Book 2: City of Ice and Fire...

By pokemonshadowhunter

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BEWARE OF THE COLD DARKNESS, ONLY AN ARROW CAN PIERCE ITS HEART Arrowheart (Alec) and siblings have just bec... More

Chapter 1: Coming to a Decision
Chapter 2: Sparkpaw of HunterClan (Clace) (Malec)
Chapter 3: Simon's Interlude
Chapter 4: Training in the Sandy Hollow
Chapter 5: Sharing News
Chapter 6: A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 7: A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 8: Meanwhile In HunterClan...
Chapter 9: Unwarranted Assault Aka when The Malec Ship sails
Chapter 10: Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 11: The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 12: Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 13: Why does the Mundane have to come along? (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 14: Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 15: A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 16: Arrowheart is Annoyed (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 17: How to Conquer Fear (Malec)
Chapter 18: Silverpaw it's been so long (Malec)
Chapter 19: A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 20: Vultureclaw is acting Suspicious and he's not the Only One
Chapter 21: WolfClan is finally here! (Malec)
Chapter 22: Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 24: You Can't Save Everyone Arowheart (Malec)
Chapter 25: Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 26: The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 27: The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 28: Terrible News
Chapter 29: The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 30: Sparkpaw has a Dream
Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 32: Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 33: Its Time to Take Back Sunning Rocks
Chapter 34: Victory!
Chapter 35: Prey Problems
Chapter 36: Who is to blame?
Chapter 37: Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 38: Reconasaince
Chapter 39: Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 40: Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 41: Forest Clash
Chapter 42: Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 43: Reunited (Malec)
Chapter 44: Celebration (Malec, Clace, Sizzy)

Chapter 23: The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril (Malec)

30 3 6
By pokemonshadowhunter

****Arrowheart's POV****

The sun was shining as WolfClan prepared to leave their temporary camp. Patchfur and Arrowheart watch werecats mill about idly, a half-eaten sparrow lay forgotten between them. This morning the pair had both participated in their own hunting patrols with the other werecats. Arrowheart had taken Sparkpaw with him, leaving Simon to go with Patchfur. He had been glad to get away from the chatter box tabby for a short time, but being kept apart from his boyfriend had annoyed him immensely, so he was glad when they returned to camp together.

"How do you think everyone is taking Grayfur's announcement?" He asks Patchfur.

Yesterday, Grayfur announced that he would be stepping down as WolfClan's deputy once they returned back to camp. Apparently he had more important things to do upon return, such as visit Russetleaf in HunterClan. This had come out of nowhere for the whole clan, except for Rookstar who only gave a small nod before returning to his nest for the night.

The second the gray tom had heard about the runaway warrior returning to HunterClan, he had barraged Arrowheart and Sparkpaw alike with questions. Both had been shocked to learn that it was Grayfur that had helped Russetleaf run away from home, and that the two had lived together for a short while after Sparkpaw's birth. He had been saddened to leave, but apparently the older she-cat had not wanted the Shadowhunter turned werecat to stick around, not wanting to put her daughter in danger.

Arrowheart understood where Russetleaf was coming from, but he didn't think it was fair all the same to make a cat who clearly loved her abandon her. He knows that if he was in that same situation with Patchfur that he would not be able to do the same. Arrowheart cares for Patchfur too much to just let him go.

Patchfur's ear twitches, his bicolored eyes focused on Sparkpaw who is busy talking to Grayfur, Simon a steady presence at her side. "I can't say I'm surprised. It was clear that Grayfur loved Russetleaf, long before the Circle even got started."

The mention of the Circle makes Arrowheart stiffen, his gaze searching out Rookstar amongst the crowd. The old, bedraggled leader was sitting next to a black she-cat with green eyes. The pair seemed to be arguing fiercely about something. Arrowheart could only hope it wasn't about the Circle.

He and Patchfur had both felt obligated to tell the werewolf leader what was going on back in the forest, particularly about Frostfang's return. The old tom had seemed enraged to learn that the wicked white tom was still alive, but he had thanked them for telling him the truth, promising not to say anything about it until Blossomstar revealed the Circle's return at the next Gathering (like she had promised).

"Yea. I forget sometimes how old you are. You must've seen the whole Uprising right?" Arrowheart is curious to know how much Patchfur has went through. He hopes that he isn't being pushy in asking, fearing that he might be when the ginger and black tom's eyes grow hard.

"I'd rather not talk about it Arrowheart. Some sins need to remain in the past." Patchfur's voice held a crisp coldness that made him flinch.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have..." He stuttered.

He feels a gentle lap at his cheek, the feather light brush sending a shiver down his spine. Patchfur blinks at him sadly with a hint of regret. Arrowheart doesn't know where this regret comes from, and knows that he should not ask. Not when Patchfur has already shut him down. It is clear his boyfriend does not feel like sharing today.

"It's okay Arrowheart. You have nothing to apologize for."

Arrowheart can't help but hope that he's right. The young Shadowhunter is afraid that his inexperience in relationships could mess things up, something he never wants to happen.

"You can't save everyone Arrowheart." Echoes in the back of his mind, filling him with a sense of foreboding. Foxtail's message had yet to make any sense, and Arrowheart can only hope that he figures out what it means before it's too late.

****Goldenclaw's POV****

It was nightfall by the time Goldenclaw had returned to camp with the two kittens. Pillow swung from his jaws and Zephyr was curled up in a neat ball on his back, right in between his broad shoulders. Both were sound asleep, snoozing away.

Goldenclaw hopes that Blossomstar is still awake as he clambers through the camp entrance. Surprisingly, he is met immediately with the sight of Blossomstar. The light brown tabby she-cat had seemingly been waiting patiently by the entrance, whether for his return or not he has no idea. The camp around them is pretty quiet now, with sentries of Brackenfoot and Swallowsong patrolling the camp with quiet paw steps.

"Goldenclaw, where have you been?" She growls. Her scrutinizing gaze widens as she spots the kits he carries with him. Pillow and Zephyr remain undisturbed from her growl, instead continuing to let out their little snores.

"I...I'm." He mumbles around the piece of white fluff in his mouth. Goldenclaw carefully puts Pillow on the ground, doing the same with Zephyr a few seconds later. The little kits land in a small huddle on the ground. "I'm sorry I'm late. I- can I tell you a secret?"

Blossomstar eyes him suspiciously, her amber gaze searching. Eventually she gives a solemn nod. "Yes, but not here. It's much too cold for kits to be out in this weather. Lets go to my den."

Goldenclaw agrees, and he does not object when Blossomstar scoops of Zephyr by her scruff to carry her away. He hastily follows behind her with Pillow swinging from his jaws. The fluff of the tom kit tickles his throat in a way that makes him feel like he is going to choke, so he's relieved when they get inside the den and place the kits down in Blossomstar's well-furnished nest. Goldenclaw notes that several downy feathers have been woven into the nest's lining, creating almost a cloud like appearance.

Only once the kits are settled does Blossomstar speak again.

"What do you have to tell me Goldenclaw?" She asks.

"I- Starkpelt has left HunterClan for good. He-he has a mate outside of our clan, and he wants to stay with her." He explains. "He sent his kits here to be raised as is our tradition." Goldenclaw adds feebly, not daring to mention that only half of Starkpelt's kits were with him, and that the others were still back at the TwolegPlace with their parents.

Blossomstar does not respond for a few moments, the silence of the den worrying the golden tabby. A distant gleam is in the leader's eyes, almost as though she is remembering something from long ago. Goldenclaw doesn't know what that's about, and he knows better than to ask.

"I see."

"So, are you okay with this or....?" Goldenclaw asks. The suspense is killing him. He needs to know.

Blossomstar sighs resignedly, running an absent paw over Zephyr's small body. The kittens were both almost three moons old judging by their size, so they were slightly older than Cloudkit, Sandkit and Tumblekit. Her tender touch reminds Goldenclaw of Silvermoon gently caressing his back whenever he woke up from nightmares as a kit.

He is surprised to see such a motherly action from a she-cat that as far as he knew has had no children. Goldenclaw had wondered why a powerful leader like Blossomstar had settled down. Had her role as a leader and her ambition kept her from settling down. It doesn't seem likely that the leader simply did not want to be a leader, especially with how caring she had been towards Arrowheart back when he was her apprentice and still today as well.

"Yes. I'm okay with this. I'll make an announcement about our two new clan mates tomorrow. What are their names anyways? We'll have to give them a naming ceremony too."

"Their names are Zephyr and Pillow." Goldenclaw tells the she-cat.

Blossomstar lets out an exasperated snort, presumably at Pillow's nonsensical name that clearly must have been a random choice from whomever named him (either that or from someone who was sleep deprived hehe).

"What odd names. Their mother was a kittypet, yes?"

Goldenclaw nods. "About that...who is going to take care of them, considering that their mother won't be joining us."

Blossomstar eyes the kits thoughtfully. "They'll stay here for the night. As will you. I'll decide who will be taking care of them tomorrow."

"Why do you want me to stay here? I wouldn't want to disturb your sleep more than I have already."

"You'll be staying here because I don't want the kits freaking out when they wake up. They know you and familiarity will calm them." She explains.

Ah, that's smart.

"Okay then. Where should I-"

"You'll share this nest with them. I've got another one a little bit farther back in the den. You'll stay here with Zephyr and Pillow until morning when I make my announcement. Is that understood?" Blossomstar said.

Goldenclaw dips his head in agreement. "Of course Blossomstar."

He bids the she-cat good night before laying carefully down in the nest the leader had indicated. Pillow and Zephyr gravitated towards him in their sleep almost immediately, their little bodies snuggling into his fluffy golden tabby pelt as they sought his body heat and warmth. Goldenclaw gazes at the duo fondly.

Not for the first time he finds himself grateful that Pillow's collar had been removed long before coming to camp. The band would've been removed regardless, but he is just glad that there is no physical reminder of the kits half heritage. Hopefully no one finds out either, as he does not want these kits to be the subject of cruel stares and malicious snarls. It is with uneasy thoughts that he succumbs to sleep that night, his body feeling strangely chilled despite the two furry bodies pressed up against him on either side.

****Arrowheart's POV/Time Skip****

The journey home goes well up until the point where they reach the stretch of forest before the TwolegPlace that Sparkpaw and Simon used to call home. Arrowheart and the others had been traveling for the past seven days, making great progress despite their large group.

"How much longer till we're back?" Sparkpaw asks him.

His apprentice had been hanging around Simon a lot earlier, but since lunch she'd been a calming presence by Arrowheart's side as he traveled near the front of the pack (haha I made a pun) along with Rookstar, a black she-cat named Mooncloud (who seemed rather angry with the elderly leader for no discernible reason), Grayfur and Patchfur. Simon was back towards the middle of the group now, chatting it up with Silverthorn and Strikeclaw. The trio got along just fine now, and Arrowheart is grateful that none of the werecats have decided to maul Simon out of sheer annoyance towards his almost constant chatter.

Arrowheart narrows his eyes to combat the bright rays of sunlight seeping out from the hilltop they had just scaled the top of. "I'd say somewhere around three days time I'd wager."

Sparkpaw nods. "Do you you think Goldenclaw will be happy to see me?" She sounds a bit uncertain as she asks this. Arrowheart marvels at how un-Sparkpaw like she is being by acting self-conscious for once in her life.

"I don't see why he wouldn't be." Arrowheart murmurs. He knew his parabatai and Sparkpaw were somewhat awkward around each other now, but he doubts that the golden tabby would be anything less than pleased to see Sparkpaw.

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better are you?" She inquires.

Arrowheart shakes his head. "Why would I have reason to do that?" At Sparkpaw's skeptical head tilt he continues. "I promise he'll be happy to see you again. You're family after all."

"Yea...we're family..." she sighs regretfully.

Arrowheart's ears twitch at that. "I thought you both moved on. Aren't you and Simon getting to be close?" He had thought that was the case, but right now Sparkpaw was making him doubtful.

"Uh...Yea, of course, of course." She rushes to agree, her voice tight.

Arrowheart still has questions, but he lets it be. The black furred warrior had a feeling his apprentice wasn't up for revealing anymore information at this time. Especially when she started to lag behind, disappearing from sight to presumably join Simon.

Patchfur sidles up to him next, a slim white feather on his flank. How it hadn't fallen off during lunch is beyond him, but the little thing continues to hang on. In the shady undergrowth of this forest, the bicolored tom took on a darker shade in his ginger patches, turning them brown. His eyes seemed a deep gold here, the green flecks almost completely unnoticeable. Having stared at his boyfriend many times before, Arrowheart notices them anyways.

"What was that all about?" Patchfur gestures to the direction Sparkpaw had disappeared off too.

Arrowheart shrugs. "She wanted to know about Goldenclaw. It sounds like she's worried he won't have missed her while we were gone."

"And what do you think?" Patchfur asks.

"I don't know. I said he missed her. Was I supposed to say something else?"

"No. I don't think there was anything else you could say without stretching the truth." Patchfur assures him.

Arrowheart still feels uncertain, but he doesn't argue with his boyfriend. Instead he decides to change the subject.

" are things going to be for us when we get back?" He asks.

Patchfur tips his head thoughtfully. "Care to elaborate? I'm not sure what you're getting at."

Arrowheart gulps down the nervousness he feels. "I- when we get back. Are, are we going to....we're going to continue our relationship right?"

He's met with an incredulous stare as though he's lost his mind. Perhaps he has. Arrowheart can't help but worry though, especially as their journey nears its end.

"Of course we are! Why would you think otherwise?"

"Well, I just, I-I've never been in a relationship before, and I don't think I'm ready to come out to everyone yet. And I don't want to pressure you into keeping my secret till I'm ready or anything." He struggles to articulate his next words, his heart protesting against them immensely. "And, and I feel l-like you won't want to b-be with me then. That I won't be good enough for you. Y-you deserve s-so much better than me." He hangs his head, unable to say anything more.

Patchfur stiffens beside him, making Arrowheart worry that he said too much, that his boyfriend would be angry with him now. A large part of him wanted to runaway and hide. But Arrowheart was no quitter, he had never run from his problems before and he wasn't about to runaway now.

"Arrowheart, can you look at me?" Patchfur asks softly.

Arrowheart gives a small nod, his blue eyes looking up to stare into his boyfriend's own expressive ones. Those golden-green eyes that fill him with so much wonder.

"I know that you're scared, but everything is going to be alright. I'll admit that I've never been in a hidden relationship before, but I think as long as we stick together and don't blatantly lie about our relationship if asked, then I think we'll be okay." Patchfur runs a soothing tail down his back, making the tense muscles in Arrowheart's body relax almost instantly.

"You mean it?" Blue eyes search for sincerity in his boyfriend.

"Of course."

"T-that, that's-"

His reply is cut off by a loud screech that splits the air, making his blood run cold. The WolfClan cats are howling about something up ahead, and it doesn't take long for Arrowheart to figure out what it is. At the crest of the next hill they were padding up was a a group of creatures Arrowheart had never met before, but had heard many stories about. Creatures that took the first part of his father's name Badgerstripe. The black and white animals were milling about, their teeth gnashing and beady black eyes glaring at Arrowheart and the others hatefully, their muzzles dribbling with spittle of some sort.


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