Intertwined Fates -- An IPKKN...

By justagirl92

651K 43.3K 9.2K

Based on the popular show Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Season 1 Khushi and Arnav represent the worst part of ea... More

The First Meeting
Letting Go
Sixth Sense
The Investigation Begins
Lunch with the Creep
The Second Meeting
Mystery Girl
A Montage of 13 Scenes From That Day Until Right Before Diwali
Payal And Akash
Sinking Hearts
An Awkward Breakfast
It's about to hit the fan
Why is it always you?
Free Lunch
Serious About a Girl
Unexpected Visitors
A Verbal Exchange and a Half
Just Another Monday
The Toils of Akash
Manorama's Planning
Let the Games Begin
Another Kind of People
Buaji puts her foot down
The More the Merrier
The Wretched Pallavi
Murderous Thoughts
Saccharine smiles and vulnerable states
Manorama's Selection
Imminent Danger
Attraction Denial
Just a little less lonely
Iceberg Ego
Invisible Strings
A Slap on the Wrist
On the tenth day
Dawning Realizations
As stubborn as a goat
What's in a name?
I Can't
Her Realization
Bear #5
The Sangeet
Dancing Hearts
To Call or Not to Call
Super Important Question (not an update)
Last Letter
The Ceremony
Communication Gap
Reception Tribulation
Death of a Private Investigator
Rock and Stone
The Witching Hour
Devyani makes her move
The Fallibility of Plans
A Murderous Non-Murder
What Arnav Couldn't Bear
It isn't over
Changing Minds
Blindsided II
Blindsided III
Subhadra's Entry
Twenty Questions
A Fool's Folly Part I
Holi Heartbreak
Setting Plans into Motion
Project EKF
A Fool's Folly Part II
Explosions in the Night
Moving On
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter 1:
Bonus Chapter 2:
Q & A

Party Pooper

8.8K 429 95
By justagirl92

"I don't want to go," whined Khushi petulantly, laying back on Payal's bed as the latter selected jewelry to match with her sari.

Ignoring her, Payal pulled out a pair of dangling earrings adorned with red gems. "What do you think of these?"

"Your sari is green."

"For you."

"But I don't want to goooooo," said Khushi, purposely elongating the last word to annoy a response out of Payal.

"I think they'll go very nicely," Payal said, setting the earrings aside.

Khushi pouted. "I don't want to look nice. I want to look ugly."

Payal smiled fondly at her friend. "I don't think you could look ugly if you tried, Khushi. Besides, your looks aren't the reason you've been invited to this party."

"I wish I said no," grumbled Khushi.

"As if you could. You already turned down Mr. Mehta's job offer; you're lucky he didn't take offense. He definitely would have been offended if you turned down the party."

Khushi nodded. Recent success aside, Khushi was still a relatively young and inexperienced lawyer and getting on the bad side of one of the most well-known barristers in all of Delhi was definitely not an option.

"At least you're going with me," she said to Payal. "I'm going to need the moral support, especially if he asks me to join the firm again."

Payal nodded. "Trust me, I'd rather do that than go with Buaji to visit Arjun Bhai." Arjun Bhai was Buaji's son. He lived with his wife and children in Mumbai and Buaji had gone to visit them for the week. Khushi had never met them but Payal seemed to dislike them, which was odd because Payal usually liked everyone.


Arnav wished he wasn't going to this stupid party. Parties in general weren't his thing. The small talk, the stuffy outfits, the hypocritical sycophants that gathered around his family like flies--all of it made him extremely uncomfortable. And this party would be worse than others because he knew that some idiot would bring up Shyam and ruin Di's night.

He glanced at his sister, who sat next to him on the passenger seat. She looked radiant tonight, in the diamond set that he had gifted her and the black sari from Akash. She seemed happy but the smile on her face would be replaced by a lost, wistful look when she thought no one was watching.

Unable to bear that look any longer, he turned his attention back to the road.


"Wow," murmured Payal as she took in the grandeur of Mr. Mehta's house. Khushi could only nod speechlessly in agreement. The only time she'd been in an abode this large was when she'd been to the Raizada Mansion but that had been so long ago and she'd been too distracted to actually observe their home.

"Ms. Gupta," greeted the party's host jovially. "There you are."

Khushi took a fortifying breath before turning to the man. "Namaste, Mr. Mehta. Thank you so much for inviting me. This is my friend, Payal Pansare."

More greetings were exchanged as Mr. Mehta introduced his wife. "Come," he instructed Khushi. "Let me introduce you to some of my clients."

In the next half an hour, Khushi and Payal met the cream of Delhi's crop. Khushi's head spun as she took in all the new faces and names and it didn't help that Mr. Mehta introduced her as a prospective lawyer for his firm. She'd already rejected his offer; why couldn't he understand that?

And things only got worse when suddenly Khushi found herself in front of the last people she wanted to see--the Raizadas. Ugh, why hadn't she realized they would be here? She'd known that Mehta & Mehta represented them, but she hadn't even considered the possibility that they could be guests as well.

"And these are the Raizadas," announced Mr. Mehta. "Devyani Singh Raizada and her grandchildren, Arnav, Anjali and Akash Singh Raizada. And this is Khushi Kumari Gupta, a prospective lawyer for our firm and her friend Payal."

"Namaste," said Payal while Khushi paled, taking in the angry expression on Arnav's face. Surely he wasn't still upset about the injury she'd dealt him last time, was he? After all, it was in self-defense.

"Payal Ji actually works as a designer for our company, Mr. Mehta," said Anjali Ji.

"Oh really? How wonderful," the man beamed. "If that's the case, then we'll let you all mingle."

With that Mr. and Mrs. Mehta walked away to greet other guests.

It was awkwardly silent for a moment before Akash Raizada spoke up. "I didn't expect to see you here, Payal Ji." He blushed as he said her name and when Khushi glanced at Payal, she saw that she was blushing, too.

"Oh, I'm here as Khushi's plus one," Payal clarified.

All Raizada eyes turned to Khushi then, and she had to force herself not to squirm.

"Payal Ji," said Akash suddenly. "Would you like to accompany me to get a drink?"

Payal startled a little at the unexpected invitation but nodded, allowing Akash to lead her away. Khushi wanted to grab her hand and beg her not to leave her alone but all she could do was watch helplessly as she walked away.

"How are you, Khushi Ji?" asked Anjali Ji gently.

"I'm fine, thank you. And you?"

She smiled. "I'm well--thanks to you."

Khushi shifted uncomfortably. "I had a debt to repay, Anjali Ji."

"Regardless, I'm grateful."

"Yes, betiya," said the older Raizada woman in assent. "You've done a great favor to our family."

"But the question is, why?" Arnav Singh Raizada said, hazel eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Khushi lifted her chin slightly in defiance. "As I just said, Mr. Raizada, I had a debt to pay."

"And the second time--the evidence about the factory fire?"

"I wasn't doing you a favor, Mr. Raizada. I had an issue with Mr. Ayushman and I found a way to resolve it that happened to benefit you as well."

He stepped right in front of Khushi, forcing her to tilt her head back slightly to look at him. "In the future, you will stay away from my family. Understood?"

"With pleasure," answered Khushi coolly. Stepping back, she brought her hands together and looked towards Anjali Ji and the Raizada matriarch. "Namaste."

She moved determinedly through the crowd in the direction she had seen Payal go. She hadn't gone far she heard mention of a name that still caused goosebumps to shoot up her arms: Shyam.

"--didn't even last a year," the lady was saying when Khushi stopped to listen.

Her companion tsked. "Poor girl. She's so badkismet what with her parents' suicide on the day of her first marriage and now this."

"How exactly did this happen? How could a Raizada daughter get married to a conman?"

"It was a love marriage." The reply was laced with relish.

Don't get involved, Khushi instructed herself. Don't get involved. Honestly, didn't he just warn her off?

But this was Anjali Ji.

So? Her debt was repaid. Defending Anjali Ji's honor was not her responsibility.

Right, she should stay out of it.

But Khushi's feet moved on her own accord, bringing her to stand in between the two gossiping ladies. The hypocrisy, thought Khushi, that was hidden beneath their elegant Saris and expensive makeup was truly disgusting. "Excuse me Auntie Ji. Were you just talking about Anjali Singh Raizada?"

The women nodded eagerly, perhaps thinking that they had found another participant for their gossip session.

Khushi smiled pleasantly. "Anjali Singh Raizada, co-founder of Raizada Industries? Anjali Singh Raizada, from Forbes' 30 under 30 list? Anjali Singh Raizada, one of India's leading female entrepreneurs?" Khushi shook her head. "We must be talking about different people. Because the Anjali Singh Raizada that I'm thinking of is talented, ambitious, intelligent and an asset to her family name. Only a fool would question her kismet."

Khushi smirked at their slack-jawed expressions before bringing her hands together. "Namaste."


Arnav Singh Raizada had always prided himself in being able to figure out people's motives. It was what made him such an astute businessman and so apt at dealing with the problems that life threw at him. He'd already been dealt a major blow by the revelation of Shyam's true nature. And now, he again found himself wondering just how good he was at reading people because for the life of him, he could not figure out Khushi Kumari Gupta.

He'd just gotten rid of her with what he'd hoped would be the final warning to stay away from his family. Already in a bad mood, he'd walked away from Di and Naniji, not wanting to hear their lectures on their behavior. He hadn't gotten far when he'd overheard two women gossiping about his sister. He clenched his fists as he listened to their vicious words, unable to interfere for fear of causing a scene and yet unable to walk away.

Until a third person joined their conversation, "Excuse me, Auntie Ji. Are you talking about Anjali Singh Raizada?"

Arnav glanced over and felt his temper rise even further when he saw that the newcomer to the conversation was none other than that girl. Filthy little hypocrite--lapping up his Di's praise and gratitude only to turn around and stab her in the back at the first opportune moment.

His mental diatribe towards the girl was suddenly cut off when he realized that she was actually defending Di. His heart lightened as he listened to the girl's praise even as his mind insisted that there must be some sort of ulterior motive. He almost smiled when he glimpsed the women's stunned expressions as they watched the girl walk away.

He followed their eyes, staring at the girl's back until she disappeared into the crowd, observing the way her sari swayed gracefully around her. Red suits her.

He shook the thought from his head before walking off in the opposite direction.


She couldn't find Payal anywhere. "Ms. Gupta!" Khushi turned instinctively towards the sound of her name and then blinked twice when she realized just who had called her name. Deepali Kaur--the Deepali Kaur--was heading her way. Deepali Kaur was Khushi's role model. She headed Kaur Law Firm, which was associated with a good number of high-end clientele but also did a fair share of pro-bono work. Khushi couldn't believe that the famous barrister knew her name.

"Mrs. Kaur, Namaste," greeted Khushi, tamping down the butterflies that suddenly erupted in her stomach. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," answered the older woman, her dark brown eyes assessing Khushi's face and stance. "I must say, I've heard a lot about you. What's it like being the media's new sweetheart?"

The sharp tone threw Khushi back, but she recovered quickly. Smiling politely, she said, "It's not something I worry too much about, Mrs. Kaur. My priority is, and always will be, my work and my clients."

"Yes, Mehta and Mehta are well known for pleasing their clientele."

Khushi's smile slipped for half a second before she mastered her expression into a polite but closed-off mask. "I'm not sure what your sources are Mrs. Kaur, but I have neither joined, nor am I planning on joining, Mr. Mehta's law firm."

"That's not what he's telling people."

"With all due respect, Ma'am, I am not accountable for what other people say."

She nodded. "In that case, I'd like to consult with you on a case." She handed Khushi a business card. "Contact me Monday morning."

Khushi held the card limply between two fingers as Delhi's top female lawyer briskly walked away from her. What had just happened?


For someone who vehemently hated them, Arnav Singh Raizada excelled at parties such as these. That was because he saw them as networking opportunities. The CEO of Raizada Industries was skilled at mentioning his company in the right crowds without being overly obvious and yet still leaving a lasting impression.

He'd just had an interesting conversation with an executive from an up and rising advertising firm. Arnav found them quite promising and so business cards were exchanged. As the conversation drew to an end, his phone rang. Sheetal, Arnav saw with a quick glance at the screen. He excused himself and found a private corner.

"Hello Sheetal."

"Hey, ASR. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No, not at all. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just thinking about you," she answered and Arnav detected the flirtatiousness hidden beneath her casual tone. He recognized that tinge of huskiness from their college days. They'd had good times together, exploring each other in the empty classrooms and dorm rooms of liberal America. They'd never gone all the way, but there had been times when they'd come treacherously close.

They'd lost touch after graduation and he'd pretty much forgotten about her until last month, when he'd randomly bumped into her and her son at the mall. They caught up over lunch a few days later, where she talked about her job in America and coming back home to give Aarav, her son, a taste of India's culture. She teared up when she told him that she was a single mother and that her family had disowned her because of it. She didn't say how Aarav came about and her silence on the matter made Arnav fear that perhaps the child hadn't been her choice.

Thus, Arnav didn't push too much on the matter and when Sheetal mentioned her trouble finding a place to stay, he encouraged her to shift from the hotel into their home until she could find a flat. He'd also convinced Akash to hire her as his personal assistant. At the moment, she was on her six-week probation. Everything Arnav did was out of sympathy and as a homage to the close relationship they once shared.

Since then, Sheetal had started to very subtly indicate her interest in rekindling their romance. There were the flirtatious undertones and sometimes her hands would linger on his arms for just a second too long.

Arnav knew that he should clear the air with her, but honestly, he was tempted. It had been a while since he'd had a girlfriend and now here was an attractive, intelligent candidate right before his eyes. Two things held him back: first, the fact that she was a mother. Arnav knew this made him sound like an ass, but he wasn't ready to be a father. Although, to be fair, he didn't mind Aarav so much. Unlike most other children, Aarav was quiet and clean.

The second was that currently, Sheetal was completely dependent on him. She lived in his house and worked in his company. If he made a move now, it would feel like he was taking advantage of her circumstances.

"So how's the party going?" Sheetal asked.

"You would've known if you accompanied me," teased Arnav. He'd invited her (as a friend) but she'd refused, saying she wanted to stay home with Aarav. This was the biggest difference between the Sheetal of today and the Sheetal of ten years ago. The Sheetal of today never went anywhere except work and home whereas the Sheetal of Arnav's past always wanted to go out and socialize. He had to admit, he preferred the homebody version.

They continued chatting for a bit and when they hung up, Arnav's mood was significantly better until he spotted something across the room that just made it spiral downwards again.


Khushi bit into the gulab jaman she had grabbed from a passing waiter, closing her eyes for a second to savor the sweetness that exploded into her mouth. She never took mithai for granted, always relishing the delicacies with gusto. She owed her life to the sweets and--

Khushi stopped her mental ode when she finally spotted Payal. Moving closer, Khushi was about to call for her friend but paused when she saw the strange look on her face; that soft, shy look, accompanied by a slight blush and a gentle smile that indicated a crush. Even more intriguing was the fact that Payal's expression was mirrored by the man she was talking to--Akash Singh Raizada.

Seriously? Of all the guys in Delhi, Payal had to have the hots for his brother?

Khushi watched with increasing trepidation as the two exchanged shy glances in between quiet words. She should stop this. She should step in between them, make an excuse, drag Payal home and discourage her from even thinking about a Raizada.

This could only lead to heartbreak. This would only lead to heartbreak.

So what if the heat from their blushes was enough to melt anyone in a 10-foot radius? So what if it was the first time Payal didn't appear to have that aura of sadness that always seemed to cling to her? So what if he was looking at her as if she were a dream that he could wake up from any moment?

It could never be. She needed to stop this.

But her feet were on a rebellious streak tonight apparently because they refused to take even a step closer.

It turned out that she didn't have to, however. One moment, the couple was lost in their own little world, the next, Arnav Singh Raizada had appeared next to his cousin to burst the bubble. She saw him nod to Payal, make some excuse and lead the younger Raizada away.

I should've been the one to do that, thought Khushi, incensed. She walked up to her forlorn friend, who was looking despondently into the direction where Akash Singh Raizada had disappeared.



"Let's go home."

Payal snapped out of whatever daze she was in and looked at Khushi. "Let's go," she whispered.


This was too much, though Arnav furiously as he led Akash back to Di and Nani Ji. It was bad enough that Akash was always making eyes at Ms. Pansare at the office but now, at this party, in full view of almost everyone in their social circle? Didn't Akash understand that the Raizadas had a reputation to protect? Was he really going to risk it all just so he could flirt with a middle-class girl? And on top of all that, she now turned out to be friends with her.

Arnav needed to do something, and quickly.


Badkismet: ill-fated

Kismet: fate

Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to . Your string of compliments make my day.

So Arshi is going to be a really slow burn. Bear with me; it's going to be a rocky road but we will get there. There's going to be a lot of Payash in the coming chapters and Sheetal will also become a bit of an issue *cue evil laugh*.

As always, I love and appreciate your votes and comments.

For the rest of this month, I will be updating twice weekly so you can expect to see the next update on Thursday, November 7, iA. Until then, take care.

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