Legendary Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

By Black_Queen_88

418K 10.9K 1.6K

Growing up Aria would be around Dangerous people because her father was the leader of the American mafia. Aft... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 47

4.4K 129 4
By Black_Queen_88

Aria's POV


"Aria? ARIA STOP!!" He held me in placed while I was trying my hardest to avoid who was in back of me. "You have to do this or you will never move on..... he will always be in the back of your head when your feeling happy and will try to bring you down for it. You and I both know you are stronger then he is and your going to finally be free!!!"

"I can't I'm not stronger he is...." Tears fell from my eyes in defeat, I will never be stronger than the man that held me captive for 11 years that took away my whole childhood from me!

"Aria yes.you.are! I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You need to face the person you've been running from your whole life and actually beat him this time, don't back away. I stood up to my father and it's time you stood up to yours." He kissed me on top of my forehead and headed out towards the door. It's just me and him.....

I knew he was staring at me even when I couldn't bare to look in his eyes. His devil, soul sucking eyes. I took a few deep breaths catching my breath gaining my posture ready to say everything.

"I knew that was you." He spoke out suddenly making my eyes meet his. "At the party. You can change your hair or clothes but you could never change those white crystal eyes you have."

"If you knew that was me then why? Why didn't you take me...."

"Because all I needed to know was where you've been and that's it. I didn't need you bitch! All I needed was who and where.... Angelo Salvatore was The Who and the Italian mafia was The Where and that's where I would kill those you associated with. Just like that family." I grabbed my chest in pain remembering what he did to my tutor and her family. "Awwwww did I hurt the sluts feelings ... that's too bad because I meant to kill all of them. And you thought you could just what? Capture me and torture me for fun, thinking that will satisfy you so you could move on. Please, you could never move on from me aria I will always be right there waiting for something happy to happen and destroy everything that makes it." I couldn't take it I was losing control, I felt this overwhelming feeling to just leave and deal with everything myself until he said, "you could never keep your son safe because I will get to him also."

That's when all those feelings of anxiety, worry, depression, sadness went away and turned into anger, rage, fury! My tears were long gone and my face was piping hot ready to explode, I walked up to him keep a few feet from the chains he had. I was close to his face not saying word letting my face relax and emotions trying not to let him win.

"You don't know me." He seemed confused at my words. "Mitchell you don't know this aria, you don't know who I am or how I got to where I am now. But let me tell you one thing .... it's all because of you!! YOU HELD ME CAPTIVE FOR 11 YEARS AND STOLE MY WHOLE CHILDHOOD FROM RIGHT UNDER AND I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BUT SAY THANK YOU!!! Because of you I was taken by the Italian mafia and met a lot of great people that I will love forever. Because of you I had a baby and met the love of my life and now I'm getting married to him." He grunting at my response pulling on his chains to get to me, he didn't want that to be my life. All he ever wanted was for me to feel agonizing pain forever. "I'm sorry but because of you I'm living my life .... finally with the people who love me, for me!" I began walking away feeling like I won, feeling like I was at my happiest!

"You know you can hide back your true feelings about me bitch .... but that doesn't mean I won't get out of here and do the same damn thing to your son and any future children. Oh and Angelo huh he would make a great target practice."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I faced him not breaking eye contact looking at his ugly smirking grin.

"Are you getting mad!! Good it shows your true feelings. What were your true feelings when I ordered a hit on Maria!" My eyes froze open at his words. "Or how about when I gave AJ to Enzo to torture and kill right in front of you ..."

He gave him away???? This can't be true ... no I refuse to believe he's a pathological liar, he's just saying these things to hurt me, make me weaker than I really am!!

"Or how I was the one who killed your real father!!!" My heart stopped beating and was officially done, he won. "Oh how I remember like it was yesterday picking up that gun and looking in the eyes of your father watching him fall to the ground." It happen so quickly I was driven by anger not thinking right just pulled. I shot him!

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! You bitch." I smiled at the sight of him being hanged from the shackles from his hands watching his bleeding leg in happiness. That moment is where I could see who had the upper hand, who was actually in charge, we had power!

"You thought you could break me down talking about my past telling how all their death were my fault. They weren't and I know that now because they were a piece of this giant puzzle of my dysfunctional life that you brought upon me. Listen, because of you Maria is free and isn't under your rule anymore, and AJ is with her the love of his life." I walked up to him smiling holding the gun straight to his eyes watching him shake in fear. "You didn't kill my father he's alive and well. But I have one question for you before this is all over .... Did you actually love me as a baby, when I was first born or was this your plan all along?." I didn't have to threaten him with the gun he knew to take me seriously.

"Yes. I fell in love with you the minute you were born, but then as you grew up I started to notice your eyes. They were crystal like and all came back to me revealing that you weren't my child!!"



"But you didn't why?"

"Because I would rather torture you, make you think less of yourself than to put your ass down because you were never anything to me. You don't deserve to even have a life, I should have killed you all those times ago." I looked at this cruel man I called my father for 22 years of my life and just felt happy and free to actually hear him say this.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?!"

"The truth .... all those times I thought it was me who was terrible and me who was responsible of my mother's death, but all of this was you and your excessive need to hurt and be a monster. All you ever wanted was power and control over people and you ended up losing both. Your nothing! You don't have any power now and will never have anything so, I'm not scared anymore because now I know who your really are without the gun or the power. Your just Mitchell Reeds a man who never became king.....

He stared at me furiously knowing I was right and that was enough for me to be free from him and live my life with my family. I can walk away knowing he's alive and captured and still be my best self. I smiled at him leaving but felt a sharp feeling on my back, he kicked me pulling on the chains to loosen. One arm was free and he tried to grab the gun I hit him in his face crawling towards the gun. He pulled my hair yanking making me tighten my grip towards.

"WHOSE NOT IN POWER NOW!! HUH?" The blade from my hip was gone and was in his hand ready to slit my throat then ..... He was on the floor with two bullets embedded in his forehead, I looked to see Angelo holding his gun aimed at Mitchell.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do you need anythi-?!" I smashed my lips on to his in surprise he received it. "So you are ok?!"

"Yea I'm good now, thanks to you."

"Well I did tell you when we first met that I would kill him...." He chuckled softly picking me up taking me back home to our family.

Dear, Mitchell
I wanted to thank you for a long time now and I have no idea if this letter will reach you but here I am stuck in a cell underneath you. Maria tells me that I will be free one day and I'm still holding on to the piece of hope. I don't know if you know about this but AJ's been teaching me to kick ass and I feel like I'm at 100% now. Anyway you see Mitchell I'm done if you find this letter then I'm gone already because I'm not scared of you anymore I feel like I found something that's been missing from me all this time. I don't know what the future holds all I know is that your not in it and I'm finally living.

Love, Aria

I'd always blamed myself for the deaths that occurred around me but it never was me, it was all him! Then again everything that happen to me was him and without him locking me up and escaping I wouldn't have met Angelo or had this energetic baby in my arms.

"Yes Luca! That's my happy boy!!! You are mommy's boy, are you?" I was giving him kisses on the bed watching him laugh and smile made my heart explode.

"How is my family?!" Angelo came in jumping on the bed with us playing with Lucas little feet.

"We are very happy at the moment and ready for our nap, aren't we Luca." I held Luca putting him to sleep while Angelo just watched in awe. "What?!" I asked.

"Sorry I can't stare at my fiancé?"

"No not if you aren't going to say anything about my father!!" Angelo knows who my father is and still won't tell me because in his words I've been through a lot. I know that you don't have to say it!!!

"Aria!! Really again!!!" I gave him a evil look telling him to shut the hell up because of a sleeping baby. "I'm sorry ok, but are you sure you want to meet him. It's been a few days since Mitchell and I don't want that to put pressure on you." I understood where he was coming from but this was my own decision and only mine. "I've been lied to about my whole life and I'm just ready for something good to happen, and maybe that's with meeting my biological father." He gave me a smirk crawling over to me giving me a passionate kiss making sure Luca was still ok in my arms and whispered, "I'm so proud of you my fiancé! I love you."

"Thank you and I love you too." Luca started to fuss making us chuckled and say, "We love you too Luca!!"

The next day

I was more than nervous about meeting my real father, would he be happy to meet me or know anything about me! He's been assumed dead for 23 years and that's a long time to come back and just pop up to see your daughter. Angelo insisted that we met at the house so he could keep an eye on him, but I convinced him to leave not before he gave his guards an order to follow me everywhere, always in their sight.

"Miss Aria? He's here." One of the guards told me while I was pacing around weather to cancel or just do it.

To late now!!

I went downstairs and was surprised to see the man I haven't seen in over 3 years, the man who saved my life in the first place.

"Lionel?" I asked confused.

"Hi aria." This was not what I was expecting at all, I never thought I would actually see this man again. I did the most unexpected thing and hugged him ....

"Listen I don't expect you to feel like you have to do all this and accept me into your life and all." I rolled my eyes moving towards the living room.

"Lionel you saved my life in the past and I heard you'd saved it in the present. You are apart of my life even if I didn't want you, but I do." He took a deep breath looking relieved and almost tense to hear that. "I just have one question?"


"Did you know?, that day?" He looked down almost avoiding the question I asked trying to give me the best explanation he could.

"I did. When I helped you get away from Colorado I knew your mother and how we used to be together, but I also knew she had a child with Mitchell. I had suspicions that you were mine but I couldn't come out and my face would just put you endanger. That's when AJ called and told me about you, it was a risk to see you but it was worth it of what I found out. Your eyes!"

"My eyes?!"

"They are like mine crystal, light, full of life, and happiness. I knew that you were my daughter right then and there, but I had to let you go."

"Why?" He saves me just to lose me again which he knew I was his daughter all this time and he never sought me out until I was captured.

"Aria when Mitchell shot me it was in the chest and I pronounced dead. Everyone in the mafia community knew of my death but AJ and I had to take time to regain my throne and princess at that matter."

He really thinks I'm a princess bitch have you meant me .... I'm a damn queen!

"I knew it would take time to rebuild what Mitchell and your mother destroyed but I would do anything to get you back. I've missed everything who you your whole childhood life-."

"Well I could tell you it wasn't really a good one because of him!" You could tell he didn't like to mention my childhood and what Mitchell done to me. He was turning red just by the name of him! "But I could tell you that I'm glad that happened because I would've never meant Angelo."

"You really love him?" I nodded happily.

"Then I guess I can't really do anything about it .... if your happy that's all that matters. If your face lights up at just his name then, all I could really do is thank him." I smiled at his understanding and then a cry interrupted us from the baby monitor.

"Speaking of people that make me happy .... I think there someone who would like to meet you?!"

Luca immediately had a connection towards Lionel like he knew he was family. I finally had a chance at a father and another grandfather for Luca, which made me happy. After telling Lionel I needed some time he fully understood my feelings and emotions that occurred. Angelo supported me throughout the whole thing and was always by my side. Upon the next few months that passed Luca kept growing bigger and better, Angelo Salvatore is a big softy when it comes to playing around with his son. I loved watching him play with Luca it showed how this man who's name strikes fear in people's heart actually has one and will do everything to keep his family happy.

"Neonata are you ok?." He asked me while I was leaning against the door frame watching my son trying to crawl.

"Yes Angelo I'm happy."

"Are you ready to become Mrs.Salvatore!"

"Oh I can't wait!" He kissed me softly turning back our attention to Luca who's crawling like a champion.

"That's it baby boy!!!" I picked him up covering his face in kisses looking at this beautiful creature of me and Angelo mixed.  I like it!!!

Mrs. Aria Salvatore


Wedding bells are coming.... 🔔🔔🔔
Aria and Angelo ready to tie the knot??!!!
Will there be problems .... probably or not

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