Set Ablaze

By sussky

196K 6K 5K

THIS STORY IS DISCOUNTED!! (Y/N) (L/N). The girl who saved countless of lives that day but lost the one's who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
100 Reads Special!!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Info For Later!
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Thanksgiving Special!
Side Story!
Side Story pt2!
Side Story pt3!
Side Story pt4!
Side Story pt5!
Side Story pt6!
Side Story pt7!
Side Story pt 8!
Hey Guys...
Christmas Special!
New Years Special!
Chapter 32
300 Votes Special!
Information Update!!
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Thank you all so much!
Valentines Special... Sorta
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Thank you all!
Coronavirus Update
Chapter 41
My apologies...
Chapter 42
Happy Birthday Bakugou!
Update on Story.
Chapter 43
Just some information!
Very Important Update!

Chapter 28

2.3K 88 78
By sussky

"W-what?! That's n-not even possible!" Izuku stammered over his words, shaking his head.

"I know it seems out of the ordinary but, Katsuki said you didn't have a quirk... Why would it come so late?" I questioned, sighing as my ears lowered.

"I-I don't know!" Izuku laughed nervously.

I turned to look at him, "If you think I'll tell then I won't. I'm not like that, Izuku." I spoke up.

Izuku seemed to calm down a bit until he let out a sigh.

"Promise?" He asked.

I nodded, "Promise."

"Y-yeah... All Might gave me his quirk." Izuku looked down at his scarred hands.

I stood up, stretching. "That's all I wanted to know. Thank you for trusting me, Izuku." I smiled at him.

Izuku met my gaze, only to return the smile.

"Oh and if All Might asks, Don't hide it from him." I waved as I began to open the door.

"A-alright!" Izuku called back as I walked out the room.

I then left, closing the door behind me and I was going to head back down to Katsuki. I made my way to the commons area and when I got there, Kirishima was playing with Tigger and Katsuki wasn't there.

"Hey guys, I'm back." I waved as I walked over to the couch.

"Yo! Bakubro said he had something to do real quick." Kirishima tells as he plays with Tigger.

I tilted my head, "That's weird..." I mumbled.

"We thought so as well but, I wasn't going to say anything." Sero spoke up.

I sighed then shook my head, "It can't be helped."

Kirishima and Kaminari were laughing as they played with Tigger.

"I'm gonna go to my room. Just bring Tigger by later, okay?" I waved as I left them.

I then went down the hall, making my way to Katsuki's room. Once I got there, I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again, No response.

My ears lowered, "Why wouldn't he tell me he left?..." My hands began to shake as my tail lowered.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Someone called out to me.

I turned next to me, only to see Mina and Tsu. I forced a smile on my face.

"Hey you guys." I replied.

"What's wrong, ribbit?" Tsu questioned, She's always been able to tell if something's wrong.

I looked down at my feet, "Katsuki isn't answering the door and I'm sorta on edge." I tell them.

"I'm sure he's okay!" Mina ran over to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

I nodded my head, then let out a sigh, "I'm just still scared after the summer camp." I shrugged.

"We're going to see everyone's dorms, wanna come?" Mina asked.

My ears perked up and nodded, "Let's go then." I tell them.


"Woah! Todoroki, your room is so Japanese like!" I gushed at the sight.

Todoroki only nodded, walking out after our quick examination and joining us.

"Time for Midoriya!" Mina shouted.

"W-Wait me?" Izuku stammered.

"Yeah bro! Let's see it!" Kirishima cheered.

Kaminari was already in the process of opening the door, only to reveal his All Might plastered room.

I snorted, having seen it earlier and then I smiled, "Such a fanboy."

The others were talking amongst themselves and laughing, getting ready to go see Toru's room. I was staring at the floor.

Where could Katsuki be?...

"(L/N)?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump.

When I looked up it was Todoroki, "O-oh hey!"

"Are you alright?" He asked, a concerned tone in his voice.

"Y-yep!" I said, popping the "p".

He looked at me before sighing, "I hope you know, I'm here to help. Just tell me if somethings wrong." Todoroki had finally moved his hand from my shoulder.

"A-actually..." I began to speak up.


"I can't find Katsuki... I tried to knock on his door and he didn't answer, no one has seen him either." I looked back down at my feet.

"Then let's go find him." The heterochromatic male spoke up.

"What about the others?" I asked him.

"We'll tell them what's going on, they'll understand." Todoroki began walking to the group.

He quickly explained what was going on, they wanted to help search but he said it was probably best if only we went.

With that, we began searching the building. Looking everywhere from the kitchen, baths, even outside.

It had been around 20 minutes now, I was exhausted. I sighed as I plopped onto the couch.

"We've searched everywhere, Todoroki!" I whined, starting to get more anxious than before.

"Who haven't we seen tonight?" Todoroki questioned as he looked over at me.

"What are you suggesting?" I looked back at him.

"Maybe he's hanging out with someone." Todoroki shrugged.

"Then... We haven't seen Ochaco? She didn't respond when we knocked on her door either-" I choked out.

Realizing that it's a possibility, I didn't want that to be but it could be!

I quickly grabbed Todoroki's hand and began running to Ochaco's room. I was panting at the rise of my anxiety.

"(L/N)!" Todoroki called back to me.

I stopped running, turning to look at my friend, "W-What?" I muttered out.

"What's going on, (L/N)?" He asked me.

"Katsuki is with Ochaco... That's the only place we haven't looked." My words shook as I spoke them.

Todoroki began to squeeze my hand, "Let's go check then" He says, taking the lead to Ochaco's room.

We silently made our way to the room, my ears were flat on my head. My tail had wrapped around my waist. I couldn't even control the sheer panic I was in.

Todoroki then stopped, turning to me. "We're here." He tells as he starts to knock on the door.

No response.

I looked down and Todoroki noticed, tapping my shoulder as he began to freeze the door knob.

He was going to break in?!

I stared at it as it fell off, Todoroki slowly opened it. Stopping in his tracks.

"W-what is it?" I asked.

He wouldn't answer me.

"Todoroki?" I shook him a bit.

"Let's leave." He speaks up.

I hear people in the room asking what's going on and then I hear Ochaco ask what Todoroki's doing.

I stepped into the room, seeing Ochaco on top of Katsuki. My eyes widened as I stopped walking.

"(Y/N)! This isn't-" Katsuki spoke up but I cut him off.

"Save it." I growled as I stepped out the room, pulling Todoroki with me.

I slammed the door shut. Stomping away, I was heading straight for Dad. I didn't want to see anyone else but I didn't want Todoroki to leave me until I got there.

"(L/N)?... Do you want me to take you to your room?" Todoroki asked.

I shook my head, "I'm just gonna stay with Dad for a bit..." I tell him.

When we arrived at the room, I gave Todoroki a quick hug.

"Thank you for being with me..." I muttered.

He had hugged back slightly, "Text me if you need anything." He tells before letting go.

I nodded as he walked away, I then turned to face the door. Knocking, praying to god someone answered.

The door knob jiggled as Dad opened it, I smiled at the sight of him yet tears were streaming down my face.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Dad had pulled me into his room.

I shook my head, "Can I just stay in here with you tonight?" I asked him.

He seemed hesitant until he sighed, "Fine. Do I need to get you clothes?" He asked.

I plopped down on his head, "Nah, I'll ask Mina to get me some." I pulled out my phone, seeing a picture of Katsuki and I as my wallpaper.

I then began to cry again, "N-Nevermind." I shook as I tossed my phone on a nearby chair.

"(Y/N), please tell me what's wrong..." Dad had bent down in front of me.

"I-I couldn't find Katsuki... So Todoroki asked me if I needed help finding him and I agreed." I was sniffling as I brushed away my tears.

"We searched everywhere, D-Dad.." I kept sniffling.

He moved over a bit and got me tissues, I wiped my nose. "T-Todoroki brung up that we didn't see Ochaco... S-So we went to check, K-Katsuki was on her bed and she was on top of him." I choked out, shaking.

Dad seemed to notice because he grabbed me and hugged me, practically squeezing me as I cried into his chest.

"It's okay... I'll do everything I can to make you feel comfortable at school and here in the dorms, okay?" He tells me.

I nodded my head as I cried more, "O-Okay..."

A/N: h a h. Haaaaah. Why did I add this? I'm not sure. Enjoy.
Oh I have something to tell you guys!
I'm working on another story! It's called "Her Hero" it's an Izuku X Reader!
Because we Stan Deku.
I really hope that when I get it up and going that you all try to read it!
Also idk how but we got 7k reads on this story and 200+ votes so, Thank you!
Oh and if you could... follow me so that way you get updates on this story and more to come!

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