I have an idea," I say and matt looks at them and me.

"Omg, tomorrow can you get Oliver to get out of his house long enough for me to get in?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm going to regret asking but what's your plan?" He asks and I bring him over to the dressing rooms.  I make him go in with me and I shut the door.

He turns his back to me and I take off my shirt while talking. "I'm going to sneak in and set up his bathroom with candles and I have a bath bomb that will turn the water red and I have red contacts," I start taking off my shoes and pants.

"Oo! I'll even wear my vampire teeth, and these," I say now just in the red lacy panties and my black thigh highs I already had on under my Jean's.

"Do I look good or should I find a top to cover my scars?" I ask and he turns around and looks at me. I turn slowly and give him view of everything.

"I think that looks devilish, I think it would look good with a black necklace but no top," he says and I look in the mirror turning so I can check out my ass. The panties complement me I think..

"Do you think Oli would uh.. like me better wearing makeup or not?" I ask and pick up the purple outfit. He turns around. "If you're planning on having sex in the bath makeup doesn't seem like the best fit unless its waterproof," he says making me blush.

I put on the purple panties and flowy see through gown that goes to my hips. The purple matches my bruise hips and thighs. We've been getting really rough this week and its amazing.

"Does this look good?" I ask and he looks at me.

"These are from sex right? He's treating you good right?" He says pointing at my bruises. I blush and nod.

"Oli really loves you, you know that right? It's not just about sex to him," he says and I look at him with a smile.  I know it's not just about sex but hearing it from his best friend means its true.

"Oh, is that your underwear I found under my couch," my face goes red.

"Oops," I say and he laughs. "You two are so gross, did you fuck on my couch?" He asks and I pout.

"Not exactly,  but anyways turn around so I can change," I say.


After I sneak into Oliver's house I set up candles in his room and the bathroom. I have my red contacts in already but I'm wearing a black short party dress, my black thigh highs, and red heels.

I turn on the water for the bath and grab a bag of red flower peddles. I have fun spreading them around on his bed, the floor, bathroom, and from the front door to the bathroom.

I set everything up and go into his room and do something we've never done before. I put handcuffs on the bed. I've been nervous with being tied down but I trust him.

I go into the bathroom. It looks so cool in here. The bathwater looks like blood. Should I get in? No I need my sexy panties to be praised. What about my dress?

I hear steps coming up. Oh god am I ready? I look in the mirror to see I look really devilish. The door opens and I smirk at the confused Oliver. He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey babe, how was 'helping matt with car problems'?" I say and he seems to click things together. Matt had called oli asking if he could help him with his car but it got fixed before he even got there.  Nothing was wrong with it, it was just a lie.

"You're sneaky," he says getting closer to me and putting his hands on my hips.

"I got um, wine and a movie.. we can have fun in here and then do that?" I ask looking at him innocently. His hand caresses my cheek and his thumb goes to my bottom lip and pushes it. He examines my teeth, oh yeah, I have my sharp teeth in.

"Give me a strip tease," he says smirking. A strip tease? I've never done that.. I kiss his neck, in theses heels make me taller and able to do that. I walk around him seductively.

I sway my hips as I walk away from him. Knowing his eyes are on my ass I bend down and unstrap my shoes and then stepping out of them. Turn to him and his eyes trail up to my own.

Slowly I unzip my dress, I blush but try to keep it sexy and not like I'm embarrassed. I turn around and let it fall to the ground. Carefully I step out and push everything to the wall so I don't trip.

I look back over my shoulder to see he's looking at me. He's watching me like a hall, like he's going to tear me limb from limb. I like that look. I face him and trail my hands down from my black choker to my hips. I mess with the straps of my panties.

"How about you help me?" I ask and bite my lip. He walks up getting very close to me and grabs my ass and kisses me. I kiss back and his hands touch and grope me making fire dance on my skin.

I might come back and write this part but I dont feel like it atm


After the movie and two cups of wine we are cuddling together on the couch. I'm wearing the purple outfit matt picked out and the alcohol is already wearing off. We drank a long time ago.

"I uh.. I know this isnt your thing but would you like to smoke weed with me?" He asks. I've smoked weed once with danny but never got the opportunity.. I knew Oliver smoked but he doesn't invite me because he sees me as an angel.

"Sure," I say happily and he picks me up and takes me to his room. He puts me on his bed and goes to fetch stuff.

Once he has everything he puts the bong on the bed in front of me and him. "Have you ever done this?" He asks.

"Yeah, once," I say and he smiles. He takes a hit and signals me to. I take a hit and force myself not to cough. I dont want to seem weak in front of him.

We take hits off of it until I start feeling my world lag around me. I love this feeling, I should do it more.

"Okay so I got you something, I don't want you to get anxiety so that explains this," he points at the bong and I nod. Nodding feels funny while high. "So you're either going to hate it or love it.." he explains and gets out a gift wrapped in wrapping paper.

He gives it to me and I examine it closely. It feels like a book. "I can open it?" I ask looking at him hopefully.

"Of course love," he says and I happily open it. When it's out I look at it surprised. I think I'm so high I'm imagining it. This cant be...

"T-this? Where did you get this?" I ask opening my bible to see it is in fact mine. I've accepted that I lost it.

"I uh.. broke into your old home and searched in the floors because you said you wanted something in your floors.." he admits and I smile.

"I love you!" I shout and throw my arms around him. I've wanted this for years! This is the best day ever. I've been with Oliver Sykes for a year straight and everything in my life has gotten better.

"I love you to baby, so you like it?" He asks and I kiss him and smile so hard it becomes awkward so I pull away.

"I love it, I love you, I'm so happy. Thank you for being with me and making my dreams come true," I say hugging him. He hugs me back and honestly I can say I'm happy with my life.

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