Chapter 21

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Foxpaw didn't want to get up the next day, but he was forced to. He had wanted to stay in his nest and cry, he hated to sound so kit-like, but he wanted his mother.

What'd I do? The thought never left his mind ever since it had first entered. He just wanted to know the answer to that one, simple question. What'd he do to make Brightpaw so... so... so different? He didn't know a word to describe how Brightpaw was to him.

"Foxpaw, c'mon, it's morning." Crowpaw's voice snapped Foxpaw out of his thoughts, something Foxpaw didn't know whether or not to be thankful for.

Foxpaw blinked his half-open eyes and looked up at the tom, who's amber eyes were filled with excitement for the day. Crowpaw was strange like that. He always looked forward to he day ahead.

Crowpaw looked down at Foxpaw, his head tilted slightly to the side," Hurry up, Tigerfur is out there waiting with Blackfur, probably waiting for you." Crowpaw explained smoothly.

Foxpaw huffed and started to get up. His eyes were half-open and tired, he didn't want to get up. In truth, he just wanted to jump into the river and drown.

Crowpaw's whiskers twitched in amusement," Foxpaw..." He started off, Foxpaw gave him a weird look,"What?"

Crowpaw snorted back a laugh," You look like a hedgehog who slept in a thorn bush!" Foxpaw's eyes widened for a second before he immediately began grooming down his fur. The translation for Crowpaw's words was that Foxpaw's fur was sticking up in every which way.

The dark tabby watched in amusement as Foxpaw attempted to tame his wild fur as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, however, Crowpaw's eyes widened," Oh my StarClan! I forgot to tell you! By StarClan's tails, how could I forget?!" He rambled on, practically bouncing up and down, an excited look in his eyes.

"Crowpaw, calm down!" Foxpaw said loudly, trying to get Crowpaw to quiet down. Bravepaw was still sleeping and Foxpaw's brother was definitely not a morning cat.

Crowpaw stopped for a moment, quiet and still, before saying," My warrior's assessment is today!" He announced excitedly, his tail twitching.

Foxpaw froze, his eyes widening slightly.

Sometimes Foxpaw would forget that Crowpaw was 5 moons older then him. He was just so friendly and bouncy that he would remind one of a kit.

Crowpaw tilted his head to the side when Foxpaw didn't answer," Foxpaw?" He asked, snapping the ginger tabby out of his thoughts.

Foxpaw came to, shaking his head slightly," That's great, Crowpaw. Is Rosepaw and Mousepaw having their's as well?"

Mousepaw probably would, considering she and Crowpaw were littermates. But Rosepaw was a few days younger than the two, maybe she'd have her's on a different day?

Crowpaw grinned enthusiastically," Yeah! Rosepaw and I can become warriors together!" He exclaimed.

Foxpaw watched in amusement, clearly, Crowpaw liked Rosepaw as more then a friend, it had always been obvious. He hadn't even mentioned his older sister, Mousepaw.

"Congratulations, but I'll be missing you in the apprentice's den." Foxpaw said, hiding his true thoughts about the announcement. He would miss Crowpaw, mostly because he was his friend. Crowpaw was someone Foxpaw could actually talk to without having his ears clawed at.

But this is what every apprentice wanted; to earn their warrior name. Crowpaw had trained hard, he deserved to become a warrior.

Crowpaw grinned," Yeah, but let's go already, I had to wake you up and my mentor is already waiting for me, as is yours." He exclaimed, starting to turn to leave," So, hurry up."

Foxpaw nodded and stood up, shaking his ginger pelt.  "Okay." He simply said, walking out of the den with Crowpaw.

He rapidly blinked as he adjusted his eyes to the sunlight, the Green-Leaf sun was shining down on them. He looked around and spotted Tigerfur and Blackfur sitting and chatting with a young warrior by the name of Littleflower.

Crowpaw nodded to Foxpaw," See you later." He said and went off towards where his mentor, Flowerpelt, stood.

Foxpaw let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and started walking towards where the trio of warriors were. Littleflower looked up as he approached, sending him a friendly smile. Blackfur looked up and nodded at the younger tom, while Tigerfur simply glared at him before turning his head away from his apprentice.

"You're late." Tigerfur spat, twitching his tail irritably. Littleflower turned and glared at the dark tabby," No he's not, Tigerfur, he's right on time for border patrol." She said, her blue eyed narrowed.

"Littleflower! He's my apprentice, I know when he's late!" "Well, he wasn't! You're just being a controlling, little mouse-brain!" "Hey! I'm not! If anything, you're jealous that I actually have an apprentice while you don't!"

Some cats turned to watch the argument between the two warriors. Some were a bit shocked, while others seemed amused.

Foxpaw watched the exchange with wide eyes, Tigerfur was easily bigger then Littleflower and could probably very easily beat her in a fight, but Littleflower still dared to engage in an argument with the angry tom.

"I'm not jealous!" "You're denying it, so you are!" "Why, you-" They were cut off by Blackfur.

Blackfur rolled his eyes at the two," Oh hush up, love birds." That comment caused both cats to turn and send murderous glares at Blackfur, who simply responded with a crooked smile.

Foxpaw hid an amused smile. He never thought he'd ever see Tigerfur act so much like a kit.  The two argued like a pair of kits who wanted the same mossball.

"We're not!" Tigerfur growled, "Yeah!" Littleflower agreed.

"Alright, whatever you say." Blackfur said, standing up and flicking his tail dismissively," Let's just go and do the patrol, Hollybreeze wants us to check the west TreeClan border. "

Tigerfur grumbled something under his breath that Foxpaw couldn't pick up on. He really didn't want to know what Tigerfur had said actually.

Littleflower huffed as she stood up and started walking towards the entrance. "Let's just get this over with."

I think she might have a crush on Tigerfur... She's expressing it in her own way. Foxpaw thought slyly as he followed Littleflower out of camp, Blackfur and Tigerfur following closely behind.

Oh, Tigerfur? Do you actually have a heart? Do you like Littleflower?

Okay! That's chapter 21! I hope you liked it, even though there wasn't anything too interesting just yet. But I guess you could say there was some foreshadowing. Just a bit.

But anyhow, vote and comment please!

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