Get Lost, Cat Eyes!

By jerohae

1.5K 73 39

Delve into the life of Samba, a mute teen from Rio, entangled in a complex relationship with Lucario, a troub... More



379 9 8
By jerohae

"Remember our deal, right Cat Eyes?"

Cat Eyes nodded, his full lips upturning into a smile as he looked at his friend.

"I won't ever be able to walk you back to your house. You understand, right?"

Cat Eyes nodded once again. Albeit a bit slower and less happy-seeming than his prior nod. But it was a nod nonetheless.

"See you later, Sam."

A chaste kiss was bestowed upon Sam's lips before the other slid out of the empty classroom.

Sam sighed and slid out of the desert classroom as well before heading to his final class of the day.

Something good was bound to come out of this relationship, right?


"I'm gonna fuck this name up-" the class let out small chuckles at the teacher's comment. "Uh ... Sam-Bah-Hee-Ray?"

Sam raised his hand, ignoring the many faces that stared curiously at him. After all, he was the new kid. And people did do that.

Stare at the new kid.

Maybe push them around a bit. Let them know whose territory it was ...

They were curious. Where did he come from? Why was he so pretty? Why didn't he just say 'here,' like the rest of the students did.

He didn't even have to speak. He could've let out a primordial-esque grunt like some students did.

And now Sam was starting to feel a little self-conscious because he heard one kid whisper 'why is he still holding his hand up like a slow-ass?'

Granted, the teacher didn't think anything of it. Instead, he just asked Sam to stay after class so he could get some syllabuses and stuff. After all, he did join in the middle of the school year.

The class went by smoothly. And as all of the students packed up their stuff and fled out, he headed to the front of the room to retrieve whatever the teacher had to give to him.

"I know we didn't do much today." The teacher offered Sam a small smile before handing him a folder, which the junior cautiously took.

"But that's because it's Friday. And because I didn't have a lesson planned out for today. But mostly because it's Friday. Now ... can you just do me a favour and help me out with your name?"

The teacher gave Sam a pen and a sticky note. The junior scribbled down some stuff and then showed it to the teacher.

"Samba ... like the dance. But you want to be called Sam? And ... Hirray ... with an Australian accent?"


"Samba Hirai?"

Sam nodded. "Okay. Great. We're getting somewhere. That can definitely be done. Now, I understand that you aren't up-to-par with the art of verbal communication. Is there anything I can do to alleviate the stress you could potentially encounter in the classroom? Or at school in general?"

Sam shook his head grateful for the offer before mouthing, 'no. I am fine.'

The teacher nodded. "Well, thank you Mister Hirai. I'll see you Monday evening. Enjoy your weekend."

Sam dipped his head slightly at the teacher before going to gather up his stuff to leave the classroom.

Maybe this school year wouldn't be so bad.

All of his teachers so far were understanding and patient. Not just with him. But with any other students that might've been able to cause trouble.

At his last school, teachers were aggressive. Not just towards the other students. But towards him as well. They'd immediately target the fact that he was silent.

It wasn't his fault that he couldn't speak though.

It truly wasn't. Sometimes, he wished that he could talk. It was very stressful trying to explain something to someone who couldn't read lips.

That was part of the reason why they had moved. The main reason actually.

Aggressive teachers and all.

And he was glad that they did.

Because it got him closer to his boyfriend who was ... oh ...


That wasn't him was it? With his muscular arm slung around some brunette's shoulder? Looking awfully touchy.

Why the fuck was her blouse hanging so low off of her shoulder?

He couldn't see the face. But he knew what his boyfriend looked like. He had his image engraved in the back of his eyelids (even though he had only seen him in person a handful of times)

Why was he kissing her on the cheek?

That couldn't be him.

Just to test his theory though, Sam pulled out his phone and sent his lover a text.

I want to hear your voice as I walk home.

And then he called him.

He watched as the boy pulled out his phone, looked down at the caller ID and then declined the call.

Coincidentally, Sam's call also ended. Then shortly after, he received a text saying,

I'm busy babe. I'll talk to you when I get home.

And then the phone went back into his pocket.

Sam frowned.

So much for thinking the school year was gonna be good.

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