The Rise of Foxstar ( Warrior...

By ashpooch

8.4K 497 187

Foxstar, the leader of Leafclan. He is loyal and would do anything for his clan. But he is scared and quiet... More

The Rise of Foxstar
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note

Chapter 1

509 26 10
By ashpooch

(Picture of Snowpelt)

(Foxkit POV)

Foxkit tried to keep up with his older, larger littermates. Lionkit was already by the Warrior's Den. Bravekit and Sunkit were with the large kit.

Being the youngest of the litter made him smaller then them.

He panted, "Don't run so fast." He says as he runs up to his littermates.

Lionkit sneered at his younger brother, "It isn't our fault you can't keep up, runt." The golden tom whacked his brother on the head. Foxkit whimpered.

"Lionkit be nice." Sunkit said as he helped Foxkit up.

"Oh shush will ya Sunkit? " Lionkit said with narrowed eyes. Sunkit nodded and looked at Foxkit sympathetically.

Bravekit hit Foxkit on the head with a paw. "Ow..." Foxkit moaned

"Go play with the Elders, they could still out run you though." Bravekit teased. Foxkit looked at his brother, tears brimmed his green eyes.

"B-bbut B-bbravekit ..." Foxkit tried to say, but he got choked up. Lionkit and Bravekit had always been mean. Honeyflower always said they were just teasing and it would stop. But it had been happening for four moons.

From the moment he had opened his eyes, Foxkit had been teased by his littermates and their friends. The exception was Sunkit who was the only one nice to him.

"Go away runt! " Lionkit snarled, his long claws were out and his teeth were bared.

Foxkit backed away, if Lionkit attacked then Foxkit wouldn't be able to beat the large kit.

Their father, Fireclaw, had taught Lionkit, Bravekit, and Sunkit battle moves. He always told Foxkit that he wasn't big enough.

Only Sunkit and their mother Honeyflower ever comforted him. Whenever he had a nightmare or got a thorn in his paw, Lionkit and Bravekit always mocked and teased and hurt him.

"Go! " Bravekit growled, his eyes narrowed. Foxkit nodded, he knew that if he didn't listen they would hurt him.

Foxkit ran with his tail between his legs. He headed to the Elder's Den. He was welcome there.

"Why hello Foxkit, how is my favorite little warrior doing? " A kind voice said. It came from a long haired white she cat.

"Hi Snowpelt." Foxkit greeted, Snowpelt was a kind elder.

"How has your day been? " Snowpelt asked, her beautiful blue eyes showed sympathy, she knew of what Bravekit and Lionkit did to him.

"Lionkit and Bravekit nearly attacked me." Foxkit mumbled.

"Those two? " Another voice said, " They are mean little things." Quailheart the oldest cat in the clan.

"Pay them no mind Foxkit, you will be a better warrior then those two combined." Snowpelt said with a smile.

"Thanks Snowpelt, thanks Quailheart."

"How about I tell you a story Foxkit? " Snowpelt said, Foxkit lit up, " Yes! Please! " He squeaked.

Quailheart chuckled, " Snowpelt is a great storyteller." Foxkit sat down next to the tom and looked at Snowpelt.

"Well this story is about a young cat, much like you Foxkit. He had a fiery pelt and lived in the time of the four clans; Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan, and Windclan." Snowpelt began, " This cat wasn't very welcome. Much like how Lionkit and Bravekit are to you. This cat was a kittypet though, he had no bone in his body that was clan, but he was braver and more noble then any."

Snowpelt smiled, " This cat was in Thunderclan. The clan of bravery and nobility. He was named Firepaw. This cat got into a lot of trouble, but he did it to help his friends and clan. He became known as Fireheart. Fireheart rose quickly in rank. One cat wished to kill Fireheart, this cat was Tigerstar. " Snowpelt growled the name as if it was crowfood.

"Tigerstar had taken over Shadowclan. He had a grudge against Fireheart, Fireheart had caused him to get exiled from his birth clan, Thunderclan. Tigerstar was an evil cat and he wanted revenge. When Fireheart became Firestar, Tigerstar attacked." Snowpelt looked at Foxkit, who was in awe and holding on to every word.

" Tigerstar brought rouges called Bloodclan. The leader of the clan, Scourge, turned on Tigerstar. He killed him with one blow, taking away all of his 9 lives at once. " Foxkit shuddered, even if he was evil, no fat deserved to be killed 9 times at once like that.

" Scourge wanted the forest for himself. He attacked the clans. He killed Firestar, but did not know that leaders had 9 lives. Firestar came and killed Scourge and because Scourge wasn't a true leader, he only had one life, he died forever." Snowpelt said, a glint in her blue eyes

"Firestar was a hero. He went on to be the greatest and most respected leader of all the clans." Snowpelt finished with a proud look.

Foxkit looked at Snowpelt in awe, " I-iiis that true? " He asked, Quailheart chuckled, " Foxkit, of course it is true. " Foxkit squeaked excitedly, " I wanna be like Firestar!"

Snowpelt looked at the small kit, " One day Foxkit." Quailheart purred roughly and said, " Well, I'm going to sleep." He got up, walked to his nest, and plopped down.

"Snowpelt? " Foxkit asked, " Yes Foxkit? " "How do you know the story of Firestar? " " Well, that is a story for another time Foxkit." "Alright Snowpelt."

"Foxkit! Come inside! " Honeyflower called from the nursery.

"See you tommorow little one." Snowpelt purred and licked him on the top of his ginger head.

"Bye. " Foxkit said before he ran towards the nursery.

He padded up to his mother and she licked his head, "What did you do today Sweetheart? " She asked.

Foxkit smiled, " I talked to Snowpelt and Quailheart and then Snowpelt told me about Firestar!"

"I remember hearing that story when I was your age." Honeyflower chuckled, " How about you run along to the nest and go to sleep."

"Ok Honeyflower." Foxkit yawned as he waddled to his nest, even though he knew that Lionkit would later kick him out.

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