A Cinderella Story: Asgardian...

By JEDI271217

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Jamie has been living with her stepfamily ever since she was little. Her father married her stepmother, but a... More

Chapter 1: Jamie's Life Afterward
Chapter 2: Meeting Loki
Chapter 3: Talking with Thor and Odin
Chapter 4: A Three Day Ball
Chapter 5: The First Ball
Chapter 6: A Problem with the Maiden?
Chapter 7: The Second Ball
Chapter 8: "Extra Ordinary"
Chapter 9: Seeing Heimdall
Chapter 10: The Third Ball
Chapter 11: The King and Queen's Waltz
Chapter 12: Final Decision
Chapter 13: A Planned Wedding
Chapter 15: "Speechless" No More
Chapter 16: The Truth
Chapter 17: The Wedding

Chapter 14: Not Everything Goes According to Plan

955 29 0
By JEDI271217

After going through the plan with Sigyn, Sanem left to make sure Jamie went through with the wedding. Sigyn changed into Jamie then waited for Loki to sweep her off her feet.

Meanwhile, Sif led Thor and Loki on horseback to Jamie's house.

(A/N Their outfits (Thor without the war paint).)

Once there, they all got off their horses and approached the door. Loki held the shoe as he took a nervous breath. Thor put an encouraging hand on his shoulder, making Loki look at him.

"Don't worry, brother. She's in there. You have nothing to worry about," Thor told him.

Loki smiled then said, "Thank you, brother."

Loki made the shoe disappear as they all went up to the door and Sif knocked on it. Not long after, Sigyn opened the door. And because she was disguised as Jamie, they smiled at her.

"Hey, Jamie," Sif greeted.

"Hey," Sigyn nodded, not really knowing what to do.

She then looked at the princes.

"Your highnesses," she bowed, them nodding back.

She then let them enter, but Loki seemed to think something was off.

"So you are the mysterious maiden I danced with all three nights?" Loki asked her as they all sat down.

"I am, your highness. I am very happy that you came for me and I'm ready to be your princess," Sigyn told him.

Loki nodded then told Thor, "Thor, may I talk with you?"

"Yeah, sure," Thor nodded.

He brought him into the kitchen and Thor noticed how Loki was acting.

"What's wrong, Loki?" Thor wondered.

"It's not her," Loki told him.

"What? How could it not? She looks like her, Sif led us to her house, what's there to doubt?" Thor asked.

"The woman I met only called me 'your highness' until I told her she could call me Loki. Plus, she told me she loved me. Now she's saying she can't wait to be my princess. It sounds like all she wants is the throne," Loki explained.

"Well, if what you think is true, do you have a way to find out?" Thor replied.

Loki then smirked, made a lyre appear, then answered, "I do."

They went back in to see Sif and Sigyn (still in disguise), sitting awkwardly in their seats. When they saw the princes, they straightened up, but were confused to see a lyre in Loki's hands.

"Jamie, if you truly are the woman I danced with at every ball, play the song you sang to me on the second night," Loki proposed, handing her the lyre.

Sigyn became nervous as she took the lyre. She got ready to play, but was stuck in too much thought of what song Jamie sang to Loki. That's when Sif stood up and glared at the woman, readying to draw her sword out.

"You're not Jamie; you're Sigyn," Sif remarked.

Sigyn sighed in disgust and changed back to her regular form.

(A/N Reminder.)

"How'd you figure it out?" she retorted.

"Jamie never second guessed herself of what song she performed," Sif answered.

"Also, I noticed when I was with her, I didn't sense any trickery in her magic. Or at least it wasn't directed at me. I do the same, meaning I can detect if someone is hiding something from me," Loki explained.

Sigyn rolled her eyes at that.

"Now where is Jamie?" Sif demanded.

Sigyn smirked, saying, "She's in Vanaheim, but it won't matter anyway. Mother is making her marry the god of war as we speak and she will be married by the time you get there."

Loki angrily left the house and Thor went after him. Sif kept an eye on Sigyn while the brothers talked.

"Brother, we will find her. There's no way she would allow this to happen. This woman is forcing her to do this; it's not her choice to do this to you," Thor told him.

"Oh I know. That's why we're going to get her back. But first, please tell Father to arrest that woman and the mother when we find her," Loki said.

"I will," Thor nodded.

Thor flew ahead then came back soon with guards.

"Guards, Lady Sif has a woman in there. Arrest that woman and we will bring you the mother. They are under arrest for treason against the throne," Thor told them.

Sigyn was then arrested and the princes and Sif rode off to find Jamie.


A/N They got to get there fast.

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