Chapter 9

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(The picture is of what Blackfur looks like)

Foxpaw woke up from a dream in the middle of the night. He ached all over from training with Blackfur and Lionpaw. Blackfur had decided it was a 'good idea' for Lionpaw and Foxpaw to practice the moves they learned on each other. Long story short, Lionpaw had 'accidentally' clawed Foxpaw. The Medicine Cat, Silverheart, had to put herbs on his shoulder and send him back to the clearing. The training, though, was tiring. It had left Foxpaw exhausted.

Foxpaw sighed, knowing he would not be able to get back to sleep, and climbed out of his nest. He made his way towards the entrance of the den, careful not to step on any apprentice. "What..." A drowsy voice said. Foxpaw froze, his heartbeat picking up. He turned his head to the voice. It was Crowpaw. The dark-furred tom was half-awake.

Foxpaw gulped and made his way towards Crowpaw. He started to whisper in the older apprentice's ear,"Shhhhh, shhhhh. This is all a dream... Go back to sleep..." Crowpaw, being as delirious as he was at the time, replied,"Alright. Nighty night..." With that, Crowpaw's head fell against his nest and he let out some soft snores minutes later. Foxpaw waited a few more moments, making sure that Crowpaw was still asleep, before continuing to exit the den.

Once outside the den, Foxpaw let out a deep sigh of relief. "That could've ended badly..." He said to himself. The little tom looked around the dark camp, no cat was out. There were probably some cats guarding camp from the outside.

He didn't want to stay in camp, so he decided to take a walk to clear his mind. Foxpaw knew he probably had to sneak out. Just like when I'd go to see Brightkit, Foxpaw thought. The ginger apprentice froze... Brightkit. He had forgotten to go meet Brightkit! His eyes widened as he looked around him, making sure no one was watching him, before racing towards the Dirtplace and out of camp.

Brightkit! I cannot believe I forgot about Brightkit! Foxpaw yelled at himself in thought while racing towards the Treeclan border. He panted and stumbled as he ran. Brightkit must be angry at him! He forgot about his best friend!

He had been preoccupied by training and other responsibilities and Foxpaw must've let Brightkit slip from his mind. The she-kit had always been there for him! How could he forget her?

Like when Lionpaw, Bravepaw, and Icekit had attacked him and left him for the buzzards.


"Worthless runt!" Lionkit spat at Foxkit, who lay trembling on the ground in some ferns outside of camp. Bravekit and Icekit laughed cruelly at this. Icekit was Bravekit and Lionkit's 'killer in training' so to speak. They had taken him under their wing to teach him all they knew about hurting Foxkit. At least Icekit's littermate, Rainkit, didn't take part.

"You should just go live with the kittypets!" Bravekit cawed, bringing his paw down hard on Foxkit's head. He let out a cry of pain. The other kits simply laughed at this. "Weak!" Icekit told him and bit down on his forepaw. Foxkit winced as he felt the sharp pain of Icekit's tiny teeth. "P-please... stop..." Foxkit choked back tears, his green eyes were filled with fear and pain.

Lionkit chuckled," Oh Foxkit... we're just helping you." Foxkit froze, looking up at his brother confused,"H-help?" He asked in a stutter. "Yes Foxkit," Bravekit spoke,"We are helping you get stronger!"

Foxkit wasn't sure whether or not to believe him, but before he could decide, Lionkit clawed him right on the shoulder. "Eek!" He squeaked in pain. "Be quiet!" Icekit growled, his tail lashing, as he bit down on Foxkit's front leg. Tears spilled out of his green eyes as Foxkit nodded weakly. Blood spilled from his wounds, sticking to his ginger fur.

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